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ocument Release Revision 0.1 Revision 0.5 Date 10/13/96 12/23/96 reprinted 1/8/97 to fix Acrobat PDF file size problem Revision Initial release for 586A Update to reflect 586B: * Updated pin definitions: Pins 18,31,33,58,60,131,133 (removed EXTSMI2-7 & DACEN) Pins 77-78,80-83,85-86 (added GPI8-15 and GPO8-15) Pins 94,87-88,92,136 (changed to GPIO0-4 and added alternate functions) Pins 90,106,137 (added MIRQ0, MIRQ1, and MIRQ2 functions) Pins 91,93,103,107 (changed to PWRBTN#, RI#, VDD-5VSB, PWRON) Pins 113-114,116-119,121-122 (added GPI, GPO, and EXTSMI functions) Fixed doc error DACK0-7 pin names changed to active low (DACK0-7#) Removed options: IRQ12 (pin 137), strap (pin 48), RTCAS (pin 94) * Updated register definitions Removed VIA-specific port A8/A9 registers Updated function 0 Rx5-4[3], Rx7-6[13], Rx41[0-4,6-7], Rx42[4-7], Rx44, Rx46[2-4], Rx47[3], Rx48[3], Rx4A[4-6], Removed Rx50 (MDRQ) Rx55[7-4] change PIRQD# to MIRQ1, Rx56 swap A/B, Rx57 swap C/D Added 58-5B for PnP, XD, KBC/RTC config; added 60-6F for DDMA ctrl Removed power mgmt regs 80-94 & added function 3 ACPI Power Mgmt * Straps: moved 95-96 to 5A, allow RW after powerup, removed strap XD3 * Expanded CMOS RAM: added ports 72-75 & table 5 CMOS Reg Summary * Added Power Management Subsystem Overview * Incorporated App Note #53 APM-Compliant Pwr Mgmt Model of 82C586A * Added AC Timing Section with IDE Interface Timing Diagrams & Specs * Overview Changes: Added System Block Diagram * Pin Function Changes: Pin 90 added alternate function "POS" output (3040F and 3041 silicon) Pin 106 added alternate function "IRQ8#" input (3040F and 3041 silicon) Pin 137 added alternate function "SDDIR" output (3041 only silicon) * Register Definition Changes: Fixed typos: Port 75 note, Fn0 Rx48[3], Rx55-57[7:0]; Fn1 Rx4[7]; Fn2 Rx3C-3D; Fn3 Rx26[9], Rx2F, Rx62-63, Table 7 Added missing register: Function 0 Rx59[3] MIRQ Pin Config Register Function 0 PCI-to-ISA Bridge (3041 only silicon) Rx08[7:0] (changed) Revision Code Register Rx2C[31:0] (new) Subsystem ID Register (read) Rx41[0] (changed) ISA Test Mode Register Rx46[7:5] and Rx48[5:4] (new) Misc Control Registers 1 and 3 Rx5C[0] (new) DMA Control Register Rx70[31:0] (new) Subsystem ID Register (write) Function 1 IDE Controller (3041 only silicon) Rx43[7] (new) FIFO Configuration Register Rx44[1:0] (new) Misc Control Register 1 Function 3 Power Management (3040F and 3041 silicon) Rx04[0] (moved to Rx41[7]) Command Register Rx08[7:0] (changed) Revision ID Register Rx10[4:1], Rx14 (changed) Processor Control and Processor Level 2 Rx20[31:0] (moved to Rx48) I/O Base Address Register Power Management I/O(3040F and 3041 silicon) Rx40[6:5] (new) GPIO Direction Control Register * Electrical Spec Changes: Added PCI Cycle Timing * Mechanical Spec Changes: Added marking specs for 3040E/F, 3041 silicon Initials DH DH Incorrect Change Revision 1.0 5/13/97 DH Revision 1.0 May 13, 1997 -i- Revision History 9,$7HFKQRORJLHV,QF VT82C586B TABLE OF CONTENTS REVISION HISTORY........................................................................................................................................................................I TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................................................................................................. II LIST OF FIGURES..........................................................................................................................................................................III LIST OF TABLES ...........................................................................................................................................................................IV OVERVIEW ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 PINOUTS ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 4 REGISTERS ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 14 REGISTER OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................................................................. 14 CONFIGURATION SPACE I/O ....................................................................................................................................................... 20 REGISTER DESCRIPTIONS............................................................................................................................................................ 21 Legacy I/O Ports ................................................................................................................................................................... 21 Keyboard Controller Registers.............................................................................................................................................................. 22 DMA Controller I/O Registers .............................................................................................................................................................. 24 Interrupt Controller Registers ............................................................................................................................................................... 25 Timer / Counter Registers ..................................................................................................................................................................... 25 CMOS / RTC Registers......................................................................................................................................................................... 26 PCI to ISA Bridge Registers (Function 0) .......................................................................................................................... 27 PCI Configuration Space Header .......................................................................................................................................................... 27 ISA Bus Control.................................................................................................................................................................................... 27 Plug and Play Control ........................................................................................................................................................................... 30 Distributed DMA Control ..................................................................................................................................................................... 32 Miscellaneous ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 32 Enhanced IDE Controller Registers (Function 1).............................................................................................................. 33 PCI Configuration Space Header .......................................................................................................................................................... 33 IDE-Controller-Specific Confiiguration Registers ................................................................................................................................ 35 IDE I/O Registers.................................................................................................................................................................................. 37 Universal Serial Bus Controller Registers (Function 2) .................................................................................................... 38 PCI Configuration Space Header .......................................................................................................................................................... 38 USB-Specific Configuration Registers.................................................................................................................................................. 39 USB I/O Registers................................................................................................................................................................................. 39 Power Management Registers (Function 3)........................................................................................................................ 40 PCI Configuration Space Header .......................................................................................................................................................... 40 Power Management-Specific PCI Configuration Registers .................................................................................................................. 41 Power Management Subsystem Overview ............................................................................................................................................ 43 Power Management I/O-Space Registers .............................................................................................................................................. 46 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS............................................................................................................................................... 55 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS ................................................................................................................................................. 55 DC CHARACTERISTICS................................................................................................................................................................ 55 AC TIMING SPECIFICATIONS ...................................................................................................................................................... 56 PACKAGE MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS ........................................................................................................................ 63 Revision 1.0 May 13, 1997 -ii- Table of Contents 9,$7HFKQRORJLHV,QF VT82C586B LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE 1. PC SYSTEM CONFIGURATION USING THE VT82C586B ................................................................................. 3 FIGURE 2. PIN DIAGRAM............................................................................................................................................................. 4 FIGURE 3. STRAP OPTION CIRCUIT....................................................................................................................................... 31 FIGURE 4. POWER MANAGEMENT SUBSYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM ........................................................................... 43 FIGURE 5. ULTRADMA-33 IDE TIMING - DRIVE INITIATING DMA BURST FOR READ COMMAND.................... 58 FIGURE 6. ULTRADMA-33 IDE TIMING - DRIVE INITIATING BURST FOR WRITE COMMAND............................ 58 FIGURE 7. ULTRADMA-33 IDE TIMING - PAUSING A DMA BURST ............................................................................... 59 FIGURE 8. ULTRADMA-33 IDE TIMING - DRIVE TERMINATING DMA BURST DURING READ COMMAND...... 60 FIGURE 9. ULTRADMA-33 IDE TIMING - DRIVE TERMINATING DMA BURST DURING WRITE COMMAND ... 60 FIGURE 10. ULTRADMA-33 IDE TIMING - HOST TERMINATING DMA BURST DURING READ COMMAND...... 61 FIGURE 11. ULTRADMA-33 IDE TIMING - HOST TERMINATING DMA BURST DURING WRITE COMMAND ... 61 FIGURE 12. ULTRADMA-33 IDE TIMING - PIO CYCLE ...................................................................................................... 62 FIGURE 13. MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS - 208-PIN PLASTIC FLAT PACKAGE.................................................. 63 Revision 1.0 May 13, 1997 -iii- List of Figures 9,$7HFKQRORJLHV,QF VT82C586B LIST OF TABLES TABLE 1. TABLE 2. TABLE 3. TABLE 4. TABLE 5. TABLE 6. TABLE 7. TABLE 8. TABLE 9. PIN DESCRIPTIONS..................................................................................................................................................... 5 SYSTEM I/O MAP ....................................................................................................... ................................................ 14 REGISTERS.................................................................................................................................................................. 14 KEYBOARD CONTROLLER COMMAND CODES .............................................................................................. 23 CMOS REGISTER SUMMARY................................................................................................................................. 26 SCI/SMI/RESUME CONTROL FOR PM EVENTS................................................................................................. 44 SUSPEND RESUME EVENTS AND CONDITIONS ............................................................................................... 44 AC CHARACTERISTICS - PCI CYCLE TIMING.................................................................................................. 56 AC CHARACTERISTICS - ULTRADMA-33 IDE BUS INTERFACE TIMING.................................................. 57 Revision 1.0 May 13, 1997 -iv- List of Tables 9,$7HFKQRORJLHV,QF VT82C586B VT82C586B PIPC PCI INTEGRATED PERIPHERAL CONTROLLER PC97 COMPLIANT PCI-TO-ISA BRIDGE WITH ACPI, DISTRIBUTED DMA, PLUG AND PLAY, MASTER MODE PCI IDE CONTROLLER WITH ULTRADMA-33, USB CONTROLLER, KEYBOARD CONTROLLER, AND REAL TIME CLOCK * PC97 Compliant PCI to ISA Bridge - Integrated ISA Bus Controller with integrated DMA, timer, and interrupt controller - Integrated Keyboard Controller with PS2 mouse support - Integrated DS12885-style Real Time Clock with extended 256 byte CMOS RAM and Day/Month Alarm for ACPI - Integrated USB Controller with root hub and two function ports - Integrated master mode enhanced IDE controller with enhanced PCI bus commands and UltraDMA-33 extensions - PCI-2.1 compliant with delay transaction - Eight double-word line buffer between PCI and ISA bus - One level of PCI to ISA post-write buffer - Supports type F DMA transfers - Distributed DMA support for ISA legacy DMA across the PCI bus - Fast reset and Gate A20 operation - Edge trigger or level sensitive interrupt - Flash EPROM, 2MB EPROM and combined BIOS support - Programmable ISA bus clock - Supports external IOAPIC interface for symmetrical multiprocessor configurations Inter-operable with VIA and other Host-to-PCI Bridges - Combine with VT82C585VPX/587VP for a complete 75MHz 6x86 / PCI / ISA system (Apollo VPX) - Combine with VT82C595 for a complete Pentium / PCI / ISA system (Apollo VP2) - Combine with VT82C685/687 for a complete Pentium-Pro /PCI / ISA system (Apollo P6) - Combine with VIA Apollo-AGP and Apollo Pro chipsets for new high-performance / enhanced-functionality systems - Inter-operable with other Intel or non-Intel Host-to-PCI bridges for a complete PC97 compliant PCI/ISA system Enhanced Master Mode PCI IDE Controller with Extension to UltraDMA-33 - Dual channel master mode PCI supporting four Enhanced IDE devices - Transfer rate up to 33MB/sec to cover PIO mode 4, multi-word DMA mode 2 drives, and UltraDMA-33 interface - Sixteen levels (doublewords) of prefetch and write buffers - Interlaced commands between two channels - Bus master programming interface for SFF-8038i rev.1.0 and Windows-95 compliant - Full scatter gather capability - Support ATAPI compliant devices including DVD devices - Support PCI native and ATA compatibility modes - Complete software driver support * * Revision 1.0 May 13, 1997 -1- Features 9,$7HFKQRORJLHV,QF * Universal Serial Bus Controller - - - - - * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * USB v.1.0 and Intel Universal HCI v.1.1 compatible Eighteen level (doublewords) data FIFO with full scatter and gather capability Root hub and two function ports Integrated physical layer transceivers with over-current detection status on USB inputs Legacy keyboard and PS/2 mouse support VT82C586B Sophisticated PC97-Compatible Power Management Supports both ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface) and legacy (APM) power management ACPI v1.0 Compliant (all required features plus extensions for most efficient desktop power management) APM v1.2 Compliant Supports soft-off (suspend to disk) and power-on suspend with hardware automatic wake-up One idle timer, one peripheral timer and one general purpose timer, plus 24/32-bit ACPI compliant timer Dedicated input pin for external modem ring indicator for system wake-up Enhanced integrated real time clock (RTC) with date alarm, month alarm, and century field Normal, doze, sleep, suspend and conserve modes System event monitoring with two event classes Five multi-purpose I/O pins plus support for up to 16 general purpose input ports and 16 output ports I2C serial bus support for JEDEC-compatible DIMM identification and on-board-device power control Seven external event input ports with programmable SMI condition Primary and secondary interrupt differentiation for individual channels Clock throttling control Multiple internal and external SMI sources for flexible power management models Plug and Play Controller - PCI interrupts steerable to any interrupt channel - Three steerable interrupt channels for on-board plug and play devices - Microsoft Windows 95TM and plug and play BIOS compliant * * * * Pin-compatible upgrade from VT82C586 and VT82C586A for existing designs Built-in Nand-tree pin scan test capability 0.5um mixed voltage, high speed and low power CMOS process Single chip 208 pin PQFP Revision 1.0 May 13, 1997 -2- Features 9,$7HFKQRORJLHV,QF VT82C586B OVERVIEW The VT82C586B PIPC (PCI Integrated Peripheral Controller) is a high integration, high performance and high compatibility device that supports Intel and non-Intel based processor to PCI bus bridge functionality to make a complete Microsoft PC97compliant PCI/ISA system. In addition to complete ISA extension bus functionality, the VT82C586B includes standard intelligent peripheral controllers: a) Master mode enhanced IDE controller with dual channel DMA engine and interlaced dual channel commands. Dedicated FIFO coupled with scatter and gather master mode operation allows high performance transfers between PCI and IDE devices. In addition to standard PIO and DMA mode operation, the VT82C586B also supports the emerging UltraDMA-33 standard to allow reliable data transfer rates up to 33MB/sec throughput. The IDE controller is SFF-8038i v1.0 and Microsoft Windows-95 compliant. b) Universal Serial Bus controller that is USB v1.0 and Universal HCI v1.1 compliant. The VT82C586B includes the root hub with two function ports with integrated physical layer transceivers. The USB controller allows hot plug and play and isochronous peripherals to be inserted into the system with universal driver support. The controller also implements legacy keyboard and mouse support so that legacy software can run transparently in a non-USB-aware operating system environment. c) Keyboard controller with PS2 mouse support. d) Real Time Clock with 256 byte extended CMOS. In addition to the standard ISA RTC functionality, the integrated RTC also includes the date alarm and other enhancements for compatibility with the ACPI standard. e) Notebook-class power management functionality that is compliant with ACPI and legacy APM requirements. Two types of sleep states (soft-off and power-on-suspend) are supported with hardware automatic wake-up. Additional functionality includes event monitoring, CPU clock throttling (Intel processor protocol), modular power control, hardware- and softwarebased event handling, general purpose IO, chip select and external SMI. f) Distributed DMA capability for support of ISA legacy DMA over the PCI bus. g) Plug and Play controller that allows complete steerability of all PCI interrupts to any interrupt channel. Three additional steerable interrupt channels are provided to allow plug and play and reconfigurability of on-board peripherals for Windows 95 compliance. h) External IOAPIC support for Intel-compliant symmetrical multiprocessor systems. The VT82C586B also enhances the functionality of the standard ISA peripherals. The integrated interrupt controller supports both edge and level triggered interrupts channel by channel. The integrated DMA controller supports type F DMA in addition to standard ISA DMA modes. Compliant with the PCI-2.1 specification, the VT82C586B supports delayed transactions so that slower ISA peripherals do not block the traffic of the PCI bus. Special circuitry is built in to allow concurrent operation without causing dead lock even in a PCI-to-PCI bridge environment The chip also includes eight levels (doublewords) of line buffers from the PCI bus to the ISA bus to further enhance overall system performance. CPU / Cache Sideband Signals: Init / CPUreset IRQ / NMI SMI / StopClk FERR / IGNNE Boot ROM CA CD North Bridge MA/RAS/CAS MD PCI I2C (Module ID) VT82C586B RTC Crystal 208PQFP USB Expansion KBC Cards IDE GPIO, Power Control, Reset ISA System Memory Figure 1. PC System Configuration Using the VT82C586B Revision 1.0 May 13, 1997 -3- Overview 9,$7HFKQRORJLHV,QF VT82C586B PINOUTS Figure 2. Pin Diagram (MIRQ1) (IRQ8#) (RTCCS#) (Strap) (EXTSMI7#) (Strap) (EXTSMI6#) (Strap) (EXTSMI5#) (Strap) (EXTSMI4#) (EXTSMI3#) (Strap) (MIRQ2) (EXTSMI4#) (KBCS#) (Strap) 156 IO 1 5 5 IO 1 5 4 IO 1 5 3 IO 1 5 2 O 151 I 150 O 149 O 148 O 147 O 146 O 145 144 O 143 O 142 O 141 140 O 139 I 138 IO 1 3 7 IO 1 3 6 O 135 IO 1 3 4 O 133 I 132 O 131 I 130 I 129 I 128 I 127 I 126 I 125 IO 1 2 4 IO 1 2 3 IO 1 2 2 IO 1 2 1 120 IO 1 1 9 IO 1 1 8 IO 1 1 7 IO 1 1 6 115 IO 1 1 4 IO 1 1 3 O 112 IO 1 1 1 IO 1 1 0 IO 1 0 9 IO 1 0 8 O 107 I 106 O 105 (IRQ8#) I 1 0 4 103 I 102 101 100 I 99 IO 9 8 IO 9 7 IO 9 6 IO 9 5 (EXTSMI0#) O 94 I 93 ( G P I _ R E # ) ( E X T S M I 3 # ) IO 9 2 I 91 ( P O S ) ( M I R Q 0 ) IO 9 0 I 89 (Data) (I2CD2) (EXTSMI2#) IO 8 8 (Clock) (I2CD1) (EXTSMI1#) IO 8 7 (GPI15) (GPO15) IO 8 6 (GPI14) (GPO14) IO 8 5 84 (GPI13) (GPO13) IO 8 3 (GPI12) (GPO12) IO 8 2 (GPI11) (GPO11) IO 8 1 (GPI10) (GPO10) IO 8 0 79 (GPI9) (GPO9) IO 7 8 IO 7 7 (GPI8) (GPO8) I 76 I 75 I 74 I 73 I 72 I 71 IO 7 0 IO 6 9 68 34)3 IO 6 7 IO 6 6 IO 6 5 IO 6 4 IO 6 3 Note: Pin names in parentheses (...) indicate alternate function IO 6 2 I 61 3040 Rev F and Later Revisions O 60 I 59 3041 Rev A and Later Revisions O 58 I 57 O 56 O 55 O 54 53 (GPI7) (GPO7) (GPI6) (GPO6) (GPO5) (GPO4) (GPO3) (GPO2) GND AD3 AD2 AD1 AD0 PREQ# PGNT# SMI# STPCLK# A20M NMI INTR VDD3 INIT CPURST FERR# GND IGNNE# PWRGD MASTER# GPIO4 ROMCS# SPKR DACK7# DRQ7 DACK6# DRQ6 IRQ14 IRQ15 IRQ11 IRQ10 IOCS16# MEMW# MEMR# XD7 XD6 GND XD5 XD4 XD3 XD2 VDD5 XD1 XD0 XDIR MSDT MSCK KBDT KBCK PWRON KEYLOCK RTCX2 (IRQ12) (KA20G) (KBRC#) (IRQ1) (Strap) (Strap) VDD-PCI AD4 AD5 AD6 AD7 CBE0# AD8 AD9 AD10 GND AD11 AD12 AD13 AD14 VDD-PCI AD15 CBE1# PAR SERR# STOP# GND DEVSEL# TRDY# IRDY# FRAME# CBE2# AD16 VDD-PCI AD17 AD18 AD19 GND AD20 AD21 AD22 AD23 IDSEL CBE3# AD24 AD25 GND VDD-PCI AD26 AD27 AD28 AD29 AD30 AD31 PIRQD# PIRQC# PIRQB# GND 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO I IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO I IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO I I I 97&% 3&,,QWHJUDWHG 3HULSKHUDO&RQWUROOHU RTCX1 VDD-5VSB VBAT AGND AVDD USBCLK USBDATA1USBDATA1+ USBDATA0USBDATA0+ GPIO0 RI# GPIO3 PWRBTN# APICCS# DRDYB# GPIO2 GPIO1 SD15 SD14 GND SD13 SD12 SD11 SD10 VDD5 SD9 SD8 MEMCS16# IRQ3 IRQ4 IRQ5 IRQ6 IRQ7 LA17/DA0 LA18/DA1 GND LA19/DA2 LA20/DCS1A# LA21/DCS3A# LA22/DCS1B# LA23/DCS3B# SBHE# IRQ9 DACK0# DRQ0 DACK5# DRQ5 SOE# DIOWB# DIORB# VDD5 I I O O I I I I O O IO IO O IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO I O O O O IO IO IO Revision 1.0 May 13, 1997 PIRQA# PCICLK PCIRST# RSTDRV IOCHCK# OSC DRQ2 IOCHRDY SMEMW# SMEMR# IOW# IOR# GND BCLK AEN DRQ1 VDD5 DACK1# SA16 DD15/SA15 DD14/SA14 DD13/SA13 DD12/SA12 DD11/SA11 DD10/SA10 GND DD9/SA9 DD8/SA8 REFRESH# DRQ3 DACK3# TC DACK2# VDD5 BALE DD7/SA7 DD6/SA6 DD5/SA5 GND DD4/SA4 DD3/SA3 DD2/SA2 DD1/SA1 DD0/SA0 DDRQA DDRQB DDACKA# DDACKB# DRDYA# DIORA# DIOWA# GND 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 -4- IO IO IO IO IO I I O O I O O O O I (GPI1) (GPO1) (GPI0) (GPO0) (SDDIR) (GPO_WE) (GPI5) (GPI4) (GPI3) (GPI2) Pinouts 9,$7HFKQRORJLHV,QF Table 1. Pin Descriptions VT82C586B CPU Interface Signal Name CPURST INTR NMI Pin No. 142 145 146 I/O O O O Signal Description CPU Reset. The VT82C586B asserts CPURST to reset the CPU during power-up. CPU Interrupt. INTR is driven by the VT82C586B to signal the CPU that an interrupt request is pending and needs service. Non-Maskable Interrupt. NMI is used to force a non-maskable interrupt to the CPU. The VT82C586B generates an NMI when either SERR# or IOCHK# is asserted. Initialization. The VT82C586B asserts INIT if it detects a shut-down special cycle on the PCI bus or if a soft reset is initiated by the register Stop Clock. STPCLK# is asserted by the VT82C586B to the CPU in response to different Power-Management events. System Management Interrupt. SMI# is asserted by the VT82C586B to the CPU in response to different Power-Management events. Numerical Coprocessor Error. This signal is tied to the coprocessor error signal on the CPU. Ignore Numeric Error. This pin is connected to the "ignore error" pin on the CPU. INIT STPCLK# SMI# FERR# IGNNE# 143 148 149 141 139 O O O O O Revision 1.0 May 13, 1997 -5- Pinouts 9,$7HFKQRORJLHV,QF PCI Bus Interface Signal Name PCLK FRAME# AD[31:0] Pin No. 2 181 204-199, 196195, 192-189, 187-185, 183, 172, 170-167, 165-163, 161158, 155-152 194, 182, 173, 162 180 179 176 178 174 175 I/O I B B Signal Description VT82C586B PCI Clock. PCLK provides timing for all transactions on the PCI Bus. Frame. Assertion indicates the address phase of a PCI transfer. Negation indicates that one more data transfer is desired by the cycle initiator. Address/Data Bus. The standard PCI address and data lines. The address is driven with FRAME# assertion and data is driven or received in following cycles. C/BE[3:0]# IRDY# TRDY# STOP# DEVSEL# PAR SERR# B B B B B B I IDSEL PIRQA-D# 193 1, 207-205 I I PREQ# PGNT# 151 150 O I Command/Byte Enable. The command is driven with FRAME# assertion. Byte enables corresponding to supplied or requested data are driven on following clocks. Initiator Ready. Asserted when the initiator is ready for data transfer. Target Ready. Asserted when the target is ready for data transfer. Stop. Asserted by the target to request the master to stop the current transaction. Device Select. The VT82C586B asserts this signal to claim PCI transactions through positive or subtractive decoding. Parity. A single parity bit is provided over AD[31:0] and C/BE[3:0]#. System Error. SERR# can be pulsed active by any PCI device that detects a system error condition. Upon sampling SERR# active, the VT82C586B can be programmed to generate an NMI to the CPU. Initialization Device Select. IDSEL is used as a chip select during configuration read and write cycles. PCI Interrupt Request. These pins are typically connected to the PCI bus INTA#INTD# pins as follows: PIRQC# PIRQD# PIRQA# PIRQB# PCI Slot 1 INTA# INTB# INTC# INTD# PCI Slot 2 INTB# INTC# INTD# INTA# PCI Slot 3 INTC# INTD# INTA# INTB# PCI Slot 4 INTD# INTA# INTB# INTC# PCI Request. This signal goes to the North Bridge to request the PCI bus. PCI Grant. This signal is driven by the North Bridge to grant PCI access to the VT82C586B. Revision 1.0 May 13, 1997 -6- Pinouts 9,$7HFKQRORJLHV,QF ISA Bus Control Signal Name SA[15:0] / DD[15:0] SA16 LA23/DCS3B#, LA22/DCS1B#, LA21/DCS3A#, LA20/DCS1A#, LA[19:17] / DA[2:0] Pin No. 20-25, 27-28, 36-38, 40-44 19 63-67, 69-70 I/O B B B Signal Description System Address Bus / IDE Data Bus VT82C586B SD[15:8] / GPI[15:8] / GPO[15:8] 86-85, 83-80, 78-77 B SBHE# 62 B IOR# IOW# MEMR# MEMW# SMEMR# SMEMW# BALE 12 11 123 124 10 9 35 B B B B O O O IOCS16# MEMCS16# IOCHCK# IOCHRDY 125 76 5 8 I I I I System Address Bus Multifunction Pins ISA Bus Cycles: Address: The LA[23:17] address lines are bi-directional. These address lines allow accesses to physical memory on the ISA bus up to 16MBytes. PCI IDE Cycles: Chip Select: DCS1A# is for the ATA command register block and corresponds to CS1FX# on the primary IDE connector. DCS3A# is for the ATA command register block and corresponds to CS3FX# on the primary IDE connector. DCS1B# is for the ATA command register block and corresponds to CS17X# on the primary IDE connector. DCS3B# is for the ATA command register block and corresponds to CS37X# on the primary IDE connector. Disk Address: DA[2:0] are used to indicate which byte in either the ATA command block or control block is being accessed. System Data. SD[15:8] provide the high order byte data path for devices residing on the ISA bus. These pins also function as General Purpose Inputs 15-8 if the GPIO3_CFG bit is low (pin 92 becomes GPI_RE# for enabling external inputs onto the SD pins using an external buffer). These pins also function as General Purpose Outputs 15-8 if the GPIO4_CFG bit is low (pin 136 becomes GPO_WE for control of an external latch). System Byte High Enable. SBHE# indicates, when asserted, that a byte is being transferred on the upper byte (SD[15:8]) of the data bus. SBHE# is negated during refresh cycles. I/O Read. IOR# is the command to an ISA I/O slave device that the slave may drive data on to the ISA data bus. I/O Write. IOW# is the command to an ISA I/O slave device that the slave may latch data from the ISA data bus. Memory Read. MEMR# is the command to a memory slave that it may drive data onto the ISA data bus. Memory Write. MEMW# is the command to a memory slave that it may latch data from the ISA data bus. Standard Memory Read. SMEMR# is the command to a memory slave, under 1MB, which indicates that it may drive data onto the ISA data bus Standard Memory Write. SMEMW# is the command to a memory slave, under 1MB, which indicates that it may latch data from the ISA data bus. Bus Address Latch Enable. BALE is an active high signal asserted by the VT82C586B to indicate that the address (SA[19:0], LA[23:17] and the SBHE# signal) is valid 16-Bit I/O Chip Select. This signal is driven by I/O devices on the ISA Bus to indicate that they support 16-bit I/O bus cycles. Memory Chip Select 16. ISA slaves that are 16-bit memory devices drive this line low to indicate they support 16-bit memory bus cycles. I/O Channel Check. When this signal is asserted, it indicates that a parity or an uncorrectable error has occurred for a device or memory on the ISA Bus. I/O Channel Ready. Devices on the ISA Bus negate IOCHRDY to indicate that additional time (wait states) is required to complete the cycle. Revision 1.0 May 13, 1997 -7- Pinouts 9,$7HFKQRORJLHV,QF ISA Bus Control (continued) Signal Name REFRESH# AEN IRQ15, 14, 119, 7-3 DRQ7-5, 3-0 DACK7:5, 3-0# TC MASTER# SPKR / Power-up Strap Pin No. 29 15 128-129, 127126, 61, 71-75 132, 130, 57, 30, 7, 16, 59 133, 131, 58, 31, 33, 18, 60 32 (see below) 134 I/O B O I I O O I B Signal Description VT82C586B Refresh. As an output REFRESH# indicates when a refresh cycle is in progress. As an input REFRESH# is driven by 16-bit ISA Bus masters to indicate refresh cycle. Address Enable. AEN is asserted during DMA cycles to prevent I/O slaves from misinterpreting DMA cycles as valid I/O cycles. Interrupt Request. The IRQ signals provide both system board components and ISA Bus I/O devices with a mechanism for asynchronously interrupting the CPU. DMA Request. The DRQ lines are used to request DMA services from the VT82C586B's DMA controller. Acknowledge. The DACK# output lines indicate a request for DMA service has been granted. Terminal Count. The VT82C586B asserts TC to DMA slaves as a terminal count indicator. ISA Master Request. (see below pin 137) Multifunction Pin Normal Operation: Speaker Drive. The SPKR signal is the output of counter 2. Power-up Strapping: 0/1 = Fixed/flexible IDE I/O base Revision 1.0 May 13, 1997 -8- Pinouts 9,$7HFKQRORJLHV,QF On Board Plug and Play Signal Name MIRQ0 / APICCS# / POS (3040F) Pin No. 90 I/O I O O Signal Description VT82C586B Multifunction Pin (see PCI Configuration Register Function 0 Rx59[3,0]) MIRQ0. Steerable interrupt request input for on-board devices. APICCS#. Chip select for external IOAPIC chip for symmetric multiprocessor implementations. POS. Power-On Suspend Status Output (see Function 0 Rx59 bit-3). This function was introduced in rev F of the 3040 silicon and is not available in earlier chips. Rx59[3] Rx59[0] Pin Function 0 0 MIRQ0 (input) 0 1 APICCS# (output) 1 0 -illegal1 1 POS (output) Multifunction Pin (see PCI Configuration Register Function 0 Rx59[1] & Rx48[4]) MIRQ1. Steerable interrupt request input for on-board devices. KEYLOCK. Keyboard lock input. IRQ8#. Interrupt input for external RTC. This function was introduced in revision F of the 3040 silicon and is not available in earlier chips. Rx48[4] 0 0 1 1 Rx59[1] 0 1 0 1 Pin Function MIRQ1 (input) KEYLOCK (input) -illegalIRQ8# (input) (see also Rx5A[2] and table below). With this setting, Rx57[3:0] must be set to 0 (MIRQ1 routing) MIRQ1 / KEYLOCK / IRQ8# (3040F) 106 I I I MIRQ2 / MASTER# / SDDIR (3041A) 137 I I O Rx5A[2] Rx48[4] Pin Function 0 0 External RTC - IRQ8# input on pin 104 0 1 External RTC - IRQ8# input on pin 106 1 x Internal RTC - IRQ8# input not required Multifunction Pin (see PCI Configuration Register Function 0 Rx59[2] & Rx48[5]) MIRQ2. Steerable interrupt request input for on-board devices. MASTER#. ISA Master Request indicator. This pin also serves as the direction control for the IDE interface DD / SA transceivers (see SOE#). SDDIR. This pin may be programmed to serve as a direction control for the IDE interface DD / SA transceivers (see SOE#) separate from MASTER#. This function was introduced in revision A of the 3041 silicon and not available in earlier chips. Rx48[5] 0 0 1 1 Rx59[2] 0 1 0 1 Pin Function MASTER# (input) MIRQ2 (input) -illegalSDDIR (output) Revision 1.0 May 13, 1997 -9- Pinouts 9,$7HFKQRORJLHV,QF UltraDMA-33 Enhanced IDE Interface Signal Name DRDYA# / DDMARDYA# / DSTROBEA Pin No. 49 I/O I Signal Description VT82C586B DRDYB# / DDMARDYB# / DSTROBEB 89 I DIORA# / HDMARDYA# / HSTROBEA 50 O DIORB# / HDMARDYB# / HSTROBEB 54 O DIOWA# / STOPA 51 O DIOWB# / STOPB 55 O SOE# 56 O DDRQA DDRQB DDACKA# DDACKB# Note: 45 46 47 48 I I O O EIDE Mode: I/O Channel Ready A. Primary channel device ready indicator UltraDMA Mode: Device DMA Ready A. Primary channel output flow control The device may assert DDMARDY# to pause output transfers Device Strobe A. Primary channel input data strobe (both edges) The device may stop DSTROBE to pause input data transfers EIDE Mode: I/O Channel Ready B. Secondary channel device ready UltraDMA Mode: Device DMA Ready B. Secondary channel output flow control The device may assert DDMARDY# to pause output transfers Device Strobe B. Secondary channel input strobe (both edges) The device may stop DSTROBE to pause input data transfers EIDE Mode: Device I/O Read A. Primary channel device read strobe UltraDMA Mode: Host DMA Ready A. Primary channel input flow control The host may assert HDMARDY# to pause input transfers Host Strobe A. Primary channel output data strobe (both edges) The host may stop HSTROBE to pause output data transfers EIDE Mode: Device I/O Read B. Secondary channel device read strobe UltraDMA Mode: Host DMA Ready B. Secondary channel input flow control The host may assert HDMARDY# to pause input transfers Host Strobe B. Secondary channel output strobe (both edges) The host may stop HSTROBE to pause output data transfers EIDE Mode: Device I/O Write A. Primary channel device write strobe UltraDMA Mode: Stop A. Primary channel stop transfer: asserted by the host prior to initiation of an UltraDMA burst; negated by the host before data is transferred in an UltraDMA burst. Assertion of STOP by the host during or after data transfer in UltraDMA mode signals the termination of the burst. EIDE Mode: Device I/O Write B. Secondary channel device write strobe UltraDMA Mode: Stop B. Secondary channel stop transfer: asserted by the host prior to initiation of an UltraDMA burst; negated by the host before data is transferred in an UltraDMA burst. Assertion of STOP by the host during or after data transfer in UltraDMA mode signals the termination of the burst. System Address Transceiver Output Enable. This signal controls the output enables of the 245 transceivers that interface the DD[15:0] signals to SA[15:0]. The transceiver direction controls are driven by MASTER# with DD[15-0] connected to the "A" side of the transceivers and SA[15-0] connected to the "B" side. Device DMA Request A. Primary channel DMA request Device DMA Request B. Secondary channel DMA request Device DMA Acknowledge A. Primary channel DMA acknowledge Device DMA Acknowledge B. Secondary channel DMA acknowledge Refer to the ISA bus interface pin descriptions for remaining IDE interface pin descriptions (the IDE address, data, and drive select pins are multiplexed with the ISA bus LA and SA pins). Also, the MASTER# pin description may be found in the "On Board Plug and Play" pin group (DD / SA transceiver direction control). Revision 1.0 May 13, 1997 -10- Pinouts 9,$7HFKQRORJLHV,QF XD Interface Signal Name XD7-0, EXTSMI7-3#, GPI7-0, GPO7-0, Power-up Straps Pin No. 122 121 119 118 117 116 114 113 I/O B Signal Description VT82C586B XDIR 112 O ROMCS# / KBCS# 135 O Multifunction Pins X-bus Data Bus. For connection to external X-Bus devices (e.g. BIOS ROM) External SMI Inputs. External SCI/SMI ports. General Purpose Inputs. GPIO3_CFG bit low (pin 92 = GPI_RE#) General Purpose Outputs. GPIO4_CFG bit low (pin 136 = GPO_WE) Power-up Strap Option Inputs. (see Configuration Register Offset 5Ah) XD0: 0/1 - Disable/enable internal KBC XD1: 0/1 - Disable/enable internal PS/2 Mouse XD2: 0/1 - Disable/enable internal RTC XD4~XD7: RP13~RP16 for internal KBC X-Bus Data Direction. XDIR is tied directly to the direction control of a 74F245 transceiver that buffers the X-Bus data and ISA-Bus data (the output enable of the transceiver should be grounded). SD0-7 connect to the "A" side of the transceiver and XD0-7 connect to the "B" side. XDIR high indicates that SD0-7 drives XD0-7. Multifunction Pin. ROM Chip Select / Keyboard Controller Chip Select. ISA memory cycle: ROMCS#. Chip Select to the BIOS ROM. ISA I/O cycle: KBCS#. Chip Select to the external keyboard controller. General Purpose I/O Signal Name GPIO0 / EXTSMI0# GPIO1 / EXTSMI1# / I2CD1 (Clock) GPIO2 / EXTSMI2# / I2CD2 (Data) GPIO3 / EXTSMI3# / GPI_RE# Pin No. 94 I/O B Signal Description General Purpose I/O 0: General Purpose I/O with external SCI/SMI capability. This pin sits on the VDD-5VSB power plane and is available even under soft-off state. General Purpose I/O 1: General Purpose I/O with external SCI/SMI capability. Can be used along with pin 88 as an I2C pair (by software convention this pin is defined as clock). General Purpose I/O 2: General Purpose I/O with external SCI/SMI capability. Can be used along with pin 87 as an I2C pair (by software convention this pin is defined as data). Multifunction Pin (per GPIO3 Configuration Bit: Function 3 Rx40 bit-6) GPIO3 Configuration bit high: General Purpose I/O 3: General Purpose I/O with external SCI/SMI capability. GPIO3 Configuration bit low: Read Enable for General Purpose Inputs: Connects to the output enable (OE# pin) of the external 244 buffers whose data pins connect to SD15-8 and XD7-0 for GPI15-0. Multifunction Pin (per GPIO4 Configuration Bit: Function 3 Rx40 bit-7) GPIO4 Configuration bit high: General Purpose I/O 4: General Purpose I/O with external SCI/SMI capability. GPIO4 Configuration bit low: Write Enable for General Purpose Outputs: Connects to the latch enable (LE pin) of the external 373 latches whose data pins connect to SD15-8 and XD7-0 for GPO15-0. 87 B 88 B 92 B GPIO4 / EXTSMI4# / GPO_WE 136 B Revision 1.0 May 13, 1997 -11- Pinouts 9,$7HFKQRORJLHV,QF Universal Serial Bus Interface Signal Name USBDATA0+ USBDATA0USBDATA1+ USBDATA1USBCLK Pin No. 95 96 97 98 99 I/O B B B B I Signal Description USB Port 0 Data + USB Port 0 Data USB Port 1 Data + USB Port 1 Data USB Clock. Clock input for Universal Serial Bus interface VT82C586B Keyboard Interface Signal Name KBCK / KA20G KBDT / KBRC# MSCK / IRQ1 Pin No. 108 I/O B Signal Description Multifunction Pin. Function depends on enable/disable of internal KBC. Internal KBC enabled: Keyboard Clock. Clock to keyboard interface. Internal KBC disabled: Gate A20: Gate A20 output from external KBC Multifunction Pin. Function depends on enable/disable of internal KBC. Internal KBC enabled: Keyboard Data. Data to keyboard interface. Internal KBC disabled: Keyboard Reset: Reset input from external KBC. Multifunction Pin. Function depends on enable/disable of internal KBC. PS/2 mouse enabled: Mouse Clock. Clock to PS/2 mouse interface. PS/2 mouse disabled and internal KBC disabled: Interrupt Request 1. IRQ 1 input from external KBC. Multifunction Pin. Function depends on enable/disable of internal KBC. PS/2 mouse enabled: Mouse Data. Data to PS/2 mouse interface. PS/2 mouse disabled: Interrupt Request 12. IRQ 12 input from external KBC A20 Mask. Direct connect A20 mask on CPU. Keyboard Lock. Keyboard lock signal for internal keyboard controller. (For reference only - see pin 106 description in "Onboard Plug and Play" section) 109 B 110 B MSDT / IRQ12 111 B A20M KEYLOCK / MIRQ1 / IRQ8# 147 106 O I Internal Real Time Clock Signal Name RTCX1 / IRQ8# Pin No. 104 I/O I Signal Description Multifunction Pin Internal RTC enabled: RTC Crystal Input: 32.768Khz crystal or oscillator input. Internal RTC disabled: Interrupt Request 8: IRQ8 input from external RTC Rx5A[2] Rx48[4] Pin Function 0 0 External RTC - IRQ8# input on pin 104 0 1 External RTC - IRQ8# input on pin 106 1 x Internal RTC - IRQ8# input not required Multifunction Pin Internal RTC enabled: RTC Crystal Output: 32.768Khz crystal output Internal RTC disabled: External RTC Chip Select RTC Battery. Battery input for internal RTC RTCX2 / RTCCS# VBAT 105 O 102 I Revision 1.0 May 13, 1997 -12- Pinouts 9,$7HFKQRORJLHV,QF Resets and Clocks Signal Name PWRGD PCIRST# RSTDRV BCLK OSC Pin No. 138 3 4 14 6 I/O I O O O I Signal Description VT82C586B Power Good. Connected to the POWERGOOD signal on the Power Supply. PCI Reset. An active low reset signal for the PCI bus. The VT82C586B will generate PCIRST# during power-up or from the control register. Reset Drive. RSTDRV is the reset signal to the ISA bus. Bus Clock. ISA bus clock. Oscillator. OSC is the 14.31818 MHz clock signal. It is used by the internal Timer. Power Management Signal Name PWRBTN# PWRON RI# Pin No. 91 107 93 I/O I O I Signal Description Power Button. Referenced to VDD-5VSB. Power Supply Control. Powered by VDD-5VSB. Ring Indicator. May be connected to external modem circuitry to allow the system to be re-activated by a received phone call. Input referenced to VDD-5VSB. Power and Ground Signal Name VDD5 VDD-5VSB Pin No. 17, 34, 53, 79, 115 103 I/O P P Signal Description Power Supply. 4.75 to 5.25V. This supply is turned on only when the mechanical switch on the power supply is turned on and the PWRON signal is conditioned high. Power Supply. Always available unless the mechanical switch of the power supply is turned off. If the "soft-off" state is not implemented, then this pin can be connected to VDD5. Power Supply. This pin should be connected to the same voltage as the CPU I/O circuitry. PCI Voltage. 3.3 or 5V. USB Differential Output Power Source USB Differential Output Ground Ground VDD3 VDD_PCI AVDD AGND GND 144 157, 171, 184, 198 100 101 13, 26, 39, 52, 68, 84, 120, 140, 156, 166, 177, 188, 197, 208 P P P P P Revision 1.0 May 13, 1997 -13- Pinouts 9,$7HFKQRORJLHV,QF VT82C586B Table 3. Registers Legacy I/O Registers REGISTERS Register Overview The following tables summarize the configuration and I/O registers of the VT82C586B. These tables also document the power-on default value ("Default") and access type ("Acc") for each register. Access type definitions used are RW (Read/Write), RO (Read/Only), "--" for reserved / used (essentially the same as RO), and RWC (or just WC) (Read / Write 1's to Clear individual bits). Registers indicated as RW may have some read/only bits that always read back a fixed value (usually 0 if unused); registers designated as RWC or WC may have some read-only or read write bits (see individual register descriptions for details). Detailed register descriptions are provided in the following section of this document. All offset and default values are shown in hexadecimal unless otherwise indicated Table 2. System I/O Map Port 00-1F 20-3F 40-5F 60-6F (60h) (61h) (64h) 70-77 78-7F 80 81-8F 90-91 92 93-9F A0-BF C0-DF E0-FF 100-CF7 Function Master DMA Controller Timer / Counter Actual Port Decoding 0000 0000 000x nnnn 0000 0000 010x xxnn Port Master DMA Controller Registers 00 Channel 0 Base & Current Address 01 Channel 0 Base & Current Count 02 Channel 1 Base & Current Address 03 Channel 1 Base & Current Count 04 Channel 2 Base & Current Address 05 Channel 2 Base & Current Count 06 Channel 3 Base & Current Address 07 Channel 3 Base & Current Count 08 Status / Command 09 Write Request 0A Write Single Mask 0B Write Mode 0C Clear Byte Pointer FF 0D Master Clear 0E Clear Mask 0F Read / Write Mask Port Master Interrupt Controller Regs 20 Master Interrupt Control 21 Master Interrupt Mask 20 Master Interrupt Control Shadow 21 Master Interrupt Mask Shadow * RW if shadow registers are disabled Port 40 41 42 43 Timer/Counter Registers Timer / Counter 0 Count Timer / Counter 1 Count Timer / Counter 2 Count Timer / Counter Control Default Acc RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW WO WO WO WO WO WO RW Default Acc -- * -- * -- RW -- RW Master Interrupt Controller 0000 0000 001x xxxn Keyboard Controller 0000 0000 0110 xnxn KBC Data 0000 0000 0110 x0x0 Misc Functions & Spkr Ctrl 0000 0000 0110 xxx1 KBC Command / Status 0000 0000 0110 x1x0 RTC/CMOS/NMI-Disable 0000 0000 0111 0nnn -available for system use- 0000 0000 0111 1xxx -reserved- (debug port) DMA Page Registers -available for system useSystem Control -available for system useSlave Interrupt Controller Slave DMA Controller -available for system use-available for system use0000 0000 1000 0000 0000 0000 1000 nnnn 0000 0000 1001 000x 0000 0000 1001 0010 0000 0000 1001 nnnn 0000 0000 101x xxxn 0000 0000 110n nnnx 0000 0000 111x xxxx Default Acc RW RW RW WO Default Acc RW RW RW Port Keyboard Controller Registers 60 Keyboard Controller Data 61 Misc Functions & Speaker Control 64 Keyboard Ctrlr Command / Status CF8-CFB PCI Configuration Address 0000 1100 1111 10xx CFC-CFF PCI Configuration Data 0000 1100 1111 11xx D00-FFFF -available for system use- Port CMOS / RTC / NMI Registers Default Acc 70 CMOS Memory Address & NMI Disa WO 71 CMOS Memory Data (128 bytes) RW 72 CMOS Memory Address RW 73 CMOS Memory Data (256 bytes) RW 74 CMOS Memory Address RW 75 CMOS Memory Data (256 bytes) RW NMI Disable is port 70h (CMOS Memory Address) bit-7. RTC control occurs via specific CMOS data locations (0-0Dh). Ports 72-73 may be used to access all 256 locations of CMOS. Ports 74-75 may be used to access CMOS if the internal RTC is disabled. Revision 1.0 May 13, 1997 -14- Register Overview 9,$7HFKQRORJLHV,QF Port 87 83 81 82 8F 8B 89 8A Port 92 DMA Page Registers DMA Page - DMA Channel 0 DMA Page - DMA Channel 1 DMA Page - DMA Channel 2 DMA Page - DMA Channel 3 DMA Page - DMA Channel 4 DMA Page - DMA Channel 5 DMA Page - DMA Channel 6 DMA Page - DMA Channel 7 System Control Registers System Control Default Acc RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW Default Acc RW Port C0 C2 C4 C6 C8 CA CC CE D0 D2 D4 D6 D8 DA DC DE VT82C586B Slave DMA Controller Registers Channel 0 Base & Current Address Channel 0 Base & Current Count Channel 1 Base & Current Address Channel 1 Base & Current Count Channel 2 Base & Current Address Channel 2 Base & Current Count Channel 3 Base & Current Address Channel 3 Base & Current Count Status / Command Write Request Write Single Mask Write Mode Clear Byte Pointer FF Master Clear Clear Mask Read / Write Mask Default Acc RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW WO WO WO WO WO WO RW Port Slave Interrupt Controller Regs Default Acc A0 Slave Interrupt Control -- * A1 Slave Interrupt Mask -- * A0 Slave Interrupt Control Shadow -- RW A1 Slave Interrupt Mask Shadow -- RW * RW accessible if shadow registers are disabled Revision 1.0 May 13, 1997 -15- Register Overview 9,$7HFKQRORJLHV,QF PCI Function 0 Registers - PCI-to-ISA Bridge Configuration Space PCI-to-ISA Bridge Header Registers Offset 1-0 3-2 5-4 7-6 8 9 A B C D E F 10-27 28-2B 2F-2C 30-33 34-3B 3C 3D 3E 3F PCI Configuration Space Header Vendor ID Device ID Command Status Revision ID Programming Interface Sub Class Code Base Class Code -reserved- (cache line size) -reserved- (latency timer) Header Type Built In Self Test (BIST) -reserved- (base address registers) -reserved- (unassigned) Subsystem ID Read -reserved- (expan. ROM base addr) -reserved- (unassigned) -reserved- (interrupt line) -reserved- (interrupt pin) -reserved- (min gnt) -reserved- (max lat) Default 1106 0586 000F 0200 nn 00 01 06 00 00 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Acc RO RO RW WC RO RO RO RO -- -- RO RO -- -- RO -- -- -- -- -- -- VT82C586B Offset Plug and Play Control Default 50 -reserved- (do not program) 24 51-53 -reserved00 54 PCI IRQ Edge / Level Selection 00 55 PnP Routing for External MIRQ0-1 00 56 PnP Routing for PCI INTB-A 00 57 PnP Routing for PCI INTD-C 00 58 PnP Routing for External MIRQ2 00 59 MIRQ Pin Configuration 04 5A XD Power-On Strap Options 5B Internal RTC Test Mode 00 5C DMA Control 00 5F-5D -reserved00 Power-up default value depends on external strapping Offset 61-60 63-62 65-64 67-66 69-68 6B-6A 6D-6C 6F-6E Distributed DMA Channel 0 Base Address / Enable Channel 1 Base Address / Enable Channel 2 Base Address / Enable Channel 3 Base Address / Enable -reservedChannel 5 Base Address / Enable Channel 6 Base Address / Enable Channel 7 Base Address / Enable Default 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 Default 00 00 Acc RW -- RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW -- Acc RW RW RW RW -- RW RW RW Acc WO -- Configuration Space PCI-to-ISA Bridge-Specific Registers Offset 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4F-4E ISA Bus Control ISA Bus Control ISA Test Mode ISA Clock Control ROM Decode Control Keyboard Controller Control Type F DMA Control Miscellaneous Control 1 Miscellaneous Control 2 Miscellaneous Control 3 -reservedIDE Interrupt Routing -reservedDMA / Master Mem Access Control 1 DMA / Master Mem Access Control 2 DMA / Master Mem Access Control 3 Default 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 04 00 00 00 0300 Acc RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW -- RW -- RW RW RW Offset Miscellaneous 70 Subsystem ID Write 71-7F -reserved- Revision 1.0 May 13, 1997 -16- Register Overview 9,$7HFKQRORJLHV,QF PCI Function 1 Registers - IDE Controller Configuration Space IDE Header Registers Offset 1-0 3-2 5-4 7-6 8 9 A B C D E F 13-10 17-14 1B-18 1F-1C 23-20 24-2F 30-33 34-3B 3C 3D 3E 3F PCI Configuration Space Header Vendor ID Device ID Command Status Revision ID Programming Interface Sub Class Code Base Class Code -reserved- (cache line size) Latency Timer Header Type Built In Self Test (BIST) Base Address - Pri Data / Command Base Address - Pri Control / Status Base Address - Sec Data / Command Base Address - Sec Control / Status Base Address - Bus Master Control -reserved- (unassigned) -reserved- (expan ROM base addr) -reserved- (unassigned) Interrupt Line Interrupt Pin Minimum Grant Maximum Latency Default 1106 0571 0080 0280 nn 85 01 01 00 00 00 00 000001F0 000003F4 00000170 00000374 0000CC01 00 00 00 0E 00 00 00 Acc RO RO RO RW RO RW RO RO -- RW RO RO RO RO RO RO RW -- -- -- RW RO RO RO Offset 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 4B-48 4C 4D 4E 4F 53-50 54-5F 61-60 62-67 69-68 70-FF VT82C586B Configuration Space IDE-Specific Registers Configuration Space IDE Registers Default Acc Chip Enable 08 RW IDE Configuration 02 RW -reserved- (do not program) 09 RW FIFO Configuration 3A RW Miscellaneous Control 1 68 RW Miscellaneous Control 2 00 RW Miscellaneous Control 3 C0 RW A8A8A8A8 RW Drive Timing Control Address Setup Time FF RW -reserved- (do not program) 00 RW Sec Non-1F0 Port Access Timing FF RW Pri Non-1F0 Port Access Timing FF RW UltraDMA33 Extd Timing Control 03030303 RW -reserved00 -- Primary Sector Size 0200 RW -reserved00 -- Secondary Sector Size 0200 RW -reserved00 -- I/O Registers - IDE Controller These registers are compliant with the SFF 8038 v1.0 standard. Refer to that specification for additional information. Offset 0 1 2 3 4-7 8 9 A B C-F IDE I/O Registers Primary Channel Command -reservedPrimary Channel Status -reservedPrimary Channel PRD Table Addr Secondary Channel Command -reservedSecondary Channel Status -reservedSecondary Channel PRD Table Addr Default 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Acc RW -- WC -- RW RW -- WC -- RW Revision 1.0 May 13, 1997 -17- Register Overview 9,$7HFKQRORJLHV,QF PCI Function 2 Registers - USB Controller Configuration Space USB Header Registers Offset 1-0 3-2 5-4 7-6 8 9 A B C D E F 10-1F 23-20 24-3B 3C 3D 3E-3F PCI Configuration Space Header Vendor ID Device ID Command Status Revision ID Programming Interface Sub Class Code Base Class Code Cache Line Size Latency Timer Header Type BIST -reservedBase Address -reservedInterrupt Line Interrupt Pin -reservedDefault 1106 3038 0000 0200 nn 00 03 0C 00 16 00 00 00 00000301 00 00 04 00 Acc RO RO RW WC RO RO RO RO RO RW RO RO -- RW -- RW RO -- I/O Registers - USB Controller Offset 1-0 3-2 5-4 7-6 B-8 C 11-10 13-12 USB I/O Registers USB Command USB Status USB Interrupt Enable Frame Number Frame List Base Address Start Of Frame Modify Port 1 Status / Control Port 2 Status / Control VT82C586B Default 0000 0000 0000 0000 00000000 40 0080 0080 Acc RW WC RW RW RW RW WC WC Configuration Space USB-Specific Registers Offset 40 41 42-43 44-45 46-47 48-5F 60 61-BF C1-C0 C2-FF USB Control Miscellaneous Control 1 Miscellaneous Control 2 -reserved-reserved- (test only, do not program) -reserved- (test) -reservedSerial Bus Release Number -reservedLegacy Support -reservedDefault 00 00 00 Acc RW RW RO RW RO -- RO -- RW -- 00 10 00 2000 00 Revision 1.0 May 13, 1997 -18- Register Overview 9,$7HFKQRORJLHV,QF PCI Function 3 Registers - Power Management Configuration Space Power Management Header Registers Offset PCI Configuration Space Header Default Acc 1-0 Vendor ID 1106 RO 3-2 Device ID 3040 RO 5-4 Command 0000 RO 7-6 Status 0280 WC 8 Revision ID nn RO 9 Programming Interface RO 00 A Sub Class Code RO 00 B Base Class Code RO 00 C Cache Line Size 00 RO D Latency Timer 00 RO E Header Type 00 RO F BIST 00 RO 10-3F -reserved00 -- The default values for these registers may be changed by writing to offsets 61-63h (see below). Configuration Space Power Management-Specific Registers Offset 40 41 42 43 45-44 47-46 4B-48 4F-4C 53-50 54-60 61 62 63 64-FF Power Management Default Acc Pin Configuration 00 RW General Configuration 00 RW SCI Interrupt Configuration 00 RW -reserved00 -- Primary Interrupt Channel 0000 RW Secondary Interrupt Channel 0000 RW I/O Base Address (256 Bytes) 0000 0001 RW -reserved00 -- GP Timer Control 0000 0000 RW -reserved00 -- Write value for Offset 9 (Prog Intfc) 00 WO Write value for Offset A (Sub Class) 00 WO Write value for Offset B (Base Class) 00 WO -reserved00 -- Offset 1-0 3-2 5-4 7-6 B-8 F-C Offset 13-10 14 15 1F-16 Offset 21-20 23-22 25-24 27-26 Offset 29-28 2B-2A 2D-2C 2E 2F 33-30 37-34 3B-38 3F-3C Offset 41-40 43-42 45-44 47-46 49-48 FF-4A Basic Control / Status Registers Power Management Status Power Management Enable Power Management Control -reservedPower Management Timer -reservedProcessor Registers Processor Control Processor LVL2 Processor LVL3 -reservedGeneral Purpose Registers General Purpose Status General Purpose SCI Enable General Purpose SMI Enable General Purpose Power Supply Ctrl Generic Registers Global Status Global Enable Global Control -reservedSMI Command Primary Activity Detect Status Primary Activity Detect Enable GP Timer Reload Enable -reservedGeneral Purpose I/O Registers GPIO Direction Control GPIO Port Output Value GPIO Port Input Value GPO Port Output Value GPI Port Input Value -reserved- VT82C586B I/O Space Power Management- Registers Default 0000 0000 0000 00 0000 0000 00 Default 0000 0000 00 00 00 Default 0000 0000 0000 0200 Default 0000 0000 00 00 00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00 Default 0000 0000 input 0000 input 00 Acc WC RW RW -- RW -- Acc RW RO RO -- Acc WC RW RW RW Acc WC RW RW -- RW WC RW RW -- Acc RW RW RO RW RO -- Revision 1.0 May 13, 1997 -19- Register Overview 9,$7HFKQRORJLHV,QF Configuration Space I/O Mechanism #1 These ports respond only to double-word accesses. Byte or word accesses will be passed on unchanged. Port CFB-CF8 - Configuration Address ......................... RW 31 Configuration Space Enable 0 Disabled .................................................default 1 Convert configuration data port writes to configuration cycles on the PCI bus ........................................ always reads 0 30-24 Reserved 23-16 PCI Bus Number Used to choose a specific PCI bus in the system 15-11 Device Number Used to choose a specific device in the system 10-8 Function Number Used to choose a specific function if the selected device supports multiple functions 7-2 Register Number Used to select a specific DWORD in the device's configuration space ........................................ always reads 0 1-0 Fixed Port CFF-CFC - Configuration Data .............................. RW VT82C586B Refer to PCI Bus Specification Version 2.1 for further details on operation of the above configuration registers. Revision 1.0 May 13, 1997 -20- Configuration Space I/O 9,$7HFKQRORJLHV,QF Register Descriptions Legacy I/O Ports This group of registers includes the DMA Controllers, Interrupt Controllers, and Timer/Counters as well as a number of miscellaneous ports originally implemented using discrete logic on original PC/AT motherboards. All of the registers listed are integrated on-chip. These registers are implemented in a precise manner for backwards compatibility with previous generations of PC hardware. These registers are listed for information purposes only. Detailed descriptions of the actions and programming of these registers are included in numerous industry publications (duplication of that information here is beyond the scope of this document). All of these registers reside in I/O space. Port 61 - Misc Functions & Speaker Control ................. RW ........................................ always reads 0 7 Reserved 6 IOCHCK# Active ................................................. RO This bit is set when the ISA bus IOCHCK# signal is asserted. Once set, this bit may be cleared by setting bit-3 of this register. Bit-3 should be cleared to enable recording of the next IOCHCK#. IOCHCK# generates NMI to the CPU if NMI is enabled. 5 Timer/Counter 2 Output ..................................... RO This bit reflects the output of Timer/Counter 2 without any synchronization. 4 Refresh Detected .................................................. RO This bit toggles on every rising edge of the ISA bus REFRESH# signal. 3 IOCHCK# Disable .............................................. RW 0 Enable IOCHCK# assertions..................default 1 Force IOCHCK# inactive and clear any "IOCHCK# Active" condition in bit-6 ........................................ RW, default=0 2 Reserved 1 Speaker Enable.................................................... RW 0 Disable ...................................................default 1 Enable Timer/Ctr 2 output to drive SPKR pin 0 Timer/Counter 2 Enable..................................... RW 0 Disable ...................................................default 1 Enable Timer/Counter 2 VT82C586B Port 92h - System Control ................................................ RW 7-6 Hard Disk Activity LED Status 0 Off .................................................... default 1-3 On ........................................ always reads 0 5-4 Reserved 3 Power-On Password Bytes Inaccessable ..default=0 ........................................ always reads 0 2 Reserved 1 A20 Address Line Enable 0 A20 disabled / forced 0 (real mode) ...... default 1 A20 address line enabled 0 High Speed Reset 0 Normal 1 Briefly pulse system reset to switch from protected mode to real mode Revision 1.0 May 13, 1997 -21- Register Descriptions 9,$7HFKQRORJLHV,QF Keyboard Controller Registers The keyboard controller handles the keyboard and mouse interfaces. Two ports are used: port 60 and port 64. Reads from port 64 return a status byte. Writes to port 64h are command codes (see command code list following the register descriptions). Input and output data is transferred via port 60. A "Control" register is also available. It is accessable by writing commands 20h / 60h to the command port (port 64h); The control byte is written by first sending 60h to the command port, then sending the control byte value. The control register may be read by sending a command of 20h to port 64h, waiting for "Output Buffer Full" status = 1, then reading the control byte value from port 60h. Traditional (non-integrated) keyboard controllers have an "Input Port" and an "Output Port" with specific pins dedicated to certain functions and other pins available for general purpose I/O. Specific commands are provided to set these pins high and low. All outputs are "open-collector" so to allow input on one of these pins, the output value for that pin would be set high (non-driving) and the desired input value read on the input port. These ports are defined as follows: Lo Code Hi Code Bit Input Port 0 P10 - Keyboard Data In B0 B8 1 P11 - Mouse Data In B1 B9 2 P12 - Turbo Pin (PS/2 mode only) B2 BA 3 P13 - user-defined B3 BB 4 P14 - user-defined B6 BE 5 P15 - user-defined B7 BF 6 P16 - user-defined - - 7 P17 - undefined - - Lo Code Hi Code Bit Output Port 0 P20 - SYSRST (1=execute reset) - - 1 P21 - GATEA20 (1=A20 enabled) - - 2 P22 - Mouse Data Out B4 BC 3 P23 - Mouse Clock Out B5 BD 4 P24 - Keyboard OBF Interrupt (IRQ1) - - 5 P25 - Mouse OBF Interrupt (IRQ 12) - - 6 P26 - Keyboard Clock Out - - 7 P27 - Keyboard Data Out - - Bit Test Port Lo Code Hi Code 0 T0 - Keyboard Clock In - - 1 T1 - Mouse Clock In - - Note: Command code C0h transfers input port data to the output buffer. Command code D0h copies output port values to the output buffer. Command code E0h transfers test input port data to the output buffer. Port 60 - Keyboard Controller Input Buffer ................. WO Only write to port 60h if port 64h bit-1 = 0 (1=full). Port 60 - Keyboard Controller Output Buffer ................RO Only read from port 60h if port 64h bit-0 = 1 (0=empty). VT82C586B Port 64 - Keyboard / Mouse Status .................................. RO 0 Keyboard Output Buffer Full 0 Keyboard Output Buffer Empty............. default 1 Keyboard Output Buffer Full 1 Input Buffer Full 0 Input Buffer Empty................................ default 1 Input Buffer Full 2 System Flag 0 Power-On Default .................................. default 1 Self Test Successful 3 Command / Data 0 Last write was data write ....................... default 1 Last write was command write 4 Keylock Status 0 Locked 1 Free 5 Mouse Output Buffer Full 0 Mouse output buffer empty.................... default 1 Mouse output buffer holds mouse data 6 General Receive / Transmit Timeout 0 No error ................................................. default 1 Error 7 Parity Error 0 No parity error (odd parity received)..... default 1 Even parity occurred on last byte received from keyboard / mouse KBC Control Register .......... (R/W via Commands 20h/60h) ........................................ always reads 0 7 Reserved 6 PC Compatibility 0 Disable scan conversion 1 Convert scan codes to PC format; convert 2byte break sequences to 1-byte PC-compatible break codes ............................................ default 5 Mouse Disable 0 Enable Mouse Interface ......................... default 1 Disable Mouse Interface 4 Keyboard Disable 0 Enable Keyboard Interface .................... default 1 Disable Keyboard Interface 3 Keyboard Lock Disable 0 Enable Keyboard Inhibit Function......... default 1 Disable Keyboard Inhibit Function 2 System Flag ................................................default=0 This bit may be read back as status register bit-2 1 Mouse Interrupt Enable 0 Disable mouse interrupts ....................... default 1 Generate interrupt on IRQ12 when mouse data comes in output bufer 0 Keyboard Interrupt Enable 0 Disable Keyboard Interrupts.................. default 1 Generate interrupt on IRQ1 when output buffer has been written. Revision 1.0 May 13, 1997 -22- Register Descriptions 9,$7HFKQRORJLHV,QF Port 64 - Keyboard / Mouse Command .......................... WO This port is used to send commands to the keyboard / mouse controller. The command codes recognized by the VT82C586B are listed n the table below. Note: The VT82C586B Keyboard Controller is compatible with the VIA VT82C42 Industry-Standard Keyboard Controller except that due to its integrated nature, many of the input and output port pins are not available externally for use as general purpose I/O pins (even though P13-P16 are set on power-up as strapping options). In other words, many of the commands below are provided and "work", but otherwise perform no useful function (e.g., commands that set P12-P17 high or low). Also note that setting P10-11, P22-23, P26-27, and T0-1 high or low directly serves no useful purpose, since these bits are used to implement the keyboard and mouse ports and are directly controlled by keyboard controller logic. VT82C586B Table 4. Keyboard Controller Command Codes Code 20h 60h 9xh A1h A4h A7h A8h A9h Keyboard Command Code Description Read Control Byte (next byte is Control Byte) Write Control Byte (next byte is Control Byte) Write low nibble (bits 0-3) to P10-P13 Output Keyboard Controller Version # Test if Password is installed (always returns F1h to indicate not installed) Disable Mouse Interface Enable Mouse Interface Mouse Interface Test (puts test results in port 60h) (value: 0=OK, 1=clk stuck low, 2=clk stuck high, 3=data stuck lo, 4=data stuck hi, FF=general error) KBC self test (returns 55h if OK, FCh if not) Keyboard Interface Test (see A9h Mouse Test) Disable Keyboard Interface Enable Keyboard Interface Return Version # Set P10 low Set P11 low Set P12 low Set P13 low Set P22 low Set P23 low Set P14 low Set P15 low Set P10 high Set P11 high Set P12 high Set P13 high Set P22 high Set P23 high Set P14 high Set P15 high Code C0h C1h C2h C8h C9h CAh D0h D1h D2h D3h Keyboard Command Code Description Read input port (read P10-17 input data to the output buffer) Poll input port low (read input data on P11-13 repeatably & put in bits 5-7 of status Poll input port high (same except P15-17) Unblock P22-23 (use before D1 to change active mode) Reblock P22-23 (protection mechanism for D1) Read mode (output KBC mode info to port 60 output buffer (bit-0=0 if ISA, 1 if PS/2) Read Output Port (copy P10-17 output port values to port 60) Write Output Port (data byte following is written to keyboard output port as if it came from keyboard) Write Keyboard Output Buffer & clear status bit-5 (write following byte to keyboard) Write Mouse Output Buffer & set status bit-5 (write following byte to mouse; put value in mouse input buffer so it appears to have come from the mouse) Write Mouse (write following byte to mouse) Read test inputs (T0-1 read to bits 0-1 of resp byte) Set P23-P21 per command bits 3-1 Pulse P23-P20 low for 6usec per command bits 3-0 AAh ABh ADh AEh AFh B0h B1h B2h B3h B4h B5h B6h B7h B8h B9h BAh BBh BCh BDh BEh BFh D4h E0h Exh Fxh All other codes not listed are undefined. Revision 1.0 May 13, 1997 -23- Register Descriptions 9,$7HFKQRORJLHV,QF DMA Controller I/O Registers Ports 00-0F - Master DMA Controller Channels 0-3 of the Master DMA Controller control System DMA Channels 0-3. There are 16 Master DMA Controller registers: I/O Address Bits 15-0 0000 0000 000x 0000 0000 0000 000x 0001 0000 0000 000x 0010 0000 0000 000x 0011 0000 0000 000x 0100 0000 0000 000x 0101 0000 0000 000x 0110 0000 0000 000x 0111 0000 0000 000x 1000 0000 0000 000x 1001 0000 0000 000x 1010 0000 0000 000x 1011 0000 0000 000x 1100 0000 0000 000x 1101 0000 0000 000x 1110 0000 0000 000x 1111 Register Name Ch 0 Base / Current Address Ch 0 Base / Current Count Ch 1 Base / Current Address Ch 1 Base / Current Count Ch 2 Base / Current Address Ch 2 Base / Current Count Ch 3 Base / Current Address Ch 3 Base / Current Count Status / Command Write Request Write Single Mask Write Mode Clear Byte Pointer F/F Master Clear Clear Mask R/W All Mask Bits RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW WO WO WO WO WO WO RW VT82C586B Ports C0-DF - Slave DMA Controller Channels 0-3 of the Slave DMA Controller control System DMA Channels 4-7. There are 16 Slave DMA Controller registers: I/O Address Bits 15-0 0000 0000 1100 000x 0000 0000 1100 001x 0000 0000 1100 010x 0000 0000 1100 011x 0000 0000 1100 100x 0000 0000 1100 101x 0000 0000 1100 110x 0000 0000 1100 111x 0000 0000 1101 000x 0000 0000 1101 001x 0000 0000 1101 010x 0000 0000 1101 011x 0000 0000 1101 100x 0000 0000 1101 101x 0000 0000 1101 110x 0000 0000 1101 111x Register Name Ch 0 Base / Current Address Ch 0 Base / Current Count Ch 1 Base / Current Address Ch 1 Base / Current Count Ch 2 Base / Current Address Ch 2 Base / Current Count Ch 3 Base / Current Address Ch 3 Base / Current Count Status / Command Write Request Write Single Mask Write Mode Clear Byte Pointer F/F Master Clear Clear Mask Read/Write All Mask Bits RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW WO WO WO WO WO WO WO Note that not all bits of the address are decoded. Note that not all bits of the address are decoded. The Master DMA Controller is compatible with the Intel 8237 DMA Controller chip. Detailed descriptions of 8237 DMA Controller operation can be obtained from the Intel Peripheral Components Data Book and numerous other industry publications. The Slave DMA Controller is compatible with the Intel 8237 DMA Controller chip. Detailed description of 8237 DMA controller operation can be obtained from the Intel Peripheral Components Data Book and numerous other industry publications. Ports 80-8F - DMA Page Registers There are eight DMA Page Registers, one for each DMA channel. These registers provide bits 16-23 of the 24-bit address for each DMA channel (bits 0-15 are stored in registers in the Master and Slave DMA Controllers). They are located at the following I/O Port addresses: I/O Address Bits 15-0 0000 0000 1000 0111 0000 0000 1000 0011 0000 0000 1000 0001 0000 0000 1000 0010 0000 0000 1000 1111 0000 0000 1000 1011 0000 0000 1000 1001 0000 0000 1000 1010 Register Name Channel 0 DMA Page (M-0).........RW Channel 1 DMA Page (M-1).........RW Channel 2 DMA Page (M-2).........RW Channel 3 DMA Page (M-3).........RW Channel 4 DMA Page (S-0) ..........RW Channel 5 DMA Page (S-1) ..........RW Channel 6 DMA Page (S-2) ..........RW Channel 7 DMA Page (S-3) .........RW Revision 1.0 May 13, 1997 -24- Register Descriptions 9,$7HFKQRORJLHV,QF Interrupt Controller Registers Ports 20-21 - Master Interrupt Controller The Master Interrupt Controller controls system interrupt channels 0-7. Two registers control the Master Interrupt Controller. They are: I/O Address Bits 15-0 0000 0000 001x xxx0 0000 0000 001x xxx1 Register Name Master Interrupt Control Master Interrupt Mask RW RW Interrupt Controller Shadow Registers VT82C586B The following shadow registers are enabled by setting bit 4 of Rx47 to 1 (offset 47h in the PCI-ISA Bridge function 0 register group). If the shadow registers are enabled, they are read back at the indicated I/O port instead of the standard interrupt controller registers (writes to the interrupt controller register ports are directed to the standard interrupt controller registers). Port 20 - Master Interrupt Control Shadow ................... RO ........................................ always reads 0 7-5 Reserved 4 OCW3 bit 5 3 OCW2 bit 7 2 ICW4 bit 4 1 ICW4 bit 1 0 ICW1 bit 3 Port 21 - Master Interrupt Mask Shadow ....................... RO ........................................ always reads 0 7-5 Reserved 4-0 T7-T3 of Interrupt Vector Address Port A0 - Slave Interrupt Control Shadow ..................... RO ........................................ always reads 0 7-5 Reserved 4 OCW3 bit 5 3 OCW2 bit 7 2 ICW4 bit 4 1 ICW4 bit 1 0 ICW1 bit 3 Port A1 - Slave Interrupt Mask Shadow ........................ RO ........................................ always reads 0 7-5 Reserved 4-0 T7-T3 of Interrupt Vector Address Timer / Counter Registers Ports 40-43 - Timer / Counter Registers There are 4 Timer / Counter registers: I/O Address Bits 15-0 0000 0000 010x xx00 0000 0000 010x xx01 0000 0000 010x xx10 0000 0000 010x xx11 Register Name Timer / Counter 0 Count Timer / Counter 1 Count Timer / Counter 2 Count Timer / Counter Cmd Mode RW RW RW WO Note that not all bits of the address are decoded. The Master Interrupt Controller is compatible with the Intel 8259 Interrupt Controller chip. Detailed descriptions of 8259 Interrupt Controller operation can be obtained from the Intel Peripheral Components Data Book and numerous other industry publications. Ports A0-A1 - Slave Interrupt Controller The Slave Interrupt Controller controls system interrupt channels 8-15. The slave system interrupt controller also occupies two register locations: I/O Address Bits 15-0 0000 0000 101x xxx0 0000 0000 101x xxx1 Register Name Slave Interrupt Control Slave Interrupt Mask RW RW Note that not all address bits are decoded. The Slave Interrupt Controller is compatible with the Intel 8259 Interrupt Controller chip. Detailed descriptions of 8259 Interrupt Controller operation can be obtained from the Intel Peripheral Components Data Book and numerous other industry publications. Note that not all bits of the address are decoded. The Timer / Counters are compatible with the Intel 8254 Timer / Counter chip. Detailed descriptions of 8254 Timer / Counter operation can be obtained from the Intel Peripheral Components Data Book and numerous other industry publications. Revision 1.0 May 13, 1997 -25- Register Descriptions 9,$7HFKQRORJLHV,QF CMOS / RTC Registers Port 70 - CMOS Address ................................................. WO 7 NMI Disable.........................................................WO 0 Enable NMI Generation. NMI is asserted on encountering IOCHCK# on the ISA bus or SERR# on the PCI bus. 1 Disable NMI Generation ........................default 6-0 CMOS Address (lower 128 bytes)....................... WO Port 71 - CMOS Data........................................................ RW 7-0 CMOS Data (128 bytes) Note: Ports 70-71 may be accessed if Rx5A bit-2 is set to one to select the internal RTC. If Rx5A bit-2 is set to zero, accesses to ports 70-71 will be directed to an external RTC. 06 07 08 09 0A Offset 00 01 02 03 04 VT82C586B Binary Range BCD Range Description 00-3Bh 00-59h Seconds 00-3Bh 00-59h Seconds Alarm 00-3Bh 00-59h Minutes 00-3Bh 00-59h Minutes Alarm am 12hr: 01-1Ch 01-12h Hours pm 12hr: 81-8Ch 81-92h 24hr: 00-17h 00-23h 01-12h Hours Alarm am 12hr: 01-1Ch pm 12hr: 81-8Ch 81-92h 24hr: 00-17h 00-23h 01-07h Day of the Week Sun=1: 01-07h 01-1Fh 01-31h Day of the Month 01-0Ch 01-12h Month 00-63h 00-99h Year Register A 7 UIP Update In Progress 6-4 DV2-0 Divide (010=ena osc & keep time) 3-0 RS3-0 Rate Select for Periodic Interrupt Register B 7 SET 6 PIE 5 AIE 4 UIE 3 SQWE 2 DM 1 24/12 0 DSE Register C 7 IRQF 6 PF 5 AF 4 UF 3-0 0 Register D 7 VRT 6-0 0 05 Port 72 - CMOS Address .................................................. RW 7-0 CMOS Address (256 bytes)................................. RW Port 73 - CMOS Data........................................................ RW 7-0 CMOS Data (256 bytes) Note: Ports 72-73 may be accessed if Rx5A bit-2 is set to one to select the internal RTC. If Rx5A bit-2 is set to zero, accesses to ports 72-73 will be directed to an external RTC. 0B Port 74 - CMOS Address .................................................. RW 7-0 CMOS Address (256 bytes)................................. RW Port 75 - CMOS Data........................................................ RW 7-0 CMOS Data (256 bytes) Note: Ports 74-75 may be accessed only if Function 0 Rx5B bit-1 is set to one to enable the internal RTC SRAM and if Rx48 bit-3 (Port 74/75 Access Enable) is set to one to enable port 74/75 access. Ports 70-71 are compatible with PC industrystandards and may be used to access the lower 128 bytes of the 256-byte on-chip CMOS RAM. Ports 72-73 may be used to access the full extended 256byte space. Ports 74-75 may be used to access the full on-chip extended 256-byte space in cases where the on-chip RTC is disabled. The system Real Time Clock (RTC) is part of the "CMOS" block. The RTC control registers are located at specific offsets in the CMOS data area (00Dh and 7D-7Fh). Detailed descriptions of CMOS / RTC operation and programming can be obtained from the VIA VT82887 Data Book or numerous other industry publications. For reference, the definition of the RTC register locations and bits are summarized in the following table: 0D Inhibit Update Transfers Periodic Interrupt Enable Alarm Interrupt Enable Update Ended Interrupt Enable No function (read/write bit) Data Mode (0=BCD, 1=binary) Hours Byte Format (0=12, 1=24) Daylight Savings Enable 0C Interrupt Request Flag Periodic Interrupt Flag Alarm Interrupt Flag Update Ended Flag Unused (always read 0) Note: Reads 1 if VBAT voltage is OK Unused (always read 0) 0E-7C Software-Defined Storage Registers (111 Bytes) Offset 7D 7E 7F Extended Functions Date Alarm Month Alarm Century Field Binary Range BCD Range 01-1Fh 01-31h 01-0Ch 01-12h 13-14h 19-20h Note: 80-FF Software-Defined Storage Registers (128 Bytes) Table 5. CMOS Register Summary Revision 1.0 May 13, 1997 -26- Register Descriptions 9,$7HFKQRORJLHV,QF PCI to ISA Bridge Registers (Function 0) All registers are located in the function 0 PCI configuration space of the VT82C586B. These registers are accessed through PCI configuration mechanism #1 via I/O address CF8/CFC. PCI Configuration Space Header Offset 1-0 - Vendor ID = 1106h .........................................RO Offset 3-2 - Device ID = 0586h ..........................................RO Offset 5-4 - Command ....................................................... RW ........................................ always reads 0 15-4 Reserved 3 Special Cycle Enable .....Normally RW, default = 1 2 Bus Master ........................................ always reads 1 1 Memory Space.................. Normally RO, reads as 1 0 I/O Space ...................... Normally RO, reads as 1 If the test bit at offset 46 bit-4 is set, access to the above indicated bits is reversed: bit-3 above becomes read only (reading back 1) and bits 0-1 above become read / write (with a default of 1). Offset 7-6 - Status ........................................................... RWC 15 Detected Parity Error.................... write one to clear 14 Signalled System Error...................... always reads 0 13 Signalled Master Abort ................. write one to clear 12 Received Target Abort .................. write one to clear 11 Signalled Target Abort ...................... always reads 0 10-9 DEVSEL# Timing .................... fixed at 01 (medium) 8 Data Parity Detected.......................... always reads 0 7 Fast Back-to-Back.............................. always reads 0 ........................................ always reads 0 6-0 Reserved Offset 8 - Revision ID = nn ................................................RO 7-0 ID for VT82C586 = 0xh ID for VT82C586A = 2xh ID for VT82C586B = 3xh (3040 OEM Silicon) ID for VT82C586B = 4xh (3041 Production Sil.) Offset 9 - Program Interface = 00h ...................................RO Offset A - Sub Class Code = 01h .......................................RO Offset B - Class Code = 06h ...............................................RO Offset E - Header Type = 80h............................................RO 7-0 Header Type Code .........80h (Multifunction Device) Offset F - BIST = 00h .........................................................RO Offset 2F-2C - Subsystem ID .............................................RO ISA Bus Control VT82C586B Offset 40 - ISA Bus Control ............................................. RW 7 ISA Command Delay 0 Normal................................................... default 1 Extra 6 Extended ISA Bus Ready 0 Disable................................................... default 1 Enable 5 ISA Slave Wait States 0 4 Wait States.......................................... default 1 5 Wait States 4 Chipset I/O Wait States 0 2 Wait States.......................................... default 1 4 Wait States 3 I/O Recovery Time 0 Disable................................................... default 1 Enable 2 Extend-ALE 0 Disable................................................... default 1 Enable 1 ROM Wait States 0 1 Wait State ........................................... default 1 0 Wait States 0 ROM Write 0 Disable................................................... default 1 Enable Offset 41 - ISA Test Mode ................................................ RW 7 Bus Refresh Arbitration (do not program) default=0 6 XRDY Test Mode (do not program) ...........default=0 5 Port 92 Fast Reset 0 Disable................................................... default 1 Enable 4 A20G Emulation (do not program) .............default=0 3 Double DMA Clock 0 Disable (DMA Clock = 1/2 ISA Clock)... default 1 Enable (DMA Clock = ISA Clock) 2 SHOLD Lock During INTA (do not program) def=0 1 Refresh Request Test Mode (do not program).def=0 0 Refresh Test Mode ..................... (3041 silicon only) 0 Disable ISA Refresh .............................. default 1 Enable ISA Refresh Note: This bit should always be set to one in the OEM 3040 silicon. Revision 1.0 May 13, 1997 -27- Register Descriptions 9,$7HFKQRORJLHV,QF Offset 42 - ISA Clock Control. ......................................... RW 7 Latch IO16# 0 Enable (recommended setting) ...............default 1 Disable 6 Reserved (no defined function) ................. default = 0 5 Master Request Test Mode (do not program) . def=0 4 Reserved (no defined function) ................. default = 0 3 ISA CLOCK Select Enable 0 ISA Clock = PCICLK/4 .........................default 1 ISA Clock selected per bits 2-0 2-0 ISA Bus Clock Select (if bit-3 = 1) 000 PCICLK/3 ..............................................default 001 PCICLK/2 010 PCICLK/4 011 PCICLK/6 100 PCICLK/5 101 PCICLK/10 110 PCICLK/12 111 OSC/2 Note: Procedure for ISA CLOCK switching: 1) Set bit 3 to 0; 2) Change value of bit 2-0; 3) Set bit 3 to 1 Offset 43 - ROM Decode Control .................................... RW Setting these bits enables the indicated address range to be included in the ROMCS# decode: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 FFFE0000h-FFFEFFFFh .......................... default=0 FFF80000h-FFFDFFFFh ......................... default=0 000E8000h-000EFFFFh ............................ default=0 000E0000h-000E7FFFh ............................ default=0 000D8000h-000DFFFFh ........................... default=0 000D0000h-000D7FFFh ............................ default=0 000C8000h-000CFFFFh ........................... default=0 000C0000h-000C7FFFh............................. default=0 VT82C586B Offset 46 - Miscellaneous Control 1 ................................ RW 7 PCI Master Write Wait States .(3041 Silicon Only) 0 0 Wait States.......................................... default 1 1 Wait State 6 Gate INTRQ...............................(3041 Silicon Only) 0 Disable................................................... default 1 Enable 5 Flush Line Buffer for Int or DMA IOR Cycle ........ ...............................(3041 Silicon Only) 0 Disable................................................... default 1 Enable 4 Config Command Reg Rx04 Access (Test Only) 0 Normal: Bits 0-1=RO, Bit 3=RW ......... default 1 Test Mode: Bits 0-1=RW, Bit-3=RO 3 Reserved (do not program) ........................default = 0 2 Reserved (no function) ..............................default = 0 1 PCI Burst Read Interruptability 0 Allow burst reads to be interrupted........ default 1 Don't allow PCI burst reads to be interrupted 0 Post Memory Write Enable 0 Disable................................................... default 1 Enable The Post Memory Write function is automatically enabled when Delay Transaction (see Rx47 bit-6 below) is enabled, independent of the state of this bit. Offset 47 - Miscellaneous Control 2 ................................ RW 7 CPU Reset Source 0 Use CPURST as CPU Reset .................. default 1 Use INIT as CPU Reset 6 PCI Delay Transaction Enable 0 Disable................................................... default 1 Enable The "Post Memory Write" function is automatically enabled when this bit is enabled, independent of the state of Rx46 bit-0 above. 5 EISA 4D0/4D1 Port Enable 0 Disable (ignore ports 4D0-1) ................. default 1 Enable (ports 4D0-1 per EISA specification) 4 Interrupt Controller Shadow Register Enable 0 Disable................................................... default 1 Enable 3 Reserved (always program to 0)..............default = 0 Note: Always mask this bit. This bit may read back as either 0 or 1 but must always be programmed with 0. 2 Write Delay Transaction Time-Out Timer Enable 0 Disable................................................... default 1 Enable 1 Read Delay Transaction Time-Out Timer Enable 0 Disable................................................... default 1 Enable 0 Software PCI Reset ......write 1 to generate PCI reset Offset 44 - Keyboard Controller Control ........................ RW 7 KBC Timeout Test (do not program) ....... default = 0 6-4 Reserved (do not program)........................ default = 0 3 Mouse Lock Enable 0 Disabled .................................................default 1 Enabled 2-1 Reserved (do not program)........................ default = 0 0 Reserved (no function).............................. default = 0 Offset 45 - Type F DMA Control ..................................... RW 7 ISA Master / DMA to PCI Line Buffer .... default=0 6 DMA type F Timing on Channel 7 ........... default=0 5 DMA type F Timing on Channel 6 ........... default=0 4 DMA type F Timing on Channel 5 ........... default=0 3 DMA type F Timing on Channel 3 ........... default=0 2 DMA type F Timing on Channel 2 ........... default=0 1 DMA type F Timing on Channel 1 ........... default=0 0 DMA type F Timing on Channel 0 ........... default=0 Revision 1.0 May 13, 1997 -28- Register Descriptions 9,$7HFKQRORJLHV,QF Offset 48 - Miscellaneous Control 3 ................................. RW ........................................ always reads 0 7-6 Reserved 5 MASTER# Pin Function (Pin 137) ... (3041 Silicon) 0 "Input" Mode (Pin 137 = MASTER#) ...default 1 "Output" Mode (Pin 137 = SDDIR) 4 IRQ8# Input Source.........(3040F and 3041 Silicon) 0 IRQ8# input on RTCX1 pin 104 ............default 1 IRQ8# input on KEYLOCK pin 106 See also Rx5A[2] - internal/external RTC: Rx5A[2] Rx48[4] Pin Function 0 0 Ext RTC, IRQ8# in pin 104 0 1 Ext RTC, IRQ8# in pin 106 1 x Int RTC, no IRQ8# in req'd 3 Extra RTC Port 74/75 Enable 0 Disable ...................................................default 1 Enable 2 Integrated USB Controller Disable 0 Enable.....................................................default 1 Disable 1 Integrated IDE Controller Disable 0 Enable.....................................................default 1 Disable 0 512K PCI Memory Decode 0 Use Rx4E[15-12] to select top of PCI memory 1 Use contents of Rx4E[15-12] plus 512K as top of PCI memory .......................................default Offset 4A - IDE Interrupt Routing .................................. RW 7 Wait for PGNT Before Grant to ISA Master / DMA 0 Disable ...................................................default 1 Enable (must be set to 1) 6 Bus Select for Access to I/O Devices Below 100h 0 Access ports 00-FFh via XD bus............default 1 Access ports 00-FFh via SD bus (applies to external devices only; internal devices such as the mouse controller are not effected) 5-4 Reserved (do not program) ..................... default = 0 3-2 IDE Second Channel IRQ Routing 00 IRQ14 01 IRQ15.....................................................default 10 IRQ10 11 IRQ11 1-0 IDE Primary Channel IRQ Routing 00 IRQ14.....................................................default 01 IRQ15 10 IRQ10 11 IRQ11 VT82C586B 4C - ISA DMA/Master Memory Access Control 1 ........ RW 7-0 PCI Memory Hole Bottom Address These bits correspond to HA[23:16] ............default=0 4D - ISA DMA/Master Memory Access Control 2 ........ RW 7-0 PCI Memory Hole Top Address (HA[23:16]) These bits correspond to HA[23:16] ............ default=0 Note: Access to the memory defined in the PCI memory hole will not be forwarded to PCI. This function is disabled if the top address less than or equal to the bottom address. 4F-4E - ISA DMA/Master Memory Access Control 3 ... RW 15-12 Top of PCI Memory for ISA DMA/Master accesses 0000 1M .................................................... default 0001 2M ... ... 1111 16M Note: All ISA DMA / Masters that access addresses higher than the top of PCI memory will not be directed to the PCI bus. 11 Forward E0000-EFFFF Accesses to PCI........def=0 10 Forward A0000-BFFFF Accesses to PCI .......def=0 9 Forward 80000-9FFFF Accesses to PCI ........def=1 8 Forward 00000-7FFFF Accesses to PCI ........def=1 7 Forward DC000-DFFFF Accesses to PCI ......def=0 6 Forward D8000-DBFFF Accesses to PCI ......def=0 5 Forward D4000-D7FFF Accesses to PCI .......def=0 4 Forward D0000-D3FFF Accesses to PCI .......def=0 3 Forward CC000-CFFFF Accesses to PCI .....def=0 2 Forward C8000-CBFFF Accesses to PCI ......def=0 1 Forward C4000-C7FFF Accesses to PCI .......def=0 0 Forward C0000-C3FFF Accesses to PCI .......def=0 Revision 1.0 May 13, 1997 -29- Register Descriptions 9,$7HFKQRORJLHV,QF Plug and Play Control Offset 50 - Reserved (Do Not Program) .......................... RW .......................................... default = 04h 7-0 Reserved Offset 54 - PCI IRQ Edge / Level Select .......................... RW ........................................ always reads 0 7-4 Reserved The following bits all default to "level" triggered (0) 3 PIRQA# Invert (edge) / Non-invert (level).......(1/0) 2 PIRQB# Invert (edge) / Non-invert (level).......(1/0) 1 PIRQC# Invert (edge) / Non-invert (level).......(1/0) 0 PIRQD# Invert (edge) / Non-invert (level).......(1/0) Note: PIRQA-D# normally connect to PCI interrupt pins INTA-D# (see pin definitions for more information). VT82C586B Offset 58 - PNP IRQ Routing 4 ....................................... RW These bits control routing for external IRQ input MIRQ2. ........................................ always reads 0 7-4 Reserved 3-0 MIRQ2 Routing (see PnP IRQ routing table) PnP IRQ Routing Table 0000 Disabled................................................. default 0001 IRQ1 0010 Reserved 0011 IRQ3 0100 IRQ4 0101 IRQ5 0110 IRQ6 0111 IRQ7 1000 Reserved 1001 IRQ9 1010 IRQ10 1011 IRQ11 1100 IRQ12 1101 Reserved 1110 IRQ14 1111 IRQ15 Offset 59 - MIRQ Pin Configuration .............................. RW ........................................ always reads 0 7-4 Reserved 3 Power-On Suspend Status Output Enable (Pin 90) ..(3040 Rev F and 3041 Silicon Only)) 0 Disable POS Status Output .................... default 1 Enable POS Status output on pin 90. Alternate functions of pin 90 are APICCS# and MIRQ0 if this bit is not set (see bit-0 below). 2 MIRQ2 / MASTER# Selection (Pin 137) 0 MIRQ2................................................... default 1 MASTER# 1 MIRQ1 / KEYLOCK Selection (Pin 106) 0 MIRQ1................................................... default 1 KEYLOCK 0 MIRQ0 / APICCS# Selection (Pin 90) 0 MIRQ0................................................... default 1 APICCS# Note: The definitions of the fields of the following three registers were incorrectly documented in some earlier revisions of this document. The silicon has not changed and the following definition should be used for all silicon revisions: Offset 55 - PNP IRQ Routing 1 ........................................ RW These bits control routing for external IRQ inputs MIRQ0-1. 7-4 PIRQD# Routing (see PnP IRQ routing table) 3-0 MIRQ0 Routing (see PnP IRQ routing table) Offset 56 - PNP IRQ Routing 2 ........................................ RW 7-4 PIRQA# Routing (see PnP IRQ routing table) 3-0 PIRQB# Routing (see PnP IRQ routing table) Offset 57 - PNP IRQ Routing 3 ........................................ RW 7-4 PIRQC# Routing (see PnP IRQ routing table) 3-0 MIRQ1 Routing (see PnP IRQ routing table) Note: these bits must be set to 0 if Rx48[4]=1 and Rx59[1]=1 (input IRQ8# on MIRQ1 pin 106) Revision 1.0 May 13, 1997 -30- Register Descriptions 9,$7HFKQRORJLHV,QF Offset 5A - XD Power-On Strap Options ........................ RW The bits in this register are latched from pins XD7-0 at powerup but are read/write accessible so may be changed after power-up to change the default strap setting: 7 6 5 4 3 2 Keyboard RP16 .............................latched from XD7 Keyboard RP15 ............................latched from XD6 Keyboard RP14 ............................latched from XD5 Keyboard RP13 ............................latched from XD4 ....................................... always reads 0 Reserved Internal RTC Enable ....................latched from XD2 0 Disable 1 Enable Internal PS2 Mouse Enable..........latched from XD1 0 Disable 1 Enable Internal KBC Enable ....................latched from XD0 0 Disable 1 Enable External strap option values may be set by connecting the indicated external pin to a 4.7K ohm pullup (for 1) or driving it low during reset with a 7407 TTL open collector buffer (for 0) as shown in the suggested circuit below: 9&& 5(6(7 9&& . ;' VT82C586B Offset 5B - Internal RTC Test Mode .............................. RW ........................................ always reads 0 7-3 Reserved 2 RTC Reset Enable (do not program) ..........default=0 1 RTC SRAM Access Enable 0 Disable................................................... default 1 Enable This bit is set if the internal RTC is disabled but it is desired to still be able to access the internal RTC SRAM via ports 74-75. If the internal RTC is enabled, setting this bit does nothing (the internal RTC SRAM should be accessed at either ports 70/71 or 72/73. 0 RTC Test Mode Enable (do not program) .default=0 Offset 5C - DMA Control (3041 Silicon Only) ............... RW ........................................ always reads 0 7-1 Reserved 0 DMA Line Buffer Disable 0 DMA cycles can be to/from line buffer ....... def 1 Disable DMA Line Buffer 1 0 Note: Figure 3. Strap Option Circuit Revision 1.0 May 13, 1997 -31- Register Descriptions 9,$7HFKQRORJLHV,QF Distributed DMA Control Offset 61-60 - Distributed DMA Ch 0 Base / Enable ...... RW 15-4 Channel 0 Base Address Bits 15-4 .......... default = 0 3 Channel 0 Enable 0 Disable ...................................................default 1 Enable ........................................ always reads 0 2-0 Reserved Offset 63-62 - Distributed DMA Ch 1 Base / Enable ...... RW 15-4 Channel 1 Base Address Bits 15-4 .......... default = 0 3 Channel 1 Enable 0 Disable ...................................................default 1 Enable ........................................ always reads 0 2-0 Reserved Offset 65-64 - Distributed DMA Ch 2 Base / Enable ...... RW 15-4 Channel 2 Base Address Bits 15-4 .......... default = 0 3 Channel 2 Enable 0 Disable ...................................................default 1 Enable ........................................ always reads 0 2-0 Reserved Offset 67-66 - Distributed DMA Ch 3 Base / Enable ...... RW 15-4 Channel 3 Base Address Bits 15-4 .......... default = 0 3 Channel 3 Enable 0 Disable ...................................................default 1 Enable ........................................ always reads 0 2-0 Reserved Offset 6B-6A - Distributed DMA Ch 5 Base / Enable .... RW 15-4 Channel 5 Base Address Bits 15-4 .......... default = 0 3 Channel 5 Enable 0 Disable ...................................................default 1 Enable ........................................ always reads 0 2-0 Reserved Offset 6D-6C - Distributed DMA Ch 6 Base / Enable .... RW 15-4 Channel 6 Base Address Bits 15-4 .......... default = 0 3 Channel 6 Enable 0 Disable ...................................................default 1 Enable ........................................ always reads 0 2-0 Reserved Offset 6F-6E - Distributed DMA Ch 7 Base / Enable..... RW 15-4 Channel 7 Base Address Bits 15-4 .......... default = 0 3 Channel 7 Enable 0 Disable ...................................................default 1 Enable ........................................ always reads 0 2-0 Reserved Miscellaneous VT82C586B Offset 73-70 - Subsystem ID (3041 Silicon Only) ........... WO 31-0 Subsystem ID and Subsystem Vendor ID Write Only. Always reads back 0. Contents may be read at offset 2C. Revision 1.0 May 13, 1997 -32- Register Descriptions 9,$7HFKQRORJLHV,QF Enhanced IDE Controller Registers (Function 1) This Enhanced IDE controller interface is fully compatible with the SFF 8038i v.1.0 specification. There are two sets of software accessible registers -- PCI configuration registers and Bus Master IDE I/O registers. The PCI configuration registers are located in the function 1 PCI configuration space of the VT82C586B. The Bus Master IDE I/O registers are defined in the SFF8038i v1.0 specification. PCI Configuration Space Header Offset 1-0 - Vendor ID (1106h=VIA) ................................RO Offset 3-2 - Device ID (0571h=IDE Controller) ...............RO Offset 5-4 - Command ....................................................... RW ........................................ always reads 0 15-10 Reserved 9 Fast Back to Back Cycles ..........fixed at 0 (disabled) 8 SERR# Enable............................fixed at 0 (disabled) 7 Address Stepping ...................... default=1 (enabled) VIA recommends that this bit always be set to 1 to provide additional address decode time to IDE devices. 6 Parity Error Response...............fixed at 0 (disabled) 5 VGA Palette Snoop ....................fixed at 0 (disabled) 4 Memory Write & Invalidate .....fixed at 0 (disabled) 3 Special Cycles .............................fixed at 0 (disabled) 2 Bus Master ............................... default=0 (disabled) S/G operation can be issued only when the "Bus Master" bit is enabled. 1 Memory Space............................fixed at 0 (disabled) 0 I/O Space ............................... default=0 (disabled) When the "I/O Space" bit is disabled, the device will not respond to any I/O addresses for both compatible and native mode. Offset 7-6 - Status ........................................................... RWC 15 Detected Parity Error................................ default=0 14 Signalled System Error.............................. default=0 13 Received Master Abort.............................. default=0 12 Received Target Abort .............................. default=0 11 Signalled Target Abort ..............................Fixed at 0 10-9 DEVSEL# Timing ..................default = 01 (medium) 8 Data Parity Detected.................................. default=0 7 Fast Back to Back ......................................Fixed at 1 ........................................ always reads 0 6-0 Reserved Offset 8 - Revision ID .........................................................RO 0-7 Revision Code for IDE Controller Logic Block VT82C586B Offset 9 - Programming Interface ................................... RW 7 Master IDE Capability........... fixed at 1 (Supported) ........................................ always reads 0 6-4 Reserved 3 Programmable Indicator - Secondary ...... fixed at 1 0 Fixed (mode is determined by bit-2) 1 Supports both modes (may be set to either mode by writing bit-2) 2 Channel Operating Mode - Secondary 0 Compatibility Mode ............default if SPKR=0 1 Native PCI Mode ................default if SPKR=1 The default value for this bit is determined at powerup as strapped by the SPKR pin (pin 134) ): 0 = fixed IDE addressing, 1 = flexible IDE addressing. See figure 2 for strap circuit. 1 Programmable Indicator - Primary.......... fixed at 1 0 Fixed (mode is determined by bit-2) 1 Supports both modes (may be set to either mode by writing bit-0) 0 Channel Operating Mode - Primary 0 Compatibility Mode.............default if SPKR=0 1 Native PCI Mode ................default if SPKR=1 The default value for this bit is determined at powerup as strapped by the SPKR pin (pin 134) ): 0 = fixed IDE addressing, 1 = flexible IDE addressing. See figure 2 for strap circuit. Compatibility Mode (fixed IRQs and I/O addresses): Command Block Control Block Registers IRQ Channel Registers Pri 1F0-1F7 3F6 14 Sec 170-177 376 15 Native PCI Mode (registers are programmable in I/O space) Command Block Control Block Registers Channel Registers Pri BA @offset 10h BA @offset 14h Sec BA @offset 18h BA @offset 1Ch Command register blocks are 8 bytes of I/O space Control registers are 4 bytes of I/O space (only byte 2 is used) Offset A - Sub Class Code (01h) ....................................... RO Offset B - Base Class Code (01h) ...................................... RO Offset D - Latency Timer (Default=0) ............................. RW Offset E - Header Type (00h)............................................ RO Offset F - BIST (00h) ......................................................... RO Revision 1.0 May 13, 1997 -33- Register Descriptions 9,$7HFKQRORJLHV,QF Offset 13-10 - Pri Data / Command Base Address.......... RW Specifies an 8 byte I/O address space. ..........................................always read 0 31-16 Reserved 15-3 Port Address....................................... default=01F0h 2-0 Fixed at 001b ..................................................... fixed Offset 17-14 - Pri Control / Status Base Address............ RW Specifies a 4 byte I/O address space of which only the third byte is active (i.e., 3F6h for the default base address of 3F4h). ..........................................always read 0 31-16 Reserved 15-2 Port Address....................................... default=03F4h 1-0 Fixed at 01b ....................................................... fixed Offset 1B-18 - Sec Data / Command Base Address ........ RW Specifies an 8 byte I/O address space. ..........................................always read 0 31-16 Reserved 15-3 Port Address ...................................... default=0170h 2-0 Fixed at 001b ..................................................... fixed Offset 1F-1C - Sec Control / Status Base Address .......... RW Specifies a 4 byte I/O address space of which only the third byte is active (i.e., 376h for the default base address of 374h). ..........................................always read 0 31-16 Reserved 15-2 Port Address ...................................... default=0374h 1-0 Fixed at 01b ....................................................... fixed Offset 23-20 - Bus Master Control Regs Base Address .. RW Specifies a 16 byte I/O address space compliant with the SFF8038i rev 1.0 specification. ..........................................always read 0 31-16 Reserved 15-4 Port Address ....................................... default=CC0h 3-0 Fixed at 0001b .................................................. fixed VT82C586B Offset 3C - Interrupt Line (0Eh) ..................................... RW Offset 3D - Interrupt Pin (00h) ......................................... RO 7-0 Interrupt Routing Mode 00h Legacy mode interrupt routing............... default 01h Native mode interrupt routing Offset 3E - Min Gnt (00h) ................................................. RO Offset 3F - Max Latency (00h).......................................... RO Revision 1.0 May 13, 1997 -34- Register Descriptions 9,$7HFKQRORJLHV,QF IDE-Controller-Specific Confiiguration Registers Offset 40 - Chip Enable..................................................... RW ............................ always reads 000001b 7-2 Reserved 1 Primary Channel Enable........ default = 0 (disabled) 0 Secondary Channel Enable .... default = 0 (disabled) Offset 41 - IDE Configuration .......................................... RW 7 Primary IDE Read Prefetch Buffer 0 Disable ...................................................default 1 Enable 6 Primary IDE Post Write Buffer 0 Disable ...................................................default 1 Enable 5 Secondary IDE Read Prefetch Buffer 0 Disable ...................................................default 1 Enable 4 Secondary IDE Post Write Buffer 0 Disable ...................................................default 1 Enable 3 Reserved (read write) .......do not change, default=0 2 Reserved (read write) .......do not change, default=1 1 Reserved (read write) .......do not change, default=1 0 Reserved (read write) .......do not change, default=0 Offset 42 - Reserved (Do Not Program) .......................... RW Offset 43 - FIFO Configuration ....................................... RW 7 PREQ# Asserted Till DDACK# De-Asserted .......... .............................. (3041 Silicon Only) 0 Disabled .................................................default 1 Enabled 6-5 FIFO Configuration Between the Two Channels Primary Secondary 00 16 0 01 8 8......................................default 10 8 8 11 0 16 ........................................ always reads 1 4 Reserved 3-2 Threshold for Primary Channel 00 1 01 3/4 10 1/2 .....................................................default 11 1/4 1-0 Threshold for Secondary Channel 00 1 01 3/4 10 1/2 .....................................................default 11 1/4 VT82C586B Offset 44 - Miscellaneous Control 1 ................................ RW ........................................ always reads 0 7 Reserved 6 Master Read Cycle IRDY# Wait States 0 0 wait states 1 1 wait state ............................................. default 5 Master Write Cycle IRDY# Wait States 0 0 wait states 1 1 wait state ............................................. default 4 FIFO Output Data 1/2 Clock Advance 0 Disabled................................................. default 1 Enabled 3 Bus Master IDE Status Register Read Retry Retry bus master IDE status register read when master write operation for DMA read is not complete 0 Disabled 1 Enabled .................................................. default ........................................ always reads 0 2 Reserved 1 B-Channel Threshold Value 0 (3041 Silicon Only) 0 Disabled................................................. default 1 Enabled 0 A-Channel Threshold Value 0 (3041 Silicon Only) 0 Disabled................................................. default 1 Enabled Offset 45 - Miscellaneous Control 2 ................................ RW ........................................ always reads 0 7 Reserved 6 Interrupt Steering Swap 0 Don't swap channel interrupts ............... default 1 Swap interrupts between the two channels ........................................ always reads 0 5-0 Reserved Offset 46 - Miscellaneous Control 3 ................................ RW 7 Primary Channel Read DMA FIFO Flush 1 = Enable FIFO flush for read DMA when interrupt asserts primary channel. ...............default=1 (enabled) 6 Secondary Channel Read DMA FIFO Flush 1 = Enable FIFO flush for Read DMA when interrupt asserts secondary channel............ Default=1 (enabled) 5 Primary Channel End-of-Sector FIFO Flush 1 = Enable FIFO flush at the end of each sector for the primary channel. ................... Default=0 (disabled) 4 Secondary Channel End-of-Sector FIFO Flush 1 = Enable FIFO flush at the end of each sector for the secondary channel................. Default=0 (disabled) ........................................ always reads 0 3-2 Reserved 1-0 Max DRDY Pulse Width Maximum DRDY# pulse width after the cycle count. Command will deassert in spite of DRDY# status to avoid system ready hang. 00 No limitation.......................................... default 01 64 PCI clocks 10 128 PCI clocks 11 192 PCI clocks Revision 1.0 May 13, 1997 -35- Register Descriptions 9,$7HFKQRORJLHV,QF Offset 4B-48 - Drive Timing Control ............................... RW The following fields define the Active Pulse Width and Recovery Time for the IDE DIOR# and DIOW# signals: 31-28 Primary Drive 0 Active Pulse Width...... def=1010b 27-24 Primary Drive 0 Recovery Time............. def=1000b 23-20 Primary Drive 1 Active Pulse Width...... def=1010b 19-16 Primary Drive 1 Recovery Time............. def=1000b 15-12 Secondary Drive 0 Active Pulse Width .. def=1010b 11-8 Secondary Drive 0 Recovery Time ......... def=1000b 7-4 Secondary Drive 1 Active Pulse Width .. def=1010b 3-0 Secondary Drive 1 Recovery Time ......... def=1000b The actual value for each field is the encoded value in the field plus one and indicates the number of PCI clocks. Offset 4C - Address Setup Time ....................................... RW 7-6 Primary Drive 0 Address Setup Time 5-4 Primary Drive 1 Address Setup Time 3-2 Secondary Drive 0 Address Setup Time 1-0 Secondary Drive 1 Address Setup Time For each field above: 00 1T 01 2T 10 3T 11 4T .....................................................default Offset 4E - Secondary Non-1F0 Port Access Timing...... RW 7-4 DIOR#/DIOW# Active Pulse Width....... def=1111b 3-0 DIOR#/DIOW# Recovery Time.............. def=1111b The actual value for each field is the encoded value in the field plus one and indicates the number of PCI clocks. Offset 4F - Primary Non-1F0 Port Access Timing ........ RW 7-4 DIOR#/DIOW# Active Pulse Width....... def=1111b 3-0 DIOR#/DIOW# Recovery Time.............. def=1111b The actual value for each field is the encoded value in the field plus one and indicates the number of PCI clocks. VT82C586B Offset 53-50 - UltraDMA33 Extended Timing Control . RW 31 Pri Drive 0 UltraDMA33-Mode Enable Method 0 Enable by using "Set Feature" command..... def 1 Enable by setting bit-6 of this register 30 Pri Drive 0 UltraDMA33-Mode Enable 0 Disable................................................... default 1 Enable UltraDMA33-Mode Operation 29 Pri Drive 0 Transfer Mode ........................ read only 0 Based on UltraDMA33 DMA mode ...... default 1 Based on UltraDMA33 PIO Mode ........................................ always reads 0 28-26 Reserved 25-24 Pri Drive 0 Cycle Time 0 2T 1 3T 2 4T 3 5T .................................................... default 23 22 21 20-18 17-16 15 14 13 12-10 9-8 7 6 5 4-2 1-0 Pri Drive 1 UltraDMA33-Mode Enable Method Pri Drive 1 UltraDMA33-Mode Enable Pri Drive 1 Transfer Mode ........................ read only ........................................ always reads 0 Reserved Pri Drive 1 Cycle Time Sec Drive 0 UltraDMA33-Mode Enable Method Sec Drive 0 UltraDMA33-Mode Enable Sec Drive 0 Transfer Mode........................ read only ........................................ always reads 0 Reserved Sec Drive 0 Cycle Time Sec Drive 1 UltraDMA33-Mode Enable Method Sec Drive 1 UltraDMA33-Mode Enable Sec Drive 1 Transfer Mode........................ read only ........................................ always reads 0 Reserved Sec Drive 1 Cycle Time Each byte defines UltraDMA33 operation for the indicated drive. The bit definitions are the same within each byte. Offset 61-60 - Primary Sector Size .................................. RW ........................................ always reads 0 15-12 Reserved 11-0 Number of Bytes Per Sector ................ default=200h Offset 69-68 - Secondary Sector Size .............................. RW ........................................ always reads 0 15-12 Reserved 11-0 Number of Bytes Per Sector ................ default=200h Revision 1.0 May 13, 1997 -36- Register Descriptions 9,$7HFKQRORJLHV,QF IDE I/O Registers These registers are compliant with the SFF 8038I v1.0 standard. Refer to the SFF 8038I v1.0 specification for further details. Offset 0 - Primary Channel Command Offset 2 - Primary Channel Status Offset 4-7 - Primary Channel PRD Table Address VT82C586B Offset 8 - Secondary Channel Command Offset A - Secondary Channel Status Offset C-F - Secondary Channel PRD Table Address Revision 1.0 May 13, 1997 -37- Register Descriptions 9,$7HFKQRORJLHV,QF Universal Serial Bus Controller Registers (Function 2) This USB host controller interface is fully compatible with UHCI specification v1.1. There are two sets of software accessible registers: PCI configuration registers and USB I/O registers. The PCI configuration registers are located in the function 2 PCI configuration space of the VT82C586B. The USB I/O registers are defined in the UHCI v1.1 specification. PCI Configuration Space Header Offset 1-0 - Vendor ID .......................................................RO 0-7 Vendor ID ................. (1106h = VIA Technologies) Offset 3-2 - Device ID .........................................................RO 0-7 Device ID (3038h = VT82C586B USB Controller) Offset 5-4 - Command ....................................................... RW ........................................ always reads 0 15-8 Reserved 7 Address Stepping ...................... default=0 (disabled) 6 Reserved (parity error response) ..................fixed at 0 5 Reserved (VGA palette snoop) ....................fixed at 0 4 Memory Write and Invalidate . default=0 (disabled) 3 Reserved (special cycle monitoring) ............fixed at 0 2 Bus Master ............................... default=0 (disabled) 1 Memory Space........................... default=0 (disabled) 0 I/O Space ............................... default=0 (disabled) Offset 7-6 - Status ........................................................... RWC 15 Reserved (detected parity error).......... always reads 0 14 Signalled System Error.............................. default=0 13 Received Master Abort.............................. default=0 12 Received Target Abort .............................. default=0 11 Signalled Target Abort .............................. default=0 10-9 DEVSEL# Timing 00 Fast 01 Medium ......................................default (fixed) 10 Slow 11 Reserved ........................................ always reads 0 8-0 Reserved VT82C586B Offset 8 - Revision ID (nnh) .............................................. RO 7-0 Silicon Revision Code (0 indicates first silicon) Offset 9 - Programming Interface (00h) .......................... RO Offset A - Sub Class Code (03h) ....................................... RO Offset B - Base Class Code (0Ch) ..................................... RO Offset 0D - Latency Timer ............................................... RW 7-0 Timer Value .......................................... default = 16h Offset 0E - Header Type (00h).......................................... RO Offset 23-20 - USB I/O Register Base Address............... RW ........................................ always reads 0 31-16 Reserved 15-5 USB I/O Register Base Address. Port Address for the base of the 32-byte USB I/O Register block, corresponding to AD[15:5] 4-0 00001b Offset 3C - Interrupt Line (00h) ...................................... RW ........................................ always reads 0 7-4 Reserved 3-0 USB Interrupt Routing ........................ default = 16h 0000 Disabled................................................. default 0001 IRQ1 0010 Reserved 0011 IRQ3 0100 IRQ4 0101 IRQ5 0110 IRQ6 0111 IRQ7 1000 IRQ8 1001 IRQ9 1010 IRQ10 1011 IRQ11 1100 IRQ12 1101 IRQ13 1110 IRQ14 1111 IRQ15 (see note below) Note: Some software incorrectly sets this register to 0FFh to disable USB interrupts. A value of 0FFh will program the USB interrupt to interrupt controller channel 15 and cause the secondary IDE channel to work improperly. Offset 3D - Interrupt Pin (04h) ......................................... RO Revision 1.0 May 13, 1997 -38- Register Descriptions 9,$7HFKQRORJLHV,QF USB-Specific Configuration Registers Offset 40 - Miscellaneous Control 1 ................................. RW 7 PCI Memory Command Option 0 Support Memory-Read-Line, Memory-ReadMultiple, and Memory-Write-and-Invalidate .... .....................................................default 1 Only support Memory Read, Memory Write Commands 6 Babble Option 0 Automatically disable babbled port when EOF babble occurs..........................................default 1 Don't disable babbled port 5 PCI Parity Check Option 0 Disable PERR# generation.....................default 1 Enable parity check and PERR# generation ........................................ always reads 0 4 Reserved 3 USB Data Length Option 0 Support TD length up to 1280................default 1 Support TD length up to 1023 2 USB Power Management 0 Disable USB power management...........default 1 Enable USB power management 1 DMA Option 0 16 DW burst access................................default 1 8 DW burst access 0 PCI Wait States 0 Zero wait ................................................default 1 One wait Offset 41 - Miscellaneous Control 2 ................................. RW ........................................ always reads 0 7-3 Reserved 2 Trap Option 0 Set trap 60/64 status bits without checking enable bits ..............................................default 1 Set trap 60/64 status bits only when trap 60/64 enable bits are set. 1 A20gate Pass Through Option 0 Pass through A20GATE command sequence defined in UHCI .....................................default 1 Don't pass through Write I/O port 64 (ff) ........................................ always reads 0 0 Reserved Offset 60 - Serial Bus Release Number .............................RO 7-0 Release Number.............................. always reads 10h Offset C1-C0 - Legacy Support .........................................RO 15-0 UHCI v1.1 Compliant ................ always reads 2000h USB I/O Registers VT82C586B These registers are compliant with the UHCI v1.1 standard. Refer to the UHCI v1.1 specification for further details. Offset 1-0 - USB Command Offset 3-2 - USB Status Offset 5-4 - USB Interrupt Enable Offset 7-6 - Frame Number Offset B-8 - Frame List Base Address Offset 0C - Start Of Frame Modify Offset 11-10 - Port 1 Status / Control Offset 13-12 - Port 2 Status / Control Offset 1F-14 - Reserved Revision 1.0 May 13, 1997 -39- Register Descriptions 9,$7HFKQRORJLHV,QF Power Management Registers (Function 3) This section describes the ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface) Power Management system of the VT82C586B. This system supports both ACPI and legacy power management functions and is compatible with the APM v1.2 and ACPI v0.9 specifications. PCI Configuration Space Header Offset 1-0 - Vendor ID .......................................................RO 0-7 Vendor ID ................. (1106h = VIA Technologies) Offset 3-2 - Device ID .........................................................RO 0-7 Device ID ................ (3040h = ACPI Power Mgmt) Offset 5-4 - Command ....................................................... RW ........................................ always reads 0 15-8 Reserved 7 Address Stepping ........................................fixed at 0 6 Reserved (parity error response) ..................fixed at 0 5 Reserved (VGA palette snoop) ....................fixed at 0 4 Memory Write and Invalidate ...................fixed at 0 3 Reserved (special cycle monitoring) ............fixed at 0 2 Bus Master .................................................fixed at 0 1 Memory Space.............................................fixed at 0 0 I/O Space .................................................fixed at 0 0 Disable ........ always reads 0 in 3040F and later 1 Enable Note: In 3040E and earlier silicon, this bit could be set to 1 to allow access to the Power Management I/O Register Block (the quadword at offset 20 was used in that silicon to set the base address for this register block). Beginning with 3040F silicon, the function of this bit was moved to offset 41 bit-7 and the base address register for the PM I/O register block was moved from to offset 48. Offset 7-6 - Status ........................................................... RWC 15 Detected Parity Error........................ always reads 0 14 Signalled System Error...................... always reads 0 13 Received Master Abort...................... always reads 0 12 Received Target Abort ...................... always reads 0 11 Signalled Target Abort ...................... always reads 0 10-9 DEVSEL# Timing 00 Fast 01 Medium .....................................default (fixed) 10 Slow 11 Reserved 8 Data Parity Detected.......................... always reads 0 7 Fast Back to Back .............................. always reads 1 ........................................ always reads 0 6-0 Reserved VT82C586B Offset 8 - Revision ID (nnh) .............................................. RO 7-4 Silicon Version Code 0 OEM Version ("3040 Silicon") 1 Production Version ("3041 Silicon") 2-F -reserved for future use3-0 Silicon Revision Code OEM Version 0 Revision E ("3040E") 1 Revision F ("3040F") 2-F -reserved for future useProduction Version 0 Revision A ("3041" or "3041A") 1-F -reserved for future useProgramming and pin differences between the above silicon versions and revisions are indicated in this document in the appropriate section. Marking specifications corresponding to the above versions and revisions are also included in the Mechanical Specifications section of this document. Offset 9 - Programming Interface (00h) .......................... RO The value returned by this register may be changed by writing the desired value to PCI Configuration Function 3 offset 61h. Offset A - Sub Class Code (00h) ....................................... RO The value returned by this register may be changed by writing the desired value to PCI Configuration Function 3 offset 62h. Offset B - Base Class Code (00h) ...................................... RO The value returned by this register may be changed by writing the desired value to PCI Configuration Function 3 offset 63h. Offset 0D - Latency Timer ............................................... RW 7-0 Timer Value .......................................... default = 16h Offset 0E - Header Type (00h).......................................... RO Offset 23-20 - I/O Register Base Address (3040E only) . RW ........................................ always reads 0 31-16 Reserved 15-8 Power Management I/O Register Base Address. Port Address for the base of the 256-byte Power Management I/O Register block, corresponding to AD[15:8]. The "I/O Space" bit at offset 5-4 bit-0 enables access to this register block. 7-0 00000001b Revision 1.0 May 13, 1997 -40- Register Descriptions 9,$7HFKQRORJLHV,QF Power Management-Specific PCI Configuration Registers Offset 40 - Pin Configuration (C0h) ................................ RW 7 GPIO4 Configuration 0 Define pin 136 as GPO_WE 1 Define pin 136 as GPIO4 .......................default 6 GPIO3 Configuration 0 Define pin 92 as GPI_RE# 1 Define pin 92 as GPIO4 .........................default ........................................ always reads 0 5-0 Reserved Offset 41 - General Configuration (00h) ......................... RW 7 3040E and earlier: Reserved 7 3040F and later: I/O Enable for ACPI I/O Base 0 Disable access to ACPI I/O block ..........default 1 Allow access to Power Management I/O Register Block (see offset 4B-48 to set the base address for this register block). The definitions of the registers in the Power Management I/O Register Block are included later in this document, following the Power Management Subsystem overview. 6 ACPI Timer Reset 0 Disable ...................................................default 1 Enable 5-4 Reserved (Do Not Program)...................... default = 0 3 ACPI Timer Count Select 0 24-bit Timer ...........................................default 1 32-bit Timer 2 PCI Frame Activation in C2 as Resume Event 0 Disable ...................................................default 1 Enable 1 Clock Throttling Clock Selection 0 32 usec (512 usec cycle time).................default 1 1 msec (16 msec cycle time) 0 Reserved (Do Not Program)...................... default = 0 Offset 42 - SCI Interrupt Configuration (00h) ............... RW ........................................ always reads 0 7-4 Reserved 3-0 SCI Interrupt Assignment 0000 Disabled .................................................default 0001 IRQ1 0010 Reserved 0011 IRQ3 0100 IRQ4 0101 IRQ5 0110 IRQ6 0111 IRQ7 1000 IRQ8 1001 IRQ9 1010 IRQ10 1011 IRQ11 1100 IRQ12 1101 IRQ13 1110 IRQ14 1111 IRQ15 Revision 1.0 May 13, 1997 VT82C586B Offset 45-44 - Primary Interrupt Channel (0000h) ....... RW 15 1/0 = Ena/Disa IRQ15 as Primary Intrpt Channel 14 1/0 = Ena/Disa IRQ14 as Primary Intrpt Channel 13 1/0 = Ena/Disa IRQ13 as Primary Intrpt Channel 12 1/0 = Ena/Disa IRQ12 as Primary Intrpt Channel 11 1/0 = Ena/Disa IRQ11 as Primary Intrpt Channel 10 1/0 = Ena/Disa IRQ10 as Primary Intrpt Channel 9 1/0 = Ena/Disa IRQ9 as Primary Intrpt Channel 8 1/0 = Ena/Disa IRQ8 as Primary Intrpt Channel 7 1/0 = Ena/Disa IRQ7 as Primary Intrpt Channel 6 1/0 = Ena/Disa IRQ6 as Primary Intrpt Channel 5 1/0 = Ena/Disa IRQ5 as Primary Intrpt Channel 4 1/0 = Ena/Disa IRQ4 as Primary Intrpt Channel 3 1/0 = Ena/Disa IRQ3 as Primary Intrpt Channel ........................................ always reads 0 2 Reserved 1 1/0 = Ena/Disa IRQ1 as Primary Intrpt Channel 0 1/0 = Ena/Disa IRQ0 as Primary Intrpt Channel Offset 47-46 - Secondary Interrupt Channel (0000h) .... RW 15 1/0 = Ena/Disa IRQ15 as Secondary Intr Channel 14 1/0 = Ena/Disa IRQ14 as Secondary Intr Channel 13 1/0 = Ena/Disa IRQ13 as Secondary Intr Channel 12 1/0 = Ena/Disa IRQ12 as Secondary Intr Channel 11 1/0 = Ena/Disa IRQ11 as Secondary Intr Channel 10 1/0 = Ena/Disa IRQ10 as Secondary Intr Channel 9 1/0 = Ena/Disa IRQ9 as Secondary Intr Channel 8 1/0 = Ena/Disa IRQ8 as Secondary Intr Channel 7 1/0 = Ena/Disa IRQ7 as Secondary Intr Channel 6 1/0 = Ena/Disa IRQ6 as Secondary Intr Channel 5 1/0 = Ena/Disa IRQ5 as Secondary Intr Channel 4 1/0 = Ena/Disa IRQ4 as Secondary Intr Channel 3 1/0 = Ena/Disa IRQ3 as Secondary Intr Channel ........................................ always reads 0 2 Reserved 1 1/0 = Ena/Disa IRQ1 as Secondary Intr Channel 0 1/0 = Ena/Disa IRQ0 as Secondary Intr Channel Offset 4B-48 - I/O Register Base Address (3040F and later silicon; see Offset 23-20 for 3040E and earlier) ............ RW ........................................ always reads 0 31-16 Reserved 15-8 Power Management I/O Register Base Address. Port Address for the base of the 256-byte Power Management I/O Register block, corresponding to AD[15:8]. The "I/O Space" bit at offset 41 bit-7 (offset 5-4 bit-0 in 3040E and earlier silicon) enables access to this register block. The definitions of the registers in the Power Management I/O Register Block are included later in this document, following the Power-Management-Specific PCI Configuration register descriptions and the Power Management Subsystem overview. 7-0 00000001b -41- Register Descriptions 9,$7HFKQRORJLHV,QF Offset 53-50 - GP Timer Control (0000 0000h) .............. RW 31-30 Conserve Mode Timer Count Value 00 1/16 second ............................................default 01 1/8 second 10 1 second 11 1 minute 29 Conserve Mode Status This bit reads 1 when in Conserve Mode 28 Conserve Mode Enable Set to 1 to enable Conserve Mode (not used in desktop applications). 27-26 Secondary Event Timer Count Value 00 2 milliseconds.........................................default 01 64 milliseconds 10 1/2 second 11 by EOI + 0.25 milliseconds 25 Secondary Event Occurred Status This bit reads 1 to indicate that a secondary event has occurred (to resume the system from suspend) and the secondary event timer is counting down. 24 Secondary Event Timer Enable 0 Disable ...................................................default 1 Enable 23-16 GP1 Timer Count Value (base defined by bits 5-4) 15-8 GP0 Timer Count Value (base defined by bits 1-0) 7 GP1 Timer Start On setting this bit to 1, the GP1 timer loads the value defined by bits 23-16 of this register and starts counting down. The GP1 timer is reloaded at the occurrence of certain peripheral events enabled in the GP Timer Reload Enable Register (Power Management I/O Space Offset 38h). If no such event occurs and the GP1 timer counts down to zero, then the GP1 Timer Timeout Status bit is set to one (bit-3 of the Global Status register at Power Management Register I/O Space Offset 28h). Additionally, if the GP1 Timer Timeout Enable bit is set (bit-3 of the Global Enable register at Power Management Register I/O Space Offset 2Ah), then an SMI is generated. GP1 Timer Automatic Reload This bit is set to one to enable the GP1 timer to reload automatically after counting down to 0. GP1 Timer Base 00 Disable ...................................................default 01 32 usec 10 1 second 11 1 minute 3 VT82C586B GP0 Timer Start On setting this bit to 1, the GP0 timer loads the value defined by bits 15-8 of this register and starts counting down. The GP0 timer is reloaded at the occurrence of certain peripheral events enabled in the GP Timer Reload Enable Register (Power Management I/O Space Offset 38h). If no such event occurs and the GP0 timer counts down to zero, then the GP0 Timer Timeout Status bit is set to one (bit-2 of the Global Status register at Power Management Register I/O Space Offset 28h). Additionally, if the GP0 Timer Timeout Enable bit is set (bit-2 of the Global Enable register at Power Management Register I/O Space Offset 2Ah), then an SMI is generated. GP0 Timer Automatic Reload This bit is set to one to enable the GP0 timer to reload automatically after counting down to 0. GP0 Timer Base 00 Disable................................................... default 01 1/16 second 10 1 second 11 1 minute 2 1-0 Offset 61 - Programming Interface Read Value ............ WO 7-0 Rx09 Read Value The value returned by the register at offset 9h (Programming Interface) may be changed by writing the desired value to this location. Offset 62 - Sub Class Read Value .................................... WO 7-0 Rx0A Read Value The value returned by the register at offset 0Ah (Sub Class Code) may be changed by writing the desired value to this location. Offset 63 - Base Class Read Value................................... WO 7-0 Rx0B Read Value The value returned by the register at offset 0Bh (Base Class Code) may be changed by writing the desired value to this location. 6 5-4 Revision 1.0 May 13, 1997 -42- Register Descriptions 9,$7HFKQRORJLHV,QF Power Management Subsystem Overview The power management function of the VT82C586B is indicated in the following block diagram: *3 'HYLFH ,GOH 7LPHU 3ULPDU\ (YHQWV *3 *OREDO 6WDQGE\ 7LPHU 3:5%71 *3,2 8VHU ,QWHUIDFH %XV 0DVWHU 5, 86% UHVXPH +DUGZDUH (YHQWV 57& 30 7LPHU 60, (YHQWV 6&,60, (YHQWV :DNHXS (YHQWV VT82C586B Power Plane Management There are three power planes inside the VT82C586B. The scheme is optimal for systems with ATX power supplies, although it also works using non-ATX power supplies. The key feature of the ATX power supply is that two sets of power sources are available: the first set is always on unless turned off by the mechanical switch. Only one voltage (5V) is available for this set. The second set includes the normal 5V and 12V and is controlled by an input signal PWRON as well as the mechanical switch. This set of voltages is available only when both the mechanical switch is on and the PWRON signal is high. The power planes powered by the above two sets of supplies are referred to as VDD-5VSB and VDD-5V (also called VDD5), respectively. In addition to the two power planes, a third plane is powered by the combination of 5VSB and VBAT for the integrated real time clock. Most of the circuitry inside the VT82C586B is powered by VDD-5V. The amount of logic powered by VDD-5VSB is very small and remains functional as long as the mechanical switch of the power supply is turned on. The main function of this logic is to control the power supply of the VDD-5V plane. General Purpose I/O Ports As ACPI compliant hardware, the VT82C586B includes PWRBTN# (pin 91) and RI# (pin 93) pins to implement power button and ring indicator functionality. In addition, a PWRON pin (pin 107) is also available to control the VDD-5V power plane by VDD-5VSB powered logic. Furthermore, the VT82C586B offers many general purpose I/O ports with the following capabilities: * I2C support * Three GPIO ports without external logic in addition to the I2C port. Five GPIO ports are available if I2C functionality is not used. Every port can be used inputs, outputs or I/O with external SCI/SMI capabilities. * Sixteen GPI and sixteen GPO pins using external buffers (244 buffers for input and 373 latches for output). Pins 87, 88 and 94 of the VT82C586B are dedicated general purpose I/O pins that can be used as inputs, outputs or I/O with external SMI capability. In particular, pins 87 and 88 can be used to implement a software-implemented I2C port for system configuration and general purpose peripheral communication. Pins 92 and 136 can be configured either as dedicated general purpose I/O pins or as control signals for external buffers for implementing up to sixteen GPI and sixteen GPO ports. The GPI and GPO ports are connected to the SD15-8 and XD7-0. The configuration is determined in the GPIO4_CFG and CPIO3_CFG bits of the PIN_CFG register: GPIO4_CFG: default to 1 to define pin 136 as GPIO4; set to 0 to redefine the pin as GPO_WE latch enable. GPIO3_CFG: default to 1 to define pin 92 as GPIO3; set to 0 to redefine the pin as GPI_RE# buffer enable. 6&,B(1 0. 60, $UELWHU 6&, $UELWHU 6OHHS:DNH 6WDWH 0DFKLQH &38 673&/. &RQWURO 3RZHU 3ODQH &RQWURO 60, 6&, /HJDF\ 2QO\ (YHQW /RJLF $&3, /HJDF\ (YHQW /RJLF $&3, /HJDF\ *HQHULF &RQWURO )HDWXUHV $&3, /HJDF\ )L[HG &RQWURO )HDWXUHV $&3, 2QO\ (YHQW /RJLF Figure 4. Power Management Subsystem Block Diagram Refer to ACPI Specification v0.9 and APM specification v1.2 for additional information. Revision 1.0 May 13, 1997 -43- Register Descriptions 9,$7HFKQRORJLHV,QF Power Management Events Three types of power management events are supported: 1) ACPI-required Fixed Events defined in the PM1a_STS and PM1a_EN registers. These events can trigger either SCI or SMI depending on the SCI_EN bit: * PWRBTN# Triggering * RTC Alarm * ACPI Power Management Timer Carry (always SCI) * BIOS Release (always SCI) 2) ACPI-aware General Purpose Function Events defined in the GP_STS and GP_SCI_EN, and GP_SMI_EN registers. These events can trigger either SCI or SMI depending on the setting of individual SMI and SCI enable bits: * EXTSMI triggering (refer to Table 2) * USB Resume * RI# Indicator 3) Generic Global Events defined in the GBL_STS and GBL_EN registers. These registers are mainly used for SMI: * GP0 and GP1 Timer Time Out * Secondary Event Timer Time Out * Occurrence of Primary Events (defined in register PACT_STS and PACT_EN) * Legacy USB accesses (keyboard and mouse). Once enabled, each of the EXTSMI inputs triggers an SCI or SMI at either the rising or the falling transition of the corresponding input pin signal. Software can check the status of the input pins via register EXTSMI_VAL and take proper actions. Among many possible actions, the SCI and SMI routine can change the processor state by programming the P_BLK registers. The routine can also set the SLP_EN bit to put the system into one of the two suspend states: 1) Suspend to Disk (or Soft-Off): The VDD-5V power plane is turned off while VDD-5VSB and VDD-RTC planes remain on. 2) Power-On-Suspend: All power planes remain on but the processor is put in the C3 state. In either suspend state, there is minimal interface between powered and non-powered planes. VT82C586B The VT82C586B allows the following events to wake up the system from the two suspend states and from the C2 state to the normal working state (processor in C0 state): * Activation of External Inputs: PWRBTN#, RI#, GPIO0 and other EXTSMI pins (see table below) * RTC Alarm and ACPI Power Management Timer (see table below) * USB Resume Event (see table below) * Interrupt Events (always resume independent of any register setting) * ISA Master or DMA Events (always resume independent of any register setting) The VT82C586B also provides very flexible SCI/SMI steering and the PWRON control for these events: Table 6. SCI/SMI/Resume Control for PM Events Event Global SCI/SMI Control SCI_EN bit N N N N Always SCI N Individual Enable Bits for SCI & SMI N Y Y Y Y N N Separate Control for PWRON Resume Y Y N Y N N Y PWRBTN# RI# RTC Alarm GPIO0 (EXTSMI0) External SCI/SMI (non-GPIO0) ACPI PM Timer USB Resume Please refer to the table below on the availability of resume events in each type of suspend state. Table 7. Suspend Resume Events and Conditions Input Trigger PWRBTN# RI# RTC Alarm GPIO0 (EXTSMI0) External SCI/SMI (non-GPIO0) ACPI PM Timer USB Resume PCI/ISA Interrupts PCI/ISA Master/DMA Power Plane Soft Off VDD-5VSB VDD-5VSB VBAT VDD-5VSB VDD-5V VDD-5V VDD-5V VDD-5V VDD-5V Y Y Y Y N N N N N Power-On Suspend Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Revision 1.0 May 13, 1997 -44- Register Descriptions 9,$7HFKQRORJLHV,QF Legacy Power Management Timers In addition to the ACPI power management timer, the VT82C586B includes the following four legacy power management timers: GP0 Timer: general purpose timer with primary event GP1 Timer: general purpose timer with peripheral event reload Secondary Event Timer: to monitor secondary events Conserve Mode Timer: not used in desktop applications The normal sequence of operations for a general purpose timer (GP0 or GP1) is to 1) First program the time base and timer value of the initial count (register GP_TIM_CNT). 2) Then activate counting by setting the GP0_START or GP1_START bit to one: the timer will start with the initial count and count down towards 0. 3) When the timer counts down to zero, an SMI will be generated if enabled (GP0TO_EN and GP1TO_EN in the GBL_EN register) with status recorded (GP0TO_STS and GP1TO_STS in the GBL_STS register). 4) Each timer can also be programmed to reload the initial count and restart counting automatically after counting down to 0. This feature is not used in standard VIA BIOS. The GP0 and GP1 timers can be used just as the general purpose timers described above. However, they can also be programmed to reload the initial count by system primary events or peripheral events thus used as primary event (global standby) timer and peripheral timer, respectively. The secondary event timer is solely used to monitor secondary events. System Primary and Secondary Events Primary system events are distinguished in the PRI_ACT_STS and PRI_ACT_EN registers: Trigger I/O port 60h I/O ports 3F8h-3FFh, 2F8h-2FFh, 3E8h-3EFh, or 2E8h-2EFh 5 Parallel Port Access I/O ports 378h-37Fh or 278h-27Fh 4 Video Access I/O ports 3B0h-3DFh or memory A/B segments 3 IDE/Floppy Access I/O ports 1F0h-1F7h, 170h-177h, or 3F5h 2 Reserved 1 Primary Interrupts Each channel of the interrupt controller can be programmed to be a primary or secondary interrupt 0 ISA Master/DMA Activity Each category can be enabled as a primary event by setting the corresponding bit of the PRI_ACT_EN register to 1. If Bit Event 7 Keyboard Access 6 Serial Port Access Peripheral Events VT82C586B enabled, the occurrence of the primary event reloads the GP0 timer if the PACT_GP0_EN bit is also set to 1. The cause of the timer reload is recorded in the corresponding bit of PRI_ACT_STS register while the timer is reloaded. If no enabled primary event occurs during the count down, the GP0 timer will time out (count down to 0) and the system can be programmed (setting the GP0TO_EN bit in the GBL_EN register to one) to trigger an SMI to switch the system to a power down mode. The VT82C586B distinguishes two kinds of interrupt requests as far as power management is concerned: the primary and secondary interrupts. Like other primary events, the occurrence of a primary interrupt demands that the system be restored to full processing capability. Secondary interrupts, however, are typically used for housekeeping tasks in the background unnoticeable to the user. The VT82C586B allows each channel of interrupt request to be declared as either primary, secondary, or ignorable in the PIRQ_CH and SIRQ_CH registers. Secondary interrupts are the only system secondary events defined in the VT82C586B. Like primary events, primary interrupts can be made to reload the GP0 timer by setting the PIRQ_EN bit to 1. Secondary interrupts do not reload the GP0 timer. Therefore the GP0 timer will time out and the SMI routine can put the system into power down mode if no events other than secondary interrupts are happening periodically in the background. Primary events can be programmed to trigger an SMI (setting of the PACT_EN bit). Typically, this SMI triggering is turned off during normal system operation to avoid degrading system performance. Triggering is turned on by the SMI routine before entering the power down mode so that the system may be returned to normal operation at the occurrence of primary events. At the same time, the GP0 timer is reloaded and the count down process is restarted. Primary and secondary events define system events in general and the response is typically expressed in terms of system events. Individual peripheral events can also be monitored by the VT82C586B through the GP1 timer. The following four categories of peripheral events are distinguished (via register GP_RLD_EN): Bit-7 Keyboard Access Bit-6 Serial Port Access Bit-4 Video Access Bit-3 IDE/Floppy Access The four categories are subsets of the primary events as defined in PRI_ACT_EN and the occurrence of these events can be checked through a common register PRI_ACT_STS. As a peripheral timer, GP1 can be used to monitor one (or more than one) of the above four device types by programming the corresponding bit to one and the other bits to zero. Time out of the GP1 timer indicates no activity of the corresponding device type and appropriate action can be taken as a result. -45Register Descriptions Revision 1.0 May 13, 1997 9,$7HFKQRORJLHV,QF Power Management I/O-Space Registers Basic Power Management Control and Status Offset 1-0 - Power Management Status ........................ RWC The bits in this register are set only by hardware and can be reset by software by writing a one to the desired bit position. Wakeup Status (WAK_STS) ................... default = 0 This bit is set when the system is in the suspend state and an enabled resume event occurs. Upon setting this bit, the system automatically transitions from the suspend state to the normal working state (from C3 to C0 for the processor). ........................................ always reads 0 14-12 Reserved 11 Power Button Override Status (PBOR_STS). def=0 This bit is set when the PWRBTN# input pin is continuously asserted for more than 4 seconds. The setting of this bit will reset the PB_STS bit and transition the system into the soft off state. 10 RTC Status (RTC_STS) ........................... default = 0 This bit is set when the RTC generates an alarm (on assertion of the RTC IRQ signal). 15 9 8 ........................................ always reads 0 Reserved Power Button Status (PB_STS)............... default = 0 This bit is set when the PWRBTN# signal is asserted LOW. If the PWRBTN# signal is held LOW for more than four seconds, this bit is cleared, the PBOR_STS bit is set, and the system will transition into the soft off state. ........................................ always reads 0 Reserved Global Status (GBL_STS)........................ default = 0 This bit is set by hardware when BIOS_RLS is set (typically by an SMI routine to release control of the SCI/SMI lock). When this bit is cleared by software (by writing a one to this bit position) the BIOS_RLS bit is also cleared at the same time by hardware. Bus Master Status (BM_STS) ................. default = 0 This bit is set when a system bus master requests the system bus. All PCI master, ISA master and ISA DMA devices are included. ........................................ always reads 0 Reserved Timer Carry Status (TMR_STS)............. default = 0 The bit is set when the 23rd (31st) bit of the 24 (32) bit ACPI power management timer changes. VT82C586B Offset 3-2 - Power Management Enable ......................... RW The bits in this register correspond to the bits in the Power Management Status Register at offset 1-0. 15 Reserved ........................................ always reads 0 14-12 Reserved 11 Reserved ........................................ always reads 0 ........................................ always reads 0 10 9 8 RTC Enable (RTC_EN)............................default = 0 This bit may be set to trigger either an SCI or an SMI (depending on the setting of the SCI_EN bit) to be generated when the RTC_STS bit is set. ........................................ always reads 0 Reserved Power Button Enable (PB_EN) ...............default = 0 This bit may be set to trigger either an SCI or an SMI (depending on the setting of the SCI_EN bit) to be generated when the PB_STS bit is set. 7-6 5 7-6 5 ........................................ always reads 0 Reserved Global Enable (GBL_EN).........................default = 0 This bit may be set to trigger either an SCI or an SMI (depending on the setting of the SCI_EN bit) to be generated when the GBL_STS bit is set. 4 4 Reserved ........................................ always reads 0 3-1 0 3-1 0 ........................................ always reads 0 Reserved ACPI Timer Enable (TMR_EN) ..............default = 0 This bit may be set to trigger either an SCI or an SMI (depending on the setting of the SCI_EN bit) to be generated when the TMR_STS bit is set. Revision 1.0 May 13, 1997 -46- Register Descriptions 9,$7HFKQRORJLHV,QF Offset 5-4 - Power Management Control ........................ RW ........................................ always reads 0 15-14 Reserved 13 Sleep Enable (SLP_EN)...................... always reads 0 This is a write-only bit; reads from this bit always return zero. Writing a one to this bit causes the system to sequence into the sleep (suspend) state defined by the SLP_TYP field. 12-10 Sleep Type (SLP_TYP) 000 Soft Off (also called Suspend to Disk). The VDD5 power plane is turned off while the VDD-5VSB and VDD-RTC (VBAT) planes remain on. 010 Power On Suspend. All power planes remain on but the processor is put into the C3 state. 0x1 Reserved 1xx Reserved In either sleep state, there is minimal interface between powered and non-powered planes so that the effort for hardware design may be well managed. ........................................ always reads 0 9-3 Reserved 2 Global Release (GBL_RLS) ..................... default = 0 This bit is set by ACPI software to indicate the release of the SCI / SMI lock. Upon setting of this bit, the hardware automatically sets the BIOS_STS bit. The bit is cleared by hardware when the BIOS_STS bit is cleared by software. Note that the setting of this bit will cause an SMI to be generated if the BIOS_EN bit is set (bit-5 of the Global Enable register at offset 2Ah). 1 Bus Master Reload (BMS_RLD)............. default = 0 This bit is used to enable the occurrence of a bus master request to transition the processor from the C3 state to the C0 state. 0 SCI Enable (SCI_EN)............................... default = 0 Selects the power management event to generate either an SCI or SMI: 0 Generate SMI 1 Generate SCI Note that certain power management events can be programmed individually to generate an SCI or SMI independent of the setting of this bit (refer to the General Purpose SCI Enable and General Purpose SMI Enable registers at offsets 22 and 24). Also, TMR_STS & GBL_STS always generate SCI and BIOS_STS always generates SMI. VT82C586B Offset 0B-08 - Power Management Timer ...................... RW 31-24 Extended Timer Value (ETM_VAL) This field reads back 0 if the 24-bit timer option is selected (Rx41 bit-3). 23-0 Timer Value (TMR_VAL) This read-only field returns the running count of the power management timer. This is a 24/32-bit counter that runs off a 3.579545 MHz clock, and counts while in the S0 (working) system state. The timer is reset to an initial value of zero during a reset, and then continues counting until the 14.31818 MHz input to the chip is stopped. If the clock is restarted without a reset, then the counter will continue counting from where it stopped. Revision 1.0 May 13, 1997 -47- Register Descriptions 9,$7HFKQRORJLHV,QF Processor Power Management Registers Offset 13-10 - Processor Control ...................................... RW ........................................ always reads 0 31-5 Reserved 4 Throttling Enable (THT_EN). 3040 Silicon: This bit determines the effect of reading the "Processor Level 2" (P_LVL2) port: 0 No clock throttling. Reads from the Processor Level 2 register are ignored. 1 Reading the "Processor Level 2" port enables clock throttling by modulating the STPCLK# signal with a duty cycle determined bits 3-1 of this register. 3041 Silicon: Setting this bit starts clock throttling (modulating the STPCLK# signal) regardless of the CPU state (i.e., it is not necessary to read the "Processor Level 2" port to start clock throttling). The throttling duty cycle is determined by bits 3-1 of this register. 3-1 Throttling Duty Cycle (THT_DTY) This 3-bit field determines the duty cycle of the STPCLK# signal when the system is in throttling mode (the "Throttling Enable" bit is set to one and, in 3040 silicon, the "Processor Level 2" register is read). The duty cycle indicates the percentage of time the STPCLK# signal is asserted while the Throttling Enable bit is set. The field is decoded as follows: 000 Reserved 001 0-12.5% 010 12.5-25% 011 25-37.5% 100 37.5-50% 101 50-62.5% 110 62.5-75% 111 75-87.5% ........................................ always reads 0 0 Reserved VT82C586B Offset 14 - Processor Level 2 (P_LVL2) .......................... RO ........................................ always reads 0 7-0 Level 2 3040 Silicon: Reads from this register put the processor in the C2 clock state if the Throttling Enable bit (Function 3 Rx10 bit-4) is set. 3041 Silicon: Reads from this register put the processor into the Stop Clock state (the VT82C586B asserts STPCLK# to suspend the processor). Wake up from Stop Clock state is by interrupt (INTR, SMI, PWRBTN#, RTC wakeup, or pin toggle SCI). Reads from this register return all zeros; writes to this register have no effect. Offset 15 - Processor Level 3 (P_LVL3) .......................... RO ........................................ always reads 0 7-0 Level 3 Reads from this register put the processor in the C3 clock state with the STPCLK# signal asserted. 3041 silicon: wake up from Stop Clock state is by interrupt (INTR, SMI, PWRBTN#, RTC wakeup, or pin toggle SCI). Reads from this register return all zeros; writes to this register have no effect. Revision 1.0 May 13, 1997 -48- Register Descriptions 9,$7HFKQRORJLHV,QF General Purpose Power Management Registers Offset 21-20 - General Purpose Status (GP_STS) ....... RWC ........................................ always reads 0 15-10 Reserved 9 USB Resume Status (USB_STS) This bit is set when a USB peripheral generates a resume event. 8 Ring Status (RI_STS) This bit is set when the RI# input is asserted low. 7 EXTSMI7 Toggle Status (EXT7_STS) This bit is set when the EXTSMI7# pin is toggled. 6 EXTSMI6 Toggle Status (EXT6_STS) This bit is set when the EXTSMI6# pin is toggled. 5 EXTSMI5 Toggle Status (EXT5_STS) This bit is set when the EXTSMI5# pin is toggled. 4 EXTSMI4 Toggle Status (EXT4_STS) This bit is set when the EXTSMI4# pin is toggled. 3 EXTSMI3 Toggle Status (EXT3_STS) This bit is set when the EXTSMI3# pin is toggled. 2 EXTSMI2 Toggle Status (EXT2_STS) This bit is set when the EXTSMI2# pin is toggled. 1 EXTSMI1 Toggle Status (EXT1_STS) This bit is set when the EXTSMI1# pin is toggled. 0 EXTSMI0 Toggle Status (EXT0_STS) This bit is set when the EXTSMI0# pin is toggled. Note that the above bits correspond one for one with the bits of the General Purpose SCI Enable and General Purpose SMI Enable registers at offsets 22 and 24: an SCI or SMI is generated if the corresponding bit of the General Purpose SCI or SMI Enable registers, respectively, is set to one. The above bits are set by hardware only and can only be cleared by writing a one to the desired bit. VT82C586B Offset 23-22 - General Purpose SCI Enable ................... RW ........................................ always reads 0 15-10 Reserved 9 Enable SCI on setting of the USB_STS bit ....def=0 8 Enable SCI on setting of the RI_STS bit .......def=0 7 Enable SCI on setting of the EXT7_STS bit ..def=0 6 Enable SCI on setting of the EXT6_STS bit ..def=0 5 Enable SCI on setting of the EXT5_STS bit ..def=0 4 Enable SCI on setting of the EXT4_STS bit ..def=0 3 Enable SCI on setting of the EXT3_STS bit ..def=0 2 Enable SCI on setting of the EXT2_STS bit ..def=0 1 Enable SCI on setting of the EXT1_STS bit ..def=0 0 Enable SCI on setting of the EXT0_STS bit ..def=0 These bits allow generation of an SCI using a separate set of conditions from those used for generating an SMI. Offset 25-24 - General Purpose SMI Enable .................. RW ........................................ always reads 0 15-10 Reserved 9 Enable SMI on setting of the USB_STS bit ...def=0 8 Enable SMI on setting of the RI_STS bit ......def=0 7 Enable SMI on setting of the EXT7_STS bit..def=0 6 Enable SMI on setting of the EXT6_STS bit..def=0 5 Enable SMI on setting of the EXT5_STS bit..def=0 4 Enable SMI on setting of the EXT4_STS bit..def=0 3 Enable SMI on setting of the EXT3_STS bit..def=0 2 Enable SMI on setting of the EXT2_STS bit..def=0 1 Enable SMI on setting of the EXT1_STS bit..def=0 0 Enable SMI on setting of the EXT0_STS bit..def=0 These bits allow generation of an SMI using a separate set of conditions from those used for generating an SCI. Offset 27-26 - Power Supply Control .............................. RW ........................................ always reads 0 15-11 Reserved 10 Ring PS Control (RI_PS_CTL) ......................def=0 This bit enables the setting of the RI_STS bit to turn on the VDD_5V power plane by setting PWRON = 1. 9 Power Button Control (PB_CTL) ..................def=1 This bit is used to control the setting of the PB_STS bit to resume the system from suspend (turn on the VDD_5V power plane by setting PWRON = 1). 8 RTC PS Control (RTC_PS_CTL) ..................def=0 This bit enables the setting of the RTC_STS bit to resume the system from suspend (turn on the VDD_5V power plane by setting PWRON = 1). ........................................ always reads 0 7-1 Reserved 0 EXTSMI0 Toggle PS Control (E0_PS_CTL) def=0 This bit enables the setting of the EXT0_STS bit to resume the system from suspend (turn on the VDD_5V power plane by setting PWRON = 1). Revision 1.0 May 13, 1997 -49- Register Descriptions 9,$7HFKQRORJLHV,QF Generic Power Management Registers Offset 29-28 - Global Status .......................................... RWC ........................................ always reads 0 15-7 Reserved 6 Software SMI Status (SW_SMI_STS)............ def=0 This bit is set when the SMI_CMD port (offset 2F) is written. 5 BIOS Status (BIOS_STS) ................................ def=0 This bit is set when the GBL_RLS bit is set to one (typically by the ACPI software to release control of the SCI/SMI lock). When this bit is reset (by writing a one to this bit position) the GBL_RLS bit is reset at the same time by hardware. 4 Legacy USB Status (LEG_USB_STS) ............ def=0 This bit is set when a legacy USB event occurs. 3 GP1 Timer Time Out Status (GP1TO_STS).. def=0 This bit is set when the GP1 timer times out. GP0 Timer Time Out Status (GP0TO_STS).. def=0 This bit is set when the GP0 timer times out. Secondary Event Timer Time Out Status (STTO_STS) ..................................................... def=0 This bit is set when the secondary event timer times out. Primary Activity Status (PACT_STS)............ def=0 This bit is set at the occurrence of any enabled primary system activity (see the Primary Activity Detect Status register at offset 30h and the Primary Activity Detect Enable register at offset 34h). After checking this bit, software can check the status bits in the Primary Activity Detect Status register at offset 30h to identify the specific source of the primary event. Note that setting this bit can be enabled to reload the GP0 timer (see bit-0 of the GP Timer Reload Enable register at offset 38). VT82C586B Offset 2B-2A - Global Enable .......................................... RW ........................................ always reads 0 15-7 Reserved 6 Software SMI Enable (SW_SMI_EN) ............def=0 This bit may be set to trigger an SMI to be generated when the SW_SMI_STS bit is set. 5 BIOS Enable (BIOS_EN).................................def=0 This bit may be set to trigger an SMI to be generated when the BIOS_STS bit is set. 4 3 2 2 1 1 0 0 Legacy USB Enable (LEG_USB_EN).............def=0 This bit may be set to trigger an SMI to be generated when the LEG_USB_STS bit is set. GP1 Timer Time Out Enable (GP1TO_EN) ..def=0 This bit may be set to trigger an SMI to be generated when the GP1TO_STS bit is set. GP0 Timer Time Out Enable (GP0TO_EN) ..def=0 This bit may be set to trigger an SMI to be generated when the GP0TO_STS bit is set. Secondary Event Timer Time Out Enable (STTO_EN) ......................................................def=0 This bit may be set to trigger an SMI to be generated when the STTO_STS bit is set. Primary Activity Enable (PACT_EN) ............def=0 This bit may be set to trigger an SMI to be generated when the PACT_STS bit is set. Note that SMI can be generated based on the setting of any of the above bits (see the offset 2Ah Global Enable register bit descriptions in the right hand column of this page). The bits in this register are set by hardware only and can only be cleared by writing a one to the desired bit position. Revision 1.0 May 13, 1997 -50- Register Descriptions 9,$7HFKQRORJLHV,QF Offset 2D-2C - Global Control (GBL_CTL) ................... RW ........................................ always reads 0 15-9 Reserved 8 SMI Active (INSMI) 0 SMI Inactive...........................................default 1 SMI Active. If the SMIIG bit is set, this bit needs to be written with a 1 to clear it before the next SMI can be generated. ........................................ always reads 0 7-5 Reserved 4 SMI Lock (SMIIG) 0 Disable SMI Lock ..................................default 1 Enable SMI Lock (SMI low to gate for the next SMI). ........................................ always reads 0 3 Reserved 2 Power Button Triggering 0 SCI/SMI generated by PWRBTN# low level 1 SCI/SMI generated by PWRBTN# rising edge Set to one to avoid the situation where PB_STS is set to wake up the system then reset again by PBOR_STS to switch the system into the soft-off state. Must be set to 0 for ACPI v0.9 compliance. 1 BIOS Release (BIOS_RLS) This bit is set by legacy software to indicate release of the SCI/SMI lock. Upon setting of this bit, hardware automatically sets the GBL_STS bit. This bit is cleared by hardware when the GBL_STS bit cleared by software. Note that if the GBL_EN bit is set (bit-5 of the Power Management Enable register at offset 2), then setting this bit causes an SCI to be generated (because setting this bit causes the GBL_STS bit to be set). 0 SMI Enable (SMI_EN) 0 Disable all SMI generation 1 Enable SMI generation VT82C586B Offset 2F - SMI Command (SMI_CMD) ............. 3041: RW ............... 3040: WO, always reads 0 (Read at Func 3 Rx47) 7-0 SMI Command Writing to this port sets the SW_SMI_STS bit. Note that if the SW_SMI_EN bit is set (see bit-6 of the Global Enable register at offset 2Ah), then an SMI is generated. Revision 1.0 May 13, 1997 -51- Register Descriptions 9,$7HFKQRORJLHV,QF Offset 33-30 - Primary Activity Detect Status ............. RWC These bits correspond to the Primary Activity Detect Enable bits in offset 37-34. ..........................................always read 0 31-8 Reserved 7 Keyboard Controller Access Status..... (KBC_STS) Set if the keyboard controller is accessed via I/O port 60h. 6 Serial Port Access Status ....................... (SER_STS) Set if the serial port is accessed via I/O ports 3F83FFh, 2F8-2FFh, 3E8-3EFh, or 2E8-2Efh (COM1-4, respectively). 5 Parallel Port Access Status....................(PAR_STS) Set if the parallel port is accessed via I/.O ports 27827Fh or 378-37Fh (LPT2 or LPT1). 4 Video Access Status.................................(VID_STS) Set if the video port is accessed via I/O ports 3B03DFh or memory space A0000-BFFFFh. 3 IDE / Floppy Access Status ....................(IDE_STS) Set if the IDE or floppy devices are accessed via I/O ports 1F0-1F7h, 170-177h or 3F5h. ............................................... default=0 2 Reserved 1 Primary Interrupt Activity Status...... (PIRQ_STS) Set on the occurrence of a primary interrupt (enabled via the "Primary Interrupt Channel" register at Function 3 PCI configuration register offset 44h). 0 ISA Master / DMA Activity Status...... (DRQ_STS) Set on the occurrence of ISA master or DMA activity. VT82C586B Offset 37-34 - Primary Activity Detect Enable............... RW These bits correspond to the Primary Activity Detect Status bits in offset 33-30. ......................................... always read 0 31-8 Reserved 7 Keyboard Controller Status Enable ..... (KBC_EN) 0 Don't set PACT_STS if KBC_STS is set..... def 1 Set PACT_STS if KBC_STS is set 6 Serial Port Status Enable........................ (SER_EN) 0 Don't set PACT_STS if SER_STS is set...... def 1 Set PACT_STS if SER_STS is set 5 Parallel Port Status Enable ....................(PAR_EN) 0 Don't set PACT_STS if PAR_STS is set ..... def 1 Set PACT_STS if PAR_STS is set Video Status Enable .................................(VID_EN) 0 Don't set PACT_STS if VID_STS is set...... def 1 Set PACT_STS if VID_STS is set IDE / Floppy Status Enable ..................... (IDE_EN) 0 Don't set PACT_STS if IDE_STS is set ...... def 1 Set PACT_STS if IDE_STS is set .................................................... default Reserved Primary INTR Status Enable ............... (PIRQ_EN) 0 Don't set PACT_STS if PIRQ_STS is set.... def 1 Set PACT_STS if PIRQ_STS is set ISA Master / DMA Status Enable......... (DRQ_EN) 0 Don't set PACT_STS if DRQ_STS is set .... def 1 Set PACT_STS if DRQ_STS is set Setting of any of the above bits also sets the PACT_STS bit (bit-0 of offset 28) which causes the GP0 timer to be reloaded (if PACT_GP0_EN is set) or generates an SMI (if PACT_EN is set). 4 3 2 1 0 Note: The bits above correspond to the bits of the Primary Activity Detect Enable register at offset 34 (see right hand column of this page): if the corresponding bit is set in that register, setting of the above bits will cause the PACT_STS bit to be set (bit-0 of the Global Status register at offset 28). Setting of PACT_STS may be set up to enable a "Primary Activity Event": an SMI will be generated if PACT_EN is set (bit-0 of the Global Enable register at offset 2Ah) and/or the GP0 timer will be reloaded if the "GP0 Timer Reload on Primary Activity" bit is set (bit-0 of the GP Timer Reload Enable register at offset 38 on this page). Bits 3-7 above also correspond to bits 3-7 of the GP Timer Reload Enable register at offset 38 (see right hand column of this page): if the corresponding bit is set in that register, setting the bit in this register will cause the GP1 timer to be reloaded. Note: Note: All bits of this register are set by hardware only and may only be cleared by writing a one to the desired bit. All bits default to 0. Offset 3B-38 - GP Timer Reload Enable......................... RW All bits in this register default to 0 on power up. ......................................... always read 0 31-8 Reserved 7 Enable GP1 Timer Reload on KBC Access 1 = setting of KBC_STS causes GP1 timer to reload. 6 Enable GP1 Timer Reload on Serial Port Access 1 = setting of SER_STS causes GP1 timer to reload. ......................................... always read 0 5 Reserved 4 Enable GP1 Timer Reload on Video Access 1 = setting of VID_STS causes GP1 timer to reload. 3 Enable GP1 Timer Reload on IDE/Floppy Access 1 = setting of IDE_STS causes GP1 timer to reload. ......................................... always read 0 2-1 Reserved 0 Enable GP0 Timer Reload on Primary Activity 1 = setting of PACT_STS causes GP0 timer to reload. Primary activities are enabled via the Primary Activity Detect Enable register (offset 37-34) with status recorded in the Primary Activity Detect Status register (offset 33-30). Revision 1.0 May 13, 1997 -52- Register Descriptions 9,$7HFKQRORJLHV,QF General Purpose I/O Registers Offset 40 - GPIO Direction Control (GPIO_DIR).......... RW ..........................................always read 0 7 Reserved 6 SMI/SCI Event Disable on GPIO3/GPIO4 0 Enable GPIO3/GPIO4 to cause SCI/SMI Events.....................................................default 1 GPIO3/GPIO4 will only cause SCI/SMI Events during Power-On-Suspend (POS) mode 5 Interrupt Resume from Power-On Suspend 0 Enable (resume on interrupt from POS) ...... def 1 Disable (ignore interrupts during POS) 4 GPIO4_DIR 0 Pin 136 is GPIO4 input ..........................default 1 Pin 136 is GPIO4 output (if Rx40 bit-7 = 1) If Rx40[7]=0 (PCI Configuration function 3 offset 40h GPIO4_CFG bit), pin 136 is the GPO_WE output, independent of the state of this bit. 3 GPIO3_DIR 0 Pin 92 is GPIO3 input ............................default 1 Pin 92 is GPIO3 output (if Rx40 bit-6 = 1) If Rx40[6]=0 (PCI Configuration function 3 offset 40h GPIO3_CFG bit), pin 92 is the GPI_RE# output, independent of the state of this bit. 2 GPIO2_DIR 0 Pin 88 is GPIO2 / I2CD1 input ..............default 1 Pin 88 is GPIO2 / I2CD1 output 1 GPIO1_DIR 0 Pin 87 is GPIO1 / I2CD2 input ..............default 1 Pin 87 is GPIO1 / I2CD2 output 0 GPIO0_DIR 0 Pin 94 is GPIO0 input ............................default 1 Pin 94 is GPIO0 output VT82C586B Offset 42 - GPIO Port Output Value (GPIO_VAL) ...... RW ........................................ always reads 0 7-5 Reserved 4 GPIO4_VAL Write output value for the GPIO4 pin if the port is available (GPIO4_CFG = 1 in PCI Config Register function 3 offset 40h). The input state of the GPIO4 pin may be read from register EXTSMI_VAL bit-4. 3 GPIO3_VAL Write output value for the GPIO3 pin if the port is available (GPIO3_CFG = 1 in PCI Config Register function 3 offset 40h). The input state of the GPIO3 pin may be read from register EXTSMI_VAL bit-3. 2 GPIO2_VAL Write output value for the GPIO2 (I2CD2) pin. The input state of the GPIO2 pin may be read from register EXTSMI_VAL bit-2. 1 GPIO1_VAL Write output value for the GPIO1 (I2CD1) pin. The input state of the GPIO1 pin may be read from register EXTSMI_VAL bit-1. 0 GPIO0_VAL Write output value for the GPIO0 pin. The input state of the GPIO0 pin may be read from register EXTSMI_VAL bit-0. Offset 44 - GPIO Port Input Value (EXTSMI_VAL) ..... RO Depending on the configuration, up to 8 external SCI/SMI ports are available as indicated below. The state of these inputs may be read in this register. EXTSMI7# Input Value GPIO3_CFG=0: EXTSMI7# on XD7 (pin 122) GPIO3_CFG=1: EXTSMI7# function not available 6 EXTSMI6# Input Value GPIO3_CFG=0: EXTSMI6# on XD6 (pin 121) GPIO3_CFG=1: EXTSMI6# function not available 5 EXTSMI5# Input Value GPIO3_CFG=0: EXTSMI5# on XD5 (pin 119) GPIO3_CFG=1: EXTSMI5# function not available 4 EXTSMI4# Input Value GPIO4_CFG=0: GPIO3_CFG=0: EXTSMI4# on XD4 (pin 118) GPIO3_CFG=1: EXTSMI4# function not avail GPIO4_CFG=1: EXTSMI4# on GPIO4 (pin 136) 3 EXTSMI3# Input Value GPIO3_CFG=0: EXTSMI3# on XD3 (pin 117) GPIO3_CFG=1: EXTSMI3# on GPIO3 (pin 92) 2 EXTSMI2# Input Value (on GPIO2 pin 88) 1 EXTSMI1# Input Value (on GPIO1 pin 87) 0 EXTSMI0# Input Value (on GPIO0 pin 94) Note: GPIO3_CFG and GPIO4_CFG are located in PCI Configuration Register function 3 offset 40h. 7 Revision 1.0 May 13, 1997 -53- Register Descriptions 9,$7HFKQRORJLHV,QF Offset 47-46 - GPO Port Output Value (GPO_VAL)..... RW Reads from this register return the last value written (held on chip). 15-8 GPO15-8 Value. Output port value for the external GPO port connected to SD15-8. This port is available only if the GPIO4_CFG bit is zero to define pin 136 as GPO_WE. 7-0 GPO7-0 Value. Output port value for the external GPO port connected to XD7-0. This port is available only if the GPIO4_CFG bit is zero to define pin 136 as GPO_WE. GPIO4_CFG is in PCI Config Register function 3 offset 40h. VT82C586B Offset 49-48 - GPI Port Input Value (GPI_VAL) ........... RO Reads from this register are ignored (and return a value of 0). 15-8 GPI15-8 Value. Input port value for the external GPI port connected to SD15-8. This port is available only if the GPIO3_CFG bit is zero to define pin 92 as GPI_RE#. 7-0 GPI7-0 Value. Input port value for the external GPI port connected to XD7-0. This port is available only if the GPIO3_CFG bit is zero to define pin 92 as GPI_RE#. GPIO3_CFG is in PCI Config Register function 3 offset 40h. Revision 1.0 May 13, 1997 -54- Register Descriptions 9,$7HFKQRORJLHV,QF VT82C586B ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Ambient operating temperature Storage temperature Input voltage Output voltage (VDD = 5V) Output voltage (VDD = 3.1 - 3.6V) Min 0 -55 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 Max 70 125 5.5 5.5 VDD + 0.5 Unit oC oC Volts Volts Volts Note: Stress above the conditions listed may cause permanent damage to the device. Functional operation of this device should be restricted to the conditions described under operating conditions. DC Characteristics TA-0-70oC, VDD=5V+/-5%, GND=0V Symbol VIL VIH VOL VOH IIL IOZ ICC Parameter Input low voltage Input high voltage Output low voltage Output high voltage Input leakage current Tristate leakage current Power supply current Min -0.50 2.0 2.4 - Max 0.8 VDD+0.5 0.45 +/-10 +/-20 80 Unit V V V V uA uA mA Condition IOL=4.0mA IOH=-1.0mA 0 -55- Electrical Specifications 9,$7HFKQRORJLHV,QF AC Timing Specifications Table 8. AC Characteristics - PCI Cycle Timing Parameter TS TS TS TS TH TH TH TH TVD TVD TVD TVD TVD TFD TFD AD[31:0] Setup Time to PCLK Rising FRAME#,TRDY#,IRDY# Setup Time to PCLK Rising CBE[3:0]#, STOP#,DEVSEL# Setup Time to PCLK Rising PGNT# Setup Time to PCLK Rising AD[31:0] Hold Time from PCLK Rising FRAME#,TRDY#,IRDY# Hold Time from PCLK Rising CBE[3:0]#, STOP#,DEVSEL# Hold Time from PCLK Rising PGNT# Hold Time from PCLK Rising AD[31:0] Valid Delay from PCLK Rising (address phase) AD[31:0] Valid Delay from PCLK Rising (data phase) FRAME#,TRDY#,IRDY# Valid Delay from PCLK Rising CBE[3:0]#, STOP#,DEVSEL# Valid Delay from PCLK Rising PREQ# Valid Delay from PCLK Rising FRAME#,TRDY#,IRDY# Float Delay from PCLK Rising CBE[3:0]#, STOP#,DEVSEL# Float Delay from PCLK Rising Min 7 7 7 12 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 11 11 11 11 12 28 28 Max Unit ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns VT82C586B Notes 0pf on min, 50pf on max 0pf on min, 50pf on max 0pf on min, 50pf on max 0pf on min, 50pf on max 0pf on min, 50pf on max 0pf on min, 50pf on max 0pf on min, 50pf on max Revision 1.0 May 13, 1997 -56- Electrical Specifications 9,$7HFKQRORJLHV,QF Table 9. AC Characteristics - UltraDMA-33 IDE Bus Interface Timing VT82C586B Symbol TENV1 TDS1 TDH1 TENV2 TDVS2 TDVH2 TDVS2 TDVH2 TRFS TRP TLI4 TLI4 TZA4 TDVS4 TDVH4 TLI5 TLI5 TMIL5 TDVS5 TDVH5 TMIL6 TZA6 TLI5 TMIL5 T2 T3 T4 T5 TWDS TWDH TRDS TRDH Description Envelope time for read initial Data setup time for read initial Data hold time for read initial (rise) Envelope time for write initial (rise) Data setup time for write initial (fall) Data hold time for write initial (fall) Data setup time for write initial Data hold time for write initial READY to final STROBE time READY to Pause time Limited interlock time (to STOP) Limited interlock time (to Host DMARDY) Delay time required for output drives turning on Data setup time for read terminating Data hold time for read terminating Limited interlock time (to STOP) Limited interlock time (to Host STROBE) Limited interlock time with minimum Data setup time for write terminating Data hold time for write terminating Limited interlock time with minimum Delay time required for output drives turning on Limited interlock time Limited interlock time with minimum Delay time of PCLK to DCS3,1# Delay time of PCLK to DA[2:0] Delay time of PCLK to DIOW# Delay time of PCLK to DIOR# Data setup time during PIO write Data hold time during PIO write Data setup time during PIO read Data hold time during PIO read Timing 29.3 1.1 2.3 29.3 42.2 17.8 42.0 17.2 21.3 180.0 95.1 125.3 102.0 55.3 31.6 125.3 95.2 120.6 57.7 31.8 155.8 68.5 65.2 90.6 4.8 5.3 9.3 9.2 85.5 31.7 0.4 2.1 Unit ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns Revision 1.0 May 13, 1997 -57- Electrical Specifications 9,$7HFKQRORJLHV,QF VT82C586B DDRQ (Drive) DDACK# (Host) STOP (Host) HDMARDY# (Host) TUI TENV1 DSTROBE (Drive) Data TLI1 TDS1 TDH1 Figure 5. UltraDMA-33 IDE Timing - Drive Initiating DMA Burst for Read Command DDRQ (Drive) DDACK# (Host) STOP (Host) DDMARDY# (Drive) TUI TENV2 TUI HSTROBE (Host) DDMARDY# (Drive) HSTROBE (Host) Data TDVS2 TDVH2 Figure 6. UltraDMA-33 IDE Timing - Drive Initiating Burst for Write Command Revision 1.0 May 13, 1997 -58- Electrical Specifications 9,$7HFKQRORJLHV,QF VT82C586B DDRQ (Drive) DDACK# (Host) For Write: DDMARDY# (Drive) TRFS HSTROBE (Host) For Read: STOP (Host) HDMARDY# (Host) TRP Figure 7. UltraDMA-33 IDE Timing - Pausing a DMA Burst Revision 1.0 May 13, 1997 -59- Electrical Specifications 9,$7HFKQRORJLHV,QF VT82C586B DDRQ (Drive) DDACK# (Host) TLI4 STOP (Host) HDMARDY# (Host) Data TZA4 CRC TDVS4 TDVH4 Figure 8. UltraDMA-33 IDE Timing - Drive Terminating DMA Burst During Read Command DDRQ (Drive) DDACK# (Host) STOP (Host) DDMARDY# (Host) HSTROBE (Host) TLI5B Data CRC TLI5A TMLI5 TDVS5 TDVH5 Figure 9. UltraDMA-33 IDE Timing - Drive Terminating DMA Burst During Write Command Revision 1.0 May 13, 1997 -60- Electrical Specifications 9,$7HFKQRORJLHV,QF VT82C586B TMLI6 DDRQ# (Drive) DDACK# (Host) STOP (Host) HDMARDY# (Host) Data CRC TZA6 Figure 10. UltraDMA-33 IDE Timing - Host Terminating DMA Burst During Read Command DDRQ (Drive) DDACK# (Host) TMIL7 STOP (Host) HSTROBE# (Host) Data TLI7 TDVS7 CRC TDVH7 Figure 11. UltraDMA-33 IDE Timing - Host Terminating DMA Burst During Write Command Revision 1.0 May 13, 1997 -61- Electrical Specifications 9,$7HFKQRORJLHV,QF VT82C586B T2 DCS3# / DCS1# DA [2:0] T3 DIOW# DD Write TWDS T5 DIOR# DD Read TRDS TRDH TWDH T4 Figure 12. UltraDMA-33 IDE Timing - PIO Cycle Revision 1.0 May 13, 1997 -62- Electrical Specifications 9,$7HFKQRORJLHV,QF VT82C586B PACKAGE MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS 7<3 97&% 66% <<::997$,:$1 //5////// 7<3 Y = Date Code Year W = Date Code Week V = Chip Version CD = OEM Version CE = Production Version R = Revision Code L = Lot Code 0$; a 4 Figure 13. Mechanical Specifications - 208-Pin Plastic Flat Package Revision 1.0 May 13, 1997 -63- Package Mechanical Specifications |
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