inchange semiconductor isc product specification isc silicon pnp darlington power transistor 2SB974 description high dc current gain- : h fe = 2000(min)@ i c = - 2a low collector-emitter saturation voltage- : v ce(sat) = -1.5v(max)@ i c = - 2a complement to type 2sd1308 applications designed for audio frequency power amplifier and low-speed switching industrial use. absolute maximum ratings (ta=25 ) symbol parameter value unit v cbo collector-base voltage -100 v v ceo collector-emitter voltage -100 v v ebo emitter-base voltage -7 v i c collector current-continuous -5 a i cm collector current-peak -10 a i b b base current-dc -0.5 a collector power dissipation t c =25 30 p c collector power dissipation t a =25 1.5 w t j junction temperature 150 t stg storage temperature range -55~150 isc website
inchange semiconductor isc product specification isc silicon pnp darlington power transistor 2SB974 electrical characteristics t c =25 unless otherwise specified symbol parameter conditions min typ. max unit v ce( sat ) collector-emitter saturation voltage i c = -2a, i b = -2ma b -1.5 v v be( sat ) base-emitter saturation voltage i c = -2a, i b = -2ma b -2.0 v i cbo collector cutoff current v cb = -100v, i e = 0 -1.0 a i ebo emitter cutoff current v eb = -7v; i c = 0 -5 ma h fe-1 dc current gain i c = -2a; v ce = -2v 2000 20000 h fe-2 dc current gain i c = -4a; v ce = -2v 500 switching times t on turn-on time 0.5 s t stg storage time 1.0 s t f fall time r l = 25 , v cc -50v i c = -2a; i b1 = -i b2 = -2ma 1.0 s ? h fe- 1 classifications m l k 2000-5000 4000-10000 8000-20000 isc website