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hexfet power mosfet notes through are on page 10 applications synchronous mosfet for notebook processor power synchronous rectifer mosfet for isolated dc-dc converters in networking systems benefits very low r ds(on) at 4.5v v gs low gate charge fully characterized avalanche voltage and current 100% tested for r g lead-free (qualified up to 260c reflow) rohs compliant (halogen free) low thermal resistance large source lead for more reliable soldering pqfn v dss r ds(on) max qg 30v 3.3m @v gs = 10v 34nc absolute maximum ratings parameter units v ds drain-to-source voltage v gs gate-to-source voltage i d @ t a = 25c continuous drain current, v gs @ 10v i d @ t a = 70c continuous drain current, v gs @ 10v i d @ t c = 25c continuous drain current, v gs @ 10v i dm pulsed drain current p d @t a = 25c power dissipation p d @t a = 70c power dissipation linear derating factor w/c t j operating junction and t stg storage temperature range thermal resistance parameter typ. max. units r jc junction-to-case ??? 2.2 r ja junction-to-ambient ??? 37 c/w c w a v max. 25 104 200 20 30 20 -55 to + 150 3.4 0.03 2.2 form quantity irfh7932trpbf pqfn 5mm x 6mm tape and reel 4000 irfh7932tr2pbf pqfn 5mm x 6mm ta p e and reel 400 eol notice # 259 orderable part number package type standard pack note s d g static @ t j = 25c (unless otherwise specified) parameter min. t y p. max. units bv dss drain-to-source breakdown voltage 30 ??? ??? v ? v dss / ? t j breakdown voltage temp. coefficient ??? 0.021 ??? v/c r ds(on) static drain-to-source on-resistance ??? 2.5 3.3 ??? 3.3 3.9 v gs(th) gate threshold voltage 1.35 1.8 2.35 v ? v gs(th) gate threshold voltage coefficient ??? -5.9 ??? mv/c i dss drain-to-source leakage current ??? ??? 1.0 ??? ??? 150 i gss gate-to-source forward leakage ??? ??? 100 gate-to-source reverse leakage ??? ??? -100 gfs forward transconductance 59 ??? ??? s q g total gate charge ??? 34 51 q gs1 pre-vth gate-to-source charge ??? 7.9 ??? q gs2 post-vth gate-to-source charge ??? 3.6 ??? q gd gate-to-drain charge ??? 11 ??? q godr gate charge overdrive ??? 12 ??? see fig.17 & 18 q sw switch char g e (q gs2 + q gd ) ??? 15 ??? q oss output charge ??? 19 ??? nc r g gate resistance ??? 0.7 ??? ? t d(on) turn-on delay time ??? 20 ??? t r rise time ??? 48 ??? t d(off) turn-off delay time ??? 23 ??? t f fall time ??? 20 ??? c iss input capacitance ??? 4270 ??? c oss output capacitance ??? 830 ??? c rss reverse transfer capacitance ??? 420 ??? avalanche characteristics parameter units e as si n gl e p u l se a va l anc h e e ner gy mj i ar a va l anc h e c urrent a diode characteristics parameter min. t y p. max. units i s continuous source current (body diode) i sm pulsed source current ( bod y diode ) v sd diode forward voltage ??? ??? 1.0 v t rr reverse recovery time ??? 21 32 ns q rr reverse recovery charge ??? 33 50 nc t on forward turn-on time intrinsic turn-on time is negligible (turn-on is dominated by ls+ld) ??? i d = 20a v gs = 0v v ds = 15v 20 ? = 1.0mhz v gs = 4.5v, i d = 20a v gs = 4.5v typ. ??? r g =1.8 ? v ds = 15v, i d = 20a v ds = 24v, v gs = 0v, t j = 125c m ? v ds = 24v, v gs = 0v v ds = 15v t j = 25c, i f = 20a, v dd = 15v di/dt = 300a/s see fi g .16 t j = 25c, i s = 20a, v gs = 0v showing the integral reverse p-n junction diode. v gs = 20v v gs = -20v mosfet symbol v ds = 16v, v gs = 0v v dd = 15v, v gs = 4.5v i d = 20a see fig.15 max. 16 conditions v gs = 0v, i d = 250a reference to 25c, i d = 1ma v gs = 10v, i d = 25a ??? ??? ??? ??? a 4.2 200 v ds = v gs , i d = 100a ns pf nc na a conditions ! fig 4. normalized on-resistance vs. temperature fig 2. typical output characteristics fig 1. typical output characteristics fig 3. typical transfer characteristics 0.1 1 10 100 v ds , drain-to-source voltage (v) 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 i d , d r a i n - t o - s o u r c e c u r r e n t ( a ) 60s pulse width tj = 25c 2.3v vgs top 10v 5.0v 4.5v 3.5v 3.0v 2.7v 2.5v bottom 2.3v 0.1 1 10 100 v ds , drain-to-source voltage (v) 0.1 1 10 100 1000 i d , d r a i n - t o - s o u r c e c u r r e n t ( a ) 60s pulse width tj = 150c 2.3v vgs top 10v 5.0v 4.5v 3.5v 3.0v 2.7v 2.5v bottom 2.3v 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 v gs , gate-to-source voltage (v) 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 i d , d r a i n - t o - s o u r c e c u r r e n t ( a ) v ds = 15v 60s pulse width t j = 25c t j = 150c -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 t j , junction temperature (c) 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 r d s ( o n ) , d r a i n - t o - s o u r c e o n r e s i s t a n c e ( n o r m a l i z e d ) i d = 25a v gs = 10v fig 8. maximum safe operating area fig 6. typical gate charge vs. gate-to-source voltage fig 5. typical capacitance vs. drain-to-source voltage fig 7. typical source-drain diode forward voltage 1 10 100 v ds , drain-to-source voltage (v) 100 1000 10000 100000 c , c a p a c i t a n c e ( p f ) coss crss ciss v gs = 0v, f = 1 mhz c iss = c gs + c gd , c ds shorted c rss = c gd c oss = c ds + c gd 0 20406080100 q g total gate charge (nc) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 v g s , g a t e - t o - s o u r c e v o l t a g e ( v ) v ds = 24v v ds = 15v i d = 20a 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 v sd , source-to-drain voltage (v) 0.1 1 10 100 1000 i s d , r e v e r s e d r a i n c u r r e n t ( a ) t j = 25c t j = 150c v gs = 0v 0 1 10 100 v ds , drain-to-source voltage (v) 0.1 1 10 100 1000 i d , d r a i n - t o - s o u r c e c u r r e n t ( a ) operation in this area limited by r ds (on) t a = 25c tj = 150c single pulse 100sec 1msec 10msec " fig 11. maximum effective transient thermal impedance, junction-to-ambient fig 9. maximum drain current vs. ambient temperature fig 10. threshold voltage vs. temperature 25 50 75 100 125 150 t j , ambient temperature (c) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 i d , d r a i n c u r r e n t ( a ) -75 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 t j , temperature ( c ) 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 v g s ( t h ) g a t e t h r e s h o l d v o l t a g e ( v ) i d = 100a 1e-006 1e-005 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 t 1 , rectangular pulse duration (sec) 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 t h e r m a l r e s p o n s e ( z t h j a ) 0.20 0.10 d = 0.50 0.02 0.01 0.05 single pulse ( thermal response ) notes: 1. duty factor d = t1/t2 2. peak tj = p dm x zthja + tc ri (c/w) i (sec) 0.54874 0.000128 2.05644 0.023270 7.36536 1.0678 6.44303 38.4 j j 1 1 2 2 3 3 r 1 r 1 r 2 r 2 r 3 r 3 ci i / ri ci= i / ri c 4 4 r 4 r 4 # fig 13. maximum avalanche energy vs. drain current fig 12. on-resistance vs. gate voltage fig 14b. unclamped inductive waveforms fig 14a. unclamped inductive test circuit t p v (br)dss i as r g i as 0.01 ? t p d.u.t l v ds + - v dd driver a 15v 20v fig 15a. switching time test circuit fig 15b. switching time waveforms v gs v ds 90% 10% t d(on) t d(off) t r t f $ 1 0.1 $ %& $ + - $ $ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 v gs , gate-to-source voltage (v) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 r d s ( o n ) , d r a i n - t o - s o u r c e o n r e s i s t a n c e ( m ? ) t j = 25c t j = 125c i d = 25a 25 50 75 100 125 150 starting t j , junction temperature (c) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 e a s , s i n g l e p u l s e a v a l a n c h e e n e r g y ( m j ) i d top 5.86a 6.91a bottom 20.0a ' d.u.t. v ds i d i g 3ma v gs .3 f 50k ? .2 f 12v current regulator same type as d.u.t. current sampling resistors + - fig 17. gate charge test circuit fig 16. for n-channel hexfet power mosfets ? ? ? p.w. period di/dt diode recovery dv/dt ripple 5% body diode forward drop re-applied voltage reverse recovery current body diode forward current v gs =10v v dd i sd driver gate drive d.u.t. i sd waveform d.u.t. v ds waveform inductor curent d = p. w . period $ ("$ ) )** + - + + + - - - $ ? !"# ? $%&%% ? "'' ? %&%%( & fig 18. gate charge waveform vds vgs id vgs(th) qgs1 qgs2 qgd qgodr + pqfn part marking pqfn package details marking code (per marking spec.) xxxx xywwx xxxxx international rectifier logo part number date code assembly site code (per scop 200-002) pin 1 identifier lot code (eng mode - min. last 4 digits of eati #) (prod mode - 4 digits spn code) top marking (laser) 6 note: for the most current drawing please refer to ir website at: http://www.irf.com/package/ , pqfn tape and reel ir world headquarters: 101 n. sepulveda blvd., el segundo, california 90245, usa to contact international rectifier, please visit http://www.irf.com/whoto-call/ date comments ? updated ordering information to reflect the end-of-life (eol) of the mini-reel option (eol notice #259) ? updated data sheet with new ir corporate template 8/1/2014 ? u p dated data sheet with pqfn ta p e and reel dia g ram from datasheet irfh7934pbf revision history 12/16/2013 repetitive rating; pulse width limited by max. junction temperature. starting t j = 25c, l = 0.078mh, r g = 25 ? , i as = 20a. pulse width 400s; duty cycle 2%. rthjc is guaranteed by design when mounted on 1 inch square 2 oz copper pad on 1.5x1.5 in. board of fr-4 material. msl 1 (per jedec j-std-020d ??? ) rohs compliant moisture sensitivity level so-8 yes qualification information ? qualification level consumer ?? (p er jedec jesd47f ??? g uidelines ) - qualification standards can be found at international rectifier?s web site http://www.irf.com/product-info/reliability -- higher qualification ratings may be available should the user have such requirements. please contact your international rectifier sales representative for further information: http://www.irf.com/whoto-call/salesrep/ --- applicable version of jedec standard at the time of product release. |
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