1 / 2 www.asb.co.kr june 2010 p lerow tm apl1083 pll synthesizer module parameter unit min. typical max. frequency range mhz 1053 1113 output power dbm 3 5 7 supply voltage v 4.75 5 5.25 current consum p tion ma 25 35 channel step size khz 100 2 nd harmonics dbc - 25 - 20 spurious level dbc - 70 - 65 lock time ms 5 10 reference frequency mhz 10 reference input level dbm 0 phase noise (c / n) @ 1 khz dbc/hz - 76 - 70 @ 10 khz - 102 - 98 @ 100 khz - 120 - 115 output impedance ? 50 operating temp. range ? c - 40 25 80 package type & size mm smt, 19.0w ? 19.0l ? 5.8h 1) measurement conditions are as follows: t = 25 ? c, v cc = 5 v, freq. = 1083 mhz, 50 ohm system. feature s specifications c o u pl er c o u pl er 5 db m output level at 1083 mhz channel step size : 100 khz 2 nd harmonic : < - 20 dbc spurious level : < - 65 dbc lock time : < 10 ms current consumption : < 35 ma description the plerow tm pll synthesizer module was designed for use in wireless and wireline syste ms in a wide range of frequency from 50 mhz to 6 ghz. asb s pll provides e x- ceptionally low spurious and phase noise performance with fast locking time and low current consumption. all products are avai l- able in a surface - mount type package. more inform a tion website: www.asb.co.kr e - mail: sales@asb.co.kr tel: (82) 42 - 528 - 722 3 f ax : (82) 42 - 528 - 7222 asb inc., 4th fl. venture town bldg., 367 - 17 goijeong - dong, seo - gu, daejon 302 - 716, korea
2 / 2 www.asb.co.kr june 2010 p lerow tm apl1083 pll synthesizer module ou t line drawing