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  unisonic technologies co., ltd 2n65k-mt power mosfet 1 of 7 copyright ? 2015 unisonic technologies co., ltd qw-r502-b04.e 2a, 650v n-channel power mosfet ? description the utc 2n65k-mt is a high voltage power mosfet and is designed to have better characteri stics, such as fast switching time, low gate charge, low on-state resistance and have a high rugged avalanche characteristics. this power mosfet is usually used at high speed switching applications in power supplies, pwm motor controls, high efficient dc to dc converters and bridge circuits. ? features * r ds(on) < 5.0 ? @ v gs = 10v, i d =1a * fast switching capability * avalanche energy specified * improved dv/dt capability, high ruggedness ? symbol
2n65k-mt power mosfet unisonic technologies co., ltd 2 of 7 qw-r502-b04.e ? ordering information ordering number pin assignment lead free halogen free package 1 2 3 packing 2n65kl-ta3-t 2n65kg-ta3-t to-220 g d s tube 2n65kl-tf3-t 2n65kg-tf3-t to-220f g d s tube 2n65kl-tf1-t 2n65kg-tf1-t to-220f1 g d s tube 2n65kl-tf2-t 2n65kg-tf2-t to-220f2 g d s tube 2n65kl-tf3t-t 2n65kg-tf3t-t to-220f3 g d s tube 2n65kl-tm3-t 2n65kg-tm3-t to-251 g d s tube 2n65kl-tms-t 2n65kg-tms-t to-251s g d s tube 2n65kl-tms2-t 2n65kg-tms2-t to-251s2 g d s tube 2n65kl-tms4-t 2N65KG-TMS4-T to-251s4 g d s tube 2n65kl-tn3-r 2n65kg-tn3-r to-252 g d s tape reel 2n65kl-tnd-r 2n65kg-tnd-r to-252d g d s tape reel note: pin assignment: g: gate d: drain s: source ? marking
2n65k-mt power mosfet unisonic technologies co., ltd 3 of 7 qw-r502-b04.e ? absolute maximum ratings ( t c = 25 , unless otherwise specified) parameter symbol ratings unit drain-source voltage v dss 650 v gate-source voltage v gss 30 v avalanche current (note 2) i ar 2.0 a continuous i d 2.0 a drain current pulsed (note 2) i dm 8.0 a avalanche energy single pulsed (note 3) e as 110 mj peak diode recovery dv/dt (note 4) dv/dt 4.5 v/ns to-220 54 to-220f/to-220f1 to-220f3 21 to-220f2 23 power dissipation to-251/to-251s to-251s2/to-251s4 to-252/to-252d p d 44 w junction temperature t j +150 operating temperature t opr -55 ~ +150 storage temperature t stg -55 ~ +150 notes: 1. absolute maximum ratings are those values beyond which the device could be permanently damaged. absolute maximum ratings are stress ratings only and functional device oper ation is not implied. 2. repetitive rating : pulse width limited by t j . 3. l=55mh, i as =2.0a, v dd =50v, r g =25 ? , starting t j = 25c 4. i sd 2.4a, di/dt 200a/ s, v dd bv dss , starting t j = 25c ? thermal data parameter symbol ratings unit to-220/to-220f to-220f1/to-220f2 to-220f3 62.5 c/w junction to ambient to-251/to-251s to-251s2/to-251s4 to-252/to-252d ja 100 c/w to-220 2.32 c/w to-220f/to-220f1 to-220f3 5.95 c/w to-220f2 5.43 c/w junction to case to-251/to-251s to-251s2/to-251s4 to-252/to-252d jc 2.87 c/w
2n65k-mt power mosfet unisonic technologies co., ltd 4 of 7 qw-r502-b04.e ? electrical characteristics (t j =25 , unless otherwise specified) parameter symbol test conditions min typ max unit off characteristics drain-source breakdown voltage bv dss v gs = 0v, i d = 250 a 650 v drain-source leakage current i dss v ds = 650v, v gs = 0v 10 a forward v gs = 30v, v ds = 0v 100 na gate-source leakage current reverse i gss v gs = -30v, v ds = 0v -100 na breakdown voltage temperature coefficient bv dss /t j i d =250 a, referenced to 25c 0.4 v/ on characteristics gate threshold voltage v gs(th) v ds = v gs , i d = 250 a 2.0 4.0 v static drain-source on-state resistance r ds(on) v gs = 10v, i d =1a 3.7 5.0 ? dynamic characteristics input capacitance c iss 240 320 pf output capacitance c oss 33 45 pf reverse transfer capacitance c rss v ds =25v, v gs =0v, f =1mhz 4.5 6 pf switching characteristics turn-on delay time t d (on) 40 60 ns turn-on rise time t r 40 60 ns turn-off delay time t d(off) 50 70 ns turn-off fall time t f v dd =30v, i d =0.5a, r g =25 ? (note 1, 2) 22 38 ns total gate charge q g 12 14 nc gate-source charge q gs 5.2 nc gate-drain charge q gd v ds =50v, v gs =1.0v, i d =1.3a (note 1, 2) 2 nc drain-source diode characteristics drain-source diode forward voltage v sd v gs = 0 v, i sd = 2.0 a 1.4 v continuous drain-source current i sd 2.0 a pulsed drain-source current i sm 8.0 a notes: 1. pulse test: pulse width 300 s, duty cycle 2% 2. essentially independent of operating temperature
2n65k-mt power mosfet unisonic technologies co., ltd 5 of 7 qw-r502-b04.e ? test circuits and waveforms same type as d.u.t. l v dd driver v gs r g - v ds d.u.t. + * dv/dt controlled by r g * i sd controlled by pulse period * d.u.t.-device under test - + peak diode recovery dv/dt test circuit p. w. period d= v gs (driver) i sd (d.u.t.) i fm , body diode forward current di/dt i rm body diode reverse current body diode recovery dv/dt body diode forward voltage drop v dd 10v v ds (d.u.t.) v gs = p.w. period peak diode recovery dv/dt waveforms
2n65k-mt power mosfet unisonic technologies co., ltd 6 of 7 qw-r502-b04.e ? test circuits and waveforms (cont.) v ds 90% 10% v gs t d(on) t r t d(off) t f switching test circuit switching waveforms 10v charge q gs q gd q g v gs gate charge test circuit gate charge waveform v dd t p time bv dss i as i d(t) v ds(t) unclamped inductive switching test circuit unclamped inductive switching waveforms
2n65k-mt power mosfet unisonic technologies co., ltd 7 of 7 qw-r502-b04.e ? typical characteristics drain current vs. drain-source breakdown voltage drain current, i d (a) drain-source breakdown voltage, bv dss (v) 0.6 0 drain current vs. gate threshold voltage drain current, i d (a) gate threshold voltage, v th (v) 1.8 2.4 3.6 1.2 3.0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 150 450 600 750 300 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 drain-source on-state resistance characteristics drain current, i d (a) drain to source voltage, v ds (v) 0 0.4 1.0 0 0.7 1.4 2.1 2.8 v gs =10v, i d =1a 0.2 0.6 0.8 1.2 4.2 0 drain-source diode forword current vs. source to drain voltage source to drain voltage, v sd (v) drain-source diode forword current, i sd (a) 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 3.5 2.4 utc assumes no responsib ility for equipment failures that result from using pr oducts at values that exceed, even momentarily, rated values (such as maximum ratings, operating condition ranges, or other parameters) listed in products specifications of any and all utc products described or contained herein. utc products are not designed for use in life support appliances, devices or systems where malfunction of these products can be reasonably expected to result in personal injury. reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. the information presented in this document does not form part of any quotation or contract, is believed to be accurate and reliable and may be changed without notice.

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