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  76a 600v n-channelmosfet kia semiconductors kcx 3560 a kia semiconductors kia semiconductors 1 . description thishighvoltagemosfetusesanadvancedterminationschemetoprovideenhancedvoltage blockingcapabilitywithoutdegradingperformanceovertime.inaddition,thisadvancedmosfetis designedtowithstandhighenergyinavalancheandcommutationmodes.thisnewenergyefficientdesign alsooffersadrain-to-sourcediodewithafastrecoverytime.designedforhighvoltage,highspeed switchingapplicationsinpowersupplies,convertersandpwmmotorcontrols,thesedevicesare particularlywellsuitedforbridgecircuitswherediodespeedandcommutatingsafeoperatingareasare criticalandofferadditionalandsafetymarginagainstunexpectedvoltagetransients. 2 . features n robusthighvoltagetermination n avalancheenergyspecified n source-to-draindioderecoverytimecomparabletoadiscretefastrecoverydiode n diodeischaracterizedforuseinbridgecircuits n i dss andv ds(on) specifiedatelevatedtemperature n isolatedmountingholereducesmountinghardware 3. pinconfiguration 1of5 rev1.0jan2018 pin function 1 gate 2 drain 3 source
76a 600v n-channelmosfet kia semiconductors kcx 3560 a kia semiconductors kia semiconductors 4. orderinginformation partnumber package brand KCM3560A to-247 kia 5. absolutemaximumratings (t c =25 o c,unlessotherwisenoted) parameter symbol rating units draincurrentcontinuous i d 1 76 a draincurrentpulsed i dm 226 a gate-to-sourcevoltagecontinue v gs + 20 v singlepulsedrain-to-sourceavalancheenergyt j =25 o c (v dd =100v,v gs =10v,i l =17a,l=20mh,r g =25 ) e as 2890 mj totalpowerdissipation t c =25 o c p d 595 w derateabove25 o c 4.76 w/ o c operatingandstoragetemperaturerange t j, t stg -55~+150 o c maximumleadtemperatureforsolderingpurposes,1/8 fromcasefor10seconds t l 260 o c 1.draincurrentlimitedbymaximumjunctiontemperature 6. thermalcharacteristics parameter symbol rating unit thermalresistance,junction-ambient r thja 40 o c/w thermalresistance,junction-case r thjc 0.21 o c/w 2of5 rev1.0jan2018
76a 600v n-channelmosfet kia semiconductors kcx 3560 a kia semiconductors kia semiconductors 7 . electricalcharacteristics (t c =25 c,unlessotherwisenoted) parameter symbol conditions min typ max unit offcharacteristics drain-sourcebreakdownvoltage v (br)dss v gs =0v,i d =250 a 600 - - v drain-sourceleakagecurrent i dss v ds =600v,v gs =0v - - 1 a gate-sourceleakagecurrent-forward i gssf v gs =20v,v ds =0v - - 100 na gate-sourceleakagecurrent-reverse i gssr v gs =-20v,v ds =0v - - -100 na oncharacteristics gatethresholdvoltage v gs(th) v ds =v gs ,i d =250 a 2 3 4 v staticdrain-sourceon-resistance r ds(on) v gs =10v,i d =25.4a * - 36 42 m dynamiccharacteristics inputcapacitance c iss v ds =25v,v gs =0v, f=1mhz - 6400 - pf outputcapacitance c oss - 5100 - pf reversetransfercapacitance c rss - 35 - pf switchingcharacteristics turn-ondelaytime t d(on) v dd =300v,i d =20a, r g =25 * - 49 - ns risetime t r - 120 - ns turn-offdelaytime t d(off) - 183 - ns falltime t f - 115 - ns totalgatecharge q g v ds =480v,i d =20a, v gs =10v * - 144 - nc gate-sourcecharge q gs - 40 - nc gate-draincharge q gd - 60 - nc drain-sourcediodecharacteristicsandmaximumratings drain-sourcediodeforwardvoltage 1 v sd i s =20a d is /dt=95a/ s - - 1.5 v forwardturn-ontime t on - ** - ns reverserecoverycharge t rr - 510 - c note:*.pulsetest:pulsewidth< 300 s,dutycycle< 2% **.negligible,dominatedbycircuitinductance 3of5 rev1.0jan2018
76a 600v n-channelmosfet kia semiconductors kcx 3560 a kia semiconductors kia semiconductors 8 . testcircuitsandwaveforms 4of5 rev1.0jan2018
76a 600v n-channelmosfet kia semiconductors kcx 3560 a kia semiconductors kia semiconductors 5of5 rev1.0jan2018

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