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  qvga lcd module featuring 450 nits brightness with 500:1 contrast. full specifcations listing LQ035Q3DG01 lcd module product specifcation october 2007 lcd specifcation lcd group technical document datasheet pdf - datasheet pdf - datasheet pdf -
lcyw07x041 notice thispublicationistheproprietaryofsharpand iscopyrighted,withallrightsreserved.underthe copyrightlaws, nopartofthispublicationmaybereproducedortr ansmittedinanyformorbyanymeans,electronico rmechanical foranypurpose,inwholeorinpart,withoutthee xpresswrittenpermissionofsharp.expresswritten permission isalsorequiredbeforeanyuseofthispublication maybemadebyathirdparty. the application circuit examples in this publicat ion are provided to explain the representative appl ications of sharp's devices and are not intended to guarantee a ny circuit design or permit any industrial property right or otherrightstobeexecuted.sharptakesnorespons ibilityforanyproblemsrelatedtoanyindustrial propertyright or a third party resulting from the use of sharp's devices, except for those resulting directly from d evice manufacturingprocesses. intheabsenceofconfirmationbydevicespecific ationsheets,sharptakesnoresponsibilityforany defectsthat occurinequipmentusinganyofsharp'sdevices,sh ownincatalogs,databooks,etc.contactsharpin orderto obtainthelatestdevicespecificationsheetsbefor eusinganysharp'sdevice. sharpreservestherighttomakechangesinthes pecifications,characteristics,data,materials,st ructuresand othercontentsdescribedhereinatanytimewithout noticeinordertoimprovedesignorreliability. contactsharp in order to obtain the latest specification sheets before using any sharp's device. manufacturing loca tions are alsosubjecttochangewithoutnotice. observe the following points when using any devic e in this publication. sharp takes no responsibilit y for damagecausedbyimproperuseofthedevices. thedevicesinthispublicationaredesignedfor useingeneralelectronicequipmentdesigns,sucha s: ? personalcomputers ? officeautomation ? telecommunicationequipment ? testandmeasurementequipment ? industrialcontrol ? personaldigitalassistant ? audiovisualandmultimediaequipment ? consumerelectronics the appropriate design measures should be taken t o ensure reliability and safety when sharp's device s are usedforequipmentsuchas: ? transportationcontrolandsafetyequipment( rcraft,trains,automobiles,etc.) ? trafficsignals ? gasleakagesensorbreakers ? alarmequipment ? varioussafetydevicesetc. sharp'sdevicesshallnotbeusedforequipmentt hatrequiresextremelyhighlevelofreliability,s uchas: ? militaryandspaceapplications ? nuclearpowercontrolequipment ? medicalequipmentforlifesupport contact a sharp representative, in advance, when intending to use sharp's devices for any "specific" applicationsotherthanthoserecommendedbysharp. contact and consult with a sharp representative i f there are any questions about the contents of thi s publication. datasheet pdf -
lcyw07x042 1.applicablescope thisspecificationisapplicabletotftlcdmodule LQ035Q3DG01. 2.generaldescription thismoduleisacoloractivematrixlcdmoduleinc orporatingamorphoussilicontft(t hinf ilmt ransistor). itiscomposedofacolortftlcdpanel,driveric, inputfpc,abacklightunit. graphicsandtextscanbedisplayedona320rgb 240dotspanelwithabout262kcolorsbysupplyin g 18bitdatasignals(6bitrgb),fourtimingsignal s,3wires9bitserialinterfacesignals,logic(typ .+3.3v), analog(typ.+3.3v)supplyvoltagesfortftlcdpan eldrivingandsupplyvoltageforbacklight. 3.mechanical(physical)specifications item specifications unit screensize 8.8(3.5type)diagonal cm activearea 70.56(h)52.92(v) mm 320(h)240(v) pixel pixelformat 1pixel=r+g+bdots pixelpitch 0.2205(h)0.2205(v) mm pixelconfiguration r,g,bverticalstripes displaymode normallywhite unitoutlinedimensions* 76.9(w)63.9(h)3.5(d) mm mass approx.33 g surfacetreatment antiglare *theabovementionedtableindicatesmodulesizesw ithoutsomeprojectionsandfpc. fordetailedmeasurementsandtolerances,pleaser eferto17.outlinedimensions. datasheet pdf -
lcyw07x043 4.inputterminalnamesandfunctions recommendationcn [hirose]fh26g67s0.3shbw(05) pinno. symbol i/o description remarks 1 led_c() powersupplyforled(lowvoltage) 2 led_a(+) powersupplyforled(highvoltage) 3 dgnd1 digitalground 4 nc notconnected note1 5 nc notconnected note1 6 nc notconnected note1 7 nc notconnected note1 8 agnd1 analogground 9 v gh connecttoastabilizingcapacitor note3 10 c2p connectaboostercapacitortoc2n 11 c2n connectaboostercapacitortoc2p 12 c1p connectaboostercapacitortoc1n 13 c1n connectaboostercapacitortoc1p note2 14 v gl connectastabilizingcapacitortognd note3 15 c3n connectaboostercapacitortoc3p 16 c3p connectaboostercapacitortoc3n note2 17 agnd2 analogground 18 v cix2 connectastabilizingcapacitortognd note3 19 cyp connectaboostercapacitortocyn 20 cyn connectaboostercapacitortocyp note2 21 v ci boosterinputvoltagepin note3 22 nc notconnected note1 23 agnd3 analogground 24 v cim connectastabilizingcapacitortognd note3 25 cxp connectaboostercapacitortocxn 26 cxn connectaboostercapacitortocxp note2 27 test o test note1 28 resb i systemreset 29 dgnd2 digitalground 30 v ddio voltageinputpinforlogici/o 31 v core connectastabilizingcapacitortognd note3 32 dgnd3 digitalground 33 shut i sleepmodecontrol 34 csb i chipselectpinofserialinterface 35 sdi i datainputpininserialmode 36 sck i clockinputpininserialmode 37 v drop connectastabilizingcapacitor 38 den i displayenable 39 b5 i bluedatasignal(msb) 40 b4 i bluedatasignal 41 b3 i bluedatasignal datasheet pdf -
lcyw07x044 pinno. symbol i/o description remarks 42 b2 i bluedatasignal 43 b1 i bluedatasignal 44 b0 i bluedatasignal(lsb) 45 g5 i greendatasignal(msb) 46 g4 i greendatasignal 47 g3 i greendatasignal 48 g2 i greendatasignal 49 g1 i greendatasignal 50 g0 i greendatasignal(lsb) 51 r5 i reddatasignal(msb) 52 r4 i reddatasignal 53 r3 i reddatasignal 54 r2 i reddatasignal 55 r1 i reddatasignal 56 r0 i reddatasignal(lsb) 57 vsync i framesynchronizationsignal 58 hsync i linesynchronizationsignal 59 dotclk i dotclocksignal 60 cdum0 connectastabilizingcapacitortognd n ote3 61 dgnd4 digitalground 62 v lcd63 connectastabilizingcapacitortognd 63 v comh connectastabilizingcapacitortognd 64 v coml connectastabilizingcapacitortognd note3 65 dgnd5 digitalground 66 csvcmp connectastabilizingcapacitortocsvcmn 67 csvcmn connectastabilizingcapacitortocsvcmp note3 note1) thispinshouldbeopened. note2) boostercapacitors datasheet pdf -
lcyw07x045 note 3 ) stabilizationandchargesharingcapacitors remark all capacitors 2.2uf (2.2uf is preferred for better display quality and power consumption) datasheet pdf -
lcy-w-07x04-6 5. absolute maximum ratings item symbol conditions rated value unit remarks input voltage vi ta = 25 c -0.3 ~ v ddio +0.3 v note 1 logic i/o power supply voltage v ddio ta = 25 c -0.3 ~ +4.0 v analog power supply voltage v ci ta = 25 c agnd-0.3 ~ +5.0 v temperature for storage tstg - -30 ~ +80 c note 2 temperature for operation topp - -20 ~ +70 c note 3 led input electric current i led ta led = 25 c 35 ma led electricit y consumption p led ta led = 25 c 123 mw note 1) resb, shut, csb, sdi, sck, den, b5~b0, g5~g0, r5~r0, vsync, hsync, dotclk note 2) humidity: 95%rh max. (ta ? 40 c) maximum bulb temperature under 39 c (ta>40 c) see to it that no dew will be condensed. note 3) panel surface temperature prescribes. note 4) power consum ption of one led (ta led = 25 c). (use 7 pieces led) ambient temperature and the maximum input are fulfilling t he following operating conditions. ambient temperature of led and the maximum input datasheet pdf -
lcyw07x047 6.electricalcharacteristics 61.tftlcdpaneldriving ta = 25 c item symbol min. typ. max. unit remarks dcvoltage v ddio +3.0 +3.3 +3.6 v logici/o powersupply dccurrent i vddio 0.20 0.35 ma note1 dcvoltage v ci +3.0 +3.3 +3.6 v analog powersupply dccurrent i vci 8.0 12.0 ma note1 v rfvddio 100 mvpp note2 permissiveinput ripplevoltage v rfvci 100 mvpp note2 high v ih 0.8v ddio v ddio v note3 logic inputvoltage low v il 0 0.2v ddio v note3 logicinputcurrent i ih /i il 1 1 a note3 note1) v ddio =v ci =+3.3v currentsituationfori vddio :black&whitecheckerflagpattern currentsituationfori ci :allblackpattern note2) v ddio =v ci =+3.3v note3) resb,shut,csb,sdi,sck,den,b5~b0,g5~g 0,r5~r0,vsync,hsync,dotclk datasheet pdf -
lcyw07x048 62.registersetting thisregistersettingisfordotclk=5mhz.iflcdmo duleismovedotherfrequency,pleaseconform displayquality. reg.# register data (gamma2.2) remark r01h driveroutputcontrol 2xefh note1 r02h lcddriveaccontrol 0300h r03h powercontrol(1) 787eh r0bh framecyclecontrol dc00h r0ch powercontrol(2) 0005h r0dh powercontrol(3) 0002h r0eh powercontrol(4) 2900h r0fh gatescanstartingposition 0000h r16h horizontalporch 9f86h note2 r17h verticalporch 0002h note3 r1eh powercontrol(5) 0000h r2eh gammacontrol(1) b945h r30h gammacontrol(2) 0301h r31h gammacontrol(3) 0107h r32h gammacontrol(4) 0000h r33h gammacontrol(5) 0100h r34h gammacontrol(6) 0707h r35h gammacontrol(7) 0006h r36h gammacontrol(8) 0604h r37h gammacontrol(9) 0103h r3ah gammacontrol(10) 0d0fh r3bh gammacontrol(11) 0d04h r28h powercontrol(6) 0006h r2ch powercontrol(7) c88ch datasheet pdf -
lcyw07x049 note1) driveroutputcontrol(r01h)(por=2xefh) dc ib15 ib14 ib13 ib12 ib11 ib10 ib9 ib8 ib7 ib6 ib 5 ib4 ib3 ib2 ib1 ib0 w 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 tb rl 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 por 0 0 1 0 1 0 x x 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 ? verticalandhorizontalinversionfunction(tb rl) ? note2) horizontalporch(r16h)(por=9f86h) r/w dc ib15 ib14 ib13 ib12 ib11 ib10 ib9 ib8 ib7 ib 6 ib5 ib4 ib3 ib2 ib1 ib0 w 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 hbp5 hbp4 hbp3 hbp2 hbp1 hb p0 por 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 hbp50:setthedelayperiodfromfallingedgeof hsynctofirstvalidline. hbp5 hbp4 hbp3 hbp2 hbp1 hbp0 no.ofclockcycleof dotclk 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 4 0 0 0 0 1 1 5 0 0 0 1 0 0 6 step=1 1 1 1 1 1 0 64 1 1 1 1 1 1 65 datasheet pdf -
lcyw07x0410 note3) verticalporch(r17h)(por=0002h) r/w dc ib15 ib14 ib13 ib12 ib11 ib10 ib9 ib8 ib7 ib 6 ib5 ib4 ib3 ib2 ib1 ib0 w 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 vbp8 vbp7 vbp6 vbp5 vbp4 vbp3 vbp 2 vbp1 vbp0 por 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 vbp80:setthedelayperiodfromfallingedgeo fvsynctofirstvalidline. vbp8 vbp7 vbp6 vbp5 vbp4 vbp3 vbp2 vbp1 vbp0 no.of clockcycleofhsync 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0(cad=0 ? ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 step=1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 319 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 320 1 0 1 reserved 1 1 reserved xl8 xl8 xl8 xl8 - -- - 0: 0:0: 0: 320 hdisp= 320 t hfp vcycle t vbp :set by vbp8 - 0 vdisp=24 0 t hbp : set by hbp5 - 0 t vfp datasheet pdf -
lcyw07x0411 63.backlightdriving thebacklightsystemhas7leds usedled:nssw008c[nichiacorporation] parameter symbol min. typ. max. unit remark ratedvoltage v bl 22.4 24.5 v ratedcurrent i l 20 ma ta led =25 c powerconsumption w l 448 mw 7.timingcharacteristicsofinputsignals 71.pixelclocktiming characteristics symbol min typ max unit frequency f dotclk 5.0 8.0 mhz period t dotclk 125 200 nsec highperiod t ckh 62 nsec dotclk lowperiod t ckl 62 nsec setuptime t ds 30 nsec data holdtime t dh 30 nsec setuptime t vsys 20 nsec vsync holdtime t vsyh 20 nsec setuptime t hsys 20 nsec hsync holdtime t hsyh 20 nsec phasedifferenceofsyncsignal fallingedge t hv 0 320 t dotclk resetpulsewidth t res 10 nsec rise/falltime t r /t f 20 100 nsec note:externalclocksourcemustbeprovidedtodo tclkpin. themodulewillnotoperateifabsentoftheclocki ngsignal. datasheet pdf -
lcyw07x0412 72.datatransactiontiminginnormaloperatingmo de(262kcolor) characteristics symbol min typ max unit frequency f dotclk 5.0 8.0 mhz dotclk period t dotclk 125 200 ns frequency f h 14.9 18.18 khz hsync cycle h cycle 336 clock frequency f v 50 60.1 65 hz vsync cycle v cycle 244 line horizontalbackporch t hbp 8 clock horizontalfrontporch t hfp 8 clock horizontaldatastartpoint t hbp 8 clock horizontalblankingperiod t hbp +t hfp 16 clock horizontaldisplayarea hdisp 320 clock verticalbackporch t vbp 2 line verticalfrontporch t vfp 2 line verticaldatastartpoint t vbp 2 line verticalblankingperiod t hbp +t hfp 4 line verticaldisplayarea vdisp 240 line datasheet pdf -
lcyw07x0413 theformulaofsettingforcontrolsignals:f dotclk ,t hbp ,t hfp ,t vbp ,t vfp fv=60 5hz fv=f dotclk /(v cycle h cycle ) v cycle =240+t vbp +t vfp h cycle =320+t hbp +t hfp Q 512 73.synchronizationsignalstiminginpowersavem ode(8color) characteristics symbol min typ max unit frequency f dotclk 5.0 8.0 mhz dotclk period t dotclk 125 200 ns hsync frequency f h 14.9 18.18 khz frequency f v 50 60.1 65 hz vsync cycle v cycle 244 line verticalpartialbackporch vpbp 0 239 line verticalactivearea vpdsp 1 240 line verticalbackporch t vbp 2 line verticalfrontporch t vfp 2 line verticaldisplayarea vdisp 240 line note:whenenteredto8colordisplaymode,therg bgraphiedatathroughtheinterfacepinrr5,gg5an d bb5arevalidwithintheverticalactivearea.dat a0willbedisplayedtheverticalactivearea. theformulaofsettingforcontrolsignals:f dotclk ,t hbp ,t hfp ,t vbp ,t vfp fv=60 5hz fv=f dotclk /(v cycle h cycle ) v cycle =240+t vbp +t vfp h cycle =320+t hbp +t hfp Q 512 datasheet pdf -
lcyw07x0414 74.v gh outputagainstshut&resb resb v ci v ddio resb. v ci /v ddio resb datasheet pdf -
lcyw07x0415 75.powerupsequence note1:itisnecessarytoinputdotclkbeforethef allingedgeofshut. note2:displaystartsat10thfallingedgeofvsync afterthefallingedgeofshut. v ci/ v ddio (the internal signal of lcd module ) datasheet pdf -
lcyw07x0416 76.powerdownsequence (the internal signal of lcd module ) resb v ci/ v ddio note1: dotclk must be maintained at least 2 frames after the rising edge of shut. note2: display become off at the 2nd falling of vsy nc after the falling edge of shut. note3: if reset(res) signal is necessary for power down,provide it after the 2-frames-cycle of the shut period. datasheet pdf -
lcyw07x0417 77.spiinterfacetimingdiagram&transactionexa mple(9bit) characteristics ? min typ max g frequency fclk 20 mhz cycletime tclk 50 ns lowwidth tsl 25 ns serialclock highwidth tsh 25 ns setuptime tcss 0 ns holdtime tcsh 10 ns chipselect highdelaytime tcsd 20 ns setuptime tds 5 ns data holdtime tdh 10 ns theexampletransmit0x2aefhtoregisterr01h. datasheet pdf -
lcyw07x0418 78.inputdatasignalsanddisplaypositiononthe screen pleaserefertoinputterminalnamesandfunctions datasheet pdf -
lcyw07x0419 8.inputsignals,basicdisplaycolorsandgraysca leofeachcolor colors& datesignal gray gray r0 r1 r2 r3 r4 r5 g0 g1 g2 g3 g4 g5 b0 b 1 b2 b3 b4 b5 scale scale lsb msb lsb msb lsb msb black 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 blue 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 green 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 cyan 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 red 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 magenta 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 yellow 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 basiccolor white 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 black gs0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  gs1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 darker gs2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0           brighter gs61 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  gs62 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 grayscaleofred red gs63 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 black gs0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  gs1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 darker gs2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0           brighter gs61 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0  gs62 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 grayscaleofgreen green gs63 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 black gs0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  gs1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 darker gs2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0           brighter gs61 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1  gs62 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 grayscaleofblue blue gs63 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0: low level voltage, 1: high level voltage eachbasiccolorcanbedisplayedin64grayscales from6bitdatasignals. accordingtothecombinationof18bitdatasignals ,the262kcolordisplaycanbeachievedonthescr een. datasheet pdf -
lcyw07x0420 9.opticalcharacteristics ta=25 c,v ddio =+3.3v,v ci =+3.3v parameter symbol condition min. typ. max. unit rema rk 21 70 deg. horizontal 22 70 deg. 11 60 deg. viewing angle range (withwide view) vertical 12 cr R 10 65 deg. note1,4 contrastratio cr optimum viewing angle 300 500 note2,4 response rise r 8 20 ms time decay d =0 20 40 ms note3,4 x 0.26 0.31 0.36 chromaticityof white y 0.29 0.34 0.39 note4 luminanceofwhite x l1 350 450 cd/m 2 i led =20ma * the optical characteristics measurements are oper ated under a stable luminescence (i led = 20ma) and a dark condition. (refer to fig.91) center of display ( =0 ) instrument (ez-contrast center of display ( =0 ? tft - lcd module fig 9-1 characteristics measurements ofviewingangle/responsetime tft - lcd module mm field=2 fig 9-2 characteristics measurements of luminance, contrast and chromaticity instrument ? luminance,contrast(bm-5a) ? chromaticity (sr-3) datasheet pdf -
lcyw07x0421 note3 definitionofresponsetime theresponsetimeisdefinedasthefollowingfigur eandshallbemeasured byswitchingtheinputsignalforblackandwhit e note4 thisshallbemeasuredatcenterofthescreen. note1 definitionsofviewinganglerange note2 definitionofcontrastratio thecontrastratioisdefinedasthefollowing black pixels all with s) (brightnes luminance white pixels all with s) (brightnes luminance (cr) ratio ontrast c = black black white white time normalline 6oclock 11 21 22 12 photodetectoroutput (relativevalue) datasheet pdf -
lcyw07x0422 10handlingofmodules 101.insertingthefpcintoitsconnectorandpull ingitout 1)besuretoturnoffthepowersupplyandthesi gnalswheninsertingordisconnectingthecable. 2)pleaseinsertfortoomuchstressnottojoinf pcinthecaseofinsertionoffpc. 102.abouthandlingoffpc 1)thebendingradiusofthefpcshouldbemoreth an1.4mm,anditshouldbebentevenly. 2)donotdanglethelcdmodulebyholdingthefpc ,ordonotgiveanystresstoit. 103.mountingofthemodule 1)themoduleshouldbeheldontotheplainsurfa ce.donotgiveanywarpingortwistingstressto themodule. 2)pleaseconsiderthatgndcangroundamodularm etalportionetc.sothatstaticelectricityisnot chargedtoamodule. 104.cautionsinassembly/handlingprecautions asthepolarizercanbeeasilyscratched,bemost carefulinhandlingit. 1) workenvironmentsinassembly. sinceremovinglaminatormaycauseselectrostaticc hargethattendstoattract dust,the followingworkenvironmentwouldbedesired. a) floor:conductivetreatmenthaving1mresistan ceontofloorstile b) theroomfreefromdustcomingfromoutdoorenv ironment,andputanadhesivemat atentrances. c) humidityfrom50%to70%andtemperaturefrom1 5cto27caredesirable. d) workershouldwareconductiveshoes,conductive fatigue,conductivegloveand earthwristband. 2)instructionforworking a)winddirectionofanantistaticblowershouldsl ightlydownwardtoproperlyblowthemodule. thedistancebetweentheblowerandthemoduleshou ld bethebestdistanceofuseblower. also,payatte ntiontothedirectionofthemodule. b)topreventpolarizerfromscratching,adhesivet ape(cellophanetape)shouldbe stuckatthepartoflaminatorsheet,whichisclos edtoblower.[seetheabove] c)pullslowlyadhesivetapetopeelthelaminator off,withspendingmorethan5second. d)themodulewithoutlaminatorshouldbemovedto thenextprocesstoprevent adhesionofdust. antistatic blower the best distance of use blower lcd module input fpc side wind flow cellophane tape datasheet pdf -
lcyw07x0423 3)howtheremovedustonthepolarizer a)blowoutdustbytheuseofann2blowerwithan tistaticmeasurestaken.useof anionizedairgunisrecommendable. b)whenthepanelsurfaceissoiled,wipeitwiths oftcloth. 4)inthecaseofthemodulesmetalpart(shieldc ase)isstained,wipeitwithapieceofdry,soft cloth. ifratherdifficult,giveabreathonthemetalpar ttocleanbetter. 5)ifwaterdropped,etc.remainsstuckonthepola rizerforalongtime,itisapttogetdiscolored orcause stains.wipeitimmediately. 6)asaglasssubstrateisusedforthetftlcdpan el,ifitisdroppedonthefloororhitbysomethi nghard, itmaybebrokenorchippedoff. 7)sincecmoslsiisusedinthismodule,takecare ofstaticelectricityandtakethehumanearthint o considerationwhenhandling. 105.others 1)regardingstorageoflcdmodules,avoidstoring thematdirectsunlightsituation. 2) if stored at temperatures below the rated values , the inner liquid crystal may freeze, causing cell destruction. at temperatures exceeding the rated va lues for storage, the liquid crystal may become isotropicliquid,makingitnolongerpossibletoc omebacktoitsoriginalstateinsomecases. 3) ifthelcdisbroken,donotdrinkliquidcrysta linthemouth.iftheliquidcrystaladherestoa handor footortoclothes,immediatelycleanseitwithsoa p. 4) ifawaterdropordustadherestothepolarizer ,itisapttocausedeterioration.wipeitimmedia tely. 5) besuretoobserveothercautionitemsforordin aryelectronicpartsandcomponents. datasheet pdf -
lcyw07x0424 11.reliabilitytestitems no. testitem conditions 1 hightemperaturestoragetest ta=80 c 240h 2 lowtemperaturestoragetest ta=30 c 240h 3 hightemperature &highhumidityoperationtest ta=40 c;95%rh 240h (nocondensation) 4 hightemperatureoperationtest (panelsurface) ta=70 c 240h 5 lowtemperatureoperationtest tp=20 c 240h 6 vibrationtest (nonoperating) frequencyrange:10to55hz stroke:1.5mm sweeptime:1minutes testperiod:2hoursforeachdirectionofx,y,z 7 shocktest direction:x,y,z,time:thirdforeachdirecti on. impactvalue:980m/s2,actiontime6ms 8 thermalshocktest ta=20 cto70 c/10cycles (30min) (30min) note ta=ambienttemperature,tp=paneltemperature checkitems inthestandardcondition,thereshallbenopracti calproblemsthatmayaffectthedisplayfunction. 12.displaygrade the standard regarding the grade of color lcd displ aying modules should be based on the delivery inspectionstandard. 13.deliveryform 131.cartonstorageconditions 1)cartonpilingup:max8rows 2)environments temperature:0 40c humidity:65%rhorless(at40c) thereshouldbenodewcondensationevenatalowt emperatureandhighhumidity. 3)packingform:15.lcdmodulepackingcarton cartons are weak against damp, and they are apt to be smashed easily due to the compressive pressureappliedwhenpiledup.theaboveenvironme ntalconditionsoftemperatureandhumidityare setinconsiderationofreasonablepileupforstor age. datasheet pdf -
lcyw07x0425 14.lotno.marking thelotno.willbeprintedoneverymodulebyink jet.theindicationstyleisshownasbelowdrawing . processingplacecode(q,l,etc.) lotno=productionyear(07~)+mouth(a~l)+serial no(000001~) modelno+partscode(ora) 15.lcdmodulepackingcarton 16.others 1disassemblingthemodulecancausepermanentdam ageandyoushouldbestrictlyavoided. 2pleasebecarefulthatyoudontkeepthescreen displayedfixedpatternimageforalongtime, sinceretentionmayoccur. 3ifyoupresseddownaliquidcrystaldisplayscr eenwithyourfingerandsoon,thealignmentdisor der ofliquidcrystalwilloccur.andthenitwillbeco medisplayfault. therefore,becarefulnottotouchthescreendirec tly,andtoconsidernotstressingtoit. 4ifanyproblemarisesregardingtheitemsmentio nedinthisspecificationsheetorotherwise,itsh ouldbe discussedandsettledmutuallyinagoodfaithfor remedyand/orimprovement. LQ035Q3DG01 datasheet pdf -
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