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  register your product and get support at MCD139B d vd micr o theater user manual manual de usuario manual do utilizador pg001-038_MCD139B_55_eng 2007.11.12, 10:24 1 http://
2 a viso impor t ante philips me xicana, s .a. de c .v . no se hace r esponsable por da?os o desperfectos causados por : ?maltr ato, descuido o mal uso, pr esencia de insectos o r oedor es (cucar achas , r atones etc .). ?cuando el apar ato no hay a sido oper ar ado de acuer do con el instructiv o del uso, fuer a de los v alor es nominales y toler ancias de las tensiones (v oltaje), fr ecuencia (ciclaje) de alimentaci?n el?ctrica y las car acter?sticas que deben r eunir las instalaciones auxiliar es . ?por fen?menos natur ales tales como: temblor es , in undaciones , incendios , descarg as el?ctricas , r ayos etc . o delitos causados por tercer os (choques asaltos , ri?as , etc .). m?xico es necesar io que lea cuidadosamente su instructivo de manejo. no abrir, riesgo de choque el?ctrico verifique que el voltaje de alimentaci?n sea el requerido para su aparato atenci? para evitar el riesgo de choque el?ctrico, no quite la tapa. en caso de requerir servicio, dirijase al personal calificado. precauci? - advertencia descr ipci?n: minisistema de audio modelo : MCD139B/ 55 alimentaci?n: 110?27 / 220?40v~; 50?0 hz consumo: 100 w impor tador : philips mexicana, s.a. de c . v . domicilio: av . la p alma no .6 col. san f ernando la herradura huixquilucan localidad y t el: edo . de m?xico c .p . 52784 t el.52 69 90 00 expor tador : philips electr onics hk, ltd. p a?s de or igen: china n?de ser ie : ______________________________ lea cuid adosamente este instr uctiv o antes de usar su ap ara t o . pg001-038_MCD139B_55_eng 2007.11.12, 10:24 2
3 man ufactured under license from dolb y labor ator ies. dolb y and the doub le-d symbol are tr ademar ks of dolb y labor ator ies. windo ws media and the windo ws logo are tr ademar ks, or registered tr ademar ks of microsoft cor por ation in the united states and/ or other countries. divx cer tif ied products: ?ivx cer tif ied, and associated logos are trademar ks of divx, inc . and are used under license . consumers should no te tha t no t all high definition televsion sets are full y comp a tible with this product and ma y ca use ar tif a cts t o be displa yed in the picture. in c ase of 525 or 625 progressive sc an picture problems, it is recom- mended tha t the user switch the connectin t o the ?t and ard definition output . if there are q uestions regard- ing our tv set comp a tibility with this model 525p and 625p d vd pla yer, please cont a ct our cust omer ser vice center. this product incor por ates cop yr ight protection technology that is protected b y method claims of cer tain u .s. patents and other intellectual proper ty r ights o wned by macro vision cor por ation and other r ights o wner s. use of this cop yr ight protection technology m ust be authoriz ed b y macro vision cor por ation, and is intended f or home and other limited viewing uses onl y unless otherwise author iz ed b y macro vision cor por ation. reser v e engineer ing or disassemb l y is prohibited. windo ws media is a trademark of micr osoft corporation. pg001-038_MCD139B_55_eng 2007.11.12, 10:24 3
4 ca ution use of contr ols or adjustments or performance of pr ocedures other than her ein may result in hazardous r adiation e xposur e or other unsafe oper ation. a tenci? el uso de mando o ajustes o la ejecucci?n de m?todos que no sean los aqu? descritos puede ocasionar peligr o de e xposici?n a r adiaci?n. cuidado a utiliza??o de comandos ou ajustes ou a e x ecu??o de pr ocedimentos difer entes dos descritos neste man ual podem pr o v ocar uma e xposi??o a r adia??es perigosas ou outr as oper a??es insegur as . pg001-038_MCD139B_55_eng 2007.11.12, 10:24 4
5 english po r tugu?s espa?ol inde x english ------------------------------------------------ 6 espa?ol --------------------------------------------- 39 po r tugu?s ------------------------------------------ 79 pg001-038_MCD139B_55_eng 2007.11.12, 10:24 5
6 english contents general inf ormation f eatur es .................................................................. 8 supplied accessories ............................................ 8 en vironmental inf ormation ................................ 8 saf ety inf ormation ................................................ 9 maintenance .......................................................... 9 connections step 1: placing speak ers and subw oofer ........ 10 step 2: connecting speak ers and subw oofer 10 step 3: connecting tv set ......................... 11~12 using video in jack (cvbs) ................................... 11 using headphone jack ............................................ 11 using component video in jack (pr pb y) ........... 11 using s-video in jack ............................................... 12 using an accessor y rf modulator ........................ 12 step 4: connecting the fm antenna ............... 13 step 5: connecting the po w er cor d ............... 13 step 6: connecting a vcr or cable/satellite bo x ................................................................................ 13 vie wing and listening to pla yback .......................... 13 step 7: connecting digital audio equipment . 1 4 recor ding (digital) .................................................... 14 step 8: connecting por table audio pla y er .... 14 po r table audio pla y er(mp3) .................................... 14 functional ov er vie w controls on the system .................................... 15 remote control ........................................... 16~17 getting star ted step 1: using the remote contr ol ................. 18 using the r emote contr ol to operate the pla y er .. step 2: setting up the tv ........................... 18~20 selecting the color system that matches your tv set ................................................................................. 18 component setting .................................................. 19 setting up pr ogressiv e scan f eatur e ...................... 19 to deactivate pr ogressiv e man uall y ...................... 20 step 3: setting language pr ef er ence ................ 20 setting the osd language ...................................... 20 setting the audio , subtitle and disc men u language ...................................................................................... 20 basic operations switching the system on/off ............................. 21 po w er sa ving automatic standb y ..................... 21 v olume contr ol ................................................... 21 sound contr ol .................................................... 21 dbb (dynamic bass boost) .................................... 21 dsc (digital sound contr ol) ................................ 21 disc operations playable discs ...................................................... 22 region codes ...................................................... 22 pla ying discs ......................................................... 23 using the disc men u ......................................... 23 pla yback contr ol (pbc) .......................................... 23 resuming pla yback ............................................. 23 selecting and sear ching .............................. 23~24 selecting a differ ent track/cha pter ........................ 23 fast f orwar ding/re v ersing ....................................... 24 slo w f orwar ding/r ev ersing ...................................... 24 diff erent pla y modes: repea t , shuffle and repea t a-b ......................................................... 24 repea t ....................................................................... 24 repeat a-b ................................................................. 24 pr ogramming fa v ourite cha pters/tracks ........ 25 displa y inf ormation ............................................ 25 mo ving to another title/cha pter ..................... 25 vie wing fr om another angle ............................. 25 zoom .................................................................. 26 a udio ................................................................. 26 subtitle ............................................................. 26 pla ying mp3/pictur e disc (k odak, jpeg) ........ 26 mp3/jpeg pictur e disc ............................................. 26 pla ying mp3 m usic and jpeg pictur es sim ultaneously ..................................................... 27 k odak pictur e disc .................................................... 27 pla ying a divx disc ............................................. 28 d vd menu operations using the setup men u (user pr ef er ence settings) ......................................................... 29~31 setting the tv displa y .............................................. 29 scr een sa v er ............................................................... 29 displa y dim ................................................................ 30 divx(r)v od code ................................................. 30 divx subtitle ............................................................. 30 changing the pass w or d ........................................... 30 restricting pla yback b y setting par ental le v el ..... 31 rating explanations ............................................ 31 osd language (men u language) ............................. 31 default ......................................................................... 31 pg001-038_MCD139B_55_eng 2007.11.12, 10:24 6
english 7 contents t uner t uning to radio stations .................................... 32 storing pr eset radio stations ........................... 32 man ual pr ogramming ............................................... 32 autostor e: automatic pr ogramming ..................... 32 listening to pr eset radio stations ................... 32 deleting a pr eset radio station ....................... 32 clock/timer vie wing clock ...................................................... 33 setting clock ........................................................ 33 setting wak e-up timer ....................................... 33 setting sleep timer ............................................. 33 specifications ........................................... 34 tr oub leshooting ............................. 35~37 glossary ......................................................... 38 pg001-038_MCD139B_55_eng 2007.11.12, 10:24 7
8 english congr atulations on y our purchase and welcome to philips! to full y benef it from the suppor t that philips off er s, register y our product at www w elcome . this pr oduct complies with the r adio interfer ence r equir ements of the eur opean comm unity . f eatures y our d vd micr o thea tre system with 2.1- channel full analog amplif ier creates the same dynamic sound qualities that y ou f ind in full fledged cinemas and incor por ates some of the best f eatures in home theater technology . other f eatures include: ad ditional component connections lets y ou connect other audio and audio/visual components to the d vd micro system. pa r ental contr ol (rating le v el) lets y ou set a r atings lev el so that y our children cannot watch a d vd that has a r ating higher than y ou set. sleep/w ak e-up timer enables the system to switch on/off automaticall y at a preset time . pr o gr essiv e scan provides high quality flick er -free images f or f ilm based sources. when a picture refreshes, its ve r tical resolution can doub le to 525 lines. note: ? o fully enjo y the pr o gr essive scan featur e , you need a pr ogr essive scan tv . general information supplied accessories remote control with one cr2025 batter y ? wo speak er s and one subw oof er din cab le composite video cab le (y ello w) fm wire antenna user manual and quick star t guide if an y item is damaged or missing, contact your retailer or philips . en vir onmental inf ormation all unnecessar y packaging has been omitted. w e ha v e tr ied to make the packaging easy to separ ate into three mater ials: cardboard (bo x), pol ystyrene f oam (buff er) and poly eth ylene (bags, protectiv e f oam sheet). y our system consists of mater ials which can be recycled and reused if disassemb led b y a specialised compan y . please obser v e the local regulations regarding the disposal of packaging mater ials, exhausted batter ies and old equipment. pg001-038_MCD139B_55_eng 2007.11.12, 10:24 8
english 9 general information saf ety information bef ore oper ating the system, check that the operating v oltage indicated on the typeplate (or the v oltage indication beside the v oltage selector) of y our system is identical with the v oltage of y our local po w er suppl y . if not, please consult y our dealer . where the mains plug or an appliance coupler is used as the disconnet device, the disconnect device shall remain readil y oper ab le . place the system on a flat, hard and stable surface . the appar atus shall not be exposed to dripping or splashing. install the unit near the a c outlet and where the ac pow er plug can be easil y reached. place the system in a location with adequate v entilation to prevent inter nal heat b uild-up in y our system. allo w at least 10 cm (4 inches) clear ance from the rear and the top of the unit and 5 cm (2 inches) from each side . the v entilation should not be impeded b y co v er ing the v entilation openings with items, such as newspaper s, tab le-cloths, cur tains, etc . do not expose the system, batter ies or discs to excessiv e moisture , r ain, sand or heat sources caused b y heating equipment or direct sunlight. no nak ed flame sources, such as lighted candles, should be placed on the appar atus. no objects f illed with liquids, such as vases, shall be placed on the appar atus. if the system is brought directl y from a cold to a war m location, or is placed in a ver y damp room, moisture ma y condense on the lens of the disc unit inside the system. should this occur , the cd pla y er w ould not oper ate nor mall y . lea v e the po w er on for about one hour with no disc in the system until nor mal pla yback is possib le . the mechanical par ts of the set contain self- lubr icating bear ings and m ust not be oiled or lubr icated. when the system is s witched to standb y mode , it is still consuming some po wer . to disconnect the system fr om the po w er suppl y completel y , r emo ve the a c po w er plug fr om the wall sock et. maintenance when a disc becomes dir ty , clean it with a cleaning cloth. wipe the disc from the center out, in a str aight line . do not expose the pla y er , batteries or discs to humidity , r ain, sand or excessiv e heat (caused b y heating equipment or direct sunlight). al wa ys k eep the disc tr a y closed to a v oid dust on the lens. do not use solv ents such as benz ene , thinner , commerciall y a vailab le cleaner s, or anti-static spra y intended f or colour discs. the lens ma y cloud ov er when the play er is suddenl y mo v ed from cold to war m sur roundings, making it impossib le to play a disc . lea v e the pla y er in the war m en vironment until the moisture evapor ates. pg001-038_MCD139B_55_eng 2007.11.12, 10:24 9
10 english 8 6 ac mains ~ step 2: connecting speak ers and subw oofer step 1: placing speak ers and subw oof er for best possible sur round sound, locate your speak er s and subw oof er as follo ws: impor t ant! the type plate is located on the bottom of the system. to a v oid o v erheating of the system, a saf ety cir cuit has been built in. ther ef or e , y our system ma y s witch to standb y mode automaticall y under e xtreme conditions. if this ha ppens, let the system cool do wn bef or e r eusing it. connections pg001-038_MCD139B_55_eng 2007.11.12, 10:24 10
english 11 step 3: connecting tv set impor t ant! ? ou only need to make one video connection fr om the follo wing options, accor ding to the ca pabilities of y our tv system. s-video or component video connection pr o vides higher pictur e quality . these options m ust be a vailable on y our tv set. connect the system directly to the tv set. using video in jack (cvbs) use the supplied composite video cab le (y ello w) to connect the system s composite video jack to the video input jack (or labeled as a/v in, video in, composite or baseband) on the tv set. to listen to tv channels through this system, use the audio cab les (white/red, not supplied) to connect au x in1 (l/r) jacks to the corresponding a udio out jacks on the tv set. using headphone jack connections to listen to tv channels through this system, use the audio cab les (white/red, not supplied) to connect au x in1 (l/r) jacks to the headphone jacks on the tv set (with a 3.5mm-diameter stereo jack). bef ore star ting oper ation, press aux1/2/tv on the remote control to select ?ux 1 in order to activate the input source. using component video in jack (pr pb y) use the component video cab les (red/b lue/ green, not supplied) to connect the system s pr/ pb/ y jacks to the cor responding component video input jacks (or labeled as pr/cr pb/cb y or yuv) on the tv set. to listen to tv channels through this system, use the audio cab les (white/red, not supplied) to connect a ux i n1 ( l/r) jacks to the cor responding a udio out jacks on the tv set. notes f or pr ogr essive scan video: the pr o gr essive scan video quality is only possible when using y pb pr , and a pr ogr essive scan tv is r equir ed. if you ar e using a pro gr essive scan tv (tv must indicate pr o gr essive scan or pr oscan capability), to activate tv pr ogr essive scan, please r ef er to your tv user manual. f or d vd system s pr ogr essive scan function, see ?etting star ted - setting up pr ogr essive scan f eatur e ? if your tv does not suppor t pr ogr essive scan, you will not be able to vie w the pictur e . t urn off pr o gr essive scan in pr ogressive menu of the system setup menu. pg001-038_MCD139B_55_eng 2007.11.12, 10:25 11
12 english using an accessor y rf modulator impor t ant! if y our tv set only has a single antenna in jack (or labeled as 75 ohm or rf in), y ou will need a rf modulator in order to view the dvd playback via tv. see your electronics retailer or contact philips for details on rf modulator a vailability and operations. use the supplied composite cab le (y ello w) to connect the system s composite video jack to the video input jack on the rf modulator . use the rf coaxial cab le (not supplied) to connect the rf modulator to your tvs rf jack. using s-video in jack connections use the s-video cab le (not supplied) to connect the system s s-video jack to the s-video input jack (or labeled as y/c or s-vhs) on the tv set. to listen to tv channels through this system, use the audio cables (white/red, not supplied) to connect aux in1 (l/r) jacks to the corresponding audio out jacks on the tv set. pg001-038_MCD139B_55_eng 2007.11.12, 10:25 12
english 13 step 6: connecting a vcr or cable/satellite box viewing and listening to playback 1 connect the vcr or cable/satellite bo x to the tv system as sho wn. 2 use the audio cab les (red/white , not supplied) to connect the system s aux in1 (l/r) jacks to the a udio out jacks on the vcr or cab le/ satellite bo x. bef ore star ting oper ation, press aux1/2/tv on the remote control to select ?ux 1 in order to activate the input source. step 4: connecting the fm antenna connect the supplied fm antenna to the fm (75 ? ) jack at the back of the main unit. extend the fm antenna and fix its end to the wall. step 5: connecting the po w er cor d impor t ant! ? ne v er mak e or change an y connection with the po w er s witched on. 6 8 after ev er ything is connected proper l y , plug in the a c po w er cord to the po w er sock et. connections pg001-038_MCD139B_55_eng 2007.11.12, 10:25 13
14 english step 7: connecting digital audio equipment d igital audio recorder recor ding (digital) connect the system s co axial out (digital out) jack to the digit al in jack on a digital recording device (dts-digital theater system compatib le , with a dolb y digital decoder , f or example). bef ore oper ation, set co axial output according to the audio connection. connections step 8: connecting por tab le audio pla y er po r tab le audio pla y er(mp3) connect the system s a ux in 2 jack to the headphone jack (diameter 3.5mm) on a por tab le audio play er . bef ore star ting playback, press aux1/2 on the remote control to select ? ux 2 in order to activate the input source . the m usic will be heard through the speak er s. pg001-038_MCD139B_55_eng 2007.11.12, 10:25 14
english 15 functional overview contr ols on the system 1 dbb enab les or disables bass enhancement. 2 dsc selects diff erent types of preset sound equaliz er settings. 3 tuning / t uner .................... tunes to a r adio station disc ....................... fast searches backward/f orward in a disc at diff erent speeds. clock. ................... sets the minutes 4 st andby -on b switches the system on or to eco-po w er standb y /standb y mode . 5 ? ? star ts or inter r upts disc playback source selects the respectiv e sound source: disc , tuner(fm), a ux1, a ux2 . ? / ? disc ....................... press to skip to the previous/ next chapter/title/tr ack. t uner .................... selects a preset r adio station clock .................... sets the hour s 9 stops disc pla yback or er ases a progr am. 6 ir sensor point the remote control to wards this sensor . 7 open/close opens or closes the disc door . 8 pr ogram t uner .................... progr am the fa v our ite stations. t uner . .................... press and hold to star t automatic preset progr amming. disc ....................... progr am the fa v our ite tr acks. 9 mode selects var ious repeat pla y modes (for vcd with pbc f eature , pbc m ust be tur ned off.) 0 v olume +/- adjusts the v olume upward/do wnward. ! displa y sho ws the cur rent status of the d vd pla y er . 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 0 ! 00103813955 20071112 1025 15
16 english functional overview remote contr ol 1 b ? witches the system to eco-po w er standb y / standb y mode . 2 source (disc/tuner/a ux1/2) switches on the system selects the respectiv e sound source f or disc/ tuner/aux1/2. 3 a-b repeats pla yback of a specif ic section within a chapter or a track. 4 sy stem menu enter s or exits the system menu. 5 mode selects var ious repeat pla y modes (for vcd with pbc f eature , pbc m ust be tur ned off.) 6 ok conf ir ms a selection. 4 / 3 / / 6 selects an item in a men u. ? ov es an enlar ged picture up/down/left/r ight. 5 / 6 disc ....................... fast searches backward/f orward in a disc at diff erent speeds. t uner .................... tunes to a r adio station clock .................... sets the minutes 7 a udio f or vcd sets stereo , mono left, mono r ight or mix mono sound mode . f or d vd selects an audio language . 8 star ts or inter r upts disc pla yback. 9 ? / ? t uner .................... selects a preset r adio station disc ....................... skips to the previous/next chapter/ title/tr ack clock .................... sets the hour s 0 9 stops disc pla yback or er ases a progr am. ! numeric k e ypad (0-9) inputs a tr ack/title/chapter number of the disc . @ pr og t uner .................... progr am the fa v our ite stations. t uner . .................... press and hold to star t automatic preset progr amming. disc ....................... progr am the fa v our ite tr acks. # displa y (osd) displa ys the current status and/or disc inf or mation. $ clock sets and views the clock % sleep/timer activates/deactivates or selects the sleep timer activates/deactivates or sets the wak e-up timer ^ disc menu ? or d vd , enter s or exits disc contents men u. ? or vcd/svcd , toggle between pbc on or off . 5 + tv 00103813955 20071112 1025 16
english 17 functional ov er vie w & mute disab les or enab les sound output. * v ol +/- adjusts the v olume upward/do wnward. ( title/return ? or d vd , go back to the previous men u. ? or vcd , in pla y mode , go back to the pbc menu page . ) zoom ? oom in or out the picture . ? dsc selects diff erent types of preset sound equaliz er settings. ? dbb enab les or disables bass enhancement. subtitle selects a subtitle language . notes for r emote contr ol: fir st select the source you wish to contr ol by pr essing one of the source select ke ys on the r emote contr ol (for e xample disc , tuner). then select the desired function (for e xample , , ? ). pg001-038_MCD139B_55_eng 2007.11.12, 10:25 17
18 english step 1: using remote contr ol impor t ant! bef or e using the r emote contr ol, r emo v e the insulation plastic tab as sho wn in the pictur e belo w . if the remote contr ol does not function cor rectl y or the operating rang e is r educed, r eplace the batter y with a ne w (cr2025) batter y . 1 push to open the batter y tr a y . 2 replace a new batter y according to the indicated polarity . 3 push the batter y tr a y back to close it. using the remote control to operate the pla y er 1 aim the remote control directl y at the remote sensor (ir) on the front panel. 2 select the source y ou wish to control b y pressing one of the source select b uttons on the remote. 3 then select the desired function (f or example , ? , ? or ? ). ca ution! remo v e the batter y if it is e xhausted or if the remote contr ol is not being used f or a long time . batteries contain chemical substances, so the y should be disposed of pr operl y . getting started step 2: setting up the tv import ant! mak e sur e y ou ha v e completed all the necessar y connections. (see ?onnecting tv?. 1 switch the d vd system on and then select disc source . (see ?witching the system on/ off ?. 2 t ur n on the tv and set to the cor rect video-in channel. y ou should see the b lue philips d vd background screen on the tv .  usually these channels are betw een the lo w est and highest channels and ma y be called fr ont , a/v in, or video . see y our tv man ual for more details.  or , you ma y go to channel 1 on y our tv , then press the channel up b utton repeatedl y until you see the video in channel.  or , the tv remote control ma y ha v e a button or switch that chooses diff erent video modes.  or , set the tv to channel 3 or 4 if y ou are using an rf modulator . selecting the color system that matches y our tv set this d vd system is compatib le with both ntsc and p al. for the pla yback of a d vd disc on this d vd system, the color systems of the d v d , tv set and dvd system should match. micr o thea tre MCD139B so u rc e eco power standby-on pg001-038_MCD139B_55_eng 2007.11.12, 10:25 18
english 19 getting star ted 1 in disc mode , press sy stem menu . 2 press / / 4 / 3 k eys on the remote control to na vigate in the men u. ? mo v e to ?ideo setup p age?nd press 4 . ? mo v e to ?v type and press . p al select this if the connected tv set is p al system. it will change the video signal of an ntsc disc and output to p al for mat. ntsc select this if the connected tv set is ntsc system. it will change the video signal of a p a l video disc and output to ntsc system. mul ti select this if the connected tv set is compatib le with both ntsc and p al (m ulti system). the output f or mat will be consistent with the video signal of the disc . 3 select an item and press ok . ? the screen messages f or fur ther setting conf ir mation ma y appear . follo w the on-screen instr uctions to proceed to conf ir m the setting or not. to r emo v e the menu press sy stem menu . component setting component selection enab les y ou to choose the type of video output suitab le f or y our d vd system. 1 in disc mode , press sy stem menu . 2 press / / 4 / 3 k eys on the remote control to na vigate in the men u. ? mo v e to ?ideo setup p age?nd press 4 . ? mo v e to ?omponent and press . yuv ?select yuv if y ou ha v e connected the pr pb y output to y our tv using pr pb y jack. s-video ?select s-video if y ou ha v e connected the s- video output to y our tv using s-video jack. 3 select an item and press ok . to r emo v e the menu press sy stem menu . setting up progressive scan feature (for pr o g r essiv e scan tv onl y) the progressiv e scan displa y twice the n umber of fr ames per seconds than inter laced scanning (ordinar y nor mal tv system). with near l y doub le the n umber of lines, progressiv e scan off er s higher picture resolution and quality . impor t ant! bef or e enab ling the pr o gr essiv e scan f eature , y ou m ust ensur e: 1) y our tv can accept progressiv e signals, a progressiv e scan tv is required. 2) y ou ha v e connected the d vd pla y er to y our tv using y pb pr (see ?onnecting tv set? 3) mak e sure component has been set to yuv . 1 tu rn on y our tv . 2 tu rn off y our tv progressiv e scan mode or tur n on inter laced mode (ref er to y our tv user man ual). 3 press st andby -on b to tur n on the d v d pla y er . 4 select the cor rect video input channel. 5 in disc mode , press sy stem menu . 6 press / / 4 / 3 k eys on the remote control to na vigate in the men u. ? mo v e to ?ideo setup p age?nd press 4 . ? mo v e to ?rogressiv e??n and press ok . philips pa l nt sc multi 7 read the notif ication message on the tv and conf ir m you action b y selecting the {ok} in the men u and press ok . ther e will be a distor ted pictur e on your tv at this state until y ou turn on the pr o gr essiv e scan mode on y our tv . 8 tu rn on y our tv progressiv e scan mode (ref er to y our tv user man ual). pg001-038_MCD139B_55_eng 2007.11.12, 10:25 19
20 english setting the osd language 1 in disc mode , stop pla yback and press sy stem menu 2 press / / 4 / 3 k eys on the remote control to na vigate in the men u. ? mo v e to ?ener al setup p age and press 4 . ? mo v e to ?sd lang and press . 3 press / to select a language and press ok . to remo ve the men u press sy stem menu . setting the audio, subtitle and disc menu language philips 1 in disc mode , stop pla yback and press sy stem menu 2 press / / 4 / 3 k eys on the remote control to na vigate in the men u. ? mo v e to ?ref erence p age and press 4 . ? mo v e to one of the follo wing and press . ?udio (disc s soundtr ack) ?ubtitle (disc s subtitles) ?isc men u (disc s menu) 2 press 4 / 3 to select a language and press ok . to remo ve the men u press sy stem menu . 9 in the conf ir mation menu, press / to highlight ok in the men u and press ok on the remote to conf ir m. ? progressiv e scan is no w set on. tv screen comes to the system men u. ? if distor ted picture still appear s, it indicates that y our tv doesn? suppor t progressive scan. in this case , tur n off progressiv e scan as descr ibed in ? o deactivate progressiv e manuall y? 0 press sy stem menu on the remote to exit the system men u. ? the setup is complete now and y ou can star t enjo ying the high quality picture . to deactivate pr o gr essiv e man uall y when the distorted sign still a ppears on the tv , it ma y be because the connected tv does not accept progressiv e signals, and progressiv e is set b y mistak e . y ou m ust reset the unit to inter lace f or mat. 1 tu rn off y our tv progressiv e scan mode or tur n on to inter laced mode (ref er to y our tv user man ual). 2 tu rn off progressiv e scan b y selecting ?ff under pr ogressive men u, then press sy stem menu on the remote to exit the system men u. to tur n off progressiv e scan, you ma y also f ir st press open/close to open the disc door , then press and a udio on the remote control. ? progressiv e scan is tur ned off. step 3: setting langua g e pr ef er ence y ou can select y our o wn pref er red language settings. this d vd system will automaticall y switch to the selected language whenev er y o u load a disc . if the language selected is not a vailab le on the disc , the disc s default language will be used instead. the osd language in the system men u will remain once selected. getting started pg001-038_MCD139B_55_eng 2007.11.12, 10:25 20
english 21 basic operations impor t ant! bef or e y ou operate the system, complete the connection pr ocedur es. when the system is s witched to standb y mode , it is still consuming disconnect the system from the power supply completely, reomve the ac power plug from the wall socket. switching the system on/off in standb y/eco-pow er standb y mode , press st andby -on b /eco po wer or source on the set, or disc , a ux1/2/tv or tuner on the remote to switch on the system. ? ?o wer on is display ed br iefl y . ? the system will switch to the selected or last selected source . to s witch the system to eco-po wer standb y mode in po w er -on mode , press br iefl y st andby - on b ( b on the remote). ? ?co po wer is displa y ed br iefl y . ? eco-po w er lamp b on the front panel will light up . ? the lcd displa y will go b lank. to s witch the system to standb y mode in po w er -on mode , press and hold st andby - on b ( b on the remote). ? the clock time will be displa y ed. or " -- : -- " will be displa y ed if clock time is not set. helpful hints: ? pr essing and holding b on the r emote can s witc h between eco-po wer standb y and normal standb y . po w er sa ving automatic standb y as a pow er -sa ving f eature , the system will automaticall y switch to standb y mode if y o u don? press an y button within 15 minutes in the stop mode. v olume contr ol press v olume (+/-) (or v ol +/- on the remote) to increase or decrease the v olume lev el. ? the displa y br iefl y shows vol ? and a v olume value from 01 ? to 39 ?( min ? or max ?i s displa y ed when adjusted to the low est or highest v olume lev el). to s witch off the v olume temporaril y press mute on the remote . ? pla yback will continue without sound and mute ? is display ed br iefl y . to activate sound reproduction, y ou can: ?press mute again; ?adjust the volume controls; sound control dbb (dynamic bass boost) dbb enhances the bass response . press dbb to enab le or disab le dbb f eature . ? if dbb is activated, ?bb on will be sho wn. ? if dbb is deactivated, ?bb off will be sho wn. helpful hints: ? some discs might be r ecor ded in high modulation, whic h causes a distor tion at high volume . if this occur s , s witc h off dbb or r educe the volume . dsc (digital sound control) dsc pro vides a diff erent type of preset sound equaliz er setting. press dsc repeatedly to select: classic (default), rock, jazz, pop. pg001-038_MCD139B_55_eng 2007.11.12, 10:25 21
22 english impor t ant! depending on the d vd or video cd , some operations ma y be differ ent or r estricted. do not push on the disc tra y or put an y objects other than disc on the disc tra y . doing so ma y cause the disc pla y er malfunction. if the inhibit icon appears on the tv scr een when a button is pr essed, it means the function is not a vailab le on the cur r ent disc or at the cur rent time . pla y ab le discs y our d vd pla y er will pla y: digital v er satile discs (d vds) video cds (vcds) super video cds (svcds) finalised d vd recordable (d vd?) digital v er satile discs + recordable (d vd+r) digital v er satile discs + rewr itab le (d vd+r w) audio compact discs (cds) mp3/wma discs, picture (kodak, jpeg) f iles on cd-r (w) iso 9660/udf for mat jpeg resolution suppor t up to 3073x2048 suppor ted sampling frequencies: 32khz, 44.1khz, 48khz. suppor ted bit-rates: 32~256 (kbps), var iab le bit r ates (a v er age 128kbps) divx f iles on cd-r(w)/d vd+r(w): divx 3/4/5 disc operations region codes d vd discs and pla yer s are designed with regional restr ictions. bef ore pla ying a disc , mak e sure the disc is for the same region as y our pla y er . the regional code f or this unit is indicated at the bottom panel. note: if you are having tr ouble playing a cer tain disc , r emo ve the disc and tr y a diff er ent one . impr oper f ormatted disc will not play on this d vd play er . 4 pg001-038_MCD139B_55_eng 2007.11.12, 10:25 22
english 23 pla ying discs 1 for d vds and vcds, mak e sure that the system is proper l y connected to y our tv (see connecting a tv), and y our tv is tur ned on and set to video-in channel (see setting up the tv). 2 press source on the system once or more to select d vd mode ( or disc on the remote control). ? y ou should see the b lue philips d vd background screen on the tv . 3 push open/close on the top of the system to open the disc tr ay . 4 inser t a disc with the pr int side facing up and close the disc tray . 5 pla yback will star t automaticall y (depending on the disc type). ? if a disc menu appear s on the tv , see ?sing the disc men u? ? if the disc is lock ed b y parental control, y ou m ust enter y our six-digit passw ord. (see ?hanging the passw ord?. to inter rupt pla yback press ? . ? ? ? is displa yed on the tv screen. to resume pla yback, press ? again. to stop pla yback press 9 . using the disc men u 1 press disc menu on the remote control. ? if the cur rent title has a men u, the menu will appear on the screen. otherwise , the disc menu will be displa y ed. 2 press / / 4 / 3 to select the desired title or chapter , and then press ? or ok . ? pla yback star ts from the selected title or chapter . 3 press disc menu on the remote control to go to disc men u of the disc . note: if no title menu or r oot menu is recor ded in the d vd disc, pressing this button will restart playback from the first track. disc operations pla yback contr ol (pbc) pbc playback allo ws y ou to pla y video cd inter activ el y , f ollo wing the men u on the displa y . press disc menu to toggle betw een pbc on and pbc off . pla ying a disc with pbc function if pbc off , the system will star t pla yback automaticall y . if pbc on, the pbc men u (if a vailab le) will appear on the tv screen f or selection. use the n umeric k e ys (0-9) to enter y our choice . note: this function is not available for d vd/cd/mp3/ divx disc . resuming pla yback dur ing pla yback, press 9 once to stop the pla yback in resume mode , then press ? to star t pla yback from where y ou ha ve stopped. to cancel the r esume mode in the stop position, press 9 again to fully stop the pla yback. or open the disc door , or switch the system to standby mode. selecting and searching selecting a diff er ent track/chapter f or d vd/vcd/cd/mp3: dur ing pla yback, br iefl y press ? / ? to select the previous or nex tr ack/chapter . or , use the numeric k e ypad (0-9) on the remote control to directl y input y our tr ack n umber . ? after selecting, pla yback will automatically star t from the beginning of the selected tr ack. helpful hints: ? some vcds have a single tr ac k, so tr ac k selecting or an in valid input value for the curr ent disc will be ignor ed. ? if the player has been set to r epeat c hapter (tr ac k), pressing this button will r eplay the same c hapter (tr ac k) fr om its beginning. pg001-038_MCD139B_55_eng 2007.11.12, 10:25 23
24 english disc operations fast f orwar ding/r e versing f or d vd/vcd/divx/wma/mp3: 1 during pla yback, press / repeatedl y to select fast search speed in f orward (ff) or rev er se (fr) pla yback. 2 to resume to nor mal pla yback, press ? . or , press / repeatedl y until ?i s displa y ed on the tv screen. helpful hints: ? f ast searc hing f orwar d/bac kw ar d is available only within the same tr ac k. slo w f orwar ding/r e v ersing f or d vd/vcd: 1 during pla yback, press 3 / 4 repeatedl y to select slo w search speed in f orward (sf) or rev er se (sr) pla yback. 2 to resume to nor mal pla yback, press ? . or , press 3 / 4 repeatedl y until ?i s displa y ed on the tv screen. helpful hints: ? f or vcd , slo w re ver se is unavailable . different play modes: repeat, shuffle and repeat a-b repea t f or d vds/vcd/cd/mp3 during pla yback, press repeatedl y mode on the system to choose desired repeat pla y modes. ? for vcd with pbc f eature , pbc m ust be tur ned off f ir st. f or d vds chapter repea t: repeats the cur rent chapter title repea t : repeats the cur rent title repea t all: pla ys all the content repeatedl y shuffle: random play repea t off: switches off pla y mode f or vcds/svcds/cds repea t tra ck: repeats the cur rent tr ack repea t all: pla ys all the tr acks repeatedl y shuffle: random pla y repea t off: switchs off pla y mode f or mp3/wma/jpeg/divx repea t one: repeats the cur rent tr ack repea t folder: pla ys all the tr acks in the f older repeatedl y shuffle: random pla y repea t off: switchs off pla y mode to retur n to nor mal playback, press mode repeatedl y until ?epea t off is display ed. in shuffle pla yback mode: press ? b utton to select another tr ack in a shuffle order . press 9 to stop shuffle pla yback. to cancel shuffle mode: press mode repeatedly to select repeat off to cancel shuffle mode . notes: ? n t uner , a ux 1, a ux2 mode , this button does not function. when the disc tr ay is opened, shuffle/repeat function will be cancelled automatically . repeat a-b y ou can play a specif ic section in a chapter/tr ack repeatedl y . 1 press a-b at y our chosen star t point. 2 press a-b again at y our chosen end point. ? the passage will no w repeat contin uousl y . 3 to resume nor mal pla y , press a-b again. note: the a-b function can only be set within the same chapter or track. pg001-038_MCD139B_55_eng 2007.11.12, 10:25 24
english 25 disc operations pr o gramming fa v ourite cha pters/tracks y ou can pla y the contents of the disc in the order y ou want. f or dvd/vcd/svcd/cd/cdg 1 press prog on the remote control. ? the programming menu appears. 12 2 use the n umeric k e ys (0-9) to input the tr ack /chapter n umber in the order y ou want. (two digits must be entered, e.g., 06 ). ? if there are more than ten tr acks to be progr ammed in total, select { next } on the screen and press ok (or press 3 i on the remote control) to access the next progr amming page . ? to remov e the tr ack/chapter from the progr amming men u, select the tr ack/chapter and press ok . 3 select { star t } to pla y the progr am. 4 t o stop pla yback, press 9 once . 5 to exit the progr am mode , press 9 twice . f or mp3/wma/jpeg 1 press 4 / 3 to select a tr ack/picture on the disc men u. then press pr og to add the tr ack/ picture to pla ylist. ? ?dd t o pla ylist will sho w on the disc men u. 2 press disc menu three times. ? pla ylist men u will appear . 3 press 4 / 3 to select a tr ack/picture on the disc men u. then press pr og to add the tr ack/ picture to pla ylist. 3 press 4 / 3 to select a tr ack/picture and press ok to star t playback. ? y ou can select a tr ack/picture and press pr og to remo v e it from progr amme pla ylist. 4 press st op to stop progr am pla yback . 5 press disc menu return to disc men u. notes: at most 20 tracks can be stored for dvd/vcd/ svcd/cd/cdg. at most 100 trac ks can be stored for mp3/ wma/jpeg. displa y information in disc mode , press displa y/osd repeatedly to select the following display information. menu m e nu tr ack 11/16 disc time 1:16:05 tr ack time 0:04:05 repeat o ff bitr at e 75 iiiiiiiiiii t otal elapsed 0:55:11 mo ving to another title/cha pter some discs ma y contain more than one title or chapter . if the disc has a title or chapter men u recorded on it, y ou can star t pla yback from the selected item. 1 press displa y/osd on the remote control to displa y the message of title and chapter . 2 use 4 / 3 to highlight an item and press ok . 3 use n umeric k e ys (0-9) to select a desired title/chapter n umber . 4 press displa y/osd to exit the disc inf or mation men u. note: selecting a title or c hapter might not be possible on cer tain discs . vie wing fr om another angle if the pla ying d vd disc is recorded with m ultiple camera angles, this function allo ws y ou to view the picture from diff erent angles. angle selection is determined by the disc format. pg001-038_MCD139B_55_eng 2007.11.12, 10:25 25
26 english pla ying mp3/pictur e disc (k odak, jpeg) impor t ant! ? ou ha v e to turn on y our tv set and set to the cor rect video in channel. mp3/jpeg picture disc 1 load an mp3/picture (jpeg) disc . ? the disc reading time ma y exceed 30 seconds due to complexity of the director y/f ile conf igur ation. ? the disc menu appear s on the tv 2 select a tr ack in the men u and press ok to star t playback. (mp3 disc men u)  36 %% 36 %% 36 %% ', '2 '- b36b9gsvrkb'b     6./2/69 3 dur ing m usic pla yback, press 3 / 4 or use the n umeric k e ys (0-9) to select a desired picture fi le from the disc men u and press ok . ? if the disc main men u contains var ious f older s, use 3 / 4 to select a desired f older , and press ok to open the f older . 4 press ? / ? to select previous/next tr ack. 5 t o stop sim ultaneous pla yback, press disc menu f ollo w ed by st op . disc operations 1 press displa y/osd on the remote control to displa y the message of title and chapter . 2 use 4 / 3 to highlight ?ngle and press ok . 3 use n umeric k e ys (0-9) to select desired angle. zoom zooming allows y ou to enlarge the video/ jpeg image during pla yback. f or d vds/vcds press zoom repeatedl y to change the z ooming scale . zoom x 2 -->zoom x 3-->zoom x 4-- >zoom x 1/2-->zoom x 1/3-->zoom x 1/4-->(zoom off) for jpeg press zoom repeatedl y to change the z ooming scale . zoom x100% -->zoom x 125%-->zoom x 150%-->zoom x 200%-->zoom x 75%-- >zoom x 50%-->(zoom off) to pan through the enlar ged image , press 5 / 6 / 3 / 4 buttons. press zoom repeatedly to exit zoom mode. a udio f or d vds on the remote control, press a udio repeatedl y to select the desired language f or sound track. ? the f eature is disc dependant. f or vcds press a udio repeatedly to select the audio channel f or sound output displa yed on the tv screen. stereo , mono left , mono right or mix mono subtitle press repeatedly subtitle on the remote control to select different subtitle languages. ? the feature is disc dependent. pg001-038_MCD139B_55_eng 2007.11.12, 10:25 26
english 27 k odak picture disc 1 load a kodak picture disc . ? the disc reading time ma y exceed 30 seconds due to complexity of the director y/f ile conf igur ation. 2 dur ing pla yback, press 9 . ? 12 thumbnail pictures will appear on the tv screen. (e xample f or pictur e disc men u) slide show prev next 3 press ? / ? to view the previous/next page (if a vailab le). 4 press / / 4 / 3 to mo v e within the men u and press ok to select the desired picture to pla y . 5 press pr og to select the slide-sho w mode . during pla yback, y ou can: press ? or ? to select another title/picture in the current f older . press 5 / 6 / 5 / 4 on the remote control to rotate or flip the picture f iles. press zoom repeatedl y to z oom the picture in and out. press 2; to pause/resume pla yback. notes: due to the r ecor ding natur e of digital audio mp3 (dam), only digital audio music will play . it is normal to exper ience an occasional ?kip while you ar e listening to your mp3 discs . ? or multi-session discs with diff erent f ormats , only the f ir st session can be r ead and played. disc operations if the mp3 men u is s witched off while in pla yback mode , press ? or ? to select the previous/next tr ack. note: no album searc h function in menu off mode . 6 during jpeg or kodak picture disc playback, press pr og repeatedl y to select different scan eff ect. there are 12 types of scan eff ect f or selection. the selected scan eff ect will be displa y ed on the tv screen. pla ying mp3 m usic and jpeg pictur es sim ultaneously y ou can create a musical slide sho w if the disc contains both the mp3 m usic and jpeg picture f iles. 1 inser t a mp3/wma disc that contains music and pictures. 2 select a tr ack in the men u and press ok to star t playback. 3 during m usic pla yback, press 4 / 3 k eys to select a desired picture f ile from the disc men u and press ok . ? the picture f iles will be pla yed back through to the end of the f older . ? the m usic k eeps pla ying back and will be repeated when reaching the end of the selected alb um, pla ylist or tr ack. 4 to stop simultaneous playback, press disc menu followed by stop . pg001-038_MCD139B_55_eng 2007.11.12, 10:25 27
28 english disc operations pla ying a divx disc the unit suppor ts the pla yback of divx movies which y ou can cop y from y our computer onto a recordab le disc . see {d vd menu oper ations} - divx(r)v od code f or details. 1 inser t a divx disc . 2 use / / 4 / 3 k eys to na vigate to the title y ou want to play . 3 press ok to star t pla yback . during pla yback: if the divx disc has m ultilingual subtitles, you can press subtitle on the remote control to change the subtitle language . if the divx disc has diff erent audio tr acks, you can press a udio on the remote control to change the audio stream. press 5 / 6 k eys on the remote control to perfor m fast rev er se and forward. press displa y/osd repeatedl y until the time search men u appear s, k ey in he time where pla yback should star t. ? pla yback skips to the time entered. helpful hints: subtitle f iles with the follo wing f ile name extensions(.sr t, .smi, .sub, .ssa, .ass) ar e suppor ted but do not appear on the f ile navigation menu. the subtitle f ile name has to be the same as the f ile name of the movie . the subtitle can only be displayed up to an average of 45 characters. pg001-038_MCD139B_55_eng 2007.11.12, 10:25 28
english 29 using the setup men u (user pr ef er ence settings) this d vd setup is car r ied out via y our tv set, enabling you to customize the dvd system to suit your particular requirements 1 in disc mode , press sy stem menu . ? the setup will appear across the tv screen. philips 2 press / / 4 / 3 on the remote control to na vigate in the menu. 3 press ok to conf ir m y our setting. to remo v e the menu press sy stem menu . note: some of the f eatur es in the system menu options ar e descr ibed in ?etting star ted? setting the tv displa y set the aspect r atio of the d vd player according to the tv you have connected. ? 4:3 (panscan): if y ou ha v e a nor mal tv and want both sides of the picture to be trimmed or fo r matted to f it y our tv screen. ? 4:3 (letterbo x): if y ou ha v e a nor mal tv . in this case , a wide picture with b lack bands on the upper and lo w er por tions of the tv screen will be displa y ed. ? 16:9 : if y ou have a wide-screen tv. scr een sa v er this function is used to tur n the screen sa v er on or off. philips ? on : in st op or tr a y open mode , if no actions are perf or med about 5 minutes, the screen sa v er will be activated. ? off : screen saver is disabled. d vd menu operations pg001-038_MCD139B_55_eng 2007.11.12, 10:25 29
30 english changing the pass w or d y ou can change the six-digit code used as p assw ord. 1 in disc mode , press sy stem menu . 2 press / / 4 / 3 on the remote control to na vigate in the menu. ? mo v e to pref erence page and paress 4 . ? mo v e to ? assw ord and press . ? mo v e to ?hange and press ok . philips 3 use the n umeric k e ys (0-9) to enter y our cur rent six-digit code . ? the password supplied b y default is 000000. ? if you f or get y our existing passw ord, k ey in the super passw ord 136900. 4 go to ? assword and enter y ou new code . then, enter the same code again to conf ir m. 5 press sy stem menu again to remov e the men u. displa y dim select the br ightness of this unit s displa y panel. ? 100% : full br ightness. ? 70% : medium br ightness. ? 40% : dimmest displa y . this switches off all leds and icons on the front displa y panel of this unit. divx(r)v od code philips pro vides y ou with the divx(r)v od registr ation code that allo ws y ou to rent or purchase videos from divx(r) v ode ser vice at www od. all the do wnloaded videos from divx(r)v od can onl y be display ed back on this unit. press to see the registr ation code and press ok to exit. divx(r)vod code divx subtitle select the f ont type that suppor ts the recorded divx subtitle . ? standar d :display a standard list of roman subtitle fonts pro vided b y this unit. ? central eur ope : display central europe fonts. ? cyrillic : display cyrillic font. d vd menu operations pg001-038_MCD139B_55_eng 2007.11.12, 10:25 30
english 31 5 press sy stem menu again to remov e the men u. rating e xplanations 8 adul t ?mater ial for adults only; view ed onl y b y adults due to gr aphic sexual scenes, violence , or language . 7 nc-17 ?no children under age 17; not recommended f or children under age 17. 5-6 pg-r ?p arental guidance ?restr icted; recommended that parents restr ict children under 17 from viewing or allo w them to view onl y when super vised b y a parent or adult guardian. 4 pg 13 ?mater ial is unsuitab le f or children under age 13. 3 pg ?p arental guidance suggested. 2 g ?gener al audience; recommended as acceptab le f or view er s of all ages. 1 kid safe ?kids mater ial; recommended especiall y for children and view er s of all ages. osd lang (menu languag e) to set the screen displa y language . the default setting is english. default if reset is selected, all the items in the setup men u will be reset to default setting, except p arental setting and p assw ord. d vd menu operations restricting playback by setting parental le v el some d vds ma y ha v e a parental lev el assigned to the complete disc or to cer tain scenes on the disc. this f eature lets y ou set a pla yback limitation lev el. the r ating levels are from 1 to 8 and are countr y specif ic . y ou can prohibit the playing of cer tain discs that are not suitable f or y our children or ha v e cer tain discs pla y ed with alter native scenes. 1 in disc mode , press sy stem menu . 2 press / / 4 / 3 on the remote control to na vigate in the menu. ? mo v e to ?ref erence p age and press 4 . 4 mo v e to ? arental and press . philips 3 press 4 / 3 to select a r ating lev el betw een 1-8 and press ok . ? d vds r ated abo v e the lev el y ou select will not pla y unless y ou enter y our six-digit passw ord or choose a higher lev el r ating. 4 use the n umeric k e ys (0-9) to enter the six-digit code . philips 7hzz^vyk 62 pg001-038_MCD139B_55_eng 2007.11.12, 10:25 31
32 english t uning to radio stations 1 press repeatedl y source (or tuner on the remote) . 2 press and hold tuning / on the set to star t tuning. ? the frequency indication star ts to change until a r adio station with suff icient signal strength is f ound. 3 repeat step 2 if necessar y until y ou f ind the desired r adio station. 4 to f ine-tune the reception of a weak station, press / briefly and repeatedly until an optimal reception is found. storing preset radio stations y ou can preset up to 40 fm stations regardless of the reception. man ual pr o gramming 1 t une to y our desired r adio station (refer to ? uning to r adio stations?. 2 press pr og . 3 press ? / ? k eys to select a preset n umber that y ou want to store the cur rent r adio station. 4 press prog to store. t uner autostor e: automatic pr o gramming autostore automaticall y star ts progr amming r adio stations from preset 1. an y previous presets e .g. man ually progr ammed will be er ased. in tuner mode , press & hold pr og until ?t ar t ... ?ppear s on the displa y panel. ? all previously stored r adio stations will be replaced. listening to pr eset radio stations in tuner mode , press ? / ? to select the desired preset r adio stations. ? the preset number, radio frequency, and waveband are displayed. deleting a pr eset radio station 1 in tuner mode , press ? / ? to select a preset r adio station. 2 press and hold 9 until deleted ? appear s. ? the r adio station continues to pla y but has been deleted from the preset list. ? the rest of the preset radio stations remain unchanged. pg001-038_MCD139B_55_eng 2007.11.12, 10:25 32
english 33 clock/timer vie wing clock the clock (if it is set) will be shown in standb y mode . to vie w the clock in an y sour ce mode (disc or tuner f or e xample), or eco- po w er standb y mode press briefl y clock on the remote . ? the clock is displa y ed f or a f ew seconds. ? if the clock has not been set, "--:--" is displayed for a few seconds. setting clock 1 in standb y or an y source mode , press and hold clock on the remote . ? the clock digits flash on the displa y panel. ? if the clock has not been set, "--:--" flashes 2 press ? / ? on the set repeatedl y to set the hour . 3 press / on the set repeatedly to set the min ute . 4 press and hold mode on the fr ont panel fo r more than 5 seconds to toggle betw een 12-hour and 24-hour displa y . 5 press clock again to store the setting. ? the clock star ts w or king. notes: the c loc k setting will be er ased when the system is disconnected fr om the po wer supply . the system will exit c loc k setting mode if no button is pr essed within 25 seconds . ? o exit c loc k setting without stor ing, press st op on the system to exit. setting wak e-up timer the system can switch on to disc or tuner mode automaticall y at a preset time , ser ving as an alar m to wak e y ou up . impor t ant! bef or e setting the timer , ensur e that the clock is set cor r ectl y . ? o set a ne w timer , y ou need to deactivate the pr e viousl y set timer . 1 in standb y mode , press and hold sleep/ timer on the remote f or more than f iv e seconds to enter timer setting mode . ? the source and timer digits will be lighted on the displa y panel. ? ?no timer ?will be displa y ed br iefl y if wak e-up timer is not set. 2 press disc or tuner to select the desired source . bef ore setting timer , mak e sure the m usic source has been prepared. disc ?load the disc . tuner ?tune to the desired r adio station. 3 press ? / ? repeatedl y to set the hour . 4 press / repeatedl y to set the min ute . 5 press sleep/timer to store the time . at the preset time , the selected source will pla y . to deactivate the wak e-up timer in standb y mode , press and hold sleep/ timer until ?imer off is display ed on the panel. notes: the system will exit timer setting mode if no button is pr essed within 25 seconds . display sho ws if activated, and disappears if deactivated. setting sleep timer the sleep timer enables the system to switch off by itself after a set per iod of time . 1 press sleep/timer on the remote control repeatedl y to select a preset time . ? the selections are as f ollo ws (time in min utes): 15 ? 30 ? 45 ? 60 ? 90 ? 120 ? off 2 press sleep/timer until y ou reach the desired length of time . to deactivate the sleep timer press sleep/timer repeatedly until " off " is displa y ed, or press the standby on y b utton. pg001-038_MCD139B_55_eng 2007.11.12, 10:25 33
34 english amplifier output po w er l/r speak er s ............................. 25 w /channel rms subw oofer ..................................................... 50 w rms speak er channel frequency response ........................................................... ................................................. 180hz - 18 khz / ?3 db signal-to-noise ratio .......... > 62 db (a-w eighted) input sensitivity a ux in 1 .................................................................. 800mv a ux in 2 or tv ................................................... 1000mv tuner t uning range .............................. fm 87.5 ?108 mhz signal-to-noise ratio ................................ fm 50 db dv d laser t ype ................................................ semiconductor disc diameter .............................................. 12cm / 8cm video decoding ........................... mpeg-2 / mpeg-1 video d a c ................................................................ 12 bits signal system ............................................... p al / ntsc video for mat ..................................................... 4:3 / 16:9 video s/n ........................................... 56 db (minim um) composite video output ................ 1.0 vp-p , 75 ? s-video output .......................... y - 700 vp-p , 75 ? .............................................................. c - 300 vp-p , 75 ? audio d a c .......................................... 24 bits / 96 khz specifications main unit po w er suppl y rating ........................................................... 110-127v 220 -240v / 50 hz-60hz po w er consumption activ e .......................................................................... 30 w eco-po w er standb y ............................................. <1 w dimensions (w x h x d)...218 x 90 x 222 (mm) w eight ........................................................................... 1.24kg p ackage dimension (w x h x d) .................................. ...................................................... 550 x 314 x 330 (mm) gross w eight. ............................................................... 9.7kg speakers system ................................................... 1-wa y , bass reflex impedance ........................................................................ 8 ? speak er dr iv er s .............................................. 3 fullr ange frequency response ........................ 80 hz ?20 khz p ackage dimension (w x h x d) .................................. ...................................................... 125 x 250 x 232 (mm) w eight ................................................. 2.4 kg/left speak er ........................................................... 1.76 kg/r ight speak er subw ooofer impedance ........................................................................ 6 ? speak er dr iv er ..................................... 5.25 subwoof er frequency response .......................... 60hz?k hz dimensions(w x h x d ) .. 147 x 250 x 232(mm) w eight ............................................................................. 2.4kg specifications and e xternal appear ance ar e subject to change without notice . pg001-038_MCD139B_55_eng 2007.11.12, 10:25 34
english 35 w arning under no circumstances should you tr y to repair the system your self, as this will in v alidate the w arr anty . do not open the system as there is a risk of electric shock. if a f ault occur s , fir st check the points listed belo w befor e taking the system for repair . if you ar e unable to r emedy a pr oblem b y follo wing these hints , consult your dealer or philips for help. tr oubleshooting pr ob lem solution no po wer . no pictur e . distor ted or poor pictur e . completel y distor ted pictur e or black/ white pictur e . ? check if the a c po w er cord is proper l y connected. ? press st andby on b on the d vd system or source b uttons on the remote to tur n on the po w er . ? check if the tv is switched on. ? check the video connection. ? press source on the d vd pla yer repeatedl y to select ? vd or press disc on the remote . ? set y our tv to the cor rect video in channel. this channel is usuall y near channel 00. or , y ou ma y ha v e a b utton on the tv remote control that selects auxiliar y or a/v in channel. see your tv o wner s man ual f or details. or , change channels at the tv until y ou see d vd screen on the tv . ? if the progressiv e scan f eature is activated b ut the connected tv does not suppor t progressiv e signals or the cab les are not connected accordingl y , see ?etting star ted-setting up progressiv e scan f eature (for progressiv e scan tv onl y) f or proper progressiv e scan setup or deactivate the progressiv e scan f eature as belo w: 1) t ur n off y our tv progressiv e scan mode or tur n on to inter laced mode . 2) select ?ff in pr ogressive men u of system setup men u to tur n off progressiv e , then press system menu to exit the men u. ? sometimes a small amount of picture distor tion ma y appear . this is not a malfunction. ? clean the disc . ? tv has a colour system standard. if the disc s or d vd system s colour system is different than y our tv s colour system, the picture ma y be distor ted or colour less. pg001-038_MCD139B_55_eng 2007.11.12, 10:25 35
36 english the aspect ratio of the scr een cannot be chang ed e v en though y ou ha v e set the tv sha pe . no sound or distor ted sound. the micr o d vd pla y er does not star t pla yback. the d vd micr o system does not r espond when the buttons ar e pressed. cannot activate some f eatures, such as subtitles, or m ulti-langua ge audio . radio r eception is poor . ? the aspect ratio is f ix ed on the d vd disc . ? depending on the tv , it ma y not be possib le to change the aspect r atio . ? adjust the v olume . ? check that the speaker s are connected cor rectl y . ? replace the speak er cab les. ? disconnect the headphones. ? the system is in pause , slo w motion or fast f orward/rev er se mode , press ? (or ? on the remote) to resume nor mal pla y mode . ? inser t a readab le disc with the pla yback side facing do wn. ? check the disc type , colour system and regional code. check f or any scratches or sm udges on the disc . ? press system menu to turn off the setup men u screen. ? cancel the parental control r ating function or change the rating level. ? moisture has condensed inside the system. remo v e the disc and lea v e the system tur ned on f or about an hour . ? disconnect the po w er plug from the outlet and inser t again. ? multi-language sound or subtitle is not recorded on the d vd . ? changing the language f or the sound or subtitle is prohibited on the d vd . ? the f eatures ma y not be a vailab le on the disc . ? if the signal is too w eak, adjust the antenna or connect an exter nal antenna for better reception. ? increase the distance betw een the mini hifi system and y our tv or vcr. tr oub leshooting pg001-038_MCD139B_55_eng 2007.11.12, 10:25 36
english 37 the timer is not w orking. the clock/timer setting is erased. the r emote contr ol does not function. lo w hum or buzz sound. lo w bass r esponse . unab le to select pr o gressiv e scan ? set the clock cor rectl y . ? po w er has been inter r upted or the po w er cord has been disconnected. reset the clock/timer . ? select the cor rect source (disc or a ux1/2 for example) bef ore pressing the function b utton. ? p oint the remote control at the remote sensor of the unit. ? reduce the distance to the pla y er . ? remo v e an y possible obstacles. ? replace the batter y with new one . ? check that the batter y is loaded cor rectl y . ? place the d vd micro system as far a wa y as possib le from electr ical devices (such as speak er s, tv) that ma y be causing interf erence . ? check all speak er s for cor rect polar ity . ? check that the output of the video signal is switched to 'ypbpr'. tr oubleshooting pg001-038_MCD139B_55_eng 2007.11.12, 10:25 37
38 english glossary analo g: sound that has not been tur ned into n umber s. analog sound var ies, while digital sound has specif ic n umer ical values. these jacks send audio through tw o channels, the left and r ight. aspect ratio: the r atio of v er tical and hor iz ontal siz es of a displa y ed image . the hor iz ontal vs. v er tical r atio of con v entional tvs. is 4:3, and that of wide-screens is 16:9. a udio out jacks: jacks on the back of the d vd system that send audio to another system (tv set, stereo, etc.). bit rate: the amount of data used to hold a giv en length of m usic; measured in kilobits per second, or kbps. or , the speed at which y ou record. gener all y , the higher the bit r ate the better the sound quality . ho w ev er , higher bit rates use more space on a disc . cha pter : sections of a picture or a m usic piece on a d vd that are smaller than titles. a title is composed of sev er al chapter s. each chapter is assigned a chapter n umber enab ling y ou to locate the chapter y ou want. component video out jacks: jacks on the back of the d vd system that send high-quality video to a tv set that has component video in jacks (r/g/b , y/pb/pr, etc.). disc men u: a screen displa y prepared f or the selection of images, sound, subtitles, multi-angles, etc recorded on a d vd . digital: sound that has been con v e r ted into n umerical values. digital sound is availab le when y ou use the digit al a udio out co axial or optic al jacks. these jacks send audio through m ultiple channels, instead of just two channels as analog does. dolb y digital: a sur round sound system dev eloped b y dolb y labor ator ies containing up to six channels of digital audio (front left and right, sur round left and r ight and center). jpeg: a still-picture data compression system proposed b y the joint photogr aphic exper t group , which features small decrease in image quality in spite of its high compression ratio . mp3: a f ile f o r mat with a sound data compression system, ?pe is the ab breviation of motion picture exper ts group 1 (or mpeg-1) audio la y er 3. through the mp3 f or mat, one cd-r or cd-r w can contain about 10 times as m uch data v olume as a regular cd can. multichannel: d v d is specif ied to ha v e all sound tr acks constitute one sound f ield. multichannel ref er s to a str ucture of sound tr acks ha ving three or more channels. p ar ental contr ol: a function of the d vd to limit pla yback of the disc b y the age of the user s according to the limitation lev el in each countr y . the limitation varies from disc to disc; when it is activated, pla yback will be prohibited if the software s lev el is higher than the user -set lev el. pcm (pulse code modulation): a system f or con v e rting analog sound signal to digital signal for later processing without data compression. pla yback contr ol (pbc): ref er s to the signal recorded on video cds or svcds f or reproduction control. by using screen menus recorded on a video cd or svcd that suppor ts pbc , y ou can enjo y inter activ e-type software as w ell as software ha ving a search function. pr o gr essiv e scan (p-scan): it displa ys all the hor iz ontal lines of a picture at one time , as a signal fr ame . this system can con v er t inter laced video from d vd into progressiv e f or mat f or connection to a progressiv e displa y . it dr amaticall y increases the v e r tical resolution. a progressiv e scan tv set is needed to receiv e progressiv e scan output from the system. region code: a system allo wing discs to be pla y ed onl y in preset regions. this unit will onl y pla y discs that ha v e compatib le region codes. y ou can f ind the region code of y our unit from the product label. some discs are compatib le with more than one region (or all regions). s-video: produces a clear picture b y sending separate signals f or luminance and the color . y ou can use s-video only if your tv set has s-video in jack. sampling f r equency: frequency of data sampling when analog data is con v er ted to digital data. sampling frequency n umer ically represents ho w many times the original analog signal is sampled per second. sur r ound: a system f or user s to create realistic three-dimensional sound f ields full of realism b y ar r anging m ultiple speak er s around the listener . title: the longest section of a picture or m usic f eature on d vd , m usic , etc ., in video software , or the entire alb um in audio software . each title is assigned a title n umber enab ling y ou to locate the title y ou want. video out jack: jack on the back of the d vd system that sends video to tv . pg001-038_MCD139B_55_eng 2007.11.12, 10:25 38

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