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Green Power Solutions srl Via Greto di Cornigliano 6R - 16152 Genova , Italy Phone: +39-010-659 1869 Fax: +39-010-659 1870 Web: www.gpsemi.it E-mail: info@gpsemi.it GPDN6076 RECTIFIER DIODE BLOCKING VOLTAGE UP TO AVERAGE CURRENT SURGE CURRENT BLOCKING CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic VRRM VRSM IRRM Repetitive peak reverse voltage Non-repetitive peak reverse voltage Repetitive peak reverse current, max. VRRM, single phase, half wave, Tjmax 6000 V 765 A 11 kA Conditions Value 6000 V 6100 V 50 mA FORWARD CHARACTERISTICS IF(AV) IF(RMS) IFSM It VF(TO) Average forward current R.M.S. forward current Surge forward current I t for fusing coordination Threshold voltage Forward slope resistance Peak forward voltage, max Tj = Tjmax Tj = Tjmax Forward current IF = 800 A, Tj = Tjmax Sine wave,180 conduction, T h = 55 C Sine wave,180 conduction, Th = 55 C Non rep. half sine wave, 50 Hz, VR = 0 V, Tj = Tjmax 765 A 1202 A 11 kA 605 kAs 1.066 V 0.778 m 1.69 V rF VFM SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS Qrr Irr Rverse recovery charge, typ Reverse recovery current Tj = Tjmax, IF = A, di/dt = A/s C A THERMAL AND MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS Rth(j-c) Rth(c-h) Tjmax Tstg F Thermal resistance (junction to case) Thermal resistance (case to heatsink) Max operating junction temperature Storage temperature Clamping force 10% Mass Double side cooled Double side cooled 0.042 C/W 0.007 C/W 150 C -40 / 150 C 11 kN 300 g Document GPDN6076T001 |
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