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Beyond Innovation Technology Co., Ltd. BIT3193 www..com BIT3193 High Performance PWM Controller Version 1.0 Notice Information contained in this document is believed to be accurate and reliable and subject to change without notice. No part of this document may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of Beyond Innovation Technology Co., Ltd. The information presented in this document does not form part of any quotation or contract. BiTEK is not liable for any consequence of the usage and/or application of the information contained therein. Publication thereof does not convey nor imply any license under patent or other industrial or intellectual property rights. O BiTEK This product is not designed for use in life support appliances, devices, or systems where malfunction of this product can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury. BiTEK customers' using or selling this product for May 31, 2005 use in such applications shall do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify BiTEK for any damage resulting from such improper use or sale. DCC CONTROLLED page i of 14 05/03/14 Preliminary Confidential, for authorized user only Beyond Innovation Technology Co., Ltd. BIT3193 Contents 1. 2. Introduction.................................................................................................................................................1 BIT3193 functional description .................................................................................................................1 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. www..com INN and CMP..............................................................................................................................2 Clock and ramp wave generator..............................................................................................3 LOAD Resistor vs. CTOSC Frequency....................................................................................3 Timing diagram..........................................................................................................................4 ISEN and Timer..........................................................................................................................5 Low frequency PWMOUT .........................................................................................................6 BIT3193 initial status ................................................................................................................8 Over voltage clamping..............................................................................................................8 Output driving circuit................................................................................................................9 Feedback scheme ...................................................................................................................10 ISEN protection circuit ........................................................................................................... 11 CLAMP protection circuit .......................................................................................................11 Fig. 1 BIT3193 block diagram .............................................................................................................2 Fig. 2 Error amplifier and modulation................................................................................................2 Fig. 3 The schematic of ramp wave generator .........................................................................................3 Fig. 4 The relationship of CTOSC and frequency .....................................................................................3 2.6. 2.7. 2.8. 2.9. 3. Referenced external circuit design.........................................................................................................10 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. List of Figures Fig. 5 Connected a resistor in LOAD pin...........................................................................................4 Fig. 6 LOAD resistor vs. CTOSC frequency deviation .....................................................................4 Fig. 7 BIT3193 Modulation technique.......................................................................................................4 Fig. 8 ISEN and TIMER ............................................................................................................................5 Fig. 9 Delay time of ISEN.........................................................................................................................6 Fig. 10 The schematic associated with TIMER and ISEN..........................................................................6 Fig. 11 The schematic of Low frequency PWMOUT..................................................................................7 Fig. 12 MODE vs. PWMOUT.....................................................................................................................7 Fig. 13 PWMOUT maximum duty cycle limitation.....................................................................................8 Fig. 14 The scheme of over voltage clamping..........................................................................................9 Fig. 15 Delay of CLAMP protection..........................................................................................................9 Fig. 16 BIT3193 NOUT output driving circuit..........................................................................................10 Fig. 17 IC_VDD power circuit.................................................................................................................10 Fig. 18 Feedback scheme...................................................................................................................... 11 Fig. 19 ISEN protection scheme ............................................................................................................ 11 Fig. 20 Clamp circuit scheme ................................................................................................................12 O BiTEK May 31, 2005 List of Tables 05/03/14 Preliminary Confidential, for authorized user only Table 1 BIT3193 initial state ................................................................................................................8 DCC CONTROLLED page ii of 14 Beyond Innovation Technology Co., Ltd. BIT3193 Edit by: Tim Yu & BIT3193 Application note Bill Huang Abstract BiTEK new developed BIT3193 general purpose PWM controller with a kind of two output signals with 180 degree out of phase. A built-in low frequency PWM generator makes the design job easy especially when you need it in the Latched-off functions, which are also built-in, make BIT3193 more reliable in system protection. A application circuit. Built-in soft-start function simplifies the peripheral circuit design and reduces inrush current when the system is www..com starting-up. The highly integrated design of BIT3193 get the both advantages of high performance and low price. 1. Introduction General purposed PWM controllers developed in many specified application like switching power supply design are popular especially when designed for various topologies. They can increase the efficiency more comparing to the traditional Fly-back converters and Forward converters. For various topologies of converter design, the output voltage feeds a voltage signal into the input of an error amplifier for comparing to the reference voltage, and then the error amplifier delivers an error signal by a compensation circuit. This error signal is modulated as PWM signal by comparing with a triangular wave. There are some logic timing circuits to separate the phases of this PWM signal to have a dual-PWM-output to drive power switches of used power circuit. Beside the basic functions of feedback control in different converter design, some specific applications Such signal can be used as an indication such as to use a DC/PWM transfer circuit without feedback are also popular. signal or simple ON/OFF control to other systems. To avoid inrush current when the switching power been turned on, normally it needs a soft-start circuit. The built-in This soft-start function can reduce the number and rating of external components and increases the system reliability. specific function latches the designed system that can also avoid the more serious problems. A Clamped circuit design provides a fast response loop to reduce the output voltage when there is a high output voltage occurred in the initial stage. The Low power consumption by adopting CMOS process for controller provides the system higher efficiency. 2. BIT3193 functional description Fig. 1 shows a block diagram of BIT3193. All of its detailed internal block diagrams show in following sections. O BiTEK May 31, 2005 DCC CONTROLLED 05/03/14 Preliminary Confidential, for authorized user only page 1 of 14 Beyond Innovation Technology Co., Ltd. BIT3193 www..com Fig. 1 BIT3193 block diagram 2.1. INN and CMP The INN pin and the CMP pin are the input and output of the error amplifier in BIT3193, which is shown as Fig. 2. The PWM signal is generated when a triangular wave and a DC voltage feed into CMP_PWM. The error amplifier has the job of compensation for the whole system in a close-loop design by accomplishing with a RC-network. The triangular wave is generated when a capacitor connected in CTOSC pin. About the basic operation of error amplifier, the INN pin is worked to receive the feedback signal then compare it with an internal 1.25V reference voltage in the error amplifier (ERR_AMP). The error amplifier works as both a comparator and The tolerance of 1.25V a compensator when a RC-network connected between its output pin and INN pin. reference voltage in BIT3193 is designed as O 3%. RC-Network O Fig. 2 Error amplifier and modulation BiTEK May 31, 2005 DCC CONTROLLED page 2 of 14 05/03/14 Preliminary Confidential, for authorized user only Beyond Innovation Technology Co., Ltd. BIT3193 2.2. Clock and ramp wave generator A capacitor is connected in CTOSC pin, which can produce a triangular wave; the frequency of this wave is also called the oscillation frequency, shown as Fig. 3. Comparing with 0.5V and 2.25V, the two current sources The relationship of frequency and charged and discharged then generate the necessary triangular wave. capacitor value is shown as Fig. 4. In addition, BIT3193 is a two output signals with 180 degree out of phase and its triangular frequency is double of its output frequency. www..com 250.00 200.00 Frequency(KHz) 150.00 100.00 50.00 0.5V + - CTOSC VS. Frequency 2.25V + CTOSC 0.00 300 500 700 900 CTOSC(pF) 1100 1300 1500 Fig. 3 The schematic of ramp wave generator Fig. 4 The relationship of CTOSC and frequency The generated frequency can be referred as following equation: FHFPWM = K HF , K HF = 8.2e - 5 CCTOSC If the required frequency is 50kHz, the selected triangular wave frequency is 100kHz, therefore we can know: 100kHz = 8.2e - 5 CCTOSC And choose a 820pF capacitor and connect it to CTOSC pin. In addition, considering about temperature factor and the tolerance of capacitor, to choose the NPO type with O 5% tolerance so as to meet the requirement,O 8% design specification, because of the O 3% frequency tolerance of BIT3193. For a 50 KHz frequency design, the maximum tolerance of O 8% equals O 4KHz. 2.3. LOAD Resistor vs. CTOSC Frequency BIT3193 supports the higher start-up frequency when a resistor connected to its LOAD pin, shown as Fig 5. The function of LOAD pin is related to ISEN pin. When the voltage of ISEN pin is lower than 1.3V, the internal O B When the switch (connected to LOAD pin) is "closed" that makes BIT3193 generate a higher start-up frequency.i T E K voltage of ISEN pin is higher than 1.3V, the internal switch connected is "opened" that makes BIT3193 generate a normal operation frequency. 6. The relationship of LOAD resistor and CTOSC frequency deviation is shown as Fig. May 31, 2005 DCC CONTROLLED Confidential, for authorized user only page 3 of 14 05/03/14 Preliminary Beyond Innovation Technology Co., Ltd. BIT3193 LOAD Resistor VS. CTOSC Frequency Deviation 1:1 0.75V 200.00 175.00 150.00 Frequency evaoin Dit (KHz) 125.00 100.00 75.00 50.00 25.00 0.00 0 173.30 151.10 126.50 108.70 91.40 76.20 63.50 54.40 45.70 38.70 ISEN LOAD CTOSC CTOSC 32.10 26.80 www..com 20 40 60 80 100 LOAD Resisor (Kohm) Fig. 5 Connected a resistor in LOAD pin Fig. 6 LOAD resistor vs. CTOSC frequency deviation The equation of deviation is shown as following equation: Fn = F100KHz x Fn 100 KHz When CTOSC is in 100KHz and the start-up frequency is 140KHz, G Fn will be 40KHz and the resistor connected to LOAD will be 51K. 2.4. Timing diagram The output PWM signal is accomplished by comparing the ramp wave and the output of error amplifier (CMP_PWM OUT). The ramp wave is generated in CTOSC pin when a capacitor is connected here; its The Delay elements and AND logics feed the PWM signal of frequency is determined by the capacitor. CMP_PWM into NOUT1 and NOU2. time is needed and must be enough. To avoid a short circuit happened between NOUT1 and NOUT2, the delay E rr _ A m p O u tp u t R a m p W a ve C M P _ PW M O utp ut 1 /2 F C lo c k N OU T1 N OU T2 O D e la y D e la y D e la y BiTEK May 31, 2005 Fig. 7 BIT3193 Modulation technique DCC CONTROLLED page 4 of 14 05/03/14 Preliminary Confidential, for authorized user only Beyond Innovation Technology Co., Ltd. BIT3193 2.5. ISEN and Timer The TIMER pin is charged by an internal current source when an external capacitor is connected to this pin. The timing chart is shown as Fig. 8. Firstly, the ON/OFF input voltage of BIT3193 is higher than 1V, the voltage of TIMER pin is lower than 0.5V and there is no signal input on ISEN pin, the period in above conditions is called "Turn on delay time". During the "Turn on delay time" there is no signal for NOUT output. Secondly, TIMER pin increases its charged voltage to make NOUT enable until it is in 2.5V. Thirdly, because there is no signal fed into ISEN, BIT3193 will count 32 cycles based on CTPWM cycle time then shut itself down when the voltage of www..com TIMER pin is higher than 2.5V. NOUT 2.5V 0.5V 0.3V Timer ON/OFF ISEN 1V 1V Turn On Delay Time CTPWM 32cycle Latch Off Time Fig. 8 ISEN and TIMER Fig. 9 is another condition when the voltage of TIMER pin is higher than 2.5V, NOUT has normal output and ISEN detects a signal, which is higher than 1.3V in its first state. and becomes low. The second state is that ISEN detects nothing This condition will not shut BI3193 down immediately because it assumes this condition maybe caused by noise, then the internal counter of BIT3193 begins to count 32 cycles. If the voltage of ISEN pin is still lower than 1.3V after 32 cycles then BIT3193 will shut itself down. O BiTEK May 31, 2005 DCC CONTROLLED 05/03/14 Preliminary Confidential, for authorized user only page 5 of 14 Beyond Innovation Technology Co., Ltd. BIT3193 NOUT 4V Timer 2.5V ISEN CTPWM www..com 1.3V 32cycle Fig. 9 Delay time of ISEN The realized circuit is shown as Fig. 10. The two comparators compare TIMER pin voltage and ISEN pin voltage to 2.5V and 1.3V respectively. After delayed 32 cycles, the Latch Circuit may decide to disable BIT3193. Besides, BIT3193 offers ON/OFF pin to turn on/off itself when there is an input voltage higher than 1V, shown as Fig. 10. There is a built-in 80K resistor connected to ground in ON/OFF pin and engineers need to pay attention more about the load effect of it. When IC supplied voltage is 5V and a 200K resistor connects to ON/OFF pin, an about 1.42V voltage in this pin may turn on BIT3193. Such kind of turn-on/off circuit needs a paralleled capacitor connected here to avoid the noise interference in this pin. When start up BIT3193 by turning on its ON/OFF pin, all of IC's internal functions will be reset to ensure all the parameters in initial states. initial states are built when the voltage of TIMER pin is between 0V and 0.3V. These Tim er 2.5 V + - 1.3 V + VDD Lat sh Cir cuit 80K? 5% To All Circuit ISEN ON/OFF Fig. 10 The schematic associated with TIMER and ISEN 2.6. Low frequency PWMOUT O BiTEK The frequency of triangular The realized circuit of low frequency PWMOUT with polarity selection is shown as Fig. 31, 2005 maximum May 11. The voltage and minimum voltage of triangular wave are 2.5V and 0.5V respectively. wave is controlled by the capacitor connected to CTPWM pin and the dutyDCC PWMOUT is controlled by cycle of CONTROLLED PWMDC voltage level. 05/03/14 Preliminary Finally, the signal voltage level of MODE controls the polarity of PWMOUT. Confidential, for authorized user only page 6 of 14 Beyond Innovation Technology Co., Ltd. BIT3193 MODE PWM OUT PWMOUT Output Control Circuit PWM DC ISE N Low Frequ ency P WM Generator 220 HZ 2.5 V 1V INN + FB CTPWM CMP + - www..com 2.25V 0.5V 1.2 5V 50K HZ Fig. 11 The schematic of Low frequency PWMOUT The PWMOUT pin generates a low frequency PWM signal when the level of ISEN is higher than 1.3V, shown as Fig. 12. The duty cycle of PWMOUT is proportional to PWMDC when MODE pin is connected to ground. In the other side, the duty cycle of PWMOUT is inverse proportional to PWMDC when MODE pin is connected to a logic high level (e. g. IC_VDD). When a 0.022uF capacitor is selected to connect to CTPWM pin that can produce the frequency about 220Hz. To choose X7R type of capacitors can avoid frequency from drafted when environmental temperature is changed. CTPWM PWMDC ISEN 1.3V PWMOUT(MODE="0") PWMOUT(MODE="1") Fig. 12 MODE vs. PWMOUT For the proportional relationship of PWMOUT duty cycle and PWMDC, when MODE is selected to logic "0" then PWMOUT has the maximum duty cycle limitation of 92%, shown as Fig. 13. O BiTEK May 31, 2005 DCC CONTROLLED 05/03/14 Preliminary Confidential, for authorized user only page 7 of 14 Beyond Innovation Technology Co., Ltd. BIT3193 CTPWM PWMDC ISEN PWMOUT 1.3V www..com 92% Fig. 13 PWMOUT maximum duty cycle limitation 2.7. BIT3193 initial status Shown in Table 1 are initial states of BIT3193 when it is powered on. During the initial state, there will be a 60uA current flows into INN pin, the error amplifier input in BIT3193, to make the output of error amplifier as the low level. Output pins of NOUT1 and NOUT2 are in the same level with ground and two frequency generators, high triangular wave and low frequency triangular wave, have normal oscillation signals. Table 1 BIT3193 initial state P in N u m b e r P in N a m e S tatu s 1 4 8 9 11 12 IN N C TO SC NO U T1 NO U T2 PW MOUT C TPW M F o r c e to V D D ( W ith ~ 6 0 u A c u r r e n t so u r c e ) N o r m a lly r u n F o r c e d to G N D F o r c e d to G N D F lo a tin g N o r m a lly r u n 2.8. Over voltage clamping The internal circuit of CLAMP pin in BIT3193 is designed by comparing with 2V, shown as Fig. 14. When a signal voltage higher than 2Vwhich feeds to CLAMP pin then the internal switch will be turned on to let the 60uA current flow to INN pin to increase the potential level of INN pin and reduces Othe potential level of CMP, hence K B i T E the NOUT duty cycle will be reduced. May 31, 2005 DCC CONTROLLED 05/03/14 Preliminary Confidential, for authorized user only page 8 of 14 Beyond Innovation Technology Co., Ltd. BIT3193 60uA CLAMP TIME_INI INN + www..com Rs 1.25V 2.25V 0.5V Fig. 14 The scheme of over voltage clamping Another function of CLAMP pin is shown as Fig. 15. When voltage level of ISEN pin is higher than 2.5V then NOUT has PWM output and CLAMP level is higher than 2V (e. g. 2.5V). counting 14 cycles based on CTOSC frequency. BIT3193 will shut down its output after 2.5V 1.5V NOUT CTOSC 14 CYCLES Fig. 15 Delay of CLAMP protection 2.9. Output driving circuit NOUT of BIT3193 is controlled by PWMOUT, protection circuit and ON/OFF associated by an AND gate, shown as Fig. 16. The output PWM signal level is IC_VDD and ground by its output driving MOSFET circuit. 05/03/14 Preliminary Confidential, for authorized user only - CMP + - O BiTEK May 31, 2005 DCC CONTROLLED page 9 of 14 Beyond Innovation Technology Co., Ltd. VDD BIT3193 O N /O F F P ro te c t C irc u it PW M O UT NOUT Fig. 16 BIT3193 NOUT output driver www..com 3. Referenced external circuit design There will be some referenced external circuit designs for BIT3193 in following sections. recommended and matched to the characteristics of BIT3193. They are The working voltage range of BIT3193 is 4.5V~8V and recommended operation voltage is 6.5V. When the input voltage is lowed than the UVLO voltage (3.8V) of BIT3193, it will be shut down. When input voltage of BIT3193 is higher than UVLO (4V) and the input of ON/OFF pin is higher than 1V, then BIT3193 will be turned on. Fig. 17 is a fixed input voltage design, like a LDO, to supply stable voltage to BIT3193 when the system input voltage is fluctuant. This regulator circuit needs to be designed carefully to supply enough input voltage to BIT3193, also the power rating of R2 and D1 need to be considered when they operate at maximum input voltage. The capacitor C3 used in this voltage regulator should be large enough to avoid high voltage ripple occurred in BIT3193 VDD pin. O Fig. 17 IC_VDD power circuit BiTEK May 31, 2005 3.1. Feedback scheme The current sensing and feedback control circuit is shown as Fig. 18that the load is operated at DCC CONTROLLED 05/03/14 Preliminary Confidential, for authorized user only page 10 of 14 Beyond Innovation Technology Co., Ltd. alternative current. BIT3193 LOAD Vs D3 R9 866 INN + Is 1.25V CMP www..com Fig. 18 Feedback scheme The load current can be learned as following equation: IS = VS R9 VD 1.25V + 2 x VS = 2 When R9 is 866 , the lamp current is about 4.1mA 3.2. ISEN protection circuit ISEN pin is used as an alternative current detection circuit by connecting a resistor (R9) and a diode (D3), shown as Fig. 7. In this circuit, R8, R10 and C8 are a low-pass filter worked for filtering the ripple voltage of ISEN pin when there is a normal operation alternative current. When open-load is happened, ISEN pin voltage is lower than 1.3V, and TIMER pin is higher than 2.5V after CTPWM counts over 32 cycles, then BIT3193 assumes it is operated under open-load condition and shut down itself. LOAD FB R8 ISEN R10 1 2 D3 3 R9 Is C8 Fig. 19 ISEN protection scheme O BiTEK May 31, 2005 3.3. CLAMP protection circuit high voltage to damage itself. 05/03/14 Preliminary CLAMP used as the over voltage protection function that can avoid the transformer provides an unexpected The referenced alternative voltage clamping circuit is shown as Fig. 20. Confidential, for authorized user only DCC CONTROLLED The page 11 of 14 Beyond Innovation Technology Co., Ltd. BIT3193 transformer output voltage is divided by capacitors C2 and C3 then feeds to CLAMP pin by a rectifier diode D2. Fig. 20 Clamp circuit scheme www..com The clamped voltage is calculated by following equations. VA( P - P ) = VC x 2VD VCLAMP ( P - P ) = VA( P - P ) x X C 2 + X C3 X C3 O BiTEK May 31, 2005 DCC CONTROLLED 05/03/14 Preliminary Confidential, for authorized user only page 12 of 14 |
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