g eneral d escription the is n - channel mos field effect transistor designed for high current switching applications. rugged e as capability and ultra low r ds(on) is suitable for pwm, load sw itching especially for e - bike controller applications. features v ds =70v i d = 1 5 8 a@ v gs = 10 v r ds(on) <4. 2 m @ v gs = 10 v special d esigned for e - bike c ontroller application u ltra l ow on - resistance h igh uis and uis 100% t est application 48v e - bike c ontroller a pplications hard switched and high frequency circuits unin terruptible power supply table 1. a bsolute maximum r atings (ta=25 ) symbol parameter value unit v ds drain - source voltage ( v gs= 0v 70 v v gs gate - source voltage ( v ds= 0v) 25 v i d (dc) drain current (dc) at tc=25 1 58 a i d (dc) drain current (dc) at tc=100 1 10 a i dm (pluse) drain current - continuous@ current - pulsed (note 1 ) 632 a dv/dt peak d iode r ecov ery v oltage 30 v /n s p d maximum power dissipation (tc=25 ) 2 31 w derating factor 1.54 w/ e as single p ulse a valanche e nergy (note 2 ) 1300 mj t j ,t stg operating junction and storage temperature range - 55 to 175 note s 1. repetitive rating: pulse width li mited by maximum junction temperature 2. e as condition: t j =25 ,v dd =33v,v g =10v,i d =72.5a schematic diagram v dss = 70v i dss = 1 5 8 a r ds(on) = 3.5m ? ? DK48N18 pb free plating product DK48N18 pb 70v,158a n-channel trench process power mosfet g d s DK48N18 (to-220 heatsink) DK48N18 ? 2006 thinki semiconductor co.,ltd. http://www.thinkisemi.com/ page 1/5 rev.05
table 2. t hermal characteristic symbol parameter value unit r ? jc thermal resistance,junction - to - case 0.65 / w table 3. e lectrical characteristics (ta=25 unless otherwise noted) symbol parameter condition s min typ max unit on/off states bv dss drain - source breakdown voltage v gs =0v i d =250a 70 v i dss zero gate voltage drain current (tc=25 ) v ds = 68 v,v gs =0v 1 a i dss zero gate voltage drain current (tc=12 5 ) v ds = 68 v,v gs =0v 1 a i gss gate - body leakage current v gs = 25 v,v ds =0v 100 na v gs(th) gate threshold voltage v ds =v gs ,i d =250a 2 4 v r ds(on) drain - source on - state resistance v gs = 10 v, i d =4 0 a 3.5 4.2 m dynamic characteristics g fs forward transc onductance v ds = 10 v,i d = 40 a 22 s c iss input capacitance 6448 p f c oss output capacitance 967 p f c rss reverse transfer capacitance v ds = 25 v,v gs =0v, f =1.0mhz 492 p f q g total gate charge 150 nc q gs gate - source charge 28 nc q gd gate - drain charge v ds = 30 v,i d = 30 a, v gs = 10 v 40 nc s witching t imes t d(on) turn - on delay time 24 ns t r turn - on rise time 28 ns t d(off) turn - off delay time 50 ns t f turn - off fall time v dd = 3 0v,i d = 2 a ,r l =15 v gs = 10 v,r g = 2.5 60 ns source - d rain d iode characteristics i sd source - drain current(body diode) 175 a i sdm pulsed source - drain current(body di ode) 700 a v sd forward on voltage (note 1 ) t j =25 ,i sd =40a,v gs =0v 0.8 0.95 v t rr reverse recovery time (note 1 ) 90 ns q rr reverse recovery charge (note 1 ) t j =25 ,i f =75a di/dt=100a/ s 180 nc t on forward turn - on time intrinsic turn - on time is neglig ible(turn - on is dominated by l s +l d ) note s 1 . pulse test: pulse width 300s, duty cycle 1.5 % , r g =25 , starting t j =25 ? 2006 thinki semiconductor co.,ltd. http://www.thinkisemi.com/ page 2/5 rev.05 ? DK48N18
test c i r c uit 1 e a s t e s t circuits 2 gate ch a rge t est cir c uit: 3 s w itch time test circui t ? 2006 thinki semiconductor co.,ltd. http://www.thinkisemi.com/ page 3/5 rev.05 ? DK48N18
typical electrical and t h ermal charac t eristics (curves) figure1. safe operating area figure2. source - drain diode forward voltage figure3. output c haracteristics figure4. transfer characteristics figure5. static d rain - s ource o n r esistance figure6. r ds(on) vs junction temperature i d (a) v ds (volts) i s - source current (a) v sd (volts) ? 2006 thinki semiconductor co.,ltd. http://www.thinkisemi.com/ page 4/5 rev.05 ? DK48N18
figure7. b v dss vs junction temperature figure8. v gs(th) vs junction temperature temperature temperature figure9. gate c harge w aveforms figure10. capacitance figure11. normalized maximum transient thermal impedance square w ave pluse dur a tion(sec) r (t), normalized effective transient thermal impedance 0 40 80 120 160 10 8 6 4 2 0 v gs (volts) c capacitance (pf) 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 700 0 8000 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 v ds drain - source v o l t age (v) ? 2006 thinki semiconductor co.,ltd. http://www.thinkisemi.com/ page 5/5 rev.05 ? DK48N18