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  2013. 5. 08 1/6 semiconductor technical data KF7N68F n channel mos field effect transistor revision no : 1 general description this planar stripe mosfet has better characteristics, such as fast switching time, low on resistance, low gate charge and excellentavalanche characteristics. it is mainly suitable for active power factor correction and switching mode power supplies. features h v dss =680v, i d =7a h drain-source on resistance : r ds(on) (max)=1.25 ? @v gs =10v h qg(typ.)= 24nc maximum rating (tc=25 ? ) * : drain current limited by maximum junction temperature. g d s pin connection 1. gate2. drain 3. source to-220is (1) a a b b c c d d e e f f g g h h 1.47 max1.47 max j j k k l m l n nn o o q r q r 123 m dim millimeters *single gauge lead frame 10.16 0.2 + _ 15.87 0.2 + _ 2.54 0.2 + _ 0.8 0.1 + _ 3.18 0.1 + _ 0.5 0.1 + _ 3.23 0.1 + _ 13.0 0.5 + _ 2.54 0.2 + _ 4.7 0.2 + _ 6.68 0.2 + _ 2.76 0.2 + _ 3.3 0.1 + _ 12.57 0.2 + _ characteristic symbol rating unit drain-source voltage v dss 680 v gate-source voltage v gss ? 30 v drain current @t c =25 ? i d 7* a @t c =100 ? 4.2* pulsed (note1) i dp 18* single pulsed avalanche energy(note 2) e as 212 mj repetitive avalanche energy(note 1) e ar 1.6 mj peak diode recovery dv/dt(note 3) dv/dt 4.5 v/ns drain power dissipation tc=25 ? p d 44.6 w derate above 25 ? 0.36 w/ ? maximum junction temperature t j 150 ? storage temperature range t stg -55 q 150 ? thermal characteristics thermal resistance, junction-to-case r thjc 2.8 ? /w thermal resistance, junction-to-ambient r thja 62.5 ? /w downloaded from: http:///
2013. 5. 08 2/6 KF7N68F revision no : 1 electrical characteristics (tc=25 ? ) characteristic symbol test condition min. typ. max. unit static drain-source breakdown voltage bv dss i d =250  a, v gs =0v 680 - - v breakdown voltage temperature coefficient  bv dss /  t j i d =250  a, referenced to 25 ? - 0.65 - v/ ? drain cut-off current i dss v ds =680v, v gs =0v, - - 10  a gate threshold voltage v th v ds =v gs , i d =250  a 2.5 - 4.5 v gate leakage current i gss v gs = ? 30v, v ds =0v - - ? 100 na drain-source on resistance r ds(on) v gs =10v, i d =3.5a - 1.0 1.25 ? dynamic total gate charge q g v ds =520v, i d =7.0a v gs =10v (note4,5) - 24 - nc gate-source charge q gs - 5.4 - gate-drain charge q gd - 9.5 - turn-on delay time t d(on) v dd =325v i d =7.0a r g =25 ? (note4,5) - 30 - ns turn-on rise time t r - 30 - turn-off delay time t d(off) - 50 - turn-off fall time t f - 25 - input capacitance c iss v ds =25v, v gs =0v, f=1.0mhz - 1010 - pf output capacitance c oss - 111 - reverse transfer capacitance c rss - 7.0 - gate resistance r g - 2.5 5 ? source-drain diode ratings continuous source current i s v gs KF7N68F 1 marking downloaded from: http:///
2013. 5. 08 3/6 KF7N68F revision no : 1 normalized breakdown voltage bv dss gate - source voltage v gs (v) fig1. i d - v ds drain - source voltage v ds (v) drain current i d (a) 10 0 10 -1 10 1 68 41 0 2 fig2. i d - v gs fig3. bv dss - t j fig4. r ds(on) - i d -100 -50 0.8 0.9 1.21.1 1.0 05 0 100 150 drain current i d (a) drain current i d (a) on - resistance r ds(on) ( ) fig5. i s - v sd 0.2 0.4 0.8 1.0 1.2 0.6 1.4 reverse drain current i s (a) 3.02.5 1.5 1.0 0.5 0 2.0 01 2 69 31 8 15 junction temperature tj ( ) c source - drain voltage v sd (v) 10 0 10 -1 10 1 fig6. r ds(on) - t j junction temperature t j ( ) 0 50 -100 -50 100 150 normalized on resistance 0.0 0.5 3.02.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 c v gs =10v i ds = 3.75a v gs = 0v i ds = 250 100 c 25 c 150 c 25 c 11 0 0 0.1 10 0.1 1 10 100 v gs =10v, 7v v gs =10v v gs =7v v ds =20v v gs =5v downloaded from: http:///
2013. 5. 08 4/6 KF7N68F revision no : 1 gate - charge q g (nc) 0 1210 62 4 8 28 32 12 4 20 16 24 8 0 fig8. q g - v gs gate - source voltage v gs (v) 10 4 10 3 10 2 10 1 10 0 fig9. safe operation area i d =7a v ds = 520v v ds = 325v v ds = 130v drain - source voltage v ds (v) capacitance (pf) drain current i d (a) drain - source voltage v ds (v) 10 1 10 1 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 0 10 2 10 2 10 3 t c = 25 t j = 150 single nonrepetitive pulse c c operation in this area is limited by r ds(on) fig 7. c - v ds 0 1 02 03 04 0 c rss c oss c iss fig10. transient thermal response curve normalized transient thermal resistance time ( sec ) 10 -5 10 -3 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 -4 10 -2 10 -1 10 1 10 0 dc 10ms 1ms 100 s 10 s du ty=0 . 5 0. 05 0.1 0.2 0.02 0.01 sing le pulse - duty factor, d= t 1 /t 2 t 1 t 2 p dm downloaded from: http:///
2013. 5. 08 5/6 KF7N68F revision no : 1 fig11. gate charge i d i d v ds v gs v gs v ds v gs 1.0 ma fast recovery diode 10v 10 v 25 r l q g q gd q gs q t p fig13. resistive load switching fig12. single pulsed avalanche energy v ds (t) i d (t) v ds v gs 10 v 25 l time e as = li as 2 bv dss - v dd bv dss 12 v dd i as bv dss v ds v gs t r t d(off) t off t d(on) t on t f 10% 90% 50v 0.8 v dss 0.5 v dss downloaded from: http:///
2013. 5. 08 6/6 KF7N68F revision no : 1 fig14. source - drain diode reverse recovery and dv /dt i f i s v ds v sd i sd (dut) v ds (dut) v gs 10v driver dut body diode recovery dv/dt body diode forword voltage drop body diode forword current body diode reverse current di/dt v dd i rm 0.5 v dss downloaded from: http:///

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