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  t4 - lds - 0215 , rev . 1 (1 20481 ) ?201 2 micr osemi corporation page 1 of 6 2N7335 available on commercial versions quad p - channel mosfet qualified per mil - prf - 19500/599 qualified levels : jan, jantx, and jantxv description this 2N7335 device is military qual ified up to a jan txv level for high - reliability applications. microsemi also offers numerous other products to meet higher and lower power volt age regulation applications. mo - 036ab package important: for the latest information, visit our website . features ? jedec registered 2N7335 . ? jan, jantx, and jantxv qualifications are available per mil - prf - 19500/599 . ? rohs compliant version available (commercial grade only) . applications / benefits ? high frequency operation. ? lightweight. ? esd to class 1 a. m axim um ratings @ t a = +25 oc unless otherwise noted. msc C law rence 6 lake street, lawrence, ma 01841 tel: 1- 800 - 446 - 1158 or (97 8) 620 - 2600 fax: (978) 689 - 0803 msc C ireland gort road business park, ennis, co. clare, ireland tel: +353 (0) 65 6840044 fax: +353 (0) 65 6822298 website: parameters / test conditions symbol value unit operating & storage temperature t op , t stg - 55 to +150 c thermal resistance, junction to ambient 1 die 4 die r ? ja 90 50 oc /w thermal resistance, junction to case 1 die r ? jc 17 oc /w gate C source voltage v gs 20 v continuous drain current @ t c = +25 c i d1 - 0.75 a continuous drain current @ t c = +100 c i d2 - 0.50 a max. power dissipation @ t c = +25 oc (free a ir) (1) p d1 1.4 w maximum drain to source on state resistance ( 1, 2) @ t j = +25 oc @ t j = +150 oc max r ds(on) 1.4 2.5 ? collector efficiency i s - 0.75 a single p ulse a valanche e nergy c apability e as 75 mj repetitive a valanche e nergy c apability e ar . 14 mj rated a valanche c urrent (repetitive and nonrepetitive) i ar - .075 a off - state current i dm - 3.0 a (pk) notes : 1. derated linearly by 11 mw/c for t c > +25 c . 2. v gs = - 10 v , i d = - 0.5 a. downloaded from: http:///
t4 - lds - 0215 , rev . 1 (1 20481 ) ?201 2 micr osemi corporation page 2 of 6 2N7335 mechanical and packaging ? case: cera mic, lid: alloy 42, au over ni plating. ? terminals: alloy 42, au over ni plating, solder dipped. ? marking: manufacturers id, part number, date code. ? polarity: see package outline. ? w eight: approx. 1.3 g rams. ? see p ackage d imensions on last page. part nomenclature jan 2N7335 (e3) reliability level jan =jan level jantx =jantx level jantxv =jantxv level blank = commercial jedec type number ( see electrical characteristic s t able ) rohs compliance e3 = rohs c ompliant ( available on commercial grade only ) blank = non - rohs c ompliant symbols & definitions symbol definition i d drain current . i f forward current . t c case temperature . v dd drain supply voltage . v ds d rain to source voltage . v gs gate to source voltage . downloaded from: http:///
t4 - lds - 0215 , rev . 1 (1 20481 ) ?201 2 micr osemi corporation page 3 of 6 2N7335 electrical characteristics @ t a = +25c, unless otherwise noted parameters / test conditions symbol min. max. unit off charactertics drain - source breakdown voltage v gs = 0 v, i d = - 1m a v (br)dss - 100 v gate - source voltage (threshold) v ds v gs , i d = - 0.25ma v ds v gs , i d = - 0.25 ma, t j = +125 c v ds v gs , i d = - 0.25 ma, t j = - 55 c v gs(th)1 v gs(th)2 v gs(th)3 - 2.0 - 1.0 - 4.0 - 5.0 v gate current v gs = 20 v, v ds = 0 v v gs = 20 v, v ds = 0 v, t j = +125 c i gss1 i gss2 100 200 na drain current v gs = 0 v, v ds = 80 % of rated v ds v gs = 0 v, v ds = 80 % of rated v ds , t j = +125 c i dss1 i dss2 - 25 - 0.25 a ma static drain - source on - state resistance v gs = - 10 v, cond . a pulsed per mil -s td - 750, sect. 4, i d = - 0. 50 a t j = +125 c v gs = - 10 v, pulsed per mil - std - 750, section 4, i d = - 0.50 a r ds(on)1 r ds(on)2 1.4 2.3 ? ? diode forward voltage v gs = 0 v, i d = - 0.75 a, pulsed per mil - std - 750, section 4 v sd 5.5 v dynamic characteri stics parameters / test conditions symbol min. max. unit gate charge: condition b q g(on) q gs q gd nc on - state gate charge gate to source charge gate to drain charge 15 7.0 8.0 switching characteristics parameters / test conditions symbol min. m ax. unit switching time tests: turn - on delay time rinse time turn - off delay time fall time i d = - 0.75 a, v gs = - 10 v, gate drive impedance = 7.5 ? , v dd = - 50 v t d(on) t r t d(off) t f 30 60 70 80 ns diode reverse recovery time di/dt - 100 a/s, v dd - 30 v, i d = - .75 a t rr 200 ns downloaded from: http:///
t4 - lds - 0215 , rev . 1 (1 20481 ) ?201 2 micr osemi corporation page 4 of 6 2N7335 graphs t c case temperature (c) figure 1 C maximum drain current vs. case temperature graph t 1 rectangular pulse duration (sec) figure 2 C normalized transient thermal impedance negative i d drain current (amperes) thermal response (z thja ) downloaded from: http:///
t4 - lds - 0215 , rev . 1 (1 20481 ) ?201 2 micr osemi corporation page 5 of 6 2N7335 graphs (continued) negative v ds , drain - to - source voltage (volts) figure 3 C maximum safe operating area negative i d , drain current (amperes) downloaded from: http:///
t4 - lds - 0215 , rev . 1 (1 20481 ) ?201 2 micr osemi corporation page 6 of 6 2N7335 package dimensions notes: 1. dimensio ns are i n i nc hes. 2. millimeters are given for general information only. 3. refer to applicable symbol list. 4. dimensioning and tolerancing in accordance with asme y14.5. 5. leads within +/ - .005 inch (0.13 mm) radius of true position (tp) at gauge plane with maximum mat erial condition and unit inst alled. 6. ls 1 and ls applies in zone ll 1 when unit installed. 7. applies to spread leads prior to installation. 8. n is the number of terminal positions. 9. outlines on which the seating plane is coincident with the base plane ( a 1 = 0), terminals lead standoffs are not required, and l w 1 may equal lw along any part of the lead above the seating/base plane. 10. bw 1 does not include particles of package materials. 11. this dimension shall be measured with the device seated in the seating plane gauge jedec outline no. gs - 3. dimensions symbol inches millimeters notes min max min max bh .105 .175 2.67 4.45 11 bl .690 .770 17.53 19.56 bw .290 .325 7.37 8.26 bw 1 .280 .310 7.11 7.87 10 lh .025 .055 0.64 1.40 11 lt .008 .012 0.203 0.305 lw .015 .021 0.381 0.533 lw 1 .038 .060 0.97 1.52 dimensions symbol inches millimeters notes min max min max ls .300 tp 7.62 tp 5, 6 ls1 .100 tp 2.54 tp 5, 6 ll .125 .175 3.18 4.45 11 ll 1 .000 .030 0.00 0.76 0 15 0 15 7 r .010 0.25 s .030 .095 0.76 2.41 n 14 14 8 downloaded from: http:///

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