Description |
Linear 1-cell Li-Ion Battery Charger w/Integrated FET, One LED 20-HTSSOP -20 to 70 2-CHANNEL POWER SUPPLY MANAGEMENT CKT, PDIP16 bqTINY-II Dual Input USB/AC Adpater 1-Cell Li-Ion Charger w/Charge Enable & Temp Sense in QFN-10 10-SON -40 to 125 2-CHANNEL POWER SUPPLY SUPPORT CKT, PDIP16 Thyristor Module; Current, It av:250A; Repetitive Reverse Voltage Max, Vrrm:1600V; Peak Surge Current:8800A; di/dt:800A/ s; Package/Case:ND44; Peak Reflow Compatible (260 C):Yes; Current Rating:250A Microprocessor Supervisory Circuits bqTINY(TM) Linear 1-cell Li-Ion Charger w/ 1-A FET, AC Present and Temp Sense in QFN-10 10-SON -40 to 85 bqTINY(TM) Linear 1-cell Li-Ion Charger w/ 1-A FET, AC Present & Charge Enable in QFN-10 10-SON -40 to 85 µP Supervisor with Backup Battery switchover, 200ms Nominal Adjustable Reset Period, Adjustable Watchdog Period, Chip Enable ... P Supervisor with Backup Battery switchover, 200ms Nominal Adjustable Reset Period, Adjustable Watchdog Period, Chip Enable Signals, 4.65V Threshold Voltage, Watchdog, Backup Battery and Low Vcc Status O/Ps. Upgrade for ADM695 P Supervisor with Backup Battery switchover, Watchdog Feature, Power Fail Warning, 4.65V Threshold Voltage, Active Low Reset and 100mA Output Current. Upgrade for ADM692 with Reduced Power Consumption P Supervisor with Backup Battery switchover, Watchdog Feature, Power Fail Warning, 4.4V Threshold Voltage, 100mA Output Current. Upgrade for ADM693 with Reduced Power Consumption and Faster Gating of Chip Enable Signals P Supervisor , Watchdog Feature, Power Fail Warning