BUL6802 rev.e mar.-2016 data sheet http://www.fsbrec.com 1 / 6 to-126(r)?? npn ?? silicon npn transistor in a to-126(r) plastic package. ???, ?? rohs Z high voltage capability high speed switching, wide soa,rohs compliant. ???????? high frequency electronic lighting ballast applications,electronic transformer. pin1 base pin 2 collector pin 3 emitter ?? / h fe classifications & marking ?? see marking instructions / descriptions / features ? / applications ? / equivalent circuit / pinning 3 2 1
BUL6802 rev.e mar.-2016 data sheet http://www.fsbrec.com 2 / 6 parameter symbol ? rating unit collector to base voltage v cbo 600 v collector to emitter voltage v ceo 400 v emitter to base voltage v ebo 9 v collector current - continuous i c 1.2 a collector power dissipation p c 1.25 w collector power dissipation p c (tc=25 ) 25 w junction temperature t j 150 storage temperature range t stg -55 150 parameter symbol test conditions ? min ? typ ? max unit collector to base breakdown v oltage v cbo i c =1ma i e =0 600 v collector to emitter breakdown v oltage v ceo i c =10ma i b =0 400 v emitter to base breakdown v oltage v ebo i e =1ma i c =0 9 v collector cut-off current i cbo v cb =600v i e =0 0.1 ma collector cut-off current i ceo v ce =400v i b =0 0.1 ma emitter base cut-off current i ebo v eb =9v i c =0 0.1 ma dc current gain h fe(1) v ce =10v i c =0.1a 10 40 h fe(2) v ce =5v i c =1a 5 h fe(3) v ce =5v i c =1ma 7 collector to emitter saturation v oltage v ce(sat)(1) i c =0.5a i b =0.1a 0.5 v v ce(sat)(2) i c =1a i b =0.5a 0.6 v base to emitter saturation voltage v be(sat) i c =0.5a i b =0.1a 1.2 v storage time t s v ce =5v i c =0.25a (ui9600) 1.5 3.5 s fall time t f 1 s transition frequency f t v ce =10v i c =0.1a f=1mhz 5 mhz ? / absolute maximum ratings(ta=25 ) ? / electrical characteristics(ta=25 )
BUL6802 rev.e mar.-2016 data sheet http://www.fsbrec.com 3 / 6 ? / electrical characteristic curve soa(dc) p c -t c h fe -ic h fe -ic vces-i c vbes-i c t s -ta h fe -ta
BUL6802 rev.e mar.-2016 data sheet http://www.fsbrec.com 4 / 6 ?? / package dimensions
BUL6802 rev.e mar.-2016 data sheet http://www.fsbrec.com 5 / 6 ?? / marking instructions ? br ?? 6802 ??? **** ???? note: br: company code 6802: product type. ****: lot no. code, code change with lot no. br **** 6802
BUL6802 rev.e mar.-2016 data sheet http://www.fsbrec.com 6 / 6 ??? ( ? ) / temperature profile for dip soldering(pb-free) ? note: 1 ?? 25 150 ? 60 90sec; 1.preheating:25~150 , time:60~90sec. 2 ?? 255 5 ?? 5 0.5sec; 2.peak temp.:255 5 , duration:5 0.5sec. 3 ???? 2 10 /sec. 3. cooling speed: 2~10 /sec. ? / resistance to soldering heat test conditions ?? 270 5 ?? 10 1 sec. temp.:2705 time:101 sec ? / packaging spec. ?? / bulk package type ?? units ? dimension ?? (unit mm 3 ) units/tube ? / ? tubes/inner box ? / units/inner box ? / inner boxes/outer box / units/outer box ? / tube ? inner box outer box to-126/f 500 6 3,000 5 15,000 135190 237172102 560245195 ??? / tube package type ?? units ? dimension ?? (unit mm 3 ) units/tube ? / ? tubes/inner box ? / units/inner box ? / inner boxes/outer box / units/outer box ? / tube ? inner box outer box to-126/f 65 26 1,690 5 8,450 532315.6 55516450 575290180 ?? / notices