schottky barrier diode RBR5L30A l application l dimensions (unit : mm) l land size figure (unit : mm) general rectification l features 1) small power mold type (pmds) 2) high reliability 3) low v f l structure l construction l taping dimensions (unit : mm) silicon epitaxial planar type l absolute maximum ratings (t c = 25c) repetitive peak reverse voltage v rm v reverse voltage v r v operating junction temperature t j c storage temperature t stg c l electrical characteristics (t j = 25c) symbol min. typ. max. unit v f - - 0.54 v reverse current i r - - 100 m a forward voltage v r =30v direct reverse voltage 5 i f =5.0a conditions non-repetitive at t a =25oc - - conditions duty Q0.5 parameter 30 150 - 55 to + 150 a i fsm non-repetitive forward current surge peak 60hz half sin wave, one cycle, 50 a average forward rectified current i o glass epoxy board mounted, 60hz half sin wave, resistive load , t c =47oc max. symbol limits unit 30 parameter 2.6 0.15 0.1 0.02 2.0 0.2 5.0 0.3 1.2 0.3 4.5 0.2 1.5 0.2 1 2 pmds 2 rohm : pmds 1 : manufacture date jedec : sod - 106 2.0 4.2 2.0 f f pmds anode cathode 1/5 2015.04 - rev.a data sheet ? 2015 rohm co., ltd. all rights reserved. >>>?<>>>y >t>>??<>>>y >>>?<>>>y >t>>?<>>>> 1.55 >?>>?<>>>y 0.3 >>>??<>>>y f>>>>>>>>>> 2.8max
RBR5L30A l electrical characteristic curves forward current : i f (a) forward voltage : v f (mv) v f - i f characteristics reverse current : i r ( m a) reverse voltage : v r (v) v r - i r characteristics capacitance between terminals : c t (pf) reverse voltage : v r (v) v r - c t characteristics forward voltage : v f (mv) v f dispersion map 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 0 10 20 30 t j = 25 c t j = - 25 c t j = 150 c t j = 75 c t j = 125 c 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 0 200 400 600 800 t j = 75 c t j = 25 c t j = 125 c t j = - 25 c t j = 150 c 10 100 1000 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 t j = 25 c f = 1mhz 470 480 490 500 510 520 ave. : 482mv t j =25 c i f =5.0a n=30pcs 2/5 2015.04 - rev.a ? 2015 rohm co., ltd. all rights reserved. data sheet
RBR5L30A l electrical characteristic curves 15 20 25 30 35 t j =25 c v r =30v n=30pcs ave. : 21.5 m a 580 590 600 610 620 630 ave. : 594pf t j =25 c f=1mhz v r =0v n=10pcs 50 100 150 200 250 300 ave. : 128a 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 ave. : 11.3ns t j =25 c i f =0.5a i r =1.0a i rr / i r =0.25 n=10pcs reverse current : i r ( m a) i r dispersion map capacitance between terminals : c t (pf) c t dispersion map peak surge forward current : i fsm (a) i fsm dispersion map reverse recovery time : t rr (ns) t rr dispersion map 8.3ms i fsm 1cyc t a =25 c 3/5 2015.04 - rev.a ? 2015 rohm co., ltd. all rights reserved. data sheet
RBR5L30A l electrical characteristic curves 0 50 100 150 200 250 1 10 100 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 1 10 100 0.1 1 10 100 1000 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 r th(j - a) r th(j - c) 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 2 4 6 8 d = 1/2 dc sin( = 180 ) t j = 150 c peak surge forward current : i fsm (a) number of cycles i fsm - cycle characteristics peak surge forward current : i fsm (a) time : t (ms) i fsm - t characteristics average rectified forward current : i o (a) i o - p f characteristics i fsm time t a =25 c 1cyc 8.3 i fsm 1cyc ms 8.3 ms t a =25 c forward power dissipation : p f (w) transient thermal impedance : r th ( c /w) time : t (s) r th - t characteristics 1ms im=100ma i f =4.0a 300 p s time glass epoxy board mounted 4/5 2015.04 - rev.a ? 2015 rohm co., ltd. all rights reserved. data sheet
RBR5L30A l electrical characteristic curves electrostatic discharge test : esd (kv) 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 0 10 20 30 d = 1/2 dc sin( = 180 ) t j = 150 c 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 d = 1/2 dc sin( = 180 ) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 d = 1/2 dc sin( = 180 ) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 ave. : 16.8kv no destruction at 30kv average rectified forward current : i o (a) ambient temperature : t a ( c ) derating curve (i o - t a ) average rectified forward current : i o (a) case temperature : t c ( c ) derating curve (i o - t c ) c=100pf r=1.5k : c=200pf r=0 : esd dispersion map t j =150 c d=t/t v r =v rm /2 t t 0a 0v i o v r glass epoxy board mounted t j =150 c d=t/t v r =v rm /2 t t 0a 0v i o v r glass epoxy board mounted reverse voltage : v r (v) v r - p r characteristics reverse power dissipation : p r (w) 5/5 2015.04 - rev.a ? 2015 rohm co., ltd. all rights reserved. data sheet
r1 102 a www ? 2015 rohm co., ltd. all rights reserved. notice rohm c u stomer support sys tem h ttp://w w w . r ohm .com/con tact/ thank you for your accessing to rohm pr oduct informations. mor e detail pr oduct informations and catalogs ar e available, please contact us. notes the inf or mation contained herein is subject to change without notic e . bef ore y ou use our p r o d u c t s , ple a s e c o n t a c t o u r s a l e s r e p r e s e n t a t i v e and v e r i f y the l a test specifica- tions : althoug h r o h m is c o n t i n uousl y w o r king t o impro ve p roduct r elia bility and quality , semicon- duc tors c an brea k do w n and mal f unction due to va r ious f actor s . the ref o r e , i n ord e r to p r e ve n t per sonal i n jur y or fire a r isin g f rom f a ilure , please tak e saf ety meas ure s suc h a s c o m plying wit h the der ating cha r a cte r istics , imple menting redundant and f ire p r e ve nti o n d e s i g n s , and u tilizing bac k ups a nd f ail- saf e p rocedures . r o hm shall h a ve no responsibility f or an y damages ar ising out of the use of our p oducts beyond the r ating specified b y r ohm. examples of application circuits , circuit constants and an y other inf or mation contained herein are pro vided only to illustr ate the standard usage and oper ations of the products . the per iphe r al conditions m ust be tak en into account when designing circuits f or mass production. the technical inf or mation specified herein is intended only to sho w the typical functions of and e xamples of application circuits f or the products . r ohm does not grant y ou, e xplicitly or implicitl y , an y license to use or e x ercise intellectual prope r ty or other r ights held b y r ohm or an y other par ties . r ohm shall ha v e no responsibility whatsoe v er f or an y dispute ar ising out of the use of such technical in f or mation. the products are intended f or use in gene r al electronic equipment (i.e . a v/o a de vices , comm uni- cation, consumer systems , gaming/ente r tainment sets) as w ell as the applications indicated in this document. the products specified in this document are not designed to be r adiation tole r ant. f or use of our products in applications requi r ing a high deg ree of reliability (as exemplified bel o w), please contact and consult with a r ohm representati v e : tr anspo r tation equipment (i.e . cars , ships , tr ains), pr imar y comm unication equipment, tr affic lights , fire/cr ime pre v ention, saf ety equipment, medical system s , ser v ers , solar cells , and po w er tr ansmission system s . do not use our products in applications requir ing e xtremely high reliabilit y , such as aerospace equipment, n uclear p o w er control systems , and submar ine repeater s . r ohm shall ha v e no responsibility f or an y damages or inju r y ar ising from non-compliance with the recommended usage conditions and specifications contained herein. r ohm has used reasona b le care to ensur the accur acy of the inf or mation contained in this document . ho w e v er , r ohm does not w arr ants that such inf or mation is error-free , and r ohm shall ha v e no responsibility f or an y damages ar ising from an y inaccu r acy or mispr int of such inf or mation. please use the products in accordance with an y applica b le en vironmental la ws and regulation s , such as the rohs directiv e . f or more details , including rohs compatibilit y , please contact a r ohm sales office . r ohm shall ha v e no responsibility f or an y damages or losses resulting non-compliance with a n y applica b le la ws or regulation s . when pro viding our products and technologies contained in this document to other countr ies , y ou m ust abide b y the procedures and pro visions stipulated in all applica b le e xpor t la ws and regulation s , including without limitation the us expor t administr ation regulations and the f oreign exchange and f oreign t r ade act. this document, in par t or in whol e , ma y not be repr inted or reproduced without pr ior consent of r ohm. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14)