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WTM649A PNP Epitaxial Planar Transistors P b Lead(Pb)-Free 1 1. BASE 2. COLLECTOR 3. EMITTER SOT-89 2 3 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA=25C) Rating Collector-Base Voltage Collector-Emitter Voltage Emitter-Base Voltage Collector Current Collector Power Dissipation Junction Temperature Storage Temperature Range Symbol VCBO VCEO VEBO IC(DC) IC(Pulse) PD Tj Tstg Limits -180 -160 -5 -1.5 -3 1 150 -55 to +150 Unit V V V A W C C Device Marking WTM649A=649A ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(TA=25Cunless otherwise noted) Parameter Collector-Base Breakdown Voltage IC=-1mA, IE=0 Symbol Min Typ Max Unit BVCBO BVCEO BVEBO ICBO -180 -160 -5 - - -10 V V V A Collector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage IC=-10mA, IB=0 Emitter-Base Breakdown Voltage IE=-1mA, IC=0 Collector Cutoff Current VCB=-160V, IE=0 WEITRON http://www.weitron.com.tw 1/4 01-Aug-05 WTM649A ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA=25C Unless otherwise noted) Characteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit ON CHARACTERISTICS(1) DC Current Gain VCE=-5V, IC=-150mA VCE=-5V, IC=-500mA Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage IC=-600mA, IB=-50mA Base-Emitter Saturation Voltage VCE=-5V, IC=-150mA 1. Pulse Test: Pulse Width 380s, Duty Cycle 2% hFE1 hFE2 VCE(sat) VBE(on) 60 30 - - 200 -1 -1.5 V V DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS Transition Frequency VCE=-5V, IC=-150mA, f=100MHz Output Capacitance VCB=-10V, f=1MHz fT Cob 140 27 MHz pF CLASSIFICATION OF hFE1 Rank hFE1 B 60-120 C 100-200 WEITRON http://www.weitron.com.tw 2/4 01-Aug-05 WTM649A ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTIC CURVES Collector to emiter saturation voltage 350 DC Current Transistor Ratio hFE VCE = -5V Ta=75C 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 -1 -10 -100 -1000 -25C 25C -1.2 -1.0 VCE(sat) (V) -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 -1 Ta=-75C -25C 25C -10 -100 Collector current IC (mA) -1000 lC=101B Collector current IC (mA) Fig.1 Current Gain & Collector Current Base to emitter saturation voltage VBE(sat)(V) 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1 3 10 30 100 300 1000 Collector current IC (mA) TC=-25C Fig.2 Satueation Voltage & Collector Current 240 Gain bandwidth product fT (MHz) VCE=5V Ta=-25C 200 160 120 80 40 0 10 30 100 300 Collector current IC (mA) 1000 lC=101B 75C 25C Fig.3 Satueation Voltage & Collector Current Collector output capacitance Cob (pF) 200 100 50 20 10 5 2 f = 1 MHz IE = 0 Collector Current I C (A ) Fig.4 Gain Bandwidth Product & Collector Current -3 -1.0 (-40V, -0.5A) -0.3 -0.1 -0.03 -0.01 -1 (-160V, -0.02A) -3 -10 -30 -100 -300 Collector to emitter voltage VCE (V) DC Operation (TC=25C) ICmax (-13.3V, -1.5A) -1 -3 -10 -30 -100 Collector to base voltage VCB (V) Fig.5 Capacitance & Collector to Base Voltage Fig.6 Safe Operating Area WEITRON http://www.weitron.com.tw 3/4 01-Aug-05 WTM649A SOT-89 Outline Dimensions unit:mm E G Dim A SOT-89 J C H K L B D A B C D E G H J K L Min Max 1.400 1.600 0.320 0.520 0.360 0.560 0.350 0.440 4.400 4.600 1.400 1.800 2.300 2.600 3.940 4.250 1.500TYP 2.900 3.100 WEITRON http://www.weitron.com.tw 4/4 01-Aug-05 |
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