rev 1.6 2004/7/1 AM4EC series data sheet A A ? ? ? ? a a l l p p h h a a m m i i c c r r o o e e l l e e c c t t r r o o n n i i c c s s c c o o r r p p . . ? 295 ? 9 ? 1 ? 9f-1, 295, sec. 2, kuang fu rd., hsinchu, taiwan ? : 03-573 6660 tel : +886-3-573 6660 : 03-573 6661 fax: +886-3-573 6661 A A ? ? ? ?
AM4EC series rev 1.6 2004/7/1 1 1.0 general description the AM4EC series are very low cost voice and melody synthesizer with 4-bits cpu. they have various features including 4-bits alu, rom, ram, i/o ports, timers, clock generator, voice and melody synthesizer, and pwm (direct drive) or d/a current outputs, etc. the audio synthesizer contains one voice-channel and two melody-channels. furthermore, t hey consist of 27 instructions in these devices. with cmos technology and halt function can minimize po wer dissipation. their architectures are similar to risc, with two stages of instruction pipeline. they allow all instructions to be executed in a single cycle, except for program branches and data table read instructions (which need two instruction cycles). 2.0 features (1) single power supply can operate from 2. 2~5.5v at 4mhz or 3.6~5.5v at 8mhz. (2) program rom: 16k x 10 bits (3) 1 set of 16-bits dpr can access up to 64k x 10 bi ts melody data memory space, and 1 set of 18-bits vpr can access up to 256k x 10 bits voice data memory space. product voice duration (sec) voice pointer (vpr) rom size (10-bit) AM4EC005x 5 14-bits 16k AM4EC010x 10 15-bits 32k AM4EC015x 15 16-bits 48k AM4EC020x 20 16-bits 64k AM4EC031x 31 17-bits 96k AM4EC041x 41 17-bits 128k AM4EC052x 52 18-bits 160k AM4EC063x 63 18-bits 192k (4) data registers: a). 128 x 4-bits data ram (00-7fh) (4ec005x/4ec010x are 96 x 4-bits data ram 00-5fh) b). unbanked special function registers (sfr) range: 00h-2fh (5) i/o ports: a). pra: 4-bits i/o port a (10h) can be programm ed to input/output individually. (register control) b). prb: 4-bits i/o port b (13h) can be confi gured to input/output individually. (mask option) (6) on-chip clock generator: resistive clock drive ( rm) (7) timer: 1-set voice interrupt (timer 0: a 9-bits auto-reload timer/counter). (8) stack: 2-level subroutine nesting. (9) built-in 4-level volume control can be programmed. (10) built-in 8-level dac current output can be configured. (mask option) (11) built-in ir carrier output: port b[1] can be co nfigured as ir pin by 38k / 56khz. (mask option)
AM4EC series rev 1.6 2004/7/1 2 (12) external reset: port b[3] can be configured as reset pin. (mask opton) (13) halt and release from halt function to reduce power consumption (14) watch dog timer ( wdt ) (15) instruction: 1-cycle instruction except for table read and program branc hes which are 2-cycles (16) number of instruction: 27 (17) dac: 1 channel voice and dual tone melody synt hesizer (one 9-bits cout or 8-bits pwm output). figure 1 : rom map of AM4EC series 14-bit x 2 stack reset vector 00000h-03fffh 16-bit data pointer pc[13:0] reserved for testing 000ffh-00400h 00401h 00000h 000feh program rom 00000h-0ffffh data rom for melody 18-bit voice pointer 00000h-2ffffh voice rom for voice
AM4EC series rev 1.6 2004/7/1 3 3.0 pin description pad name pin attr. description pwm2/cout o pwm2 output, or current output of audio. pwm1 o pwm1 output. vdd1~2 power power supply during operation. pra0~3 i/o i/o port can be programmed to input/output individually. input type with weak pull-low or fix-input-floating capability. buffer output type. prb0, prb2 i/o i/o port can be configured to input/output individually. input type with weak pull-low or fix-input-floating capability. buffer output type. prb1 / ir i/o i/o port can be configured to input/output individually. input type with weak pull-low or fix-input-floating capability. buffer output type. mask option selected as an ir carrier output with 38k / 56khz prb3 / reset i/o i/o port can be configured to input/output individually. input type with weak pull-low or fix-input-floating capability. buffer output type. mask option selected as an exter nal reset pin with weak pull-low capability. osc i rm mode oscillator input gnd1~2 power ground potential 4.0 absolute maximum rating: symbol rating unit v dd ~v ss -0.5 ~ +7.0 v v in v ss -0.3 < v in < v dd +0.3 v v out gnd < v out < v dd v t op (operating) 0 ~ +70 oc t st (storage) -25 ~ +85 oc 5.0 dc characteristics symbol parameter vdd min. typ. max. unit condition v dd operating voltage 2.2 3 5.5 v f osc =4mhz 3 1 i sb standby 4.5 1 ua 4mhz, rm, halt mode 3 1 i op supply current operating 4.5 2.5 ma 4mhz, rm, no load 3 3 i ih input current (internal pull low) 4.5 10 ua input ports with weak pull-low 3 -4 v oh =0.4v i oh output-high current 4.5 -10 ma v oh =1.0v 3 8.5 v ol =2.0v i ol output-low current 4.5 19 ma v ol =2.6v i oh 3 -25 v dd =3v, v oh =2.4v i ol pwm output current 3 25 ma v dd =3v, v ol =0.6v
AM4EC series rev 1.6 2004/7/1 4 3 0.8 ~ 4.8 c out dac output current (8-level option) 4.5 0.9 ~ 6.5 ma 4mhz, rm (full scale) df/f frequency stability -5 5 df/f f osc (3v- 2.4v) f osc (3v) df/f f osc lot variation -10 10 df/f v dd =3v, r osc =430k, (~4mhz) figure 2 : frequency vs. rosc (at 3v) resistor (rosc ohms) 110k 200k 300k 430k frequency (mhz) 14.84 8.25 5.54 3.92 6.0 application circuit rosc vs freq. 5.54 3.92 8.25 14.84 0 5 10 15 20 0 100 200 300 400 500 rosc (k ohm) freq. (mhz)
AM4EC series rev 1.6 2004/7/1 5 7.0 bonding diagram of AM4EC005x/AM4EC010x pad # pad name x y pad # pad name x y 1 pwm2/cout -518 -195 9 prb0 267 -574 2 vdd1 -518 -479 10 prb1 377 -574 3 pwm1 -431 -603 11 vdd2 487 -574 4 gnd1 -283 -603 12 gnd2 489 -414 5 pra0 -173 -574 13 osc 489 -304 6 pra1 -63 -574 14 prb2 489 -194 7 pra2 47 -574 15 prb3 489 -84 8 pra3 157 -574 chip size : AM4EC0057 : 1234 um x 1404 um AM4EC005d : 1230 um x 1290 um AM4EC0107 : 1234 um x 1404 um rom prb3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 prb2 osc vdd2 gnd2 prb1 prb0 pra3 pra2 pra1 pra0 gnd1 pwm1 pwm2/cout vdd1 1 (0, 0) pad size : 80 um x 80 um * the ic substrate must be connected to gnd.
AM4EC series rev 1.6 2004/7/1 6 7.1 bonding diagram of other AM4EC series pad # pad name x y pad # pad name x y 1 pwm2/cout 58 466 9 prb0 843 87 2 vdd1 58 182 10 prb1 953 87 3 pwm1 145 58 11 vdd2 1063 87 4 gnd1 293 58 12 gnd2 1059 247 5 pra0 403 87 13 osc 1059 357 6 pra1 513 87 14 prb2 1059 467 7 pra2 623 87 15 prb3 1059 577 8 pra3 733 87 chip size : AM4EC0157 : 1230 um x 1848 um, AM4EC015d : 1230 um x 1630 um, AM4EC0207 : 1230 um x 1848 um, AM4EC020d : 1230 um x 1630 um AM4EC0317 : 1230 um x 1848 um, AM4EC0417 : 1230 um x 2528 um AM4EC041d : 1230 um x 2320 um, AM4EC0527 : 1230 um x 2528 um AM4EC052d : 1230 um x 2320 um, AM4EC0637 : 1230 um x 2528 um rom prb3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 prb2 osc vdd2 gnd2 prb1 prb0 pra3 pra2 pra1 pra0 gnd1 pwm1 pwm2/cout vdd1 1 (0, 0) pad size: 80 um x 80 um * the ic substrate must be connected to gnd.