sichuan institute of piezoelectric and acoustooptic technology z ideal for european 433.92mhz transmitters z low loss,high q factor z quartz stability z to39 case the ue433.92 is a true one-port ,surface-acoustic-wave(saw) resonator in a low profile to-39 case .it provides reliable, fundamental-mode, quartz frequency stabilization of fixed-frequency transmitters operating at 433.92mhz. the ue433.92 is designed specifically for remote-control and wireless security transmitters operating in europe under etsii-ets 300 200 and in germany under ftz 17 tr 2100 absolute maximum rating rating value cw rf power dissipation +13dbm dc voltage between any 2 pins f 30vdc case temperature -40 to +85 electrical characteristic characteristic sym unit minimum typical maximum center frequency f 0 mhz 433.845 433.92 433.995 insertion loss il db 1.5 2.0 unloaded q q u 11,000 quality factor 50 ? loaded q q l 2,000 turnover temperature t 0 28 43 58 turnover frequency f 0 khz f 0 +2.7 temperature stability freq.temp.coefficient ftc ppm/ 2 0.032 frequency aging ppm/yr < f 10 dc insulation resistance between any 2 pins ?? 1.0 motional resistance r m ? 15 19 motional inductance l m - h 67.0144 motional capacitance c m ff 2.01212 shunt static cap c 0 pf 1.7 2.1 2.3 rf equivalent rlc model transducer static cap. c p pf 1.8 127( 127( 7hvw whpshudwxuh 2 . in test the shunt inductance is tuned for parallel resonance with c 0 at f c . 7klv sduw lv (ohfwurvwdwlf 'lvfkdujh 6hqvlwlyh dqg pd\ eh gdpdjhg e\ lpsurshu kdqglqj 32%r[ &krqjtlqj &klqd 7ho )d[ hpdlovdzpnw#vlsdwfrp UE433A 433.92mhz saw resonator
sichuan institute of piezoelectric and acoustooptic technology z ideal for european 433.92mhz transmitters z low loss,high q factor z quartz stability z to39 case 3dfndjh 3dfndjh )uhtxhqf\ uhvsrqvh )uhtxhqf\ uhvsrqvh 32%r[ &krqjtlqj &klqd 7ho )d[ hpdlovdzpnw#vlsdwfrp ue433.92 433.92mhz saw resonator 432.42 . . . . 433.92 . . . . 435.42 -30 -27 -24 -21 -18 -15 -12 -9 -6 -3 0 frequency (mhz) amplitude (db) 433.92 mhz sawf