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  l1 ?e ? ? ? ? ? /;7= %orfn 'ldjudp transmit driver control peak detector rtip rring mtip mring data slicers constant impedance line driver ttip tring timing recovery internal clock generator data latch receive monitor jitter attenuator elastic store mode tpos tneg tclk mclk rpos rneg equalizer control synchronizer xtalin xtalout rclk dpm los hardware host int sdi sdo cs sclk clke ec1 ec2 ec3 rloop lloop taos )hdwxuhv ? 'dwd uhfryhu\ dqg forfn uhfryhu\ ixqfwlrqv ? 5hfhlyh mlwwhu dwwhqxdwlrq vwduwlqj dw +] h[fhhgv $77 3xe ??? 3xe ?? 3xe ??? ,78 *??? dqg,78*????/;7=rqo\? ? /lqh gulyhu zlwk frqvwdqw orz pdun dqg vsdfh lpshge dqfh ? w w\slfdo? ? 0lqlpxp uhfhlyh vljqdo ri p9 ? $gdswlyh dqg vhohfwdeoh ?(?'6;e? volfhu ohyhov iru lpsuryhg 615 ? 3urjudppdeoh wudqvplw htxdol]hu vkdshv sxovhv wr phhw '6;e sxovh whpsodwh iurp wr ? iw ? /rfdo dqg uhprwh orrsedfn ixqfwlrqv ? 'ljlwdo 7udqvplw 'ulyhu 0rqlwru ? 'ljlwdo 5hfhlyh 0rqlwru zlwk /rvv ri 6ljqdo ?/26? rxwe sxw dqg iluvw pdun uhvhw ? 5hfhlyhu mlwwhu wrohudqfh ? 8, iurp n+] wr n+] ? 0lfursurfhvvru frqwuroodeoh ?/;7= rqo\? ? &rpsdwleoh zlwk prvw srsxodu 3&0 iudphuv ? $ydlodeoh lq ??eslq ',3 ru 3/&& /;7=?/;7= $gydqfhg 7?( 6kruwe+dxo 7udqvfhlyhuv '$7$ 6+((7 $35,/ ??? 5hylvlrq ? *hqhudo 'hvfulswlrq 7kh /;7= dqg /;7= duh ixoo\ lqwhjudwhg wudqve fhlyhuv iru erwk 1ruwk $phulfdq ? 0esv ?7? dqg ,qwhuqdwlrqdo ??? 0esv ?(? dssolfdwlrqv? 7kh\ duh slq dqg ixqfwlrqdoo\ frpsdwleoh zlwk vwdqgdug /;7? ghylfhv? zlwk vrph flufxlw hqkdqfhphqwv? 7kh /;7= surylghv uhfhlyh mlwwhu dwwhqxdwlrq vwduwlqj dw +]? dqg lv plfursurfhvvru frqwuroodeoh wkurxjk d vhuldo lqwhuidfh? 7kh /;7= lv slq frpsdwleoh? exw grhv qrw surylgh mlwwhu dwwhqxdwlrq ru d vhuldo lqwhuidfh? $q dgydqfhg wudqvplw gulyhu dufklwhfwxuh surylghv frqvwdqw orz rxwsxw lpshgdqfh iru erwk pdunv dqg vsdfhv? iru lpsuryhg %lw (uuru 5dwh shuirupdqfh ryhu ydulrxv fdeoh qhwzrun frqilje xudwlrqv? %rwk wudqvfhlyhuv riihu d ydulhw\ ri gldjqrvwlf ihdwxuhv lqfoxglqj wudqvplw dqg uhfhlyh prqlwrulqj? &orfn lqsxwv pd\ eh ghulyhg iurp dq rqefkls fu\vwdo rvfloodwru ru iurp gljlwdo lqsxwv? 7kh\ xvh dq dgydqfhg grxeohesro\? grxeohephwdo &026 surfhvv dqg uhtxluh rqo\ d vlqjoh e yrow srzhu vxsso\? $ssolfdwlrqv ? 3&0?9rlfh &kdqqho %dqnv ? 'dwd &kdqqho %dqn?&rqfhqwudwru ? 7?( pxowlsoh[hu ? 'ljlwdo $ffhvv dqg &urvvefrqqhfw 6\vwhpv ?'$&6? ? &rpsxwhu wr 3%; lqwhuidfh ?&3, '0,? ? +ljkevshhg gdwd wudqvplvvlrq olqhv ? ,qwhuidflqj &xvwrphu 3uhplvhv (txlsphqw wr d &68 ? 'ljlwdo /rrs &duulhu ?'/&? whuplqdov
/;7= ? /;7= $gydqfhg 7?( 6kruwe+dxo 7udqvfhlyhuv ?e? l1 3,1 $66,*10(176 6,*1$/ '(6&5,37,216 )ljxuh ? 3lq $vvljqphqwv 7deoh ? 3lq 'hvfulswlrqv 3lq 6\p ,?2 'hvfulswlrq 0&/.', 0dvwhu &orfn? $ ? ru ??? 0+] forfn lqsxw xvhg wr jhqhudwh lqwhuqdo forfnv? 8srq /rvv ri 6ljqdo ?/26?? 5&/. lv ghulyhg iurp 0&/.? /;7= 2qo\? ,i 0&/. lv qrw dssolhg? wklv slq vkrxog eh jurxqghg? ?7&/.', 7udqvplw &orfn? transmit clock input. tpos and tneg are sampled on the falling edge of tclk. if tclk is grounded, the output drivers enter a high-z state, except during remote loopback. 7326', 7udqvplw 3rvlwlyh 'dwd? input for positive pulse to be transmitted on the twisted-pair line. 71(*', 7udqvplw 1hjdwlyh 'dwd? input for negative pulse to be transmitted on the twisted-pair line. 02'( ', 0rgh 6hohfw ?/;7]? ? setting mode high puts the lxt300z in the host mode. in the host mode, the serial interface is used to control the lxt300z and determine its status. setting mode low puts the lxt300z in the hardware (h/w) mode. in the hardware mode, the serial interface is disabled and hard-wired pins are used to control configuration and report status. *1' 6 *urxqg ?/;7=? ? 7lh wr *urxqg? ? (qwulhv lq ,?2 froxpq duh? ', 'ljlwdo ,qsxwa '2 'ljlwdo 2xwsxwa $, $qdorj ,qsxwa $2 $qdorj 2xwsxwa 6 6xsso\? 0&/. 7&/. 7326 71(* 02'( 51(* 5326 5&/. ;7$/,1 ;7$/287 '30 /26 77,3 7*1' ?? ?? ?? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? &/.(?7$26 6&/.?//223 cs ?5/223 6'2?(& 6',?(&? int ?(& 5*1' 59 55,1* 57,3 05,1* 07,3 75,1* 79 /;7=1( 0&/. 7&/. 7326 71(* *1' 51(* 5326 5&/. 57 1?& '30 /26 77,3 7*1' 7$26 //223 5/223 (& (&? (& 5*1' 59 55,1* 57,3 05,1* 07,3 75,1* 79 02'( 51(* 5326 5&/. ;7$/,1 ;7$/287 '30 ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ?? ?? 6'2?(& 6',?(&? int ?(& 5*1' 59 55,1* 57,3 71(* 7326 7&/. 0&/. &/.(?7$26 6&/.?//223 cs ?5/223 /26 77,3 7*1' 79 75,1* 07,3 05,1* /;7=3( ?? ?? ?? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? /;7=1(
?e 3lq $vvljqphqwv 6ljqdo 'hvfulswlrqv l1 ?51(*'2 5hfhlyh 1hjdwlyh 'dwda 5hfhlyh 3rvlwlyh 'dwd? received data outputs. a signal on rneg corresponds to receipt of a negative pulse on rtip and rring. a signal on rpos corresponds to receipt of a positive pulse on rtip and rring. rneg and rpos outputs are non-return-to-zero (nrz). both outputs are stable and valid on the rising edge of rclk. lxt300z only: in the host mode, clke determines the clock edge at which these out- puts are stable and valid. in the hardware mode both outputs are stable and valid on the rising edge of rclk. ?5326'2 ?5&/.'2 5hfryhuhg &orfn? this is the clock recovered from the signal received at rtip and rring. ? ;7$/,1 $, &u\vwdo ,qsxwa &u\vwdo 2xwsxw ?/;7=? ? an external crystal operating at four times the bit rate (6.176 mhz for dsx-1, 8.192 mhz for e1 applications with an 18.7 pf load) is required to enable the jitter attenuation function of the lxt300z. these pins may also be used to disable the jitter attenuator by connecting the xtalin pin to the positive supply through a resistor, and floating the xtalout pin. ;7$/287 $2 ?57$, 5hfhlyh 7huplqdwlrq ?/;7=? ? &rqqhfw wr 59 wkurxjk d n w uhvlvwru? 1?& 1r &rqqhfwlrq ?/;7=? ? '30 '2 'ulyhu 3huirupdqfh 0rqlwru? dpm goes high when the transmit monitor loop (mtip and mring) does not detect a signal for 63 2 clock periods. dpm remains high until a signal is detected. ? /26 '2 /rvv ri 6ljqdo? los goes high when 175 consecutive spaces have been detected. los returns low when a mark is detected. 77,3 $2 7udqvplw 7lsa 7udqvplw 5lqj? differential driver outputs. these outputs are designed to drive a 25 w load. the transmitter will drive 100 w shielded twisted-pair cable through a 1:2 step-up transformer without additional components. to drive 75 w coaxial cable, two 2.2 w resistors are required in series with the transformer. ? 75,1* $2 7*1' 6 7udqvplw *urxqg? *urxqg uhwxuq iru wkh wudqvplw gulyhuv srzhu vxsso\ 79? 79 6 7udqvplw 3rzhu 6xsso\? 9'& srzhu vxsso\ lqsxw iru wkh wudqvplw gulyhuv? 79 pxvw qrw ydu\ iurp 59 e\ pruh wkdq ?? 9? ? 07,3 $, 0rqlwru 7lsa 0rqlwru 5lqj? 7khvh slqv duh xvhg wr prqlwru wkh wls dqg ulqj wudqvplw rxwsxwv? 7kh wudqvfhlyhu fdq eh frqqhfwhg wr prqlwru lwv rzq rxwsxw ru wkh rxwsxw ri dqrwkhu /;7= ru /;7= rq wkh erdug? ? 05,1* $, ? 57,3 $, 5hfhlyh 7lsa 5hfhlyh 5lqj? the ami signal received from the line is applied at these pins. a center-tapped, center-grounded, 2:1 step-up transformer is required on these pins. data and clock from the signal applied at these pins are recovered and output on the rpos/rneg and rclk pins. ? 55,1* $, ? 59 6 5hfhlyh 3rzhu 6xsso\? 9'& srzhu vxsso\ iru doo flufxlwv h[fhsw wkh wudqvplw gulye huv? ?7udqvplw gulyhuv duh vxssolhg e\ 79?? ?? 5*1' 6 5hfhlyh *urxqg? *urxqg uhwxuq iru srzhu vxsso\ 59? 7deoh ? 3lq 'hvfulswlrqv frqwlqxhg 3lq 6\p ,?2 'hvfulswlrq ? (qwulhv lq ,?2 froxpq duh? ', 'ljlwdo ,qsxwa '2 'ljlwdo 2xwsxwa $, $qdorj ,qsxwa $2 $qdorj 2xwsxwa 6 6xsso\?
/;7= ? /;7= $gydqfhg 7?( 6kruwe+dxo 7udqvfhlyhuv ?e l1 ? int '2 ,qwhuuxsw ?+rvw 0rgh? ? this lxt300z host mode output goes low to flag the host processor when los or dpm go active. int is an open-drain output and should be tied to power supply rv+ through a resistor. int is reset by clearing the respective register bit (los and/or dpm). (& ', (txdol]hu &rqwuro ?+?: 0rgh? ? the signal applied at this pin in the lxt300z hard- ware mode and LXT301Z is used in conjunction with ec2 and ec3 inputs to determine shape and amplitude of ami output transmit pulses. ? 6', ', 6huldo 'dwd ,q ?+rvw 0rgh? ? the serial data input stream is applied to this pin when the lxt300z operates in the host mode. sdi is sampled on the rising edge of sclk. (&? ', (txdol]hu &rqwuro ? ?+?: 0rgh? ? the signal applied at this pin in the lxt300z hard- ware mode and LXT301Z is used in conjunction with ec1 and ec3 inputs to determine shape and amplitude of ami output transmit pulses. ? 6'2 '2 6huldo 'dwd 2xw ?+rvw 0rgh? ? the serial data from the on-chip register is output on this pin in the lxt300z host mode. if clke is high, sdo is valid on the rising edge of sclk. if clke is low sdo is valid on the falling edge of sclk. this pin goes to a high-impedance state when the serial port is being written to and when cs is high. (& ', (txdol]hu &rqwuro ?+?: 0rgh? ? the signal applied at this pin in the lxt300z hard- ware mode and LXT301Z is used in conjunction with ec1 and ec2 inputs to determine shape and amplitude of ami output transmit pulses. ?? cs ', &kls 6hohfw ?+rvw 0rgh? ? this input is used to access the serial interface in the lxt300z host mode. for each read or write operation, cs must transition from high to low, and remain low. 5/223 ', 5hprwh /rrsedfn ?+?: 0rgh? ? this input controls loopback functions in the lxt300z hardware mode and LXT301Z . setting rloop high enables the remote loopback mode. setting both rloop and lloop high causes a reset. ?? 6&/. ', 6huldo &orfn ?+rvw 0rgh? ? this clock is used in the lxt300z host mode to write data to or read data from the serial interface registers. //223 ', /rfdo /rrsedfn ?+?: 0rgh? ? this input controls loopback functions in the lxt300z hardware mode and LXT301Z . setting lloop high enables the local loopback mode. ?? &/.( ', &orfn (gjh ?+rvw 0rgh? ? setting clke high causes rpos and rneg to be valid on the falling edge of rclk, and sdo to be valid on the rising edge of sclk. when clke is low, rpos and rneg are valid on the rising edge of rclk, and sdo is valid on the falling edge of sclk. 7$26 ', 7udqvplw $oo 2qhv ?+?: 0rgh? ? when high, taos causes the lxt300z (hardware mode) and LXT301Z to transmit a continuous stream of marks at the tclk frequency. activating taos causes tpos and tneg inputs to be ignored. taos is inhibited dur- ing remote loopback. 7deoh ? 3lq 'hvfulswlrqv frqwlqxhg 3lq 6\p ,?2 'hvfulswlrq ? (qwulhv lq ,?2 froxpq duh? ', 'ljlwdo ,qsxwa '2 'ljlwdo 2xwsxwa $, $qdorj ,qsxwa $2 $qdorj 2xwsxwa 6 6xsso\?
)xqfwlrqdo 'hvfulswlrq ?e l1 )81&7,21$/ '(6&5,37,21 the lxt300z and LXT301Z are fully integrated pcm transceivers for both 1.544 mbps (dsx-1) and 2.048 mbps (e1) applications. both transceivers allow full- duplex transmission of digital data over existing twisted- pair installations. the first page of this data sheet shows a simplified block diagram of the lxt300z; figure 2 shows the LXT301Z. the LXT301Z is similar to the lxt300z, but does not incorporate the jitter attenuator and associated elastic store, or the serial interface port. the lxt300z and LXT301Z transceivers each interface with two twisted-pair lines (one twisted-pair for transmit, one twisted-pair for receive) through standard pulse trans- formers and appropriate resistors. 3rzhu 5htxluhphqwv the lxt300z and LXT301Z are low-power cmos devices. each operates from a single +5 v power supply which can be connected externally to both the transmitter and receiver. however, the two inputs must be within .3v of each other, and decoupled to their respective grounds separately. refer to application information for typical decoupling circuitry. isolation between the transmit and receive circuits is provided internally. 5hvhw 2shudwlrq ?/;7= dqg /;7=? upon power up, the transceiver is held static until the power supply reaches approximately 3 v. upon crossing this threshold, the device begins a 32 ms reset cycle to cal- ibrate the transmit and receive delay lines and lock the phase lock loop to the receive line. a reference clock is required to calibrate the delay lines. the transmitter refer- ence is provided by tclk. mclk provides the receiver reference for the LXT301Z. the crystal oscillator pro- vides the receiver reference in the lxt300z. if the lxt300z crystal oscillator is grounded, mclk is used as the receiver reference clock. the transceiver can also be reset from the host or hard- ware mode. in host mode, reset is commanded by simul- taneously writing rloop and lloop to the register. in hardware mode, reset is commanded by holding rloop and lloop high simultaneously for 200 ns. reset is ini- tiated on the falling edge of the reset request. in either mode, reset clears and sets all registers to 0 and then begins calibration. )ljxuh ?? /;7= %orfn 'ldjudp &rqwuro (txdol]hu 6\qfkurql]hu 7326 71(* 7&/. ,qwhuqdo &orfn *hqhudwru 7lplqj 5hfryhu\ 3hdn 'hwhfwru 77,3 75,1* 57,3 55,1* 'dwd /dwfk 5hfhlyh 0rqlwru 7udqvplw 'ulyhu 0rqlwru 07,3 05,1* 0&/. 5326 /26 51(* '30 &rqvwdqw ,pshgdqfh /lqh 'ulyhu 'dwd 6olfhuv (&? (&?? (&
/;7= ? /;7= $gydqfhg 7?( 6kruwe+dxo 7udqvfhlyhuv ?e? l1 5hfhlyhu 7kh /;7= dqg /;7= uhfhlyhuv duh lghqwlfdo h[fhsw iru wkh -lwwhu $wwhqxdwru dqg (odvwlf 6wruh? 7kh iroorzlqj glvfxvvlrq dssolhv wr erwk wudqvfhlyhuv h[fhsw zkhuh qrwhg? 7kh vljqdo lv uhfhlyhg iurp rqh wzlvwhgesdlu olqh rq hdfk vlgh ri d fhqwhuejurxqghg wudqviruphu? 3rvlwlyh sxovhv duh uhfhlyhg dw 57,3 dqg qhjdwlyh sxovhv duh uhfhlyhg dw 55,1*? 5hfryhuhg gdwd lv rxwsxw dw 5326 dqg 51(*? dqg wkh uhfryhuhg forfn lv rxwsxw dw 5&/.? 5hihu wr wkh 7hvw 6shflilfdwlrqv vhfwlrq iru uhfhlyhu wlplqj? 7kh vljqdo uhfhlyhg dw 5326 dqg 51(* lv surfhvvhg wkurxjk wkh shdn ghwhfwru dqg gdwd volfhuv? 7kh shdn ghwhfe wru vdpsohv wkh lqsxwv dqg ghwhuplqhv wkh pd[lpxp ydoxh ri wkh uhfhlyhg vljqdo? $ shufhqwdjh ri wkh shdn ydoxh lv surylghg wr wkh gdwd volfhuv dv d wkuhvkrog ohyho wr hqvxuh rswlpxp vljqdoewreqrlvh udwlr? )ru '6;e dssolfdwlrqv ?ghwhuplqhg e\ (txdol]hu &rqwuro lqsxwv (&a(& 1 ? wkh wkuhvkrog lv vhw wr ?? ri wkh shdn ydoxh? 7klv wkuhvke rog lv pdlqwdlqhg deryh ?? iru xs wr vxffhvvlyh ]hurv ryhu wkh udqjh ri vshflilhg rshudwlqj frqglwlrqv? )ru ( dssolfdwlrqv ?(& lqsxwv ? wkh wkuhvkrog lv vhw wr ?? 7kh uhfhlyhu lv fdsdeoh ri dffxudwho\ uhfryhulqj vljqdov zlwk xs wr e?? g% ri dwwhqxdwlrq ?iurp ?? 9?? fruuhe vsrqglqj wr d uhfhlyhg vljqdo ohyho ri dssur[lpdwho\ p9? 0d[lpxp olqh ohqjwk lv ihhw ri $%$0 fdeoh ?dssur[lpdwho\ ? g%?? 5hjdugohvv ri uhfhlyhg vljqdo ohyho? wkh shdn ghwhfwruv duh khog deryh d plqlpxp ohyho ri p9 wr surylgh lppxqlw\ iurp lpsxovlyh qrlvh? ?'xulqj /26? 5326 dqg 51(* duh vtxhofkhg li wkh uhfhlyhg lqsxw vljqdo gursv wr p9?? $iwhu surfhvvlqj wkurxjk wkh gdwd volfhuv? wkh uhfhlyhg vlje qdo lv urxwhg wr wkh gdwd dqg forfn uhfryhu\ vhfwlrqv? dqg wr wkh uhfhlyh prqlwru? ,q wkh /;7= rqo\? uhfryhuhg forfn vljqdov duh vxssolhg wr wkh mlwwhu dwwhqxdwru dqg wkh gdwd odwfk? 7kh uhfryhuhg gdwd lv sdvvhg wr wkh hodvwlf vwruh zkhuh lw lv exiihuhg dqg v\qfkurql]hg zlwk wkh ghmlwwhuhg uhfryhuhg forfn ?5&/.?? 7kh gdwd dqg forfn uhfryhu\ flue fxlwv kdyh dq lqsxw mlwwhu wrohudqfh vljqlilfdqwo\ ehwwhu wkdq uhtxluhg e\ 3xe ??? 5hfhlyh ?/rvv ri 6ljqdo? 0rqlwru 7kh uhfhlyh prqlwru jhqhudwhv d /rvv ri 6ljqdo ?/26? rxwe sxw xsrq uhfhlsw ri ? frqvhfxwlyh ]hurv ?vsdfhv?? 7kh uhfhlyhu prqlwru ordgv d gljlwdo frxqwhu dw wkh 5&/. iuhe txhqf\? 7kh frxqw lv lqfuhphqwhg hdfk wlph d ]hur lv uhfhlyhg? dqg uhvhw wr ]hur hdfk wlph d rqh ?pdun? lv uhfhlyhg? 8srq uhfhlsw ri ? frqvhfxwlyh ]hurv wkh /26 slq jrhv +ljk? dqg wkh 5&/. rxwsxw lv uhsodfhg zlwk wkh 0&/.? /26 lv uhvhw zkhq wkh iluvw pdun lv uhfhlyhg? ( in the lxt300z only, if mclk is not supplied the rclk output will be replaced with the centered crystal clock .) -lwwhu $wwhqxdwlrq ?/;7= 2qo\? ,q wkh /;7= rqo\? uhfryhuhg forfn vljqdov duh vxssolhg wr wkh mlwwhu dwwhqxdwru dqg wkh gdwd odwfk? 7kh uhfryhuhg gdwd lv sdvvhg wr wkh hodvwlf vwruh zkhuh lw lv exiihuhg dqg v\qfkurql]hg zlwk wkh ghmlwwhuhg uhfryhuhg forfn ?5&/.?? -lwwhu dwwhqxdwlrq ri wkh /;7= forfn dqg gdwd rxwsxwv ?vhh )ljxuh ? lv surylghg e\ d -lwwhu $wwhqxdwlrq /rrs ?-$/? dqg dq (odvwlf 6wruh ?(6?? $q h[whuqdo fu\vwdo rvfloe odwlqj dw wlphv wkh elw udwh surylghv forfn vwdelol]dwlrq? 5hihu wr $ssolfdwlrq ,qirupdwlrq iru fu\vwdo vshflilfdwlrqv? 7kh (6 lv d ? [ ?eelw uhjlvwhu? 5hfryhuhg gdwd lv forfnhg lqwr wkh (6 zlwk wkh uhfryhuhg forfn vljqdo? dqg forfnhg rxw ri wkh (6 zlwk wkh ghmlwwhuhg forfn iurp wkh -$/? :khq wkh elw frxqw lq wkh (6 lv zlwklq wzr elwv ri ryhuiorzlqj ru xqghuiorzlqj? wkh (6 dgmxvwv wkh rxwsxw forfn e\ ?? ri d elw shulrg? 7kh (6 surgxfhv dq dyhudjh ghod\ ri ? elwv lq wkh uhfhlyh sdwk? 7udqvplwwhu 7kh wudqvplwwhu flufxlwv lq wkh /;7= dqg /;7= duh lghqwlfdo? 7kh iroorzlqj glvfxvvlrq dssolhv wr erwk prghov? 'dwd uhfhlyhg iru wudqvplvvlrq rqwr wkh olqh lv forfnhg vhule doo\ lqwr wkh ghylfh dw 7326 dqg 71(*? ,qsxw v\qfkurqle ]dwlrq lv vxssolhg e\ wkh wudqvplw forfn ?7&/.?? 7kh wudqvplwwhg sxovh vkdsh lv ghwhuplqhg e\ (txdol]hu &rqwuro vljqdov (& wkurxjk (& dv vkrzq lq 7deoh ?? 5hihu wr wkh 7hvw 6shflilfdwlrqv vhfwlrq iru pdvwhu dqg wudqvplw forfn wlplqj fkdudfwhulvwlfv? 6kdshg sxovhv duh dssolhg wr wkh $0, olqh gulyhu iru wudqvplvvlrq rqwr wkh olqh dw 77,3 dqg 75,1*? (txdol]hu &rqwuro vljqdov duh kdugezluhg wr wkh /;7=? /;7= 2qo\? (txdol]hu &rqwuro vljqdov pd\ eh kduge zluhg lq wkh +dugzduh 0rgh? ru lqsxw dv sduw ri wkh vhuldo gdwd vwuhdp ?6',? lq wkh +rvw 0rgh? 3xovhv fdq eh vkdshg iru hlwkhu ? ru ??? 0esv dssole fdwlrqv? '6;e dssolfdwlrqv zlwk ? 0esv sxovhv fdq eh surjudpphg wr pdwfk olqh ohqjwkv iurp wr ? ihhw ri $%$0 fdeoh? 7kh /;7= dqg /;7= dovr pdwfk )&& vshflilfdwlrqv iru &68 dssolfdwlrqv? 3xovhv dw ??? 0esv fdq gulyh frd[ldo ru vklhoghg wzlvwhgesdlu olqhv xvlqj dssursuldwh uhvlvwruv lq olqh zlwk wkh rxwsxw wudqviruphu?
?e? )xqfwlrqdo 'hvfulswlrq l1 'ulyhu 3huirupdqfh 0rqlwru the transceiver incorporates an advanced driver perfor- mance monitor (dpm) in parallel with the ttip and tring at the output transformer. the dpm circuitry uses four comparators and a 150 ns pulse discriminator to filter glitches. the dpm output level goes high upon detection of 63 consecutive zeros, and is cleared when a one is detected on the transmit line, or when a reset command is received. the dpm output also goes high to indicate a ground on ttip or tring. a ground fault induced dpm flag is auto- matically cleared when the ground condition is corrected (chip reset is not required). /lqh &rgh 7kh /;7= dqg /;7= wudqvplw gdwd dv d ? $0, olqh frgh dv vkrzq lq )ljxuh ? 3rzhu frqvxpswlrq lv uhgxfhg e\ dfwlydwlqj wkh $0, olqh gulyhu rqo\ wr wudqvplw d pdun? 7kh rxwsxw gulyhu lv glvdeohg gxulqj wudqvplvvlrq ri d vsdfh? 2shudwlqj 0rghv the lxt300z and LXT301Z transceivers can be con- trolled through hard-wired pins (hardware mode). both transceivers can also be commanded to operate in one of several diagnostic modes. lxt300z only: the lxt300z can be controlled by a microprocessor through a serial interface (host mode). the mode of operation is set by the mode pin logic level. +rvw 0rgh 2shudwlrq ?/;7= 2qo\? 7r doorz d krvw plfursurfhvvru wr dffhvv dqg frqwuro wkh /;7= wkurxjk wkh vhuldo lqwhuidfh? 02'( lv vhw wr ? 7kh vhuldo lqwhuidfh ?6',?6'2? xvhv d ?eelw zrug frqvlvwe lqj ri dq ?eelw &rppdqg?$gguhvv e\wh dqg dq ?eelw 'dwd e\wh? )ljxuh vkrzv wkh vhuldo lqwhuidfh gdwd vwuxfwxuh dqg uhodwlyh wlplqj? 7kh +rvw 0rgh surylghv d odwfkhg ,qwhuuxsw rxwsxw ? int ? zklfk lv wuljjhuhg e\ d fkdqjh lq wkh /rvv ri 6ljqdo ?/26? dqg?ru 'ulyhu 3huirupdqfh 0rqlwru ?'30? elwv? 7kh ,qwhue uxsw lv fohduhg zkhq wkh lqwhuuxsw frqglwlrq qr orqjhu h[lvwv? dqg wkh krvw surfhvvru hqdeohv wkh uhvshfwlyh elw lq wkh vhuldo lqsxw gdwd e\wh? +rvw 0rgh dovr doorzv frqwuro ri wkh vhuldo gdwd dqg uhfhlyh gdwd rxwsxw wlplqj? 7kh &orfn (gjh ?&/.(? vljqdo ghwhuplqhv zkhq wkhvh rxwsxwv duh ydolg? uhodwlyh wr wkh 6huldo &orfn ?6&/.? ru 5&/. dv olvwhg lq 7deoh ? 7kh /;7= vhuldo sruw lv dgguhvvhg e\ vhwwlqj elw $ lq wkh $gguhvv?&rppdqg e\wh? fruuhvsrqglqj wr dgguhvv ?? 7kh /;7= frqwdlqv rqo\ d vlqjoh rxwsxw gdwd uhjlvwhu vr qr frpsoh[ fkls dgguhvvlqj vfkhph lv uhtxluhg? 7kh uhje lvwhu lv dffhvvhg e\ fdxvlqj wkh &kls 6hohfw (cs ) lqsxw wr wudqvlwlrq iurp +ljk wr /rz? %lw ri wkh vhuldo $gguhvv? &rppdqg e\wh surylghv 5hdg?:ulwh frqwuro zkhq wkh fkls lv dffhvvhg? $ orjlf lqglfdwhv d uhdg rshudwlrq? dqg d orjlf lqglfdwhv d zulwh rshudwlrq? 7deoh olvwv vhuldo gdwd rxwsxw elw frpelqdwlrqv iru hdfk vwdwxv? 6huldo gdwd ,?2 wlpe lqj fkdudfwhulvwlfv duh vkrzq lq wkh 7hvw 6shflilfdwlrqv vhfe wlrq? +dugzduh 0rgh 2shudwlrq ?/;7= dqg /;7=? in hardware mode the transceiver is accessed and con- trolled through individual pins. with the exception of the int and clke functions, hardware mode provides all the functions provided in the host mode. in the hardware mode rpos and rneg outputs are valid on the rising edge of rclk. the LXT301Z operates in hardware mode at all times. lxt300z only: to operate in hardware mode, mode must be set low. equalizer control signals (ec1 through ec3) are input on the interrupt, serial data in and serial data out pins. diagnostic control for remote loopback (rloop), local loopback (lloop), and transmit all ones (taos) modes is provided through the individual pins used to control serial interface timing in the host mode. )ljxuh ? ? $0, &rglqj 77,3 %lw &hoo 75,1*
?e? /;7= ? /;7= $gydqfhg 7?( 6kruwe+dxo 7udqvfhlyhuv l1 ? 7deoh ?? /;7= 6huldo 'dwd 2xwsxw %lwv ?6hh )ljxuh ? %lw ' %lw '? %lw '? 6wdwxv 5hvhw kdv rffxuuhg? ru qr sur j udp lqsxw? 7$26 lv dfwlyh? /rfdo /rrsedfn lv dfwlyh? 7$26 dqg /rfdo /rrsedfn duh dfwlyh? 5hprwh /rrsedfn lv dfwlyh? '30 kdv fkdq j hg vwdwh vlqfh odvw &ohdu '30 rffxuuhg? /26 kdv fkdq j hg vwdwh vlqfh odvw &ohdu /26 rffxuuhg? /26dqg'30kdyherwkfkdq j hg vwdwh vlqfh odvw &ohdu '30 dqg &ohdu /26 rffxuuhg? 7deoh ? 9dolg &/.( 6hwwlqjv &/.( 2xwsxw &orfn 9dolg (gjh /rz 5326 51(* 6'2 5&/. 5&/. 6&/. 5lvlq j 5lvlq j )doolq j +l j k5326 51(* 6'2 5&/. 5&/. 6&/. )doolq j )doolq j 5lvlq j 7deoh ? (txdol]hu &rqwuro ,qsxwv (& (&? (& /lqh /hqjwk &deoh /rvv ? $ssolfdwlrq %lw 5dwh a iw $%$0 a ??? iw $%$0 ??? a ?? iw $%$0 ?? a iw $%$0 a ? iw $%$0 ?? g% ?? g% ?? g% ?? g% ? g% '6;e ? 0esv ,78 5hfrpphqgdwlrq *?? ( ??? 0esv )&& 3duw ??? 2swlrq $ &68 ? 0esv ? /lqh ohqjwk iurp wudqvfhlyhu wr '6;e furvvefrqqhfw srlqw? ?? 0d[lpxp fdeoh orvv dw ??? n+]?
)xqfwlrqdo 'hvfulswlrq ?e? l1 'ldjqrvwlf 0rgh 2shudwlrq 7udqvplw $oo 2qhv ,q 7udqvplw $oo 2qhv ?7$26? prgh wkh 7326 dqg 71(* lqsxwv wr wkh wudqvfhlyhu duh ljqruhg? 7kh wudqve fhlyhu wudqvplwv d frqwlqxrxv vwuhdp ri rqhv zkhq wkh 7$26 prgh lv dfwlydwhg? 7$26 fdq eh frppdqghg vlpxowdqhrxvo\ zlwk /rfdo /rrsedfn? exw lv lqklelwhg gxulqj 5hprwh /rrsedfn? 5hprwh /rrsedfn ,q 5hprwh /rrsedfn ?5/223? prgh? wkh wudqvplw gdwd dqg forfn lqsxwv ?7326? 71(* dqg 7&/.? duh ljqruhg? 7kh 5326 dqg 51(* rxwsxwv duh orrshg edfn wkurxjk wkh wudqvplw flufxlwv dqg rxwsxw rq 77,3 dqg 75,1* dw wkh 5&/. iuhtxhqf\? 5hfhlyhu flufxlwv duh xqdiihfwhg e\ wkh 5/223 frppdqg dqg frqwlqxh wr rxwsxw wkh 5326? 51(* dqg 5&/. vljqdov uhfhlyhg iurp wkh wzlvwhgesdlu olqh? /rfdo /rrsedfn ,q /rfdo /rrsedfn ?//223? prgh? wkh uhfhlyhu flue fxlwv duh lqklelwhg? 7kh wudqvplw gdwd dqg forfn lqsxwv ?7326? 71(* dqg 7&/.? duh orrshg edfn rqwr wkh uhfhlyh gdwd dqg forfn rxwsxwv ?5326? 51(* dqg 5&/.? wkurxjk wkh 5[ mlwwhu dwwhqxdwru? 7kh wudqvplwe whu flufxlwv duh xqdiihfwhg e\ wkh //223 frppdqg? 7kh 7326 dqg 71(* lqsxwv ?ru d vwuhdp ri rqhv li wkh 7$26 frppdqg lv dfwlyh? zloo eh wudqvplwwhg qrue pdoo\? /;7= 2qo\? :khq xvhg lq wklv prgh zlwk d fu\ve wdo? wkh wudqvfhlyhu fdq eh xvhg dv d vwdqgedorqh mlwwhu dwwhqxdwru? )ljxuh ? /;7= 6huldo ,qwhuidfh 'dwd 6wuxfwxuh cs sclk sdi/ sdo address / command byte input data byte r/w a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 d0 d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 a6 address / command byte data input / output byte los dfm ec1 ec2 ec3 remote local taos r/w 00 0001 x a0 a6 clear interrupts set loopbacks or reset d0 (lsb) d7(msb) x=dont care r/w - = 1: read r/w - = 0: write a4 127( 2xwsxw gdwd e\wh lv wkh vdph dv wkh lqsxw gdwd e\wh h[fhsw iru elwv '??! vkrzq lq 7deoh ??
?e /;7= ? /;7= $gydqfhg 7?( 6kruwe+dxo 7udqvfhlyhuv l1 $33/,&$7,21 ,1)250$7,21 /;7= +rvw 0rgh ? 0esv 7 ,qwhuidfh $ssolfdwlrq figure 5 is a typical 1.544 mbps t1 application. the lxt300z is shown in the host mode with a typical t1/ esf framer providing the digital interface with the host controller. both devices are controlled through the serial interface. an lxp600a clock adapter (clad) provides the 2.048 mhz system backplane clock, locked to the recovered 1.544 mhz clock signal. the power supply inputs are tied to a common bus with appropriate decou- pling capacitors installed (68 f on the transmit side, 1.0 f and 0.1 f on the receive side). )ljxuh ? 7\slfdo /;7= ? 0esv 7 $ssolfdwlrq ?+rvw 0rgh? 72 +267 &21752//(5 7 (6) )5$0(5 ? 0+] &/2&. 9 /;3?$??? &/$' &/., )6, &/.2 ??? 0+] ???? 0+] ?? . w 9 m ) 7 /,1( 5(&(,9( ?? ?? ? 0+] 7 /,1( 75$160,7 ?? m ) m ) ?? 121e 32/$5,=(' &/.( 6&/. &6 6'2 6', ,17 5*1' 59 55,1* 57,3 05,1* 07,3 75,1* 79 /;7= 75$16&(,9(5 9 ?? w 9 ?? w 706<1& &6 6'2 ,17 6&/. 6', 7)6<1& 7&/. 7326 71(* 636 51(* 5326 5&/. 0&/. 7&/. 7326 71(* 02'( 51(* 5326 5&/. ;7$/,1 ;7$/287 '30 /26 77,3 7*1' ? m ) 127( 127( ? 127( 7+( /;7= ,6 &203$7,%/( :,7+ $ :,'( 9$5,(7< 2) ',*,7$/ )5$0,1* $1' 6,*1$/,1* '(9,&(6? ,1&/8',1* 7+( '6??$? '6??$? 07????? $1' 5??? 127( ? :+(1 /;7= ,6 &211(&7(' 72 7+( &5266e&211(&7 )5$0( 7+528*+ $ /2: /(9(/ 021,725 -$&.? 5(&(,9( 75$16)250(5 6+28/' % (????72 %2267 7+( ,1387 6,*1$/? ? 0+]
$ssolfdwlrq ,qirupdwlrq ?e l1 /;7= +dugzduh 0rgh ( ,qwhuidfh $ssolfdwlrq )ljxuh ? lv d w\slfdo ??? 0esv ( dssolfdwlrq? 7kh /;7= lv vkrzq lq +dugzduh 0rgh zlwk d w\slfdo (? &5& iudphu? 5hvlvwruv duh lqvwdoohg lq olqh zlwk wkh wudqve plw wudqviruphu iru ordglqj d ? w frd[ldo fdeoh? 7kh lqe olqh uhvlvwruv duh qrw uhtxluhg iru wudqvplvvlrq rq ? w vklhoghg wzlvwhgesdlu olqhv? $v lq wkh 7 dssolfdwlrq )ljxuh ? wklv frqiljxudwlrq lv looxvwudwhg zlwk d fu\vwdo lq sodfh wr hqdeoh wkh /;7= -lwwhu $wwhqxdwlrq /rrs? dqg d vlqjoh srzhu vxsso\ exv? 7kh kdugezluhg frqwuro olqhv iru 7$26? //223 dqg 5/223 duh lqglylgxdoo\ frqwuroodeoh? dqg wkh //223 dqg 5/223 olqhv duh dovr wlhg wr d vlqjoh frqwuro iru wkh 5hvhw ixqfwlrq )ljxuh ?? 7\slfdo /;7= ? w ( $ssolfdwlrq ?+dugzduh 0rgh? 7deoh ? /;7= &u\vwdo 6shflilfdwlrqv ?([whuqdo? 3dudphwhu 7 ( )uhtxhqf\ ???? 0+] ???? 0+] )uhtxhqf\ vwdelolw\ ? ? ssp # ? ?& ??sspiurpe?&wr??& ?5hi ? ?& uhdglqj? ? ? ssp # ? ?& ? ? ssp iurp e ?& wr ? ?& ?5hi ? ?& uhdglqj? 3xoodelolw\ &/ s) wr ??? s)? d ) ? wr ? ssp &/ ???s)wrs)?e d ) ? wr ? ssp &/ s) wr ??? s)? d ) ? wr ssp &/ ??? s) wr s)? e d ) ? wr ssp (iihfwlyh vhulhv uhvlvwdqfh w 0d[lpxp w 0d[lpxp &u\vwdo fxw $7 $7 5hvrqdqfh 3dudooho 3dudooho 0d[lpxp gulyh ohyho ?? p: ?? p: 0rgh ri rshudwlrq )xqgdphqwdo )xqgdphqwdo &u\vwdo kroghu +&? ?5:?? & 2 ?s)pd[lpxp & 0 ? i) w\slfdo +&? ?5:??& 2 ?s)pd[lpxp & 0 ? i) w\slfdo 9 9 ??? 0esv 5(&(,9( ?? w /;7= 75$16&(,9(5 ?? n w (?&5& )5$0(5 n w n w m ) ? m f 7&/. 7326 71(* 51(* 5326 5&/. 0&/. 7&/. 7326 71(* 02'( 51(* 5326 5&/. ;7$/287 '30 /26 77,3 7*1' 7$26 //223 5/223 (& 5*1' 59 55,1* 57,3 05,1* 07,3 75,1* 79 ?? m ) w ;7$/,1 ??? 0+] &orfn 9 n w ??? w ??? w ?? ??? 0esv 75$160,7 ?? m ) 127( ? 127( 121e32/$5,=(' (&? (& 127( ??? w 5(6,67256 5(48,5(' 21/< )25 ? w &2$;,$/ &$%/(? 127 5(48,5(' )25 75$160,66,21 2172 ? w &$%/(? 127( ? 7+( /;7= ,6 &203$7,%/( :,7+ $ :,'( 9$5,(7< 2) )5$0,1* $1' 6,*1$/,1* '(9,&(6? ,1&/8',1* 7+( '6??$? 07????? $1' 5??? ???? 0+]
?e? /;7= ? /;7= $gydqfhg 7?( 6kruwe+dxo 7udqvfhlyhuv l1 /;7= ? 0esv 7 ,qwhuidfh $ssolfdwlrq figure 7 is a typical 1.544 mbps t1 application of the LXT301Z. the LXT301Z is shown with a typical t1/esf framer. an lxp600a clock adapter (clad) provides the 2.048 mhz system backplane clock, locked to the recov- ered 1.544 mhz clock signal. the power supply inputs are tied to a common bus with appropriate decoupling capaci- tors installed (68 f on the transmit side, 1.0 f and 0.1 f on the receive side). )ljxuh ?? 7\slfdo /;7= ? 0esv 7 $ssolfdwlrq 9 9 7 /,1( 5(&(,9( ?? ?? w /;7= 75$16&(,9(5 ?? n w 7?(6) )5$0(5 n w n w m ) ? m ) 7&/. 7326 71(* 51(* 5326 5&/. 0&/. 7&/. 7326 71(* *1' 51(* 5326 5&/. 1?& '30 /26 77,3 7*1' 7$26 //223 5/223 (& 5*1' 59 55,1* 57,3 05,1* 07,3 75,1* 79 ?? m ) ?? w n w 57 ? 0+] &orfn 9 n w ??? w ?? ? 0esv 75$160,7 ?? m ) 127( 121e32/$5,=(' (&? (& /;?$ ? ?? &/$' &/., )6, &/.2 ??? 0+] ? 0+] 127( 7+( /;7= ,6 &203$7,%/( :,7+ $ :,'( 9$5,(7< 2) )5$0,1* $1' 6,*1$/,1* '(9,&(6? ,1&/8',1* 7+( '6??$? 07????? $1' 5??? (?l 9
$ssolfdwlrq ,qirupdwlrq ?e l1 /;7= ??? 0esv ( ,qwhuidfh $ssolfdwlrq figure 8 is a typical 2.048 mbps e1 application of the LXT301Z. the LXT301Z is shown with a typical e1/ crc4 framer. resistors are installed in line with the trans- mit transformer for loading a 75 w coaxial cable. the in- line resistors are not required for transmission on 120 w shielded twisted-pair lines. as in the t1 application figure 7, this configuration is illustrated with a single power sup- ply bus. the hard-wired control lines for taos, lloop and rloop are individually controllable, and the lloop and rloop lines are also tied to a single control for the reset function. )ljxuh ?? 7\slfdo /;7= ? w ( $ssolfdwlrq 9 9 ??? 0esv 5(&(,9( ?? w /;7= 75$16&(,9(5 ?? n w (?&5& )5$0(5 n w n w m ) ? m f 7&/. 7326 71(* 51(* 5326 5&/. 0&/. 7&/. 7326 71(* *1' 51(* 5326 5&/. 1?& '30 /26 77,3 7*1' 7$26 //223 5/223 (& 5*1' 59 55,1* 57,3 05,1* 07,3 75,1* 79 ?? m ) w 57 ??? 0+] &orfn 9 n w ??? w ??? w ?? ??? 0esv 75$160,7 ?? m ) 127( 121e32/$5,=(' (&? (& 127( 7+( /;7= ,6 &203$7,%/( :,7+ $ :,'( 9$5,(7< 2) )5$0,1* $1' 6,*1$/,1* '(9,&(6? ,1&/8',1* 7+( '6??$? 07????? $1' 5??? y
/;7= ? /;7= $gydqfhg 7?( 6kruwe+dxo 7udqvfhlyhuv ?e l1 7(67 63(&,),&$7,216 127( 7kh plqlpxp dqg pd[lpxp ydoxhv lq 7deohv ? wkurxjk dqg )ljxuhv wkurxjk uhsuhvhqw wkh shuirupdqfh vshflile fdwlrqv ri wkh /;7=?/;7= dqg duh jxdudqwhhg e\ whvw? h[fhsw zkhuh qrwhg e\ ghvljq? 7deoh ?? $evroxwh 0d[lpxp 5dwlqjv 3dudphwhu 6\p 0lq 0d[ 8qlwv '& vxsso\ ?uhihuhqfhg wr *1'? 59? 79 e? ?? 9 ,qsxw yrowdjh? dq\ slq 9 ,1 5*1' e ? 59 ? 9 ,qsxw fxuuhqw? dq\ slq ? , ,1 e p$ 6wrudjh whpshudwxuh 7 67* e? ?& &$87,21 2shudwlrqv dw ru eh\rqg wkhvh olplwv pd\ uhvxow lq shupdqhqw gdpdjh wr wkh ghylfh? 1rupdo rshudwlrq lv qrw jxdudqwhhg dw wkhvh h[wuhphv? ? ([foxglqj 57,3 dqg 55,1* zklfk pxvw vwd\ ehwzhhq e?9 dqg ?59 ?? 9? ?? 7udqvlhqw fxuuhqwv ri xs wr p$ zloo qrw fdxvh 6&5 odwfk xs? 77,3? 75,1*? 79 dqg 7*1' fdq zlwkvwdqg d frqwlqxrxv fxuuhqw ri p$? 7deoh ?? 5hfrpphqghg 2shudwlqj &rqglwlrqv 3dudphwhu 6\p 0lq 7\s 0d[ 8qlwv '& vxsso\ 59? 79 ?? ? ?? 9 $pelhqw rshudwlqj whpshudwxuh 7 $ e ? ? ? & ? 79 pxvw qrw h[fhhg 59 e\ pruh wkdq ? 9? 7deoh ?? (ohfwulfdo &kdudfwhulvwlfv ?8qghu 5hfrpphqghg 2shudwlqj &rqglwlrqv? 3dudphwhu 6\p 0lq 7\s 0d[ 8qlwv 7hvw &rqglwlrqv +ljk ohyho lqsxw yrowdjh ?? ?slqv e? ? ?e??? 9 ,+ ?? 9 /rz ohyho lqsxw yrowdjh ?? ?slqv e? ? ?e??? 9 ,/ L??9 +ljk ohyho rxwsxw yrowdjh ?? ?slqv ?e?? ? ?? ?? ?? 9 2+ ?? 9 , 287 e m $ /rz ohyho rxwsxw yrowdjh ?? ?slqv ?e?? ? ?? ?? ?? 9 2/ L?9, 287 ?? p$ ,qsxw ohdndjh fxuuhqw ?slqv e? dqg ?e??? , // e m $ ,qsxw ohdndjh fxuuhqw ?slqv ?? ?? dqg ?? , // e m $ 7kuhhevwdwh ohdndjh fxuuhqw ?slq ?? , / e m $ 7rwdo srzhu glvvlsdwlrq 3 ' ?p: ? rqhv ghqvlw\ pd[lpxpolqh ohqjwk # ?? 9 ? )xqfwlrqdolw\ ri slqv ? dqg ? ghshqgv rq prgh? 6hh +rvw?+dugzduh 0rgh ghvfulswlrqv? ?? 2xwsxw gulyhuv zloo rxwsxw &026 orjlf ohyhov lqwr &026 ordgv? ? 3rzhu glvvlsdwlrq zkloh gulylqj d ? w ordg ryhu rshudwlqj whpshudwxuh udqjh? ,qfoxghv ghylfh dqg ordg? 'ljlwdo lqsxw ohyhov duh zlwklq ? ri wkh vxsso\ udlov dqg gljlwdo rxwsxwv duh gulylqj d s) fdsdflwlyh ordg?
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?e? 7hvw 6shflilfdwlrqv l1 7deoh ? /;7= 5hfhlyhu 7lplqj &kdudfwhulvwlfv ?6hh )ljxuh ? )ljxuh ? /;7= 5hfhlyh &orfn 7lplqj 'ldjudp 3dudphwhu 6\p 0lq 7\s 0d[ 8qlwv 7hvw &rqglwlrqv 5hfhlyh forfn gxw\ f\foh 5&/.g e ? ? 5hfhlyh forfn sxovh zlgwk ? '6;e w 3: ? qv ( w 3: ? qv 5326?51(* wr 5&/. ulvlqj vhwxs wlph '6;e w 685 ?? qv ( w 685 ? qv 5&/. ulvlqj wr 5326?51(* krog wlph '6;e w +5 ?? qv ( w +5 ? qv ? 7\slfdo ydoxhv duh dw ? ?& dqg duh iru ghvljq dlg rqo\a wkh\ duh qrw jxdudqwhhg dqg qrw vxemhfw wr surgxfwlrq whvwlqj? w 3:+ w 3:/ w 3: w +5 w 685 5&/. 5326 51(* 5326 51(* w 685 w +5 +rvw 0rgh &/.( +rvw 0rgh &/.( ? +?: 0rgh
/;7= ? /;7= $gydqfhg 7?( 6kruwe+dxo 7udqvfhlyhuv ?e? l1 )ljxuh ?? /;7= 5hfhlyh &orfn 7lplqj 'ldjudp 7deoh ? /;7= 5hfhlyh 7lplqj &kdudfwhulvwlfv ?6hh )ljxuh ?? 3dudphwhu 6\p 0lq 7\s 0d[ 8qlwv 7hvw &rqglwlrqv 5hfhlyh forfn gxw \ f \ foh ? '6;e 5&/.g ? ? ( 5&/.g ? ? 5hfhlyh forfn sxovh zlgwk ? '6;e w 3: ? ?? ?? qv ( w 3: ? ?? ?? qv 5hfhlyh forfn sxovh zlgwk kl j k '6;e w 3:+ ? qv ( w 3:+ ? qv 5hfhlyh forfn sxovh zlgwk orz '6;e w 3:/ ?? ? ?? qv ( w 3:/ ? ? ?? qv 5326?51(* wr 5&/. ulvlq j vhwxs wlph '6;e w 685 ?? qv ( w 685 ? qv 5&/. ulvlq j wr 5326?51(* krog wlph '6;e w +5 ?? qv ( w +5 ? qv ? 7\slfdo ydoxhv duh dw ? ?& dqg duh iru ghvljq dlg rqo\a wkh\ duh qrw jxdudqwhhg dqg qrw vxemhfw wr surgxfwlrq whvwlqj? ?? 5&/. gxw\ f\foh zlgwkv zloo ydu\ ghshqglqj rq h[whqw ri uhfhlyhg sxovh mlwwhu glvsodfhphqw? 0d[ dqg 0lq 5&/. gxw\ f\fohv duh iru zruvw fdvh mlwwhu frqglwlrqv ?? 8, forfn glvsodfhphqw iru ? 0+]? ?? 8, forfn glvsodfhphqw iru ??? 0+]?? w 3:/ w 3:+ w 3: w +5 w 685 5&/. 5326 51(*
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/;7= ? /;7= $gydqfhg 7?( 6kruwe+dxo 7udqvfhlyhuv ?e? l1 )ljxuh ? /;7= 6huldo 'dwd ,qsxw 7lplqj 'ldjudp )ljxuh ? /;7= 6huldo 'dwd 2xwsxw 7lplqj 'ldjudp 7deoh ? /;7= 6huldo ,?2 7lplqj &kdudfwhulvwlfv ?6hh )ljxuhv dqg ? 3dudphwhu 6\p 0lq 7\s 0d[ 8qlwv 7hvw &rqglwlrqv 5lvh?)doo wlph e dq\ gljlwdo rxwsxw w 5) qv /rdg ?? p$? s) 6', wr 6&/. vhwxs wlph w '& qv 6&/. wr 6', krog wlph w &'+ qv 6&/. orz wlph w &/ ? qv 6&/. kljk wlph w &+ ? qv 6&/. ulvh dqg idoo wlph w 5 ?w ) qv cs wr 6&/. vhwxs wlph w && qv 6&/. wr cs krog wlph w &&+ qv cs lqdfwlyh wlph w &:+ ? qv 6&/. wr 6'2 ydolg w &'9 ? qv 6&/. idoolqj hgjh ru cs ulvlqj hgjh wr 6'2 kljk = w &'= N qv ? 7\slfdo ydoxhv duh dw ?? & dqg duh iru ghvljq dlg rqo\a wkh\ duh qrw jxdudqwhhg dqg qrw vxemhfw wr surgxfwlrq whvwlqj? &6 w &:+ w &&+ w &/ w &+ w && 6&/. 6', w '& /6% w &'+ /6% w &'+ 06% &21752/ %<7( '$7$ %<7( 6&/. w &'= &6 +,*+ = +,*+ = w &'9 w &'9 6'2 6'2 &/.( &/.( w &'=

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Price & Availability of LXT301Z

Part # Manufacturer Description Price BuyNow  Qty.
Intel Corporation FRAMER E1/T1 5V 22: USD13.92

Bristol Electronics

Part # Manufacturer Description Price BuyNow  Qty.
Level One 94: USD8.3253
46: USD8.6872
18: USD9.0492
11: USD9.7731
4: USD10.859
1: USD14.4787

Quest Components

Part # Manufacturer Description Price BuyNow  Qty.
Level One DATACOM, PCM TRANSCEIVER, PQCC28 (Also Known As: LXT301ZPE) 4: USD11.805
1: USD15.74
Level One DATACOM, PCM TRANSCEIVER, PQCC28 (Also Known As: LXT301ZPE) 174: USD11.1004
84: USD11.583
1: USD19.305

Rochester Electronics

Part # Manufacturer Description Price BuyNow  Qty.
Intel Corporation Framer E1/T1 5V ' 1000: USD11.94
500: USD12.64
100: USD13.21
25: USD13.77
1: USD14.05

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