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  1/1 march 2004 plerow APL1345 pll module parameter unit min. typical max. frequency range mhz 1335 1345 1355 output power dbm 3 4 5 supply voltage v 4.7 5.0 5.3 current consumption ma 21 30 channel step size khz 100 2 nd harmonics dbc -30 -20 spurious level dbc -78 -70 lock time ms 3 10 reference frequency mhz 10 reference input level dbm -5 0 5 phase noise (c / n) @ 10 khz dbc/hz -109 -106 -103 @ 100 khz dbc/hz -124 -121 -118 output impedance ? 50 operating temp. range c -40 25 85 package type & size mm smt, 19.0w 19.0l 5.8h 1) measurement conditions are as follows: t = 25 c, v cc = 5 v, freq. = 1345 mhz, 50 ohm system. dimension (mm) a 19.0 b 19.0 c 5.8 d 1.5 e 0.5 f 1.75 g 1.35 h 15.0 i 0.9 toleran ce: 0.2 pin configuration 1 clock 2 data 3 enable 4 osc in 9 vcc (vco) 13 rf out 15 vcp (pll) 16 lock detect others ground features specifications website: e-mail: tel: (82) 42-528-7220 fax: (82) 42-528-7222 asb, inc., 4 th fl. venture town bldg, kt hrdc, 367-17 goijeong-dong, seo-gu, daejeon, 302-716, korea more information outline drawing +4 dbm output level at 1345 mhz channel step size : 100 khz 2 nd harmonic : < -20 dbc spurious level : < -70 dbc lock time : < 10 ms 21 ma current consumption a f e d c b hg top view side view bottom view i description the plerow tm pll synthesizer module was designed for use in wireless and wireline systems in a wide range of frequency from 50 mhz to 6 ghz. asb?s pll provides exceptionally low spurious and phase noise performance with fast locking time and low current consumption. all products are available in a surface-mount type package.

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