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  hi-sincerity microelectronics corp. spec. no. : he9015 issued date : 1996.04.12 revised date : 2002.05.08 page no. : 1/4 HI772 hsmc product specification HI772 pnp epitaxial planar transistor description the HI772 is designed for using in output stage of 10 w audio amplifier, voltage regulator, dc-dc converter and relay driver. absolute maximum ratings (ta=25 c) ? maximum temperatures storage temperatur e ............................................................................................ -55 ~ +150 c junction temperature .................................................................................................... +150 c ? maximum power dissipation total power dissipation (tc=25 c) ..................................................................................... 10 w ? maximum voltages and currents bvcbo collector to base voltage...................................................................................... -40 v bvceo collector to emitter voltage................................................................................... -30 v bvebo emitter to base voltage........................................................................................... -5 v ic collector cu rrent (dc) ..................................................................................................... -3 a ic collector current (pulse) ................................................................................................. - 7 a ib base current (dc) .................................................................................................... -600 m a characteristics (ta=25 c) symbol min. typ. max. unit test conditions bvcbo -40 - - v ic=-100ua, ie=0 bvceo -30 - - v ic=-1ma, ib=0 bvebo -5 - - v ie=-10ua, ic=0 icbo - - -1 ua vcb=-30v, ie=0 iebo - - -1 ua veb=-3v, ic=0 *vce(sat) - -0.3 -0.5 v ic=-2a, ib=-0.2a *vbe(sat) - -1 -2 v ic=-2a, ib=-0.2a *hfe1 30 - - vce=-2v, ic=-20ma *hfe2 100 - 500 vce=-2v, ic=-1a ft - 80 - mhz vce=-5v, ic=-0.1a, f=100mhz cob - 55 - pf vcb=-10v, f=1mhz *pulse test: pulse width 380us, duty cycle 2% classification of hfe1 rank q p e range 100-200 160-320 250-500 to-251
hi-sincerity microelectronics corp. spec. no. : he9015 issued date : 1996.04.12 revised date : 2002.05.08 page no. : 2/4 HI772 hsmc product specification characteristics curve current gain & collector current 10 100 1000 1 10 100 1000 10000 collector current-i c (ma) hfe 25 o c 75 o c 125 o c hfe @ v ce =2v saturation voltage & collector current 1 10 100 1000 10000 1 10 100 1000 10000 collector current-i c (ma) saturation voltage (mv) 25 o c 75 o c 125 o c v ce(sat) @ i c =5i b saturation voltage & collector current 1 10 100 1000 10000 1 10 100 1000 10000 collector current-i c (ma) saturation voltage (mv) 25 o c 75 o c 125 o c v ce(sat) @ i c =10i b saturation voltage & collector current 1 10 100 1000 10000 1 10 100 1000 10000 collector current-i c (ma) saturation voltage (mv) 25 o c 125 o c 75 o c v ce(sat) @ i c =20i b saturation voltage & collector current 1 10 100 1000 10000 1 10 100 1000 10000 collector current-i c (ma) saturation voltage (mv) 25 o c 75 o c 125 o c v ce(sat) @ i c =40i b saturation voltage & collector current 100 1000 10000 1 10 100 1000 10000 collector current-i c (ma) saturation voltage (mv) 125 o c 25 o c 75 o c v be(sat) @ i c =10i b
hi-sincerity microelectronics corp. spec. no. : he9015 issued date : 1996.04.12 revised date : 2002.05.08 page no. : 3/4 HI772 hsmc product specification collector output capacitance 1 10 100 1000 1 10 100 1000 collector-base voltage (v) capacitance (pf) i e =0f =1mhz current gain-bandwidth product 1 10 100 1000 0.01 0.1 1 10 collector current (a) ft (mhz) v ce =-5v power temperature derating 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0 50 100 150 200 tc,case temperature (c) pd, power dissipation (watts) safe operating area 0.01 0.1 1 10 1 10 100 1000 collector-emitter voltage (v) collector current (a ) i c max.( puls e) 100us 1ms 10ms i c max.(dc)
hi-sincerity microelectronics corp. spec. no. : he9015 issued date : 1996.04.12 revised date : 2002.05.08 page no. : 4/4 HI772 hsmc product specification to-251 dimension *: typical inches millimeters inches millimeters dim min. max. min. max. dim min. max. min. max. a 0.0177 0.0217 0.45 0.55 g 0.2559 - 6.50 - b 0.0354 0.0591 0.90 1.50 h - *0.1811 - *4.60 c 0.0177 0.0236 0.45 0.60 i - 0.0354 - 0.90 d 0.0866 0.0945 2.20 2.40 j - 0.0315 - 0.80 e 0.2520 0.2677 6.40 6.80 k 0.2047 0.2165 5.20 5.50 f 0.2677 0.2835 6.80 7.20 notes: 1.dimension and tolerance based on our spec. dated may. 24,1995. 2.controlling dimension: millimeters. 3.maximum lead thickness includes lead finish thickness, and minimum lead thickness is the minimum thickness of base material. 4.if there is any question with packing specification or packing method, please contact your local hsmc sales office. material: ? lead: 42 alloy; solder plating ? mold compound: epoxy resin family, flammability solid burning class: ul94v-0 important notice: ? all rights are reserved. reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the prior written approval of hsmc. ? hsmc reserves the right to make changes to its products without notice. ? hsmc semiconductor products are not warranted to be su itable for use in life-support applications, or systems. ? hsmc assumes no liability for any consequence of customer product design, infringement of patents, or application assistance. head office and factory: ? head office (hi-sincerity microelectronics corp.): 10f.,no. 61, sec. 2, chung-shan n. rd. taipei taiwan r.o.c. tel: 886-2-25212056 fax: 886-2-25632712, 25368454 ? factory 1: no. 38, kuang fu s. rd., fu-kou hsin-chu industrial park hsin-chu taiwan. r.o.c tel: 886-3-5983621~5 fax: 886-3-5982931 a e f g h j i 3 2 1 k c d b style: pin 1.base 2.collector 3.emitter 3-lead to-251 plastic package hsmc packa g e code: i marking: date code 7 72 hi control code rank

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