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confidential datasheet version 1.2 feb.2014 1 MAP7160 C output fast discharge, fast transient 600 ma step-down converter ordering information typical application part number top marking ambient temperature range package rohs status MAP7160dfrh MAP7160 ywll 40 to+85 1.6mmx1.6mm,dfn6p pbfree applications mobilephones digitalcameras pdasandhandheldcomputers usbdevices datasheet C MAP7160 600ma step - down converter with auto fast discharge function general description the MAP7160 is a 2mhz high efficiency stepdown converterwithinputvoltageof2.7vto5.5v outputvoltagehasaslowas0.6v.theMAP7160has ahighefficiencyandlowripplearchitecture. the MAP7160 is programmable with external feedback resistors and it has a low 35ua no load quiescentcurrent. theMAP7160operatesas2mhzswitchingfrequency. the MAP7160 is designed to maintainhigh efficiency atoperatingrange.andtheMAP7160hasanoutput auto discharge function. when output voltage is disabled, it enables the device to quickly output discharge. the MAP7160 is available in the pbfree, 1.6mm x 1.6mm dfn 6p package and is rated over the 40 to+85 temperaturerange. features 2.7vto5.5vinputvoltagerange outputultrafastdischargerwhendisable< 10ms lowrippleatpwmmode 35uaquiescentcurrentatnoswitching upto98%efficiency 600mamax.outputcurrent 2mhzswitchingfrequency 150ussoftstart fastloadtransient protection:ocp,otp 100%dutycyclelowdropoutoperation <1uashutdowncurrent package:1.6mmx1.6mm,dfnpackage temperature:40 to+85
confidential datasheet version 1.2 feb.2014 2 MAP7160 C output fast discharge, fast transient 600 ma step-down converter pin configuration top view 1 en agnd pgnd 23 out 54 vin lx 6 5 4 2 3 epad pin description pin no. (1.6mm x 1.6mm) name description 1 en enablepin 2 agnd analoggroundpin 3 pgnd powergroundpin. 4 lx thisisaswitchingnode.connecttheinductort othispin. 5 vin inputsupplyvoltage 6 out feedbackinputpin.thispinisconnectedconverter outputandexternalresistors foranadjustedoutput. exposedpad connectedtognd confidential datasheet version 1.2 feb.2014 3 MAP7160 C output fast discharge, fast transient 600 ma step-down converter functional block diagram pfm / pwm controller lx pgnd agnd vin out en error amp pmos current limit confidential datasheet version 1.2 feb.2014 4 MAP7160 C output fast discharge, fast transient 600 ma step-down converter absolute maximum ratings (note1) symbol parameter min max unit v vin supplyvoltageonv in pin 0.3 6 v v lx lxtognd 0.3 v in +0.3 v v out outtognd 0.3 v in +0.3 v v en entognd 0.3 v in +0.3 v t s storagetemperaturerange 65 +150 c t j junctiontemperaturerange 40 +150 c ja junctionthermalresistancetsot238p 162 c/w p d powerdissipation,@t a =25c 617 mw t pad&lead maximumsolderingtemperature(atpad&leads,10s ec) 260 c esd hbmonallpins(note2) 2000 +2000 v mmonallpins(note3) 200 +200 note 1 : stresses beyond the above listed maximum ratings may damage the device permanently. operating above the recommended conditions for extended time may stress the device and affect device reliability. also the device may not operate normally above the recommendedoperatingconditions.thesearestress ratingsonly. note 2 :esdtestedperjesd22a114. note 3 :esdtestedperjesd22a115. recommended operating conditions (note1) parameter min max unit v vin supplyinputvoltage 2.7 5.5 v v out outputvoltage 0.6 vin v t j junctiontemperaturerange 40 +125 c t a ambienttemperaturerange(note2) 40 +85 c note 1 :normaloperationofthedeviceisnotguaranteed ifoperatingthedeviceoveroutsiderangeofrecom mendedconditions. note 2 :theambienttemperaturemayhavetobederatedi fusedinhighpowerdissipationandpoorthermalr esistanceconditions. confidential datasheet version 1.2 feb.2014 5 MAP7160 C output fast discharge, fast transient 600 ma step-down converter electrical characteristics v in =3.6v,t a =40cto85c,unlessotherwisenoted.typicalval uesareatt a =+25c parameter test condition min typ. max unit step-down converter v vin inputvoltagerange 2.7 5.5 v v uvlo uvlothreshold v in rising 2.7 v hysteresis 100 mv v in falling 1.8 v v vout outputvoltagetolerance (note2) i out =0mato600ma,v in =2.7vto5.5v 3.0 +3.0 % v vout outputvoltagerange (note2) 0.6 v in v i q quiescentcurrent i out =0ma,v fb =1v,v en >2v 35 50 ua i shdn shutdowncurrent en=agnd=pgnd 1.0 ua i lim pchannelcurrentlimit 800 ma r ds(on)h highsideswitch onresistance v in =3.6v,i out =300ma 0.35 r ds(on)l lowsideswitch onresistance v in =3.6v,i out =300ma 0.30 v linereg lineregulation(note2) v in =2.7vto5.5v;i out =600ma 0.1 %/v v vout outthresholdvoltage accuracy 0.6voutput,noload;t a =25c 591 600 609 mv i out outputleakagecurrent v in =5.5v,v out =0.6v,v en =0v 0.2 ua t s startuptime(note2) fromenabletooutputregulat ion 150 us f osc oscillatorfrequency t a =25c 1.3 2.0 2.7 mhz t sd overtemperature shutdown threshold(note2) 145 t hys overtemperature shutdown hysteresis(note2) 35 en v en(l) enablethresholdlow 0.6 v v en(h) enablethresholdhigh 1.4 v t discharge outputdischargetime v in =3.05.5v,v en =v in to0v, v out =3.0vto0v,l=4.7h,c out =10f 4 10 ms note 1 : stress beyond the maximum ratings listed above ma y incur permanent damage to the device. operating a bove the recommended conditions for extended time may stress the device and affect device reliability. also the device may not operate normallyabovetherecommendedoperatingconditions .thesearestressratingsonly. note 2: guaranteedbydesign;nottestinproduction. confidential datasheet version 1.2 feb.2014 6 MAP7160 C output fast discharge, fast transient 600 ma step-down converter typical operating characteristics unlessotherwisenoted,v in =en=3.6vandt a =25 c. shutdown current vs temperature quiescent current vs temperature enable threshold vs temperature oscillator frequency vs temperature efficiency vs output current load regulation vs output current output voltage=1.2v output voltage=1.2v confidential datasheet version 1.2 feb.2014 7 MAP7160 C output fast discharge, fast transient 600 ma step-down converter efficiency vs output current load regulation vs output current output voltage=1.8v output voltage=1.8v efficiency vs output current load regulation vs output current output voltage=3.3v output voltage=3.3v line regulation vs input voltage line regulation vs input voltage output voltage=1.2v output voltage=1.8v confidential datasheet version 1.2 feb.2014 8 MAP7160 C output fast discharge, fast transient 600 ma step-down converter output voltage ripple waveforms v in=3. 6 v, vout=1.8v, iout=5 ma start up through enable waveforms output voltage ripple waveforms v in=3.6 v, vout=1.8v, iout=600ma v out (10mv/div) i l (200ma/div) 5us/div v out (10mv/div) i l (500ma/div) 500ns/div v in=3.6 v, vout=1.8v, iout=0ma shut down through enable waveforms v in=3.6 v, vout=1.8v, iout=0ma start up through enable waveforms vin=3.6v, vout=1.8v, iout= 40 0ma shut down through enable waveforms vin=3.6v, vout=1.8v, iout= 40 0ma v out (2v/div) i l (500ma/div) 50us/div v en ( 2 v/div) v out (2v/div) i l (500ma/div) 1ms/div v en ( 2 v/div) v out (2v/div) i l (500ma/div) 50us/div v en ( 2 v/div) v out (2v/div) i l (500ma/div) 1ms/div v en ( 2 v/div) v sw (2v/div) v sw (2v/div) confidential datasheet version 1.2 feb.2014 9 MAP7160 C output fast discharge, fast transient 600 ma step-down converter l oad transient waveforms vin=3.6 v, vout=1.8v, iout= 0ma to 300 ma load transient waveforms vin=3.6v, vout=1.8v, iout= 2 00ma to 4 00ma v out (100mv/div) i l (500ma/div) 100us/div i out ( 200ma /div) v out (50mv/div) i l (500ma/div) 100us/div i out ( 500ma /div) confidential datasheet version 1.2 feb.2014 10 MAP7160 C output fast discharge, fast transient 600 ma step-down converter operation description device information the MAP7160 switching is a 2mhz stepdown con verterwithaninputvoltagerangeof2.7vto5.5v and output voltage as low as 0.6v. it is optimized to r eact quicklytoaloadvariation. theMAP7160issynchronousbuckconvertor,usesa peak current mode stepdown architecture. both the main pmos and synchronous nmos switches are internal. it has been designed with the goal of minimizing external component size and optimizing efficiency over the complete load range, and only a small lc filter is required at the output. typical ly, a 4.7h inductor and a 10f ceramic capacitor are recommended. the MAP7160 works with two modes of operation; pwm/pfmdependingonthecurrentrequired.inpwm mode, the device can supply voltage with a toleranc e of3%and95%efficiencyorbetter.lightloadcurr ents cause the device to automatically switch into pfm mode for reduced current consumption and extended battery life. the MAP7160 can be programmed with externalfeedbacktoanyvoltage,rangingfrom0.6v to theinputvoltage.anadditionalfeedforwardcapac itor canalsobeaddedtotheexternalfeedbacktoprovi de improvedtransientresponse.atdropout,theconver ter duty cycle increases to 100% and the output voltage tracks the input voltage minus the r ds(on) drop of the highsidepmos. additional the function includes softstart, under voltageprotection,overcurrentprotection,andth ermal shutdown protection. as shown in typical applicatio n, only six external components are required. the part uses an internal reference voltage of 0.6v. it is recommendedtokeepthepartinshutdownmodeuntil theinputvoltageis2.7vorhigher. pfm operating mode underlightloadconditions,theMAP7160entersin low current pfm mode operation to reduce power consumption.theoutputregulationisimplementedb y burst.iftheoutputvoltagedropsbelowthethresh oldof pfm comparator, a new cycle will be initiated by th e pfmcomparatortoturnonthepmos. pmosremainsonduringtheminimumontimeofthe structure while nmos is in its current source mode . the peak inductor current depends upon the drop between input and output voltage. after a short dea d time delay where pmos is switched off, nmos is turned in its on state. the negative current detect or willdetectwhentheinductorcurrentdropsbelowz ero andsendsthesignaltoturnnmostocurrentsourc e modetopreventatoolargederegulationoftheout put voltage. when the output voltage falls below the threshold of the pfm comparator, a new cycle starts immediately. pmos will be forced to end even if th e inductorcurrentisnotreachedpeakinductorcurre nt. pwm operating mode the MAP7160 operation in pwm mode, regulation startswithanonstatewhereapmosswitchistur n onandinductorcurrentisrampedupuntiltheoff state begins. in the off state, the pmos switch is off a nd an nmos switch is turned on. the inductor current decreases to maintain anaverage value equal to the dcoutputloadcurrent. the inductor current is continuously monitored. a current sense flags when the pmos switch current exceedsthecurrentlimitandtheswitcheristurne doff todecreasetheinductorcurrentsenseflagswhent he nmos switch current exceeds the current limit and redirects discharging current through the inductor backtotheinput. soft start theMAP7160usessoftstart(150us_typ)tolimitth e inrush current when the device is initially enabled . softstart is implemented by gradually increasing t he reference voltage until it reaches the full referen ce voltage. during startup, a pulsed current source charges the internal softstart capacitor to provid e gradually increasing reference voltage. when the voltageacrossthecapacitorrampsuptothenomina l reference voltage, the pulsed current source will b e switched off and the reference voltage will switch to theregularreferencevoltage. output auto fast discharge whentheMAP7160isdisabled(ven=vinto0v),the outputisquicklydischargedwithin4ms. confidential datasheet version 1.2 feb.2014 11 MAP7160 C output fast discharge, fast transient 600 ma step-down converter over current protection foroverloadconditions,thepeakinputcurrentis limit ed.tominimizepowerdissipationandstressesunde r current limit and shortcircuit conditions, switchi ng is terminated after entering current limit for a serie s of pulses. switching is terminated for seven consecuti ve clockcyclesafteracurrentlimithasbeensensed fora seriesoffourconsecutiveclockcycles. over temperature protection thermalprotectioncompletelydisablesswitchingwh en internal dissipation becomes excessive. the junctio n overtemperaturethresholdis140cwith15cofhy s teresis.onceanovertemperatureorovercurrentf ault conditionsisremoved,theoutputvoltageautomatic ally recovers. confidential datasheet version 1.2 feb.2014 12 MAP7160 C output fast discharge, fast transient 600 ma step-down converter application information typical application circuits table1.recommendedcomponentvalues v out [v] r1[k] r2[k] l[uh] cff[pf] 0.8v 60k 180k 1.5uh 22pf 1.0v 120k 180k 1.5uh 22pf 1.2v 180k 180k 2.2uh 22pf 1.5v 270k 180k 2.2uh 22pf 1.8v 240k 120k 4.7uh 22pf 2.5v 380k 120k 4.7uh 15pf 2.8v 275k 75k 4.7uh 15pf 3.3v 270k 60k 6.8uh 15pf the basic MAP7160 application circuit is shown in typical application circuit. external component selection is determined by the maximum load current andbeginswiththeselectionoftheinductorvalue and operatingfrequencyfollowedbyc in andc out . output voltage resistor selection output voltage can be set by feeding back the outpu t tothefbpinusingaresistordividernetworkass hown in figure below. the resistor divider network inclu des r1 and r2. usually, a design is started by picking a fixedr2valueandcalculatingtherequiredr1with the equationbelow: ? ?? ? ? ?? ? + = 2 1 1 r r v v ref out .(1) whereisv ref theinternalreferencevoltage(0.6vtyp.) some standard value of r1 and r2 for the most commonoutputvoltagesarelistedintable1. thecombinationofr1 andr2 shouldbelargeenough to avoid drawing excessive current from the output, which will cause power loss. since the switch duty cycle can be as high as 100 %, the maximum output voltagecanbesetashighastheinputvoltagemin us thevoltagedropontheupperpmosandtheinductor . input filter capacitor selection theinputcapacitormustbeconnectedtothevinpi n and pgnd pin of MAP7160 to maintain steady input voltage and filter out the pulsing input current. t he voltageratingofinputcapacitormustbegreatert han maximum input voltage plus ripple voltage and use lowesrcapacitorsforthebestperformance. the input ripple voltage can be approximated by equationbelow: ? ?? ? ? ?? ? ? ?? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ?? ? = in out in out in out in v v v v c f i v 1 .(2) since the input current is discontinuous in a buck converter, the current stresson the input capacito r is another concern when selecting the capacitor. for a buckcircuit,thermsvalueofinputcapacitorcurr ent canbecalculatedby: confidential datasheet version 1.2 feb.2014 13 MAP7160 C output fast discharge, fast transient 600 ma step-down converter in out in out out rms cin v v v v i i ? ?? ? ? ?? ? ? = 1 _ .(3) this formula has a maximum at v in = 2v out , where irms = i out /2. this simple worstcase condition is commonly used for design because even significant deviationsdonotoffermuchrelief. 2 _ out rms cin i i ? .(4) chooseacapacitorratedatahighertemperatureth an required.severalcapacitorsmayalsobeparalleled to meetsizeorheightrequirementsinthedesign. for the input capacitor, a 4.7f low esr ceramic capacitor is recommended for the recommended capacitor.theselectionofc out isdeterminedbythe requiredesrtominimizevoltageripple. output filter inductor selection the inductor is used to supply constant current to output when it is driven by a switching voltage. fo r given input and output voltage, inductance and switching frequency together decide the inductor ripplecurrent,formostdesigns,theinductanceva lue canbederivedfromthefollowingequation: ? ?? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ?? ? = (max) (max) 1 in out l out v v i f v l .(5) ? ?? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ?? ? = in out out v v l f v il 1 .(6) thepeakinductorcurrentis: 2 l o lpeak i i i + = .(7) high inductance gives low inductor ripple current b ut requires larger size inductor to avoid saturation. low ripple current reduces inductor core losses. it als o reduces rms current through inductor and switches, whichresultsinlessconductionloss.usually,pea kto peak ripple current on inductor is designed to be a t least20%to40%ofoutputcurrent. when selecting the inductor, make sure it is able t o handlethepeakcurrentwithoutsaturationevenat the highest operating temperature. the inductor is take s the highest current in the buck circuit. so the conductionlossesoninductorneedtobecheckedfo r thermal and for highest efficiency, the inductor dc resistanceshouldbelowervaluerequirements. output filter capacitor selection the output capacitor is selected based on the dc outputvoltagerating,outputripplevoltagespecif ication andripplecurrentrating. the selected output capacitor must have a higher ratedvoltagespecificationthanthemaximumdesire d outputvoltageincludingripple.deratingneedsto be consideredforlongtermreliability. output ripple voltage specification is another importantfactorforselectingtheoutputcapacitor .ina buck converter circuit, output ripple voltage is determined by inductor value, switching frequency, output capacitor value and esr. it can be calculate d bytheequationbelow: ? ?? ? ? ?? ? + = out cout l out c f esr i v 8 1 .(8) where, co is output capacitor value, and esr co is the equivalent series resistance of the output capacitor. when low esr ceramic capacitor is used as output capacitor, the impedance of the capacitor at the switching frequency dominates. output ripple is mainly caused by capacitor value and inductor rippl e current. the output ripple voltage calculation can be simplifiedto: out l out c f i v = 8 1 .(9) if the impedance of esr at switching frequency dominates,theoutputripplevoltageismainlydeci ded by capacitor esr and inductor ripple current. the output ripple voltage calculation can be further simplifiedequationbelow: cout l out esr i v = .(10) for lower output ripple voltage across the entire operating temperature range, x5r or x7r dielectric type of ceramic, or other low esr tantalum are recommendedtobeusedasoutputcapacitors. in a buck converter, output capacitor current is continuous. the rms current of output capacitor is decidedbythepeaktopeakinductorripplecurrent .it canbecalculatedby: confidential datasheet version 1.2 feb.2014 14 MAP7160 C output fast discharge, fast transient 600 ma step-down converter 12 _ l rms cout i i = (11) usually, the ripple current rating of the output capacitorisasmallerissuebecauseofthelowcur rent stress.whenthebuckinductorisselectedtobeve ry small and inductor ripple current is high, the outp ut capacitorcouldbeoverstressed. pcb layout guide careful pcb layout is critical to achieve clean and stable operation. it is highly recommended to duplicate the MAP7160 evaluation board layout for optimum performance. if deviation is necessary, followtheseguidelinesforgoodpcblayout: make the power ground pgnd connection shared between u1, cv in and cv out compact. this minimizes the parasitic inductance of the switchinglooppaths. place pgnd on the top layer and connect it to the agnd ground plane next to cout using severalvias. ensurethattheroutingloop,vinpgnd vout istheveryshortestpossible. placetheinductorawayfromthefeedbackpins topreventunpredictableloopbehavior. use the application circuit layout from the datasheet whenever possible. its performance hasbeenverified. vin and pgnd must rout with the widest and shortest traces possible. it is acceptable for the tracesconnectingtheinductortobelongrather thanhavinglongvinorpgndtraces.thesw nodeisasourceofelectricalswitchingnoise.do notrouteitnearsensitiveanalogsignals. two small vias are used to connect the sw nodetotheinductorl1.usesoldersfilledviasif available. the expose pad and gnd pin should be connected to a strong ground plane for heat sinkingandnoiseprotection. top side layer top side layer zoom bottom side layer confidential datasheet version 1.2 feb.2014 15 MAP7160 C output fast discharge, fast transient 600 ma step-down converter MAP7160 evaluation board schematic bill of material of MAP7160 evaluation board item part number manufacturer description qty u1 MAP7160 magnachip semiconductor 3asynchronousbuckconverter 1 c1 cl10a475kq8nnn samsung 4.7uf/6.3v,mlcc,x5r,size1 608 1 c2 cl10a106kq8nnn samsung 10uf/6.3v,mlcc,x5r,size16 08 1 l1 efe252012c toko 4.7uh/1.5a,30%,size2520 1 r1 rc1608f1203 samsung 240kohm,1%,size1608 1 r2 rc1608f3002 samsung 120kohm,1%,size1608 1 r3, r4 rc1608j0r0 samsung 0ohm,10%,size1608 2 en ph01(2.54)3pin eleparts ph01(2.54)ss40p11.5mm 1 confidential datasheet version 1.2 feb.2014 16 MAP7160 C output fast discharge, fast transient 600 ma step-down converter physical dimensions - 1.6 x 1.6mm dfn 6p magnachip semiconductor ltd. doesntnotrecommendtheuseofitsproductsinh ostileenvironments,including,withoutlimitation, aircraft,nuclearpowergeneration,medicalapplian ces,anddevicesorsystemsinwhichmalfunctionof anyproductcanreasonably beexpectedtoresultinapersonalinjury.seller scustomersusingorsellingsellersproductsfor useinsuchapplicationsdosoat theirownriskandagreetofullydefendandindemn ifyseller. magnachip reserves the right to change the specifications an dcircuitry without notice at any time. magnachip does not consider responsibilityforuseofanycircuitryotherthan circuitryentirelyincludedina magnachip product. isaregisteredtrademarkofmagnachipsemiconducto rltd. magnachip semiconductor ltd. 891,daechidong,kangnamgu,seo ul,135738korea tel:82269033451/fax:82269033668~9 www.magnachip.com |
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