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  TS9230 3a ultra low dropout voltage regulator 1/7 version: a12 sop - 8ep general description the TS9230 is a 3a ultra low dropout voltage regula tor. this product is specifically designed to provi de well supply voltage for front-side-bus termination on mo therboards and nb applications. the ic needs two su pply voltages, a control voltage for the circuitry and a main supply voltage for power conversion, to reduc e power dissipation and provide extremely low dropout. the TS9230 integrates multi-functions. a power-on-reset (por) circuit monitors both supply voltages to prevent wr ong operations. a thermal shutdown and current limi t functions protect the device against thermal and current over -loads. a pok indicates the output status with time delay which is set internally. it can control other conve rter for power sequence. the TS9230 can be enabled by other power system. pulling and holding the en pin below 0.4v shuts off the output. features ultra low dropout 200mv(typ) @ i out =3a suit for low esr output capacitor (mlcc) 0.5v reference voltage fast transient response adjustable output voltage power-on-reset for vcntl and vin pins internal soft-start under-voltage protection current-limit protection thermal shutdown protection power-ok output with a delay time ordering information part no. package packing TS9230cs rlg sop-8ep 2.5kpcs / 13 reel note: g denote for halogen free product application telecommunication notebook mother board absolute maximum rating parameter symbol limit unit v cntl supply voltage v cntl -0.3 to 7 v v in supply voltage v in -0.3 to 6 v en and fb pin voltage v i/o -0.3 to v cntl +0.3 v power good voltage v pok -0.3 to 7 v power dissipation sop-8ep pd 2.5 w storage temperature range t st -65 to +150 c junction temperature range t j -40 to 125 c operating temperature range t op -40 to +85 c thermal resistance from junction to case sop-8ep jc 15 c/w thermal resistance from junction to ambient sop-8ep ja 40 c/w pin definition : 1. gnd 8. en 2. fb 7. pok 3. vout 6. vcntl 4. vout 5. vin datasheet pdf -
TS9230 3a ultra low dropout voltage regulator 2/7 version: a12 recommended operating condition parameter symbol conditions limit unit v cntl supply voltage v cntl 3 to 5.5 v v in supply voltage v in 0.9 to 3.65 v output voltage v out v cntl -v out >1.9v 0.6 to v in -v drop v output current i out 0 to 3 a electrical specifications (v cntl =5v, v in =1.5v, v out =1.2v, t a =25c unless otherwise specified) parameter symbol conditions min typ max units v cntl por threshold v cntl 2.5 2.7 2.9 v v cntl por hysteresis v cntl(hys) -- 0.5 -- v v in por threshold v in 0.6 0.7 0.8 v v in por hysteresis v in(hys) -- 0.4 -- v v cntl nominal supply current i cntl en= v cntl -- 1 1.8 ma v cntl shutdown current i sd en= 0v -- 15 30 ua feedback voltage v fb v cntl =5v, i out =10ma 0.49 0.5 0.51 v load regulation i out =0a ~ 3a -- 0.2 0.6 % line regulation v cntl = v en =5v v in = v out + 0.5v~5v i out =10ma -- 0.01 0.1 %/v dropout voltage v drop i out = 3a, v cntl =5v v out =0.9v -- 0.20 0.28 v v out pull low resistance en=0v -- 85 -- ? soft start time t ss -- 2 4 ms en pin logic high threshold voltage v enh enable 1.2 -- -- v v enl disable -- -- 0.4 en hysteresis -- 50 -- mv en pin pull-up current i en en=gnd -- 10 -- ua current limit i lim v cntl =3~5.5v t j = -40 ~ 125c 4.2 -- -- a ripple rejection v in psrr f=120hz, i out =100ma -- 65 -- db v cntl -- 65 -- under-voltage threshold vfb falling -- 0.25 -- v pok threshold voltage for power ok v pok vfb rising 90% 93% 96% vfb pok threshold voltage for power not ok v pnok vfb falling 82% 85% 88% vfb pok low voltage pok sinks 5ma -- 0.25 0.4 v pok delay time t delay 0.8 2 4 ms thermal shutdown temp t sd -- 160 -- c thermal shutdown hysteresis t sh -- 50 -- c datasheet pdf -
TS9230 3a ultra low dropout voltage regulator 3/7 version: a12 block diagram pin function description pin name pin description vin main supply input pins for power conversions. the v oltage at this pin is monitored for power-on reset purpose vcntl power input pin of the control circuitry. connectin g this pin to a +5v (recommended) supply voltage provides the bias for the control circuitry . the voltage at this pin is monitored for power- on reset purpose. gnd ground pin. pok power-ok signal output pin. this pin is an open-dra in output used to indicate status of output voltage by sensing fb voltage. this pin is pulled l ow when the rising fb voltage is not above the v pok threshold or the falling fb voltage is below the v pok threshold, indicating the output is not ok en enable control pin. pulling and holding this pin be low 0.4v shuts down the output. when re- enabled, the ic undergoes a new soft-start cycle. l eft this pin open, this pin is internal pulled up to v cntl voltage, enabling the regulator. fb connecting this pin to an external resistor divider receives the feedback voltage of the regulator. the output voltage set by the resistor divider is d etermined by: )v)( 2r 1r +1(5.0= v out where r1 is connected from v out to fb with kelvin sensing and r2 is connected from fb to gnd. a bypass capacitor may be connected with r1in parallel to improve load transient response. the recommended r2 and r1 are in the rang e of 1k~100k ? . datasheet pdf -
TS9230 3a ultra low dropout voltage regulator 4/7 version: a12 typical application circuit using an output capacitor with esr R RR R 20m ? using an mlcc as the output capacitor (sop-8ep) datasheet pdf -
TS9230 3a ultra low dropout voltage regulator 5/7 version: a12 function description power-on-reset a power-on-reset (por) circuit monitors both input voltages at vcntl and vin pins to prevent wrong log ic controls. the por function initiates a soft-start p rocess after the two supply voltages exceed their r ising por threshold voltages during powering on. the por func tion also pulls low the pok pin regardless the outp ut voltage when the vcntl voltage falls below its falling por threshold. internal soft-start an internal soft-start function controls rise rate of the output voltage to limit the current surge at start-up. the typical soft-start interval is about 2ms. output voltage regulation an error amplifier working with a temperature compe nsated 0.5v reference and an output nmos regulates output to the preset voltage. the error amplifier designed with high bandwidth and dc gain provides very fast transient response and less load regulation. it compares the reference with the feedback voltage and amplifies t he difference to drive the output nmos which provides load curren t from vin to vout. current limit the TS9230 monitors the current via the output nmos and limits the maximum current to prevent load and TS9230 from damages during overload or short circuit condi tions. under voltage protection the TS9230 monitors the voltage on fb pin after sof t-start process is finished. therefore the uvp is d isabling during soft-start. when the voltage on fb pin falls below the under-voltage threshold, the uvp circuit shuts off the output immediately. after a while, the TS9230 start s a new soft-start to regulate output. thermal shutdown a thermal shutdown circuit limits the junction temp erature of TS9230. when the junction temperature ex ceeds +160c, a thermal sensor turns off the output nmos, allowing the device to cool down. the regulator re gulates the output again through initiation of a new soft-start cycle after the junction temperature cools by 50c , resulting in a pulsed output during continuous thermal overload co nditions. the thermal shutdown designed. datasheet pdf -
TS9230 3a ultra low dropout voltage regulator 6/7 version: a12 sop-8ep mechanical drawing sop-8ep dimension dim millimeters inches min max min max. a 4.80 5.00 0.189 0.196 b 3.80 4.00 0.150 0.157 c 1.35 1.75 0.054 0.068 d 0.35 0.49 0.014 0.019 e 2.05 2.41 0.081 0.095 e1 2.82 3.30 0.111 0.130 f 0.40 1.25 0.016 0.049 g 1.27bsc 0.05bsc k 0.10 0.25 0.004 0.009 m 0o 7o 0o 7o p 5.80 6.20 0.229 0.244 r 0.25 0.50 0.010 0.019 datasheet pdf -
TS9230 3a ultra low dropout voltage regulator 7/7 version: a12 notice specifications of the products displayed herein are subject to change without notice. tsc or anyone on its behalf, assumes no responsibility or liability for any erro rs or inaccuracies. information contained herein is intended to provide a product description only. no license, express or implied, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. except as provided in tscs terms and co nditions of sale for such products, tsc assumes no liability wh atsoever, and disclaims any express or implied warr anty, relating to sale and/or use of tsc products includi ng liability or warranties relating to fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, or infringement of any patent, cop yright, or other intellectual property right. the products shown herein are not designed for use in medical, life-saving, or life-sustaining applica tions. customers using or selling these products for use i n such applications do so at their own risk and agr ee to fully indemnify tsc for any damages resulting from such i mproper use or sale. datasheet pdf -

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